EMO-tions – Hair for every Moment of your Second Life

EMO-tions - Rosi

EMO-tions – “Rosie”

Hair is something essential in most of the Second Life residents’ life. Anyways if male or female we all have fun trying new hair and match our hairstyle to different looks, styles and moves. Sometimes it is not even easy to find what you are looking for but Mirja Mills, owner and designer of EMO-tions is a big help with that.

EMO-tions is one of the biggest hair shops in SL and Mirja provides hair styles – male or female – for nearly every occasion!

EMO-tions - Stephanie

EMO-tions – “Stephanie”

Usually we just use hair for our daily posts but rarely put the spotlight on the hair only and that was the idea for this post. I just put on a sleeveless top from LeeZu, one of my favourite clothing designers and changed the hair only to really put all the focus on the hair. I really think, that making hair is a hell of a job… all this little parts, wisps, bangs and what ever it takes to make a realistic hairstyle and that is why I wanted to do this special hair post πŸ˜‰

EMO-tions - Kessie

EMO-tions – “Kessie”

EMO-tions offers such a great variety of hair… long, middle long, short, curled, straight… nearly everything what you can imagine.

With the new HUD, EMO-tions added a lot more colors and shades. The colors are parts in 5 categories – Blonde, Red, Brunette, Black/White and Pastel. Each of that categories has one HUD with 10 different colors or shades of the category. In the pastels HUD you will find as well some of the non usual hair colors like pink, mint or blue.

EMO-tions - Liliah

EMO-tions – “Lilah”

For todays post, I decided to go with the blonde tone, just because I did a red one last time and I am wearing blonde at the moment the most πŸ˜‰

EMO-tions does not only hairstyles for the every day look, Mirja as well makes amazing fantasy and role play hair. Like the “Cersei” hair style, which was made for an event that asked for ‘Game of Thrones inspired designs. I totally can see the “Cersei” hair on medieval or fantasy looks as well.

EMO-tions - Cersei

EMO-tions – “Cersei”

EMO-tions does not only do hair. You will find as well outfits and jewelry. With that skills it is no surprise, that besides ‘normal’ hair we s well kind find specials that are decorated with wonderful ornaments, jewelry, horns, chains or flowers.

For example the “Lona” hair style. Such a cute and sweet idea, to put some daisy flowers around the head like a wreath πŸ™‚ Isn’t that the perfect style for the actual summer season?

EMO-tions - Lona

EMO-tions – “Lona”

Last but not least I would like to showcase one of the latest releases of EMO-tions for the On9 event. The event started at the 9th of August and will last until round about a month. The “Yve” hair is a shoulder long and lightly wavy style. With the amazing wisps it gives a very young, modern and smart look πŸ˜‰ . “Yve” comes in 2 sizes as it is a unisex hair style for male and female!

Make sure to stop by at the EMO-tions Main Store, to see all of the amazing releases and new releases!

EMO-tions - Yve

EMO-tions – “Yve”

Wild Life with [sys]

Amazone 01a

β€œScars are but evidence of life,” Coquette said.
“Evidence of choices to be learned from…evidence of wounds…wounds inflicted of mistakes…wounds we choose to allow the healing of.
We likewise choose to see them, that we may not make the same mistakes again.”
Marcia Lynn McClure, The Whispered Kiss
Amazone 02a
Fantasy is something very precious. Without fantasies I would feel empty, lost and cold.
With the latest releases of [sys] I immediately was caught in a fantasy dream πŸ™‚
The incredible “Ashera Skin” is available at the current round of The Fantasy Collective event. The skin has some very light hints of a cheetah pattern all over the body, what gives an amazing wild look. With the skin you get a huge load of options and HUDs. BEsides the 4 different shapes you will find a LeLutka Mesh Head Applier, a Maitreya Mesh Body Applier and all needed appliers for the Slink Physique plus Slink Hands and Feet.
Furthermore you get 3 different lipsticks, from which I picked the grey one for this post. The 6 different skins have several options of brows and makeup.
Amazone 04aThe amazing necklace as well is one of the latest releases of [sys] too. You will find it at the We <3 RP event. The “Lakota Necklace” comes with a HUD too that lets you customize the pearls metals and feathers at the bottom.
To complete the look, I put on the “Anaconda” skirt, wich is part of a whole ensemble of EMO-tions. The awesome long hair was the gift from Ayashi for the Hair Fair this year and is called ” Sirena”.
To even more drag the look towards an Amazon, I added the Heartseeker Bow from [The Forge]. I really had fun exploring tropical sims until I found the location where the pics happened πŸ™‚
The little island and the wide open sea… kinda expressed my feelings of freedom, dreams and… Fantasy.
Amazone 03a
Skin: [sys] – “Ashera” (@ The Fantasy Collective)
Necklace: [sys] – “Lakota” (@ We <3 RP)
Skirt: EMO-tions – “Anaconda” (part of a whole outfit)
Hair: Ayashi – “Sirena” (Hair Fair 2015 Gift)
Bow: [The Forge] – “Heartseeker”
Body: Slink – “Physique”
Hands & Feet: Slink
Poses: PosESioN
Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

PurpleMoon goes Fantasy for the Instruments Anniversary

PurpleMoon 2A Midsummer Night’s Dream… that’s the name of one of the latest releases from PurpleMoon.

Poulet again designed a super amazing and dreamy outfit for the anniversary round of The Instruments.

When I unpacked it and put it on, I immediately was in love with the beautiful fairy looking outfit.

The outfit contains the sweet dress and the amazing Wings wich are color change able via a HUD to 5 different colors for the fatpack.

I decided to wear the ‘aqua’ version of the dress and as well color the wings in the same color.

PurpleMoon 1The dress is made with a corset and a very cute wrap around skirt. The corset is decorated with amazing ornaments, that underline the dreamy flair of the whole creation. To match the “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” PurpleMoon offers the “Titania Sandals” for the Slink high mesh feet.

The sandals as well have a HUD wich lets you decide between 3 different styles of the shoe – ankle, mid calf and calf high – and as well you can choose between 4 different heel/sole styles.

For the jewelry I put on one of the newer releases of Finesmith.

PurpleMoon 5The “Galactic” set is a very fantasy and space looking set. The huge aqua colored gems are captured by filigree little silver decorations… simply amazing. The whole set contains earrings, necklace, ring, tiara and a headdress (which I did not use for this post).

The look really took me away from reality and let me dream about aΒ  wonderful summer night in a fantasy kingdom πŸ˜‰

PurpleMoon 3Details

Outfit & Wings: PurpleMoon – “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” – NEW (Instruments)

Shoes: PurpleMoon – “Titania” – NEW (Instruments, for Slink high mesh feet)

Jewelry: Finesmith – “Galactica”

Hair: Truth – “Olinda”

Makeup: Zibska – “Joss 04” & Evian – Makeup – “Rockstar Aqua”

Lashes: Zibska – “Via No.01 Lower”

Poses: PosESioN

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

PurpleMoon 4

FEROSH for SLB12: Marie Antoniette “Let them eat cake” 1780’s couture

Anoinette 2

Round about 2 weeks ago I was allowed to be part of a wonderful and exciting show done by FEROSH for the SLB12.

The big SL Birthdays are always very amazing done events and so it was a pleasure to be allowed to be part of that.

FEROSH was asked to do a fun show for the event and Absinthe and her Team chose a very special theme for that show.

“Marie Antoinette “Let them eat cake” 1780’s couture”

Anoinette 1

For the stylings of the show we got 2 sponsors, that supported FEROSH for that special show. AZUL and SoliDea FoliEs.

I had the pleasure to style one of the amazing AZUL gowns called “Francesca”.

I loved that dress so much for that theme because of the puffy, fluffy skirt and the amazing fabric with the dark delicate lace on the wonderful amethyst satin looking fabric.

It was the perfect base to create a modern “Marie Antoinette” look for that special event. We were told as well to see it as a fun show and to get crazy with our ideas πŸ˜‰ That is something you do not have to tell me twice*giggles*

Anoinette 3

First I was looking for some huge hair, like those super high wigs that were so popular in that time. I found several ones but all that I found did more a classical look of that time period as that i wanted them too. So I went through my ‘special’ hair folder and found the “Lou” hair from Zibska”. I always loved the crazy and wild ideas of Zib Scaggs for her hair and clothing so, it was the perfect match for what I had in mind πŸ˜‰

To customize it a bit more towards the theme I added some cupcakes, which I made myself. While I was decorating the hair with the cupcakes, the idea of some more cupcakes on the dress was born as well :p

For the face I wanted a mystic touch as well as some hint to that time period as well. The “Vendetta Lips” from Madrid Solo come close of the heart lips, wich were very popular to the Marie Antoinette look, but we well they looked more modern and were going with my idea for the look so much better.

The amazing mask was made by Illusion and thanks to a color change menu I was able to match it to the rest of the styling. To get some more mystic and maybe dark touch, I added a laced eye mask under it.

To bring back the rose shaped parts of the dress I wanted some jewelry that picks up that idea but would not be too colorful. The choice fell on the “Shippoah” set from Mandala.

The show it self was one of the most fun shows I was allowed to walk lately and the FEROSH team and models made it really easy to have fun as well πŸ™‚

Thank you Absi and all that was with me in that wonderful show for an amazing experience, that paired fun and professionalism!

Anoinette 4


Gown: AZUL – “Francesca”

Hair: Zibska – “Lou”

Jewelry: Mandala – “Shippoah”

Mask: Illusion – “Le Fleur”

Laced Mask: Malt – “Mask Layer”

Back Fan: [glow] Studio – “Feather Fan”

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Romantic Dreams with [AD] Creations

AD Creations 01

Today I was in a very romantic mood, when I remembered the amazing “Oltre” mesh dress from [AD] Creations. Aliza Karu again outdid herself with a fantastic unique creation, that totally caught my heart.

The amazing “Oltre” dress has a bottom long skirt with a wonderful transparent net fabric skirt on top of the opaque one, wich adds a lot of sweet elegance and gives the whole look a very playful touch. The puffy sleeves in that darker color high light the upper body part in an amazing way. The huge head-piece as well is part of the outfit. With the long tentacle looking pats in the back it reminds me very much of some couture looks, I recently saw in fashion magazines.

The tendrils that surround the whole upper body and reach down to the skirt are ornamented with beautiful roses and petals what brought me to the idea to accessorize the dress with some designs of Pixel Box, which I got recently.

The “Goth Rose Ring”, the “Gothic Roses Necklace” and the “Goth Roses” eye patch. With the rose ornaments on the jewelry items it was a perfect match to the “Oltre” dress from [AD] Creations.

The fantastic building I used for the photo comes from “Atelier Visconti” and was released at the Fantasy Faire as an RFL item called “Morgana Fountain”. It comes in 4 different versions. One as a full version and 3 different versions of a ruined one. With the sweet water lilies in the middle totally matched the tendrils that surround the body and underlined the wonderful dreamy and fantasy look I wanted for today’s post πŸ™‚

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Dress: [AD] Creations – “Oltre Mesh Dress”

Jewelry: Pixel Box – “Goth Rose Ring”, “Necklace Gothic Roses” & “Patch Woman Goth Roses”

Hair: Wasabi Pills – “Taleen”

Nail Polish: Nailed It! – “Spring Mesh Set” (for Slink Hand Nails)

Structrure: Atelier Visconti – “Morgana Fountain ruined A”

Poses: PosESioN

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Foreign Warrior Princess

Finesmith-EMOtions 2

Today I was in a kinda ethnic mood when I unpacked the “Karma” jewelry set in red from Finesmith. When I put it on I immediately had an expression of a strong foreign beauty. Something between a princess and as well a warrior type look. The feathers gave me the impression of an old traditional culture and the rich jewelry parts the side of the princess. So what to do to combine this idea…

I went through my inventory to see what would match my idea.

Do you know that feeling, when you have an imagination of something and try to realize it and find everything but not what you are looking for?

It took me hours, I tried different things and many things were close to what I wanted but did not exactly hit the nail on the head until I found the “Xana” outfit from EMO-tions.

The amazing “Bird of Prey” nail polish set from Nailed it! matched the look in a wonderful way. The color was exactly matching the color of the jewelry and the look totally went with the idea of the warrior princess πŸ˜‰

The amazing metal bra was exactly what I wanted for the warrior look, but as well with the golden and blue-ish tone it was elegant enough to fit a foreign princess of a wild and strong culture. Matching to the bra the outfit has a thong with the same metal and colors. Around the waist it has a simple but perfect looking leather belt, which made my look complete.

The hair as well comes from EMO-tions and is called “Honey”. With the high ponytail in the back, it was perfect to wear the earrings and the headpiece of the amazing “Karma” set and the playful curls over the shoulder completed the imagination of my look for today πŸ™‚

Finesmith-EMOtions 1


Jewelry: Finesmith – “Karma” (red) – NEW

Outfit: EMO-tions – “Xana”

Hair: EMO-tions – “Honey”

Nail Polish: Nailed It! – “Bird of Prey”

Poses: PosESioN

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Put a look together… sometimes it is like doing a jigsaw puzzle :)

Machoire-EMO-tions-GizzA 003

I do not know why that is, but lately I am often in a fantasy mood…

Sometimes you see items and you like them and still they do not wanna talk to you. I mean you see a part you like and you cannot figure out what you wanna do with it. Then you put it aside and all of a sudden you see another item and a certain idea grows in your mind and all of a sudden all those “puzzle pieces” fit together πŸ™‚

It kinda was like this with the look for today. My 3 major parts for the look come from EMO-tions, GizzA and Machoire.

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Lets start with the base of the look. The new “Belen Skin” from Machoire. This is not a usual skin, more a painting or an art piece. I was thinking a long time what I could do with it without just snapping it with clothes that might not underline the art and fantasy character of the skin. But then I remembered one of the latest releases of GizzA, the “Lysistrata” fantasy costume. With the golden and white parts it added a more warrior type look but still did not overwrite the skin too much. The skirt, a combination of delicate white satin with the golden armor parts and the metal bra just looked awesome and still let enough room for the skin to shine through. The ear parts and the metal arm parts are as well part of the costume.

And what could match better to my fantasy warrior than the “Akora” hair from EMO-tions. You can wear the hairstyle single with a long tail down your back or you can add the crown and the face chain, what I did for this post.

I totally fell in love with my little fantasy warrior look and it again was hard to decide from all the pics I did, but i did not wanna bombard you again with too many pics so I chose my 4 favourite ones πŸ˜‰

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Outfit: GizzA – “Lysistrata”

Skin: Machoire – “Belen Skin”

Hair & Crown: EMO-tions – “Akora”

Location: Wicca’s Wardrobe (Photoplace outside, beside the store)

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

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Avantasia for THEMA Magazine

THEMA Magazine - Avantasia 002


(some when in the future round about the year 2525 maybe….)

Be aware of the life on Avantasia before you venture into this world in the climax of war and anarchy, their enemies, the sirens of Venus who else.Β  The Avantasians are a complex race but by no means should they be underestimated, from their flexibility to the swifness of their long sharp talons, their catlike movements ooze in deadly elegance and subtle seduction as they prowl their world in search for the ultimate in style to seduce their next victim…I mean mate.

THEMA Magazine - Avantasia 005

Sometimes you just need 2 to 3 pictures and you end up with 9 and cannot decide which ones to use. That happened to me when I made my pictures for the actual THEMA Magazine (http://issuu.com/themapublications/docs/thema_terraefirma)

THEMA Magazine - Avantasia 003

The theme was Terrae Firma, and we was asked to create pictures about a new race of the existing planets or a new planet. When Tayler told me, I was immediately sure I wanted to create a new planet with a new race.

I wanted to do something still fashion related and human but to the same time, futuristic and apocalyptic. I love apocalyptic movies and art and so I watchedΒ  a few of my favourite movies while I was styling.

THEMA Magazine - Avantasia 010

The first piece that came to my mind was the “Lucian Hat Nox” hat from Machoire. An incredible headpiece made of so many filigree parts and textured with such a great feeling for materials.

This amazing art piece is available in different colors, wich you all can see at the Machoire main store or at their website (http://machoire.blogspot.fr/)

THEMA Magazine - Avantasia 007

Now I had to find something what kinda showed evolution for the future but still has a human aspect for the whole look.

The head-piece gave a rough idea for the general colors, back and some kind of metal should be the basic.

So started with a super old but still amazing top from Muhi. One of the brands I really miss in SL as they always were up to date and very fashion forward.

I know some people are against wearing old stuff and tell always to delete older things, but I am going more with my belly feeling and keep old things which I really like to combine them with new things. That sometimes can make a look very unique, as long as you keep the general style up to date and modern. Certainly some things are outdated some when, like the super old skins or hair, wich automatically let you look like 2007 :p , but for some clothing pieces and accessories that might not be the case πŸ˜‰ . As well I would say there is a difference in wearing old things for a picture or on the runway as some of the older things just react weird with movement, especially if they have huge static prims or sculpties, wich can look better with a nowadays mesh prim that actually moves with your properly.

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To add a modern touch I put on my “Lavinia Leggins” in anthracite, which I made for my store Wicca’s Wardrobe. With the leathern garter belt over the leggings – one piece to wear – it got a strong and powerful look but as well some sexy attitude.

To finish the basic human look I added hells from Death Row Designs with some heavy chains and a huge plateau heel.

Now the challenge started to develop the human race forward to fit in the futuristic and apocalyptic environment, that I had in my mind for the new planet and race.

The first idea was the “Demonhands” from Death Row Designs. The sharp claws are important to fight and survive on the new planets face.

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I so many apocalyptic movies females wear corsets in some style and this made me add one corset of Trilobite over the “Asymetrical Bodysuit” from Muhi. And what should not miss? Some weapon looking accessories. Those I found as well at Death Row Designs.. I bet you can tell I love this store really a lot πŸ˜‰ .

Β The finish was the “Centipede” spine attachment, that comes with a wonderful tattoo layer. The tattoo makes the spine look like, as it would grow out directly off your back.

All the poses used in this post are from Del May, one of my favourite pose makers beside PosESioN or Corpus to just name a few.

And like I said in the beginning, It was so hard to decide between all the pictures I made, that this post is a little bit picture heavy πŸ˜‰

I would like to thank Taylor Wassep for this amazing opportunity and the great inspiration of her theme. The THEMA Magazine is for me really kinda an art exhibition with amazing stylists and photographers and I am feeling very honored that I was allowed to be part again πŸ™‚

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Β Top: Muhi – “Asymetrical Bodysuit” (store not any longer existing)

Corset: Trilobite – “Latex Underbust – Coal” (store not any longer existing)

Pants: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Lavinia Leggings” (for slink mesh high feet)

Shoes: DRD – “Whoreheels” (for slink mesh high feet)

Head Piece: Machoire – “Lusian Hat Nox”

Arms: DRD – “Demonhands”

Arm Accessories: DRD – “Armor Female”

Spine Attachment: DRD – “Centipede”

Hair: Baiastice – “Agnes”

Skin: [sys] – “Eva 02”

Makeup: Nuuna – “Zion 2 Black”

Lipstick: Oceane – “Jade Lips Black Silver Stripe”

Poses: Del May

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Β THEMA Magazine - Avantasia 008

Top Fetish for VERSUS Magazine

Miamai+WW+sys 02

For the current issue of VERSUS Magazine, I was asked to style the theme Top Fetish.

I was thinking quite some time about, what I should do and what was requested and I asked like ever so often google for some more input… πŸ˜‰

I did not wanna go only fetish or only the top centered I kinda wanted to make a full look because in the end, for me it mostly looks better if I plan on a full look even if I only have to showcase a certain piece of it. Usually the full look ends up as a post on my blog then like today, after the magazine got published :).

The first picture is the one that I chose to send in for the magazine, because of the theme top fetish.


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Certainly I do not wanna hide the rest of the look πŸ˜‰

After I decided to go with one of the tops I made my self for Wicca’s Wardrobe, the “Xena Top [Autumn Edition]” I tried to make a full look out of it. The top has a huge texture change HUD wich lets you customize all parts of the top in different colors. I chose black for the basic color and put some red accents at the chest and the metals in gold to match the amazing “Gorgo Metal Helm” from Miamai. For the jewelry I chose on of my personal favourites from [sys] called “Axiom”. With the huge necklace and bracelets it was the best addition to the look in my view. For the bottom I wanted something that does not drag too much attention away from the top but as well nothing that makes the whole look boring. I took the skirt out of the “Arachne” outfit, wich I made for last year Halloween. The basic black texture with the shimmering fabric together with the silver metals and the little holes, were exactly what I wanted to go with the leather of the “Xena” top.

Up next was again one of the hardest choices like always… what shoes to wear…?

Not too simple, not only black but we well not over-styled and too funky. The “Allettare” heels from .shi made it in the end. With the non usual shape of the heel and the sole, but still the not too funky wooden heel and black leather fabric it was perfect for the look. I looked at what I did till now and still I was missing something. I started to change around the skirt with pants and went back and forth between a lot of different skirts and pants until I got the idea to basically have both… leggings under a skirt!

Again I took something out of a full outfit, this time from [AD] Creations, the “Gothic Pants”. Now it looked complete!

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Top: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Xena Top [Autumn Edition]”

Skirt: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Arachne Skirt” (part of the outfit)

Leggings: [AD] Creations – “Gothic Pants”

Shoes: .shi – “Allettare”

Jewelry: [sys] – “Axiom”

Head Piece (incl Hair & Hairbase): Miamai – “Gorgo Metal Helm”

Poses: Del May

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

In Perfect Harmony with Machoire

Machoire 04

In Perfect Harmony

In a world so far away
At the end of a closing day
A little child was born and raised
Deep in the forest on a hidden place
Mother never saw his face

Ancient spirits of the forest
Made him king of elves and trees
He was the only human being
Who lived in harmony
In perfect harmony

Machoire 02
Ancient spirits of the forest
Made him king of elves and trees
He was the only human being
Who lived in harmony
In perfect harmony

The woods protected, fulfilled his needs
Fruit by birds, honey by bees
He found shelter under the trees
He grew up in their company
They became his family

Machoire 05
Ancient spirits of the forest
Made him king of elves and trees
He was the only human being
Who lived in harmony
In perfect harmony

Ancient spirits of the forest
Made him king of elves and trees
He was the only human being
Who lived in harmony
In perfect harmony

Machoire 07
A thousand seasons
They passed him by
So many times, have said goodbye
And when the spirits called out his name
To join forever, forever to stay
A forest spirit he became

Ancient spirits of the forest
Made him king of elves and trees
He was the only human being
Who lived in harmony
In perfect harmony

Machoire 03
Ancient spirits of the forest
Made him king of elves and trees
He was the only human being
Who lived in harmony
In perfect harmony

In perfect harmony

[Within Temptation]
Machoire 06
Hat: Machoire – “Ore Hat” /Automne – NEW
Armor: Death Row Designs – ” Armor – female”
Shirt & Leggings: Vengeful Threads – “Gaia”
Body Wrap: .shi – “Tree of Life”
Shoes: Azoury – “Sauvage Heels”
Hands & Feet: Slink
Skin: [sys] – Eva”
Poses: Del May
Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin