Playing with Projectors and Lighs – Part I

TFC Fantasy 01

A few days ago, I joined a class about blogging as I wanted to know if I can learn something new, as I am always looking for new thing I can discover and raise my horizon.

The class was amazing and at some point we came to the part of the pictures and how to take them and wich kind of pictures are for what situation. Usually you have more clean pics for blogging and castings and some more artistic pictures for a storytelling blog post or magazines.

We were talking about many of the very popular photographers in SL and as well about the difference of photographer and artists.

While a photographer usually just takes pics and does them tweak a little bit in one of the graphic programs, the artist takes a snapshot and you will not see the original snap anymore after the artist did the magic with the picture in his program by painting and editing a lot by hand. I would never go so far, to say one has less work or more work than the other, the amount of work might be the same, just it is in 2 totally different ways. While the artist has to be very familiar with his editing s program, his graphic tablet and his skills to paint and illustrate, the photographer needs to be familiar with the SL windlights, shadows, special angles and lights and maybe even with projectors or lighting tools. Both is a lot of work, I believe and it needs a lot of practice just it complete different ways.

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I saw for a longer time , that many photographers work with a tool called lumipro. I remember great pics done with this special light tool and I always wanted one to try but, since it is not cheap and I work in so many different areas, I never got one.

But then… lately I was talking to a very long friend of mine a lot and helped her here and there if she wanted my opinion, as friends do usually. Out of the blue one day when I logged in I got a gift…

The crazy girl did know, that I was after the lumipro for quite some time and guess what… She gifted me a lumipro!!! I stormed her IMs telling her she would be crazy to make such expensive gifts and I was totally happy and crazy about. She was just calm, smiles and told me that would be her way to show me how much she appreciated my help. I told her, that I did not do that for any kind of gift, more just because of our friendship and that I never expected anything for that, but she insisted on that this would be her way and I better accept it.

OMG I have a lumipro!

The rest of the evening was just gone, with all the work I wanted to do and I totally lost myself in my new toy. I have to admit I have still no clue how it works properly and I will need to watch a lot of tutorials and ask around to really get used to this fantastic tool but I am more than willing to try!

For today I just played around with the presets and changed them lightly, to see what possibilities and features it has.

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God this is a weapon if you know what you are doing with it!!!

I just placed myself in front of a white wall with my war turtle from [Swagga] and turned my windlight settings to midnight to see the full range of the light balls.

I was blown away what those 3 balls can do and I digged further into the user manual on the lumipro website to see what all those buttons of the HUD can do.

Then I found the projectors… holy cow! Now I know how some light settings were made on pictures that I loved so much!

The way to project lights behind you with different textures as filters, was something I totally had forgotten about since I started to play with windlights.

I do not know much at all yet to really use this fantastic photography tool properly, but I know that I will spend a lot of time in the future to be able to operate this HUD and bein able to use all its functions and features as this really is a lot of fun to play around with and that is the reason why I named this post ‘Part I’, because I am really sure about that this will not be the last post about my playing with lights and projectors ๐Ÿ˜‰

But for now I have to finish as there is a lot of work left wich got delayed because of my new lumipro :p

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Top: PEQE – “Corsetted Top” – NEW (The Fantasy Collective February 2015)

Pants: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Anakri [B&W Edition]”

Shoes: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Raquel Heels” – NEW

Head Piece: Miamai – “Mia Madonna Chloe” – NEW (The Fantasy Collective February 2015)

Mask: ATTIC – “Leather Medusa Masquerade Mask” – NEW (The Fantasy Collective February 2015 Gacha)

Wings: [SWaGGa] – ” Eli Wings” – NEW (The Fantasy Collective February 2015)

Animal: [SWaGGa] – “War Turtle” (The Fantasy Collective Janurary 2015)

Poses: Del May

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

The Dark Warrior with PurpleMoon & EMO-tions

PurpleMoon & EMO-tions 01

Dark Illusion Warrior

From nowhere came a warrior
With a mission to complete
He was in possession of extreme power
That he’d use on everyone he’d meet

He came when you least expected him
He brought terror to the world
You could expect no mercy
As he swung his sword

He was cursed by the Gods
He had to fight ’til he died
But finally he beat the odds
And then he was free, free to rise

Nobody knew where he came from
No one knew his destiny
The story was told through the centuries
A piece of tragic history

He came when you least expected him
He brought terror to the world
You could expect no mercy
As he swung his sword

[by Supernatural]

PurpleMoon & EMO-tions 02


Outfit (incl gemstones & gloves): PurpleMoon – “Belladonna”

Hair & Head Piece: EMO-tions – “Anorg” (color modded)

Mask: Illusions – “Unseelie”

Furniture: 22769 – “Beyond the Sea Chaiselongue”

Poses: PosESioN

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Golden Dreams with Enfant Terrible

Enfant Terrible Full

I am very happy that I may showcase some news from Enfant Terrible.

With all her new releases it was a hard decision, what to blog first.

I decided to star with the new “Moonchild”set. It’s parts are all part of a gacha. You will find 3 different colors for all the items in the gacha – gold, black & white. The common prizes are 3 animated butterflies, the amazing nose chain and a matching necklace wich I changed in this post for another new release of Enfant Terrible, the unisex “Caelens Armor” chest part in gold.

The rare items for that fantastic gacha of Enfant Terrible are the wonderful crowns as well in 3 colors and for the 3 ultra rare items we have the incredible staffs in the shape of a moon.

For the basic outfit to underline the golden dream I chose the “Karolina” bodysuit in gold from Countdown.

I am sure will have fun playing that gacha!

Enfant Terrible Close


Staff, Crown, Butterflies & Nose Chain: Enfant Terrible – “Moonchild” (Gacha)

Chest Plate: Enfant Terrible – “Caelens Armor”

Outfit: Countdown – “Karolina”

Hair: EMO-tions – “Renee”

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin




She was a catch, we were a match
I was the match that would fire up her snatch
There was a catch
I was no match
I was fired from her crotch
I sit around and watch
The mermaids sun themselves out on the rocks
They are beyond our touch
I watch and watch
Wave at me
They wave at me
They wave and slip
Back into the sea

All the ones who come
All the ones who go
Down to the water
All the ones who come
All the ones who go
Down to the sea

I believe in God
I believe in mermaids too
I believe in 72 virgins on a chain (why not, why not)
I believe in the Rapture
For Ive seen your face
On the floor of the ocean
At the bottom of the rain

I do driver alertness course
I do husband alertness course
I do mermaid alertness course
Watch them out on the rocks
Wave at me
Wave at me
They wave and slip
Back into the sea

All the ones who come
All the ones who go
Down to the water
All the ones who come
And all the ones who go
Down to the sea

For all the ones who come
And all the ones who go
Down to the water
All the ones who come
And all the ones who go
Down to the sea

[Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds]

Dress: LeeZu – “Metropolis” (mesh)
Jacket: LeeZu – “Victoria Blouse” (mesh)
Headpiece: ALEGRIA – “Silver Great Wave” (Art in Hats 2014)
Pose: Del May
Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Mystic Forrest – featuring EDELFABRIK, FORMANAILS & EMO-tions

Edelfabrik & EMO-tions 01

Many of you know, that I love to make weird and fantasy stylings. Usually I go with my favourite color black. Today I got a wonderful outfit from Edelfabrik and by looking through all the color options I thought I could try right the opposite to my black safe zone ;).

The outfitย  I am talking about is the new “Bonfire” outfit made by Edelfabrik. The outfit is kinda a whole outfit with many different options and parts. The spiral bracelets, a necklace, the boots, the mesh top with the cool spiked collar and panty and as well the layer parts for thong and some pasties plus the wonderful stockings in different colors to match. And the huge HUD, that changes all the mesh parts and the boots has 15 colors to choose from. The HUD is so very well scripted that you even can apply the colors of the mesh top , panties and boots individual by checking or unchecking the 3 little boxes on the top left of the HUD.

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The wonderful hair is one of the newest releases from EMO-tions. The “Heavens Gate'” hair comes with this amazing headpiece of filigree steel parts, gems and feathers. The “Heavens Gate” hair at the moment is available at the ‘We love Roleplay’ event and it was totally matching my idea of a mystical Forrest creature.ย  For the accessories I wanted something special as well and I remembered the “Skeletonia” hand jewelry from Formanails for my right hand. Now the left one looked a bit empty and so I decided to use the “Punk” wich are part of s full rings and nails set as well from Formanails.

When I looked at my pixels it looked kinda finished but the more I thought about it I wanted to add some tattoos. I tried some of my favourites and certainly one of my White Widow tattoos was the right choice. The “Bharati” tattoo was what I missed to be satisfied ๐Ÿ˜‰

Ready to get back to the woods and enjoy the peace, freedom and silence of the dark green Forrest ๐Ÿ™‚

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Outfit (incl. boots & jewelry): EDELFABRIK – “Bonfire” – NEW (mesh)

Hair: EMO-tions – “Heavens Gate” – NEW (mesh)

Hand Jewelry: Formanails – “Skeletonia” & “PUNK” (for slink hands – casual)

Tattoo: White Widow – “Bharati”

Wings: Material Squirell – “Abyss Demon Wings”

Skin: Silken Moon – “Wicca 3”

Nail Polish: Nailed It!ย  – “Metals Set HUD”

Poses: Del May

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

In a Tim Burton Mood with FrEgo & [AD] Creations

FrEgo 01

A few days ago I got a call from 2 dear old friends if I would have time to pose for his new top… what a question! Certainly I have time for those I call friends no matter what.

Plus… I know what amazing things they can do and so I was really excited and curious ๐Ÿ˜‰ .


FrEgo has no inworld store and you only can find it on Marketplace (

Since yesterday you can find the amazing “Sleeveless Summer Wrap” top there as well in 4 awesome summer colors.

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But not only the top comes from FrEgo… The cool “Cutoff Jeans”ย  and the kick ass “Combat Boots” with all those sweet little details and in different colors, you will find as well at the FrEgo Marketplace store together with some more super awesome designs.

The huge and stunning hat was made by Aliza Karu, owner and designer of [AD] Creations. The “My head mesh hat” comes with a HUD, wich lets you change the headband, the upper, lower and inner hat texture.

Together with the arm warmers from .shi I felt dressed right and had this Tim Burton mood already because of the colors and the huge hat. So I added some ripped socks and a small necklace to not drag the attention to far away from the clothing and the hat.

For the scenery I wanted to use something Tim Burton like and I remembered a skybox I got longer time ago from DRD and together with the poses from Del May I had a lot of fun going against the casual idea I had in the beginning for that look*snickers*. Sometimes the first idea of a look changes with every detail you add to it or even with everything you remove ๐Ÿ˜‰

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Top: FrEgo – “Sleeveles Summer Wrap” – NEW (mesh)

Pants: FrEgo – “Cutoff Jeans” (mesh)

Shoes: FrEgo – “Combat Boots” (mesh)

Armparts (with hands & rings): .shi – “Fingerless Glove” (mesh)

Socks: “Blue & Black Striped Overknee Socks” (selfmade) & :::insanya::: – “3 Socks B n.4”

Hat: [AD] Creations – “My head mesh hat” (mesh)

Tattoo: White Widow – “Oblivion”

Ears: Mandala – “Tunnel Stretched Ears Omimi” (mesh)

Poses: Del May

Deco: Dead Row Designs (DRD)

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Today is Tomorrow’s Yesterday…

Lybra & EMO-tions 003

And again I find myself in a dark and fantasy mood and with he Fantasy Gacha items from EMO-tions and the amazing outfit from Lybra it kinda put itself together one by one ๐Ÿ˜‰

In my case dark mood does not mean automatically bad mood ;). I just enjoy dark stylings a lot and sometimes they might lookย  bit depressive but in general I just love that mood and look.

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I started with the amazing “Mantus” hair from EMO-tions. It is a hairstyle that comes with so many different options that you have so much more than just one hairstyle if you purchase the “Mantus” hair style.

You can choose between hairbase with a bun or bangs only. Furthermore you can use the flexi pony tail or the rigged mesh one and add some upper hair on top of the hair base as well like I did for the rigged pony tail in my today’s styling. As well I used the face chains and horns, wich as well are in the whole package!

Now for this amazing fantasy hair I wanted to make something special and the “Captive Heart” outfit from Lybra came to my mind. A super sexy but as well very strong-looking ensemble.

The long sleeved top has an amazing front wich parts below the chest and gives a sexy peek on your belly. The bra part itself is decorated with some silver studs. The short and seductive hot pants and even more sexyness to the whole look. The huge chain wings really caught my heart. It must have taken days to put those together.

More and more an idea for the complete look did grow in my head and certainly it was a dark fantasy one, my favourite styles anyway ๐Ÿ˜‰

I remembered the “Bellona” set from EMO-tions, wich is part of the Fantasy Gacha Fair at the moment. If you get all parts you have a wonderful collar, forearm and hand parts.

The “Lady of Highgarden” shoulder parts from aisling I found at a gacha event that was all about the Game of Thrones series.

Now with all the fantasy gear there was no way to just go with ‘common’ shoes. I had to use my super old “Kali Hooves” from Violet Studios.

The finish made the “Birdy” body tattoo from White Widow and one of my long time favourites makeup from Nuuna’s.

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Outfit: !:Lybra:! (incl. Wings) – Captive Heart (mesh)

Hair: EMO-tions – “Mantus” (mesh)

Jewelry/Accessories: EMO-tions – “Bellona” (mesh, Fantasy Gacha)

Shoulder parts: .aisling – “Lady of Highgarden”

Hooves: Violet Studios (VS) – “Kali Hooves”

Hands: Slink – “Avatar Enhancement Hands – Casual” (mesh)

Ears: Mandala – “Simple Ears” (mesh)

Tattoo: White Widow – “Birdy”

Makeup: Nuuna – “Makeup v3.7”

Skin: Silken Moon – “Wicca 3”

Poses: Del May

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Wicca’s Wardrobe: Today at LeeZu 07/16/2013

LeeZu + Bizarre Hair Fair 001

Today I was in an elegant mood, as I prepared for my shift at LeeZu. I pulled out the “Tatum Gown”, one of the lastest additions to the LeeZu Mainstore. What I liked the most, was the combination of flexible prims and the mesh basic and gloves. Lately so much clothing is only mesh made and that easyly can look boring. LeeZu made the best descison to cover the parts wit mesh that actually really make sense like the body and the arms. Gloves that go over the ellbows look so much nicer when mesh made as just with layers or with pirms. The great flexi parts of the skirt give the whole design some life, as you can see them moving dreamy with every step you take or every turn you do.

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Since I always have to add something crazy when I wear gowns (yes I was charged that not only once *grins*), I decided to wear one of the new hairstyles of [Bizarre Hair], that MyStiCa Matova, owner and designer of [Bizarre Hair] released for the Hair Fair 2013 that just started. The “Chandelier” hair comes with a full jewelry set as well to matc the amazing pearls that are part of the hair style. With a simple chat command you can even turn the candles on and off what adds a smooth warm light when the candels burn ๐Ÿ˜‰

Last but not least I would like to drag your attention on the skin. Malicia Python, owner and designer of Silken Moon, made me a new tone of my Wicca skin *jumps around like crazy*. She already made me that wonderful Wicca skin, that I used to redo my whole avatar and now she made me a special version of my skin in her ‘lumee’ tone. I was telling her that I sometimes ywould like to have a very light and pale version of my skin, especally for fantasy or avantgarde stylings, that still carries my freckles and dimples and all my amazing face features. Since I really liked my new look without the eyebrows she made that incredble, beautiful looking new skin for me. Great news for all Silken Moon lovers and those, who own one of Malicia’s fantastic skins… Mal now made the new enhancement HUD for the SLINK mesh feets and mesh hands!

Lately I was asked so many times, how I found a skin that I am so happy with that I am not willing to change. The answer is easy… Malicia made me my custom skin with all those things I dreamed of on my personal skin. If I think back, how many lindens I spent for various skins and always I had one thing that I did not like… the idea of a custom made skin was the best idea ever. You can talk about your likings and develope a skin with your skin designer and make it so personal, that you not ever wanna change again, as it kinda becomes a part of yourself ๐Ÿ˜‰ With the new addition of all those tattoo layers, you only need one basic skin, that you can wear always and add up all those amazing makeups that are out on the grid to make it match to every look ๐Ÿ˜‰

But now.. time to leave for my LeeZu shift ๐Ÿ˜‰

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Gown: LeeZu – “Tatum Gown” – NEW (mesh)

Hair (incl. jewelry): [Bizarre Hair] – “Chandelier” – NEW (Hairfair 2013)

Skin: Silken Moon – “Wicca Lumee” – NEW (custom skin)

Lipstick: Silken Moon – “Wicca Lips Cardinal”

Eyeliner: Action – “Mesh Liner 01 Black” (Cosmetics Fair)

Poses: Body Talking

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Wicca’s Wardrobe: Mother Earth

Wood Elf Full 1


Mother Earth (Within Temptation)

Birds and butterflies
Rivers and mountains she creates
But you’ll never know
The next move she’ll make
You can try
But it is useless to ask why
Cannot control her
She goes her own way

Wood Elf Full 2
She rules until the end of time
She gives and she takes
She rules until the end of time
She goes her way

With every breath
And all the choices that we make
We are only passing through
on her way
I find my strength
Believing that their souls live on
Until the end of time
I’ll carry them with me

Wood Elf Close

Once you will know my dear
You don’t have to fear
A new beginning always starts
at the end
Once you will know my dear
You don’t have to fear
Until the end of time
She goes her way

Wood Elf Face


Dress: House of Dragovar – “Goblin’s Greed” (mesh)

Vines: Wunderlich – “Ivy-Moss”

Hair: Caverna Obscura – “Sylvani-Twiggy”

Face Decor: 22769 – “Dryad Head Piece” – NEW (L’accessoire)

Skin: Silken Moon – “Wicca”

Makeup: Makeup Artist – “Lua’s Elegance”

Lipstick: Silken Moon – “Wicca Lips Tintable”

Bracelets: artilleri – “Wooden Bracelets”

Ears: Illusion – “Fairy Ears”

Collar: CatniP – “Enslaved Collar”

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Black & White Fantasies

Violator full

A few days ago soraya Vaher, owner and designer of Violator, released 2 more parts for her new Prรชt-ร -porter collection. The “Hit me Up” top and the “Luxury Pants” in black & white. Not too long ago, I said I am addicted to black & White anyways, so this combination together with the color matching version of the “Pride Stiletto Ankle Boots” just hit right up to my heart ๐Ÿ˜‰

The amazing “Luxury Pants” come with so many details and accessories already and you can just put them on, no ned to think about any additional accessories. The long pant ruffle that attaches at the right hip, the amazing spikes, the button in the front and the gems of the upper and lower leg are all extra attachments so you have a lot of different possibilities as well. The top comes with kinda the same options. Besides the mesh top you have the desicion of chest flowers the feathers at the shoulder, and as well the gems.

Again soraya made a wonderful ready-to-wear outfit for her new collection that is affordable for everyone ๐Ÿ˜‰ To see the other new colors and releases you best take a look for yourself at the Violator Mainstore.

Violator close


Top: Violator – “Hit Me Up” – NEW (mesh)

Pants: Violator – “Luxury Pants” – NEW (mesh)

Shoes: Violator – “Pride Stiletto Ankle Boots” – NEW

Wings: Material Squirrel – “Abyss Demon Wings”

Makeup & Lashes: Tuty’s – “Black Side of the Moon”

Bracelets: Digital Eyes – “Plastic Bracelets”

Earrings:Ticky Tacky – “Lick Me!”

Hair: Wasabi Pills – “Reptilia”

Poses: Di’s Opera

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin