
“Your nights are a season at my command, human pony girl”


If you try to search for ponygirl on the internet, you will probably find this on wikipedia:

“Pony play is where at least one of the participants dresses to resemble and assumes the mannerisms and character of an equine animal. People involved in pony-play (“ponies”) generally divide themselves to three groups although some will participate in more than one category:

  • Cart ponies pull a sulky with their owner.
  • Riding ponies are ridden, either on all fours or on two legs, with the “rider” on the shoulders of the “pony” (also known as Shoulder riding). Note that a human back is generally not strong enough to take the weight of another adult without risk of injury, so four-legged “riding” is generally symbolic, with the “rider” taking most of their weight on their own legs.
  • Show ponies show off their dressage skills and often wear elaborate harnesses, plumes and so on.

Pony play is sometimes referred to as “The Aristotelian Perversion”, in reference to an apocryphal story where the philosopher Aristotle was persuaded to let a woman named Phyllis ride him like a horse, in promised exchange for sexual favors: an episode depicted in various woodcuts and other works of art.”

When I saw that the first time, I thought like “WTF?!?” and then I tried to find more about it. If you dig a little bit deeper, you will find a lot of interesting and sometimes even funny things. Most of them looked, as there would be a lot of fun involved as well. I learned a term from Silly once when she said “What ever floats your boat” and that perfectly applies on such fetishes I would guess. Why we should judge about something, that can be fun and satisfy desires of someone? For me there is no reason and as one that certainly had to try several things in the past, I had the chance to try out a tiny little bit of that kind of roleplay myself. I have to admit I really had good times, even if it is nothing for me, what would be an everyday fun or desire 😉

When I saw this amazing outfit and head piece at the Kinky event, it immediately reminded me of those pictures and little movies and I had to give it a try. Certainly I wanted to have a fashionable ponygirl, so I decided to go for some kind of editorial ideas of fetish pictures in general. I even found some editorial fashion pony girl pictures from popular designers and musicians. The most impressive interpretation of that ponyplay in a fashion way I found at one of Madonnas live concert openings in 2005 (watch HERE). Inspired by that even more and because I adore Madonna’s creativity, I wanted to give it a try.

The “Pony Girl” outfit done as a collaboration between CerberusXing and Maru Kado is an ensemble of a body harness and the head gear, sold separately in either black or white. As always for both brands the textures are incredible awesome and the harness was made for the Maitreya Lara mesh body in a perfect fit. For the head gear, even an animation is included to have the mouth open to perfectly fit the bridle in between your lips. While I was looking for hair, which seemed not that easy when I first tried, as I did not want to mess up or hide that amazing head piece in any way, and all of a sudden the amazing “DoMina” hair fro Mina hair came to my mind, which I found at the last Fetish Fair. The hood with the ponytail fitted perfectly under the head piece! I have to admit, lately I practiced a lot of hair modifications and paintings for Second Life hair. The hair parts that are shown from the ears down are all not anymore true Second Life hair, but I am sure you are aware of that. The hair looks awesome in inworld, I just wanted to experiment a little bit with it for my todays pictures.

Another awesome idea and design I am wearing today are the “Rachel BENTO Clamps & Weights” from Salt & Pepper. When I saw them the first time, I wasn’t sure how I could showcase them properly but for this look they were just perfect. The clamps are not just decorative clamps they are genius scripted to make them perfect for any kind of fetish roleplay. In the box you will find the clamps and 3 different weights for the left and right nipple. Each weight pulls down the breast down depending on it’s own weight and it works as well with your physics and clothing. The handling is easy… you just add the clamps and then your preferred weight to see the effect. I bet you can imagine, how much that will add to your roleplay experiences! There is a version for Maitreya Lara, Slink Hourglass and Belleza Freya.

What is a huge part of todays look and its intensity are the tattoos of Nefekalum Tattoos. For this post I used the body tattoo called “From Ashes” and for the face I chose the “Egyptian Sun”. Both come as Omega appliers and can be used for all body and head types that support the Omega system. For those who already plan on the new “Baked on Mesh” possibility, both of the tattoos have the system tattoo layer included as well. I already tried it – it works just perfect for LeLutka Head and Maitreya Lara or Belleza Freya!

First I tried all kind of different backgrounds like a meadow, jumping obstacles (yes they are available in Second Life I found out!), barns and all kind of naturalistic sceneries and none them looked anywhere near “cool”.

When I did some research about editorial fetish and ponyplay pictures, I found a lot of latex and leather stuff and ALL of them had some kind of smoke in the background and not much more to that. Sometimes there were simple, single props involved like posts, chairs and all kind of furniture, so I decided to go with a simple fence I could lean against or sit on for the possibility to use some cool poses. Lately I realized that pictures that involve movement or a certain action – like leaning against something – make pictures way more interesting, that just standing somewhere with no connection to anything.

If you follow my blog for a while you might have realized, that I have way less casual content than before. Some people asked me, if I now completely said goodbye to casual content… no, not in general, but there is so many casual content around AND I just did casual for too long already. Lately I am more into some edgy stuff – not that I wasn’t kinda crazy before already – I feel it suits and inspires me more. In the past I had my focus more on the fact, to show that I can be very versatile and pull of every style in its own way and not in my way 😉 That lately changed a lot, as I feel way more comfortable to still do various styles and genres, but always in my own way and not following general mainstream or “rules”. I feels more honest and true to myself, while it still keeps me all kind of style genres open to play with. I hope you enjoy my journey of finding my own way of showcasing and interpreting things – thank you for all your support and all the nice word and comments through my personal Second Life adventures! That keeps me going and working on new content as often as I can on my blog and Flickr 🙂


Outfit: [CX] & {-MK-} – “Pony Girl Harness (Black)” (Maitreya) – NEW @ Kinky Event // September 2019

Headpiece: [CX] & {-MK-} – “Pony Girl Headgear (Black)” – NEW @ Kinky Event // September 2019

Shoes: **UTOPIA@Design** – “Tera” (Maitreya)


Collar Neck: +AH+ – “Pampering Collar”

Collar Implant Chest: Ama. – “Forever Yours”

Clamps: Salt & Pepper (S&P) – “Rachel BENTO Clamps & Weights” (Maitreya, Bento)

Cuffs: RR – “Vixen”

Hair & Makeup

Hair: MINA Hair – “DoMina”

Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.3”

Face Art: Nefekalum Tattoos – “Egyptian Sun” (Omega Applier) – NEW

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Tattoo: Nefekalum Tattoos – “From Ashes” (Omega Applier) – NEW

Poses & Props

Poses: Foxcity

Fence: [Focus Poses] – “Country Fence” (poses not used in this post)

Model & Photographer

Wicca Merlin

Black Dreams with Circles

Art in Hats Valsnia 3

And again the styling started with a hat only…

This time it was one of the contributions of Valsnia for the Art in Hats event.

Art in Hats Valsnia 9

I was thinking a lot about that cool “Circles Hat” and how I could style it up. I tried various style categories and nothing wanted to look right. I wanted something strong and powerful, but still not too huge to hide the hat.

When I started fooling with the Scenery and all the amazing 22769 furniture an idea grew in my mind.

Art in Hats Valsnia 1

A few days ago, I got this amazing tight dress from KaS as a special gift, and I  thought about, if that could work for my idea…

The dress has many different options to wear, but the long tight skirt with the sleeved top, looked perfect for what I was going for.

With the high neck collar from Spacegirl, I was able to kinda bring the circles of the amazing hat back to the whole look.

Art in Hats Valsnia 5

First I tried all kinds of pumps and stilettos and as well over knee boots for the look, but all added a weird domme touch to the whole scenery and I did not want that at all.

So just went with simple not too high boots from Pixelfashion, wich looked right and perfect to the amazing furniture.

Overall this looked like a very modern set up and I really enjoyed doing this whole photo series 😉

 Art in Hats Valsnia 7


Hat: Valsnia – “Circles Hat” – NEW (Art in Hats 2015)

Dress: KaS – “Corset System Dress”

Shoes: Pixelfashion – “Ultimate Boots”

Glasses: Meva – “Milan Sunglasses”

Hair: Mirone – “Becca”

Maleup: Nuuna’s – “Meta Gray” & “Zion 2 Black”

Lipstick: L.Fauna – “Lipstick Red 3”

Sofa: 22769 ~ [bauwerk] – “Somewhere beyond the sea Chaiselongue”

Table: 22769 ~ [bauwerk] – “Black Side Table”

Lamp: 22769 ~ [bauwerk] – “Brutus Lamp”

Poses: Corpus

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Art in Hats Valsnia 6

A modern Snow White? A Second Life Fairytale

Saz-George-WiccadM! fullb

With all the remakes of old fairytales like Snow White and the Huntsman or Haensel  & Gretel – Witchhunters, I came across the idea of a modern snowwhite.. maybe even a  fashionista snowwhite*giggles*

The idea came with an outfit that I got from !dM – deviousMind. The “Pure Syn” out of the newest Fetish Couture Collection, The outfit can be purchased in different colors and as well in a ‘Duality Pack’ with 2 colors in it. The basic outfit is a supoer sexy mini dress with a latex texture that shows the texture skills from Chandra Meehan, genius designer behind !dM. Besides the amazing mini dress you have all this amazing pearls and apples, the wonderful ruffles for the shoulders, the glamurous train, the hair piece and on top the awesome snake and the snketatoo for the legs are as well part of the outfit. With all this parts and variations you really can make a few different looking outfits of  the “Pure Syn” outfit.

For the picture I decided to wear the whiote version and Sazzy Nirpaw wears the red one. The handsome man, that Saz is offering her sweet apple is our well known Mr UK 2013, George McCartney.

I am very grateful that Saz and George said yes, when I asked them if they would join me for that shoot as it is way easier and way more nice to built up a scenery with more than one person somtimes.

For the location I came across the idea of a dark forrest, mystical and not too many colors with a crypta and some matching sculptures. Saz is an amazing builder and inbetween seconds she rezzed a wonderful snowy dark forrest and I just aaded the crypta and the sculptures.

Even if it is an abstract imagination I couldnot get rid of the idea of a modern fashionista Snow White and George made an awesome hansome to safe the girls :p .

Saz-George-WiccadM! close

Details (for my styling for George’s and Saz’s you might wanna ask them 😉 )

Outfit: !dm – deviousMind – “Pure Syn” – NEW (mesh)

Hair: LeLutka – “Emeli”

Skin: Silken Moon – “Wicca”

Lipstick: Silken Moon – “Wicca Lips Cardinal”

Poses: Body Talking

Set Building: Sazzy Nirpaw

Models: Sazzy Nirpaw, George McCartney, Wicca Merlin (right to left)

Photographer & Idea: Wicca Merlin

New Collection at Devious Minds!

wicca 2

A few days ago Persia Bravin stormed my inventory asking me if I would have seen the latest releases of Devious Mind and I was like .. “Oh uhm.. aehm .. no…” and was trying hard to remember that brand. I know, that I heard it before but I could not really recall what it was. Persia kept talking, while I still was thinking,  she told me I so must see that and I need to meet the owner and in the end I was so curious that I TPed to the LM, Persia gave me and I just fainted. I landed at the !dm sim… sure… !dm was Devious Mind! For sure I know this brand and I as well have tons of her amazing outfits! *facepalms*

Persia kept saying me to contact the owner since she would be as crazy as I am :p . So I tried to reach Chandra Meehan, owner and designer of Devious Mind. She was offline but not too long after I left her a message she came back and we talked a while. She is that kind of persons I love from the beginning… crazy, wild, smartass, just like I use to be*grins*

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We were talking about various things, until she asked me what my favourite colors would be. I told her that I basically like most of the colors and just have a pink allergy 😉 . Being a smartass, just imagine what she send me^^. But more about that soon. For today I have the new “Chained Lust ” outfit from Devious Mind. I am sure this outfit has many different facets with the latex catsuit and the amazing mesh chains, but I wanted to make something ‘Wicca like’. So I thought about, what I could do and as if it was fate, I had the the movie “The Crow” on my second monitor, as I started styling. Since I anyways liked the idea of Fetish Couture, I loved the pearl colored catsuit that goes down over feet and hands and only has that deep neckline in the front. You can choose between 3 different colors of the catsuit , as all 3 are included in the pack. The chains come in different sizes, so that you can make sure that the mesh fits your shape. I did not add much to the outfit itself, only a mask, wings and shoes and one of the jewelry sets of my brother Dahriel. The “Angelical Black” set comes with collar, crown, arm parts, earrings and a ring. The “Chain Lust” outfit was the perfect basic for my dark fantasys and if you now became curious what else you can find at Devious Mind, just take the taxi over to the Mainstore (TAXI: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/deviousMind/98/26/30). The sim as well is worth a visit! From my photographer side I just can tell you it is a paradise for making pictures as well!!!

Wicca 1


Outfit: !dm (Devious Mind) – “Chained Lust” – NEW (mesh)

Jewelry: *PosESioN* [JewelrY] – “Angelical Black” – NEW

Mask: Illusions – “Phoenix”

Shoes: .:L&B:. – “Gothic Platforms”

Wings: Material Squirell Wings – “Abyss Demon Wings”

Hair: Baiastice – “Isis 2”

Skin: Silken Moon – “Wicca”

Makeup: Nuuna’s – “Makeup v3.1”

Lipstick: Silken Moon – “Wicca Lips Tarbaby”

Furniture: 222769

Photographer: Dahriel

Model & Stylist: Wicca Merlin

Libra … in P!NK

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Mea Culpa goes Fetish Fashion!

As I promised in my last Mea Culpa post, there is another amazing outfits of the new Mea Culpa X-Treme line. Tatanka Kaligawa himself named it Fetish Fashion and created a new line beside the Avantgarde and Couture designs in his store.

Again we can see the basic fabric is kinda latex and for the “Black Mamba” we have those wonderful long and flexible tentacles all over. What caught my eye is the cool hat that looks very stylish to the whole outfit . A very sexy touch is given by the body and the opaque stockings that are held by garters and show lots of skin 😉

The absolute perfect jewelry for this outfit in my opinion is the “Noir” set from Finesmith Designs. The lashes are as well part of the “Noir” set of Finesmith Designs and go well along with the collar, the earings and the nails of the same collection.


Outfit: Mea Culpa – “Black Mamba”

Jewelry (including nails and lashes): Finesmith Designs – “Noir”

Skin: Redgrave – “Trinity”

Poses (pic1 & 3): Corpus

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin