The Engine Room – Part I

The Engine Room is open now for about a week and it has so many AMAZING designs and creations that I wasn’t able to put them in one picture, so be prepared for so more steampunk madness in the next days!

My first post is kinda centered around that super cool top from [ContraptioN] and the awesome cute Barn owls in the steampunk version from {-Maru Kado-}. There is 2 packs of owls and each all owls come in 2 different version – one ‘casual’ owl and one ‘steampunk’ owl with all the sweet gear and goggles. But when I was setting up my little scenery inside the amazing skyebox from Catacomb –  while I realized those amazing rich and detailed textures – I found so much more cute and superb made things that I really had to hold myself back from cluttering my picture with too much things! The super cute animesh cat from HEXtraordinary in a rezzable and a wearable version, the incredible textured furniture from 22769… if you are a steampunk fan or someone that loves some Victorian gear and vibes, you HAVE to take a look at the Engine Room – you have time until the 20th or October!

But the Engine Room not only has furniture, decor and animals, you can find some totally crazy clothing and accessories. Today I combined the “Enginieer’s Top” from [ContraptioN] and the “Knickerbocker” pants, socks and shoes from Hotdog. The cool “Plague Mask” was made by Static. I was trying a lot what I could wear as a head piece of hair with that mask and in the end i decided not to just put a hat on top, but wear the unisex, short “No.Shallow” hairstyle, which no.match released at MoM this month.

I do not want to write too much today, as the pictures should be the main focus for this mega awesome designs and creations and… I have to admit, I already work on my second part pictures and realized I will probably even have to have a 3rd Engine Room part *giggles*


Top: [ContraptioN]  – “Engineer’s Top” – NEW @ The Engine Room // Sepetmber/October 2019

Pants, Socks & Shoes: Hotdog – “Knickerbockers . plain” (Maitreya) – NEW @ The Engine Room // Sepetmber/October 2019


Mask: ::Static:: – “Plague Mask – Caged” – NEW @ The Engine Room // Sepetmber/October 2019

Nailpolish: DP – Koffin Nails – “Neo-Victorian Keys” (Maitreya Applier) – NEW @ The Engine Room // Sepetmber/October 2019

Upper Arm Cuffs: Overt – “Summoner Cuffs – Red” – NEW @ The Engine Room // Sepetmber/October 2019

Hair & Makeup

Hair: no.match – “No.Shallow” – NEW @ MoM // Sepetmber 2019

Body & Tattoos

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.4”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Poses, Props / Tools

Poses: Foxcity


Skybox: Catacomb – “The Bunker (With Base)” – NEW @ The Engine Room // Sepetmber/October 2019

Owls: {-Maru Kado-} – “Barn Owl Set 01-10 (Decor)” – NEW @ The Engine Room // Sepetmber/October 2019

Cat: HEXtraordinary – “Lord Bartleby Von Tinkleton Esq. – Wanderer (Rez)” – NEW @ The Engine Room // Sepetmber/October 2019


22769 – “Salon Chair” – NEW @ The Engine Room // Sepetmber/October 2019

22769 – “Salon Couch” – NEW @ The Engine Room // Sepetmber/October 2019

22769 – “Queen Victoria Bust” – NEW @ The Engine Room // Sepetmber/October 2019

22769 – “Tripod Telescope” – NEW @ The Engine Room // Sepetmber/October 2019

22769 – “Gramophone” – NEW @ The Engine Room // Sepetmber/October 2019

22769 – “Industrial Endtable” – NEW @ The Engine Room // Sepetmber/October 2019

22769 – “Armillary Sphere” – NEW @ The Engine Room // Sepetmber/October 2019

22769 – Cart Coffee Table – NEW @ The Engine Room // Sepetmber/October 2019

22769 – “Ashtray” – NEW @ The Engine Room // Sepetmber/October 2019

22769 – “Box Of Cigars” – NEW @ The Engine Room // Sepetmber/October 2019

::Static:: – “Woodburned Periodic Table – Warm”- NEW @ The Engine Room // Sepetmber/October 2019

{C&C} – “Aether-Tech Moon Clock – Brass – NEW @ The Engine Room // Sepetmber/October 2019

HILTED – “Knicknack Pets – Mean Honker” – NEW @ The Engine Room // Sepetmber/October 2019

HILTED – “Knicknack Pets – Beep Boop” – NEW @ The Engine Room // Sepetmber/October 2019

HILTED – “Knicknack Pets – Hop Hop” – NEW @ The Engine Room // Sepetmber/October 2019

HILTED – “Knicknack Pets – Toot Toot” – NEW @ The Engine Room // Sepetmber/October 2019

HILTED – “Knicknack Pets – Snooty Snoot” – NEW @ The Engine Room // Sepetmber/October 2019

22769 – “Vintage Camera” (Gacha, Common)

22769 – “Industrial Wine Rack” (Gacha, Common)

22769 – “Bike Figurine” (Gacha, Common)

22769 – “Drum Table” (Gacha, Common)

[ContraptioN] Decor: – “Eccentric’s Curios Auric Discindo”

Model & Photographer

Wicca Merlin

Can Latex and Vinyl be Fashion? – Yes they can!

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Sometimes you just sit there and stare at your inventory, not knowing what you wanna do… You just see a wall of things you wanna blog and you cannot make up your mind what you should do first. I usually start then first with some inventory sorting and cleaning, what I anyways do way to occasionally…

Sometimes you get lucky and find an inspiration while you are sorting, sometimes you just have to put on several things until feels like “DingDingDing” and you know exactly what you wanna do 😉

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It wasnt that bad this time, as I did know I want to showcase one of the latest releases of [sys] from the Black Fair and the mega cool Elephant seat from 22769 from the actual We <3 RP event.

 Now, the big question was how to bring those 2 together in a cool way, as I wanted to combine the latex look of the “Hellia” dress with the light shining texture of the “Elephant Loveseat”.

When I looked through my inventory to see what more I could use for my scenery, I came across the “Chameleon Bag” from Boutique #187, which i just put on the sofa, as I did not yet know what kind of poses I wanna use. Furthermore I found a shelf, that I got last year at the On9 event from six o’clock and some wall art from 22769.

The scenery became more and more monochrome and modern and so I decided to wear the “Overcast” hat from LODE to my styling. It is a long time favourite of mine and while I was fooling around with several poses more and more the idea of the huge hat did grow in my head. Last but not least I added the wrist cuffs of our new “Cathbad Set”, which we made with Wicca’s Wardrobe for the actual round of The Secret affair and some sheer tights from Izzie’s, to feature the gold parts of the “Hellia” outfit a little bit more.

To finish my look I certainly HAD to use my new “Nemesia” angle boots from Glamistry. Since I saw that boots the first time I fell in love with them. I know they are not the newest release from Glamistry but they are one of my personal favorites! They are so versatile! Depending on the color and color combinations they can feature every style from casual to elegant. Today certainly I had to go for black & gold to match the actual look (not to mention that black is my favourite colors anyways :p )

Overall this look might be another example, that latex can be fashionable even if so many still sort it only in the wrong corner… even some of the most popular designers used latex and vinyl for their creations and put it on the runways of our world 😉


Outfit: [sys] – “Hellia” NEW @ The Dark Style Fair

Tights: Izzie’s – “Sheer Tights Colors”

Shoes: Glamistry – “Nemesia”

Hat: LODE – “Overcast”

Cuffs: Wicca’s Wardrobe – Cathbad Set” – NEW @ The Secret Affair

Bag: Boutique #187 – Chameleon Bag”

Sofa: 22769 – “Elephant Loveseat” – NEW @ We<3RP

Shelf: ! six o’clock! – “Geometrical Bookcase Set”

Letters: 22769 – “Sinatra Wall Art”

Lamp: Elysium – “Nyborg Lamp”

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

LOTD 04/22/2016 – Girls just wanna have fun!

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I have no clue why, but while I was working on the pictures of todays post, the song ‘Girls just wanna have fun’ was stuck in my head :p

The base of the look was the incredible jewelry from Tracei.

In SL it is really hard to find modern casual jewelry. I have a lot of elegant jewelry or as well filigree little jewelry – most of the in either gold or silver – , but if you look for bigger, modern casual chic jewelry it is quite a challenge. When I discovered Tracei, it felt like I would be in heaven!

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So long I was looking for some bold but still chic and fashionable jewelry and accessories, that can be mixed and word with casual styles.

Today I would like to showcase 3 parts of the fantastic jewelry collection of Tracei.

For the earrings I went with a pair of “Calista”. The “Calista” earrings are available in 6 monochrome shades and for my post I chose the opal blue ones. The “Calista” earrings are the perfect choice to take you through the actual season and onwards to the desired summer 😉 The earrings are so versatile, as you can use them for casual chic stylings as well as for pimp up your beach wear look or even for an evenings party! With the inbuilt resizer you can size them to your likings and needs. Originally the “Calista” earrings were released at the Lost & Found event but they found their way to the Tracei main store and marketplace now as well.

The wonderful ring and glasses are made by Tracei as well. The “Artio” sunglasses as well can be resized via a resizer and inside the lenses you have amazing reflections, what makes them look amazing realistic. The “Evan Apatite” ring makes the perfect finish for the accessorizing. With the oversized but clean look it makes a statement and can be worn by both genders. I loved the mix of the darn onyx ring with the smooth gem at the top a lot and it kinda brings to gether the casual with the chic thought of the look.

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For the outfit I put on one of the latest releases from Asia Rae. The “Polly” top is a real playful looking little shirt with little lines over the shoulders and a long ruffled part on the front that reaches down to the belly button, what adds a very sexy touch in my view 😉

For the pants I decided to go with one of my long time favourites, the “Zipper Skinny” jeans made by Maitreya. I wanted some simple but not boring basics for the clothing, to make the accessories and shoes shine even more.

Talking about shoes…

Today I am wearing the “Echium” heels from Glamistry. Those heels are a definite must have for every girls wardrobe.

Basically you could call them plateau pumps but they are so much more than that! With the amazing add-ons that have a scales look, those heels are simply stunning and so adaptable to so many different styles and looks. The love of the detail of Glamistry again shows with the little studs that hold the add-ons in place and as well with the repeating of the scales fabric on the bottom of the heel. Again the shoes can be purchased in many colors which you can mix and match for the basic shoe, add ons, metals, heel and the sole.

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The cool furniture I used for my set, was a mix and match of several items I got at various events. The cute pastel fan I got from Art Dummy which sadly is closed now , the cool shelf was made by Lark and the wonderful ‘boat couch’ I found on an event as well from Stockholm & Lima, one of my favourite brands when it comes to furniture with high details. Sometimes less is more and for fashion posts I really do like a pure and simple surrounding 😉

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Top: Asia Rae – “Polly Top”

Pants: Maitreya – “Zipper-Skinny Jeans”

Shoes: Glamistry – “Echium”

Earrings: Tracei – “Calista”

Ring: Tracei – “Evan Apatite Ring”

Sunglasses: Tracei – “Artio Sky”

Fan: Art Dummy – “Breeze”

Shelf: Lark – “Beachcomber Shelf”

Sofa: Stockholm & Lima – “Repurposed Boat”

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

LOTD 04/06/2016 – Modern Chic with Elysium, GizzA & 22769

French Chic 06

Today I was in a sort of chic mode :p

When I today was trying to sort my inventory again (yes, I know, I should do that more often, like I always tell in my classes^^) I found some amazing things. Lately RL was keeping me pretty busy and so I was not able to catch up with all the new releases as I normally do…

But finally, RL gave me enough room to put together a look with some of those incredible releases 😉

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I am still in love with the new “Isabelle” skin from [sys] and I am wearing it for quite some time now. It was released for the Skin Fair 2016, but I am sure now after it is over for some time you will find it at the [sys] main store. AS well from [sys] comes that super sexy top. It was released on the Whore Couture event. The “Freya Bra” has usually matching panties to it, which I did not use this time, but I will do a nother post soon with the whole set 😉 The bra comes in a fitted mesh version, as well as for the Slink and Maitreya mesh bodies.

For the pants I wanted something high waisted and my choice fell on one of my favourite pants in that style – the “High Waist Woolen Pants” from GizzA.

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The cool shoulder parts as well from GizzA and they are part of the “Spiky Fur Top”. Those shoulder parts went amazingly together with the “A Rock in a Heart Place” collar in silver from 22769.

The cute “Sidsel” hat was made by Elysium for the Gacha Guardian. The hat comes as a left and right version in many different colors. As well for Gacha Guardian Elysium made the amazing “Soes” earrings in different awesome colors.

The cool rings were available at one of the last rounds of On9, but i’m pretty sure you will find them at the [Since 1975] main store by now.

The absolute cool hair, which fitted perfectly under the “Sidsel” hat, was made by Mirja Mills, owner & designer of EMO-tions.

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The furniture for today’s set are available at the Tres Chic event. 22769 created a wonderful “Pallet Bedroom” set, that just perfectly fits with a modern loft look for today’s style. The whole set includes the bed (available as PG and adult version), 3 different wall arts, the breeze block with the lamp and a sweet decoration set, where I used the rug, the plant and the magazine from.

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Bra: [sys] – “Freya”

Pants: GizzA – “High Waist Woolen Pants”

Shoulder  Parts: GizzA – Spiky Fur Top” (part of the top only)

Hat: Elysium – “Sidsel Hat” – NEW (Gacha Guardian)

Collar: 22769 – “A Rock in a Heart Place”

Earrings: Elysium – “Soes Earrings” – NEW (Gacha Guardian)

Cuffs: Astralia – “Amarantha”

Rings: [Since 1975] – “Fang Rings”

Hair: EMO-tions – “Alicia”

Skin: [sys] – “Isabelle”

Freckles: Le Forme – “Freckles V2” (Catwa Applier)

Eye Shadow: Slackgirl – “Spring Shadow” (Catwa Applier)

Lipstick: Zibska – “Blacktop” (Catwa Applier)

Eyes: Ikon – “Hope Eyes”

Head: Catwa – “Jessica”

Body: Slink – “Physique”

Poses: Corpus

Furniture/Set: 22769 – “Pallet Bedroom! NEW @ Tres Chic

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

PurpleMoon makes me wear pink!

PurpleMoon 8 starterWhen I got the amazing Cameron Outfit and saw the huge color HUD, I went through all colors… and I really could not resist to wear the pink. So I took my medicals and put it back on :p

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 The “Cameron Dress” is an amazing asymmetric dress with a sexy, high slit on the left leg. The sleeves are not the usual short ones and no long ones either. They just go down a little over the elbow 😉

The dress for each color is parted in 2 halfs, what makes the whole ensemble very interesting and as well different. With the sharp folds and wrinkles it becomes an awesome realistic look.

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As well part of the outfit is the incredible hat. Hats to me are something very special. I am a hat/headpiece addicted anyways and hats always add some kind of class and chic to every look. There is a reason why many classy celebrities and popular people wearing hats or some kind of head wear for the more classy events.

AS well all the rich and beautiful people who spent their free time on horseracing places like Ascot… you can see a lot of huge and extraordinary hats there 😉

The hat of the “Cameron Dress” really reminded me on some of those 😉

With the delicate lace and the wonderful ribbon that hat really makes a statement and pulls the whole look on the super elegant side.

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To just not break that super elegant style I chose to wear the Titania Sandals as well from PurpleMoon. The shape just fit perfectly to the look and the color was matching dreamy to the pink shades of the dress.

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For the scenery I used a few of the items that are available on the actual round of the On9 event. The “Pollen Table Lamp” I just used as a floor lamp together with the “Pollen Hanging Lamp” on the other side. Both are made by Di’Cor and available in 6 different colors at the event. The lights can be turned on and off  by touch. The table lamp only has a LI of 2 and the hanging version only 6LI. With that low LI they are a perfect decoration even for a small room only 😉

The cute and amazing steps were made by Serenity Style. There are 2 different versions available, one clean and one rusty. With all the love to the details those steps are a perfect decoration item for your home and as well a wonderful part of a scenery for photography.

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Outfit (incl. hat): PurpleMoon – “Cameron” – NEW

Shoes: PurpleMoon – “Titania Sandals”

Hair: Vanity Hair – “After Dark”

Earrings: Ticky Tacky – “Every Girl must have Pearls” (no longer available)

Lamps: Di’Cor – “Pollen Lamps” – NEW @ On9

Stairs: Serenity Style – “Decorated Steps”

Poses: PosESioN

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

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A Night after Christmas with Asia Rae and E.V.E Studio

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Phew Christmas is over and I have my ‘normal life’ back 😉

That gives me time, to blog about the newest releases of Asia Rae, E.V.E Studio and EMO-tions.

The amazing “Magissa Latex Dress” is one of the latest news by Asia Rae. The dress is a fashion dream with the huge cape looking shoulder part, that goes down until the elbows and the amazing combination of a knitted texture for the sleeves in contrast to the shiny latex looking fabric of the dress itself.Asia Rae 02

The super cool hair comes from EMO-tions for the Shiny Shabby Event. It is called “Jezebel” The huge hair style with the extraordinary shape comes with several appliers for mesh heads for the hair base and as well the amazing head band is part of the whole look.

Now I would like to drag your view no the amazing horns. They were made by Noke Yuitza for E.V.E Studio. The awesome horns are part of her Moon Collection, inspired by the winter nature. As always for E.V.E Studio the horns are 100% original mesh and materials enabled. You can choose between different colors for the horns to make them fit your desires 🙂

Sceneries are always important for pictures and for today I chose the amazing “Christmas Decoration Set” from 22769 to make my sweet and cozy background.

And now I will put back all my Christmas stuff into boxes and put it back in the attic of my sweet little Hobbit House until next year 😉

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Dress: Asia Rae – “Magissa Latex Dress” – NEW (@Shiny Shabby)

Hair: EMO-tions – “Jezebel” – NEW (@ Shiny Shabby)

Horns: E.V.E Studio – “MOON Snow on Branches Horns and Winter Bush” – NEW

Boots: GizzA – “London Boots”

Necklace: Maitreya – “Vinatge Collar”

Tighs: LeeZu – “LaLun Tights”

Furniture: 22769 ~ [bauwerk] – “Christmas Decoration”

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

LOTD 08/17/2015 – Goodies @ On9 :)

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Today I would like to showcase some of the amazing designs available at the On9 event.

On9 is a monthly event, that offers many different designers, creations, and items. You will find clothing, accessories, furniture, poses, shoes, makeup and nearly everything you can thin about all in one place done by different genius and skilled creators. You can imagine how happy I was when I was asked if we would like to be part with Wicca’s Wardrobe as well… among all those incredible designers and creators 😉

But today I won’t use any of our own stuff and put some spotlight on some of those amazing items you can find at the current On9 event.

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Let’s start with the incredible amazing head-piece. Who else that Zib Scaggs, owner and designer of Zibska, could do such an amazing art piece?

The huge head-piece looks like made out of petals and some sweet fishes are swimming around. The head-piece comes with a great color HUD that lets you customize the petals, the accents and the fishes to many different colors.

To fit under this wonderful head-piece I needed some not too high but still modern and fresh looking hairstyle. Guess what… I as well found that one at On9 *snickers*. No.Match offers the perfect hair for my actual look. The “No.Call” style with the two smart braided tails left and right was the right addition to balance the crazy and the cute touch of the whole look.

The glasses are as well available at On9. Made by [Since 1975] those glasses are an extra ordinary addition to your accessories box! You can decide between 4 different colors. I went with the golden version for today’s post.

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The super sweet top was made by the amazing Poulet Koenkamp, owner and designer of PurpleMoon.

Poulet is one of the most talented people, I was allowed to meet and call a friend in SL. She always amazed me with her stunning hand printed textures and her awesome ideas and designs. For this month of On9 she made this delicate top called “Anika” in 7 different colors. The top is a wide and loose fit and together with the cool sleeves, this top really is a must have for every ladies wardrobe especially for the late summer season:) .

 The pants and the shoes coming from a very talented and skilled woman too. Thetra Blackheart, ower and designer of E-Clipse. The “Fringe Pants” I got longer ago but the amazing “Follia” heels are as well available at On9. In 6 different colors or as a fatpack, those amazing heels fit the Slink, the Maitreya and the TMP feet. The strapped heels have wonderful fringes at the front and some amazing metal decorations on the straps. With the HUD you can change the metals to 3 different types.

Last but not least I would like to zoom in a little bit closer and drag the focus on this incredible necklace from Kunglers. You can pick from 5 different colors. The great combination of filigree metals, stones and gems makes a wonderful every day necklace for many different styles.

For all the other amazing ne releases at On9 please jump over there and take a look by yourself. And don’t forget… every designer offers one piece for 20% off the regular price, like always at On9!

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Top: PurpleMoon – “Anika Blouse” – NEW @ On9

Pants: E-Clipse – “Fringe Pants”

Shoes: E-Clipse – “Follia” – NEW @ On9

Head Piece: Zibska – “Maris” – NEW @ On9

Necklace: (Kunglers Extra) – “Iracy Necklace” – NEW @ On9

Glasses: [Since 1975] – “Vintage Glasses 209” – NEW @ On9

Hair: No.Match – “No Catch” – NEW @ On9

Furniture: 22769 – “Purity” (Complete Set)

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

News @ Elysium

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Today I have some news from Elysium. I know Aleida Rhode for a long time by now and that makes it always special if you blog for a long time friend 🙂

Today I tried a little  mix and match of her latest releases. I started… uncommon with the wonderful “Byron Hat”. That wonderful unisex hat is available at TLC in May 2015 so hurry to get yours ;). It comes with a HUD to recolor the hat in all pieces to make sure it matches your styling.

Then I found the wonderful “Louise Boho Pants”. Those leger puffy pants with the totally trendy pattern and colors. I love pants anyways more than anything else so those definitely will make the way to my favourite folder 😉

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Since I cannot wear high heels in my RL most of the time, because of the jobs I do, I love them in SL and nearly never wear anything else. But the “Pointy Flats” from Elysium just caught my attention. With the pointy tip they have an elegant character but as well they have a lot of casual with being flat. That made them being the perfect addition for my today’s look.

To complete the look I added a color matching jacket from Wicca’s Wardrobe, actually one of our latest releases, the “Charlotte Jacket” in brown.

With the “Cosmo Glasses” as well from Wicca’s Wardrobe, that totally would be a style I would wear RL as well 😉

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Hat: Elysium – “Byron Hat” – NEW (@ TLC)

Pants: Elysium – “Louise Boho Pants”

Shoes: Elysium – “Pointy Flats” – NEW ( @ On9)

Jacket: Wicca’s Wardrobe – Charlotte Jacket”

Glasses: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Cosmo Glasses”

Hair: LeLutka – “Vibrato”

Furniture: Trompe Loeil – “Cortona Bench”

Poses: PosESioN

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Essence of Women in plum… ok that sounds weird :p

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Sometimes you have the feeling you wanna do something but you are not yet sure what and then you start to look through your inventory. I stumbled over one of the latest releases of LeeZu, that I not yet had blogged and I put it on. Usually I tend to choose black for the first try, because I love black so much. But in that moments when you are not yet sure what the result will be you are a bit more daring :p. So I tried the plum version… I have no clue why, as the outfit is really different and a totally other color, but all of a sudden I had Kylie Minouge in my head with the video to the song “can’t get you out of my head. Even if the original outfit had a deep neckline and some floating fabric at the legs… it must have been the hoodie what reminded me of it 😉

If you choose such a special color it is hard to find shoes in the same color range, since plum can have different shades as well. I went directly to my LeeZu shoes folder and with the “Times Square Overknee Boots” I found the right color for my boots to match the “Raphael Hoody”. It is no secret that I am LeeZu addicted, so I thought I can finish the styling with LeeZu items as well. The “Marmour Tights” in pink and the new mesh version of the “NifNif” gloves in mauve completed my plum-purple-lilac outfit.

LeeZu+Vista+ss sit

Usually I wanted to attend the Home & Garden Expo 2013 as a blogger, but some unexpected RL issues came up and prevented me from blogging for over a week. But even if the event is nearly over, I do not wanna let the few things I got to get dusty in my inventory. The wonderful scenery of a room I made with the amazing furniture from Second Spaces. The “Messy Bookshelf”, that comes in a filled and empty version, the cute “Bennie small Chests”, the amazing “Honeycombs”, that you can get in different color shades and the “Bullseye Stool” made an amazing set for the styling, as I could match all the furniture design to my outfit color 🙂

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As we spoke of so many news, I would have another great new release to announce 😉

I use Vista Animati0ns for my AOs in ages. I tried several others but in the end I always came back using my Vista ones. Their animations are simply the best ones I ever saw, not to mention that I nearly bought all of their AOs in the past*hides*. Natural and everyday usable for every kind of styling and attitude, because of the wide range of different AOs and animations. Now you can imagine how happy I was when Persia asked me if  would like to join the Vista Animations blogger team. I was jumping up and down not even believing what I just heard. To the same time she told me that soon thre will be a brand new AO. Now go figure… I kinda counted the days like a little child before Christmas. Not too long ago it happened… the new “Essence” AO for women was released!

The press release says:

“This AO is a tribute to women who are self-assured, passionate and playful; women who are aware of their femininity and the power that it holds.

With a series of relaxed and stylish stands, confident walks and cool new sit poses, this is the AO that the grid has been waiting for!

The Essence of Woman AO also features NEW subtle breathing animations and can be used with mesh clothing and Lola’s Tango breasts, so you will look perfect from head to toe.

This is an AO that you can wear in any situation: from nightclub to catwalk, from the beach to the bar and you will look the very essence of woman wearing it.

Our new Mocap technology now means that the Vista Animations team can provide you with the most realistic movements possible and we hope you enjoy this brand new release.”

And that does not promise too much!!! The new “Essence” AO has several new features like lola and mesh friendly animations, a soft and subtitle new breathing effect, 24 mocap stands, 9 brand new dances and 6 new couple animations were added. What I found very interesting and useful was the option for handbag and accessories. The handling still is easy and user friendly like always.


Now you for sure wanna know what’s included in that fantastic new “Essence” AO by Vista Animations


Since it is very hard to capture the beauty of an AO in pictures and I am not yet able to make proper videos (yes I tried…), I would like to share the short video from Vista Animations:

I really fell in love with my new AO 🙂

LeeZu+Vista+ss full


Outfit: LeeZu – “Raphael” – NEW (mesh)

Boots: LeeZu – “Times Square Overknee Boots” (mesh)

Tights: LeeZu – “Marmour Tights”

Gloves: LeeZu – “Nif Nif” (mesh)

Skin: Silken Moon – “Wicca”

Makeup: Madrid Solo – “Twice Shy”

Stool: Second Spaces – “Bullseye Stool” – NEW (Home & Garden Expo 2013)

Rack: Second Spaces – “Messy Bookshelf” – NEW (Home & Garden Expo 2013)

Wall Deco: Second Spaces – “Honeycomb” – NEW (Home & Garden Expo 2013)

Cupboards: Second Spaces – “Bennie small Chest” – NEW (Home & Garden Expo 2013)

Poses & Animations: Vista Animatons – “Essence” – NEW

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Wicca’s Wardrobe: Hunting…

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