Before it all goes Dark…


“Before It All Goes Dark… For One Last Second, I’ll Know I Wasn’t Alone.”

[- Songbird, Cyberpunk 2077 -]

Jacket: [The Forge] – “Akumi Jacket” (Maitreya)
Top: Wicca’s Originals – “Melia Top” (Maitreya LaraX)


Earrings: .:E.A.Studio:. – “Earring Mads all linked” (LeLUTKA EvoX female/human)
Ear Lobes: .:E.A.Studio:. – “Inazuma Plug” (LeLUTKA EvoX female/human)
Piercing (Nose): Wicca’s Originals – “Jadeon Piercing” + “Tagan Piercing Set” (unrigged)

Hair & Makeup

Hair: no.match – “No Prison (A)”

Head, Body & Tattoo
Head: LeLUTKA – “EvoX Avalon 3.1”
Tattoo Head/Neck/Chest (incl. Eyes): BodyArts – “Tenno” (LeL. EvoX BoM, Materials)
Tattoo Face Band: BodyArts – “Faceband Wicca” (LeL.EvoX BoM, custom made – take a look at the “Vere Flores” or one of her various amazing facebands)
Teeth: [CX] – “Strigoi’s Fangs – Silver Type.1 ( Size E / Wider )”
Body: Maitreya – “LaraX V1.0″
Hands: Wicca’s Originals – “Corsair Hands” (Bento, Maitreya)
Poses, Props & Tools

Pose: selfmade
Animal: lassitude & ennui – “Dragon whelp – aquatic”

Model, Stylist & Photographer

Wicca Merlin

Wicca’s Originals @ NEO Japan // March/April 2024

Wicca’s Originals @ NEO Japan // March 23th – April 14th

Item: Friction Implant (left & right version seperate)
Sizes: LeLutka EvoX (Male & Female) + unrigged version // unisex // mod/copy/no trans
HUD: 10 Colors / Metals

LM: NEO Japan

Wicca’s Originals @ Mainframe // January 2022

Wicca’s Originals @ Mainframe // January 20th – February 13th

A Place to Hide

The darkness was broken only by the torch I carried, casting eerie shadows in the cave that is my last hope. A hiding place no one can ever find. My boots shuffle along the uneven and rocky floor of the cavern hidden deep underground a long lost and forgotten city.
No one has been here in hundreds of years and I pray no one will ever return. It’s the only place where I can keep it safe. If anyone gets their hands on the contents of the box in my backpack, all is lost.
It’s been discovered before, many times, because I was careless in my diligence and lax in my guardianship. And each instance was a cataclysmic disaster. I cannot allow it happen again.
It can’t be destroyed – God knows I have tried. No one else can bare the burden – the responsibility is mine and mine alone. Hiding it from the world was my last resort.
The slightest sound roars in my ears like a freight train barreling down on me. The drip, drip, drip of water. The crackling of the meager flame guiding my way. A tiny pebble kicked by the toe of my boot.
I’m close. I can sense I am near the edge of the endless abyss that is my only salvation. Trembling with fear, excitement, anticipation – I don’t know my own emotions anymore. I just know the end is near.
With the torch wedged into a crack on the ground, I drop to my knees and let the backpack slide down beside me. The box tumbles out as if it has a life of its own. It DOES have a life of its own.

I clutch at the key hanging around my neck. It is calling to me to unlock the box. I need to fight its siren call, but I have to see it once last time. The lid opens slowly and there it lies – the bane of my existence. My heart.
Its steady beat is hypnotic as it seduces me with talk of love and happiness. But those things don’t exist. They are only illusions and when reality rears its ugly head, the pain is unbearable.
I slammed the lid closed and the snap of the lock sends a cold chill through my veins. Before it has a chance to change my mind, I shove the box over the edge and into the dark abyss, a bottomless pit where nothing can return.
For long moments I wait, expecting the hear the box crash upon the rocks below. There is no sound. There is just … nothing; Torch in hand I rise and walk away, free of my burden at last. Free from the pain of feelings.
No one can hurt me again. Especially my own heart.

HUD: 10 Colors + 10 Metals each pack
Sizes: Maitreya, Legacy[F], Freya, Slink[F] (Hourglass+Physique)
2 Versions available – 1 Leather & 1 Latex pack // or fatpack with both too

Event Location: Mainframe // January 2022

Wicca’s Originals @ NEO Japan // September 2021

Wicca’s Originals @ NEO Japan // September 25th – October 17th

As lasers shoot at him from different directions, Sark drops to the floor with a shoulder roll. Finding temporary safety behind a stack of crates, Sark takes a moment to check the energy level on his laser rifle and mutters a silent curse. Ten percent reserves.

After a quick mental count, he knows there are two combatants near the hanger door and one hiding behind a steel pole near the only other exit. Three targets and only enough energy left to take out one, if he is lucky.

In the sudden eerie quiet, Sark can hear them moving in to flank him on three sides. In less than a minute, he will be surrounded. This is going to get ugly.

Without warning, Sark bolts away from his sanctuary and runs straight at the biggest of the three. In his peripheral vision, he sees the other two – one to his right, one to his left – raise their weapons and take aim.

Just before they fire, Sark drops to the floor and slides on his back as he fires at the monster in his path. The giant in front of him drops instantly while the other two take each other out in the crossfire.

A nearly blinding red light flashes as a deafening klaxon announces the end of the game. CONGRATULATIONS SARK! LEVEL 38 WINNER!

Billy jumps up from his desk chair and pumps a fist into the air. Eat my dust, Tommy Jefferies, he shouts.

Sizes: Maitreya (Lara, Petite, Flat), Legacy [F] (Classic, Perky), Legacy [M], Signature Gianni
HUD: 10 Colors & 10 Metals

Event Location: NEO Japan // September 2021

Wicca’s Originals @ Cyber Fair // September 2021

Wicca’s Originals @ Cyber Fair // September 1st – 26th

The Phase Mask and Glasses by Wicca’s Originals incorporates the latest tech available in external augmentation.

With its smooth, curved profile framing your eyes, the Phase Glasses are a top choice for anyone fashion savvy. But for netrunners and cyberdeckers, it includes direct neural interfacing and a full range display array, covering even your peripheral vision. Augmented reality has never looked sharper!

The mask itself, in addition to having a bold and mysterious look to it, is designed to defeat most forms of facial recognition.

In addition to this, it incorporates an air filter which removes the ever-prevalent smog from the air and has been shown to improve respiratory function with long term use. Both are able to secure to your head through pressure alone, or for a more secure fit, actual anchor points can be installed on the skull.

The Phase Mask and Glasses come with 10 color options for material and metal areas.

Both are unrigged for a unisex fit for any head, and are modifiable, allowing full customizability for opacity.

Can be acquired as a set or separately.

Event Location: Cyber Fair // September 2021

Wicca’s Originals @ Mainframe // July 2021

Wicca’s Originals @ Mainframe // July 20th – August 20th

The Hawkeye is a superdermal augment designed by Wicca’s Originals. This device is worn over either eye, and is equipped with some of the latest in neural interfacing. Unintrusive and reversible by design, induction connectors tap into a few points to interact directly with the optical nerve and spatial processing center of the brain. Like its superhero namesake, the Hawkeye empowers its wearer with preternatural vision, allowing for extreme precision and range with marksmanship, the ability to heighten the contrast of moving objects, or to lock onto and track a target moving in a busy scene. If connected to a storage device, it also can record the footage seen. The Hawkeye comes in 10 color options for the materials and metals, and is unrigged for a unisex fit on any head.

Event Location: Mainframe

“In 2077, what makes someone a criminal? Getting caught!”


“In 2077, what makes someone a criminal? Getting caught!”

[- Cyberpunk 2077, by Johnny Silverhand -]

It is Cyber Fair again! ACCESS again runs another round of the Cyber Fair at the moment with amazing designers and creations for all those who have a sci-fi, cyber or cyberpunk addiction like me 😉

I would like to spotlight some of my person highlights (there will be more soon in my nest posts!!)… I love to mix and match looks and so I sometimes break down outfits into their single pieces to get a more unique and personalized look. Sometimes designers do not like that, especially if they made full outfits, they like to have them being showcased together. If I blog for a certain designer and only want to showcase their exclusive releases, I usually keep them together and try to used them in mix and matches later on. But since I just wandered over the fair to get some more inspiration, I was able to do my first look completely free from any obligations and duties just having fun and fooling around with all the ‘goodies’ 😉

Let’s start with the awesome jacket. The “Thrasher Jacket” was made by A&Y one of my favorite designers if it comes to cyber or science fiction looks. I love the her creative ideas and the way how she does texture her designs. It has a certain shininess and the materials are truly amazing without being too ‘glowy’ or light. That makes it very easy to work with lights, projectors and environments to have a cool atmosphere without washing out the colors or textures – something I seriously adore. With mesh it is always difficult to layer things and I LOVE the designs of Jackie Graves for that. she makes incredible amazing clothing on layers and tattoo layers. Even with being only a layers I rarely saw better details and highlights on leather or latex creations. I wanted to stay human this time, but still have a futuristic lightly extreme look going on and the “Drone Corset” from ::Static:: was just perfect for that. The extreme slim waist was a perfect opposite to the heavy jacket. Cyberpunk is a lot about accessories and technical replacements or better modifications of human body parts and in many movies we see a lot of extreme and colorful makeups, too.

For the eyes itself I wanted something more extreme, too and there is no better place, than Madame Noir to find such unique and extraordinary designs. She recently as well started to make really interesting and fresh mesh designs, which I as well really like (and will showcase again soon as well *grins*), but her eyes are still the most striking things for me as they really come in so many creative and different looks. And not only the styles… she offers applier for nearly every popular body plus an omega version AND mesh/layer eyes too – in all colors you can imagine so that they really fit into every look. In the credits below you can see, I used a lot of the new releases of the Cyber Fair, but there is so much more! You really should take a look for yourself while I am preparing for more awesome and crazy cyber ideas or looks – probably more shopping as well 😉

Maybe we meet soon at the ACCESS Cyber Fair!


Jacket: A&Y – “Thrasher Cyber Jacket” (Maitreya) – NEW @ ACCESS Cyber Fair // March 2021

Bodysuit: Graves – “G661 Leviation – Classic Body (tattoo)” (BoM) – NEW @ ACCESS Cyber Fair // March 2021

Corset: ::Static:: – “Drone Corset” (Maitreya) – NEW @ ACCESS Cyber Fair // March 2021

Shoes: [[ Masoom ]] – “Bionic Boots” (Maitreya) – NEW @ ACCESS Cyber Fair // March 2021


Horns: .::Supernatural::. – “Nya Horns” – NEW @ ACCESS Cyber Fair // March 2021

Glasses: TRIGGERED – “Intercept Glasses (Slo-o-ow glow)” – NEW @ ACCESS Cyber Fair // March 2021

Mask: [Cubic Cherry] – “{Ellor} mask HOLO (fit1)” – NEW @ ACCESS Cyber Fair // March 2021

Collar: HARO – “DI1Collar”

Hair & Makeup

Hair: {Limerence} – “Bonnie” – NEW @ ACCESS Cyber Fair // March 2021

Brows: -SU!- – “Ncromancer /Eybrows White-TINTABLE/ Lelutka” (BoM)

Eyeshadow 1: .::SO::. – “Shadow HD Evo LEL Night” (LeLUTKA HD Evo. Applier)

Eyshadow 2: ~Shiny Stuffs ~ – “Neon Chic” (LeLUTKA HD Evo. Applier)

Face Art: -SU!- – “Necromancer /Face Implants / Lelutka” (BoM)

Head, Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLUTKA – “Irina 2.5”

Eyes: Madame Noir – “Iceberg Eyes” (LeLUTKA HD Evo. Applier)

Ears: L’Emporio&PL – “Athan”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara V5.3”

Poses, Props & Tools

Poses: Poseidon

Weapon: .:VSD:. – “YNT S5812X Cyber Gun” – NEW @ ACCESS Cyber Fair // March 2021

Backdrop: Paparazzi – “BACKDROP – Cyberpunk Street” – NEW @ ACCESS Cyber Fair // March 2021

Deco: Ex Machina – “Limb’o’Matic 4000” – NEW @ ACCESS Cyber Fair // March 2021

Model, Stylist & Photographer

Wicca Merlin

Wicca’s Originals @ ACCESS Cyber Fair // March 2021

Wicca’s Originals @ ACCESS Cyber Fair // March 5th – 25th

The Dash Mask, by Wicca’s Originals. This is the new gold standard for augmented reality. The mono-eye display allows the wearer to perceive a blend of virtual and real world experiences, or to read and respond to messages and browse matrix subnets while feigning interest in a boring meeting. It comes with a control panel for initial calibration and configuration, but after that it is controlled by reading neural impulses by induction using our new Neuro-Link technology. For aural experience, we’ve also made matching earphones – the Dash Earphones. Unrigged to allow a fit on any both, for any gender. The Dash Mask and the Dash Earphones come with 10 stylish color palette options.

Event Location: Cyber Fair

“Life’ll shake you, roll you, maybe embrace you.”

“Give yourself time. Ideas’ll come. Life’ll shake you, roll you, maybe embrace you.”

[- Johnny and V, in unison – Cyberpunk 2077 -]

Finally Friday – Hooray!

Today I would love to show you some of the mega, amazing designs released at Mainframe and Midnight Order!

Lets start with Mainframe, a cyberpunk, sci-fi orientated event, which had it’s debut last year already. With it’s great success it opened its doors again now in January!

What caught my eyes immediately, was one of the amazing release from Lanevo. This huge pack piece called “Maneater Machine” is just perfect for any cyborg, sci-fi or future orientated look, which steps away from basic human looks only. You can imagine an alien having technical tentacles, or a cyborg with super cool, multiple arms added on its back – it definitely does set a statement!

The “Cyber Pulse” gloves from L’Emporio&PL could even hold the control panel for that cool back piece at the lower arm where you can see all those cables and technical parts. The gloves are super detailed and certainly they are bento enabled. If you style for a sci-fi look you cannot miss Graves. Jackie is one of the best leather and latex designers I know and with her fantastic ideas and skills she brings us only the best for years now. The bodysuit is BoM and with that the perfect base for any cyber look! Another incredible store is Butanik83. I discovered them last year on the first Mainframe events and since then I always have an eye on their releases. Their designs are incredibly detailed and textured – very realistic!

What I will use for one of my next posts a well, as the pictures today do not really give a good showcase for it is the kick ass waist part – a metal spine replacement part, with a rough and basic look to it gives an amazing vibe for any android, gynoid or cyber avatar.

The boots with the awesome spikes at the front come from {PSYCHO:Byts} and were released at the Midnight Order event. With the cool spikes at the front and the tight straps at the thigh, they make a perfect addition to any kind of cool and smart looks.


Gloves: L’Emporio&PL – “Cyber Pulse” (Maitreya, bento) – NEW @ Mainframe // January 2021

Outfit: Graves – “G660 Takeoff – Classic Body” (BoM)

Waist: GRIMA – “CyberTech Dyborg Body” (Maitreya) – NEW@ Mainframe // January 2021

Shoes: .{PSYCHO:Byts}. – “Estries Boots” (Maitreya) – NEW @ Midnight Order // January 2021


Hair Deco: [CX] – “Kaede Hairpins” – NEW @ The Warehouse Sale // January 2021

Glasses: Butanik83 – “Optical Implant Spyder6” – NEW @ Mainframe // January 2021

Collar: [LiLiMD] – “Cyber Collar” – NEW @ Mainframe // January 2021


Back Piece: [LANEVO] – “Maneater Machine” – NEW @ Mainframe // January 2021

Hair & Makeup

Hair: CHAIN – “Julia Hair”

Lipstick: Izzie’s – “Holo Metallic Lipstick 12 (green)” (BoM)

Head, Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLUTKA – “Sasha 2.5”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara V5.3”

Poses, Props & Tools

Poses: Poseidon Poses

Backdrop: [WASD] – “The Path” – NEW @ Mainframe // January 2021

Model, Stylist & Photographer

Wicca Merlin

Wicca’s Originals @ Mainframe // January 2021

Wicca’s Originals @ Mainframe // January 20th – February 13th

Atlas Legs, the latest offering of high tech prosthetic by Wicca’s Originals. These legs boast lightweight, but industrial strength titanium bone replacement, with the lower leg being engineered with redundant structural integrity. An optional flexible poly-carbonate sheath can be worn to simulate synthetic skin. The knee is a heavily reinforced hinge-style joint, capable of precise, fluid motion, or optimizing your sprint gait. The ankle ball joint coordinates with the knee movement and internally stored accelerometers to offer great stability. On the underside of the feed are shock absorbing pads, used to cushion high speed impacts, as well as produce extra kinetic energy to push off from the ground when sprinting. These legs may not be able to let you carry the world on your shoulders like their namesake, but they’ll carry your body, and they’ll do it faster, stronger, and better than ever. Comes in 10 metals and colors, for Maitreya, Legacy, Hourglass, Freya, and Gianni bodies. Leg can optionally be worn without the foot and/or cover attached, making these compatible with all the best footwear.

Event Location: Mainframe