Myths & Fairytales


See! the shaggy pelt doth grow
On his twisted shanks below,
And his dreadful feet are cloven
Though his brow be white as snow

Though his brow be clear and white
And beneath it fancies bright,
Wisdom and high thoughts are woven
And the musics of delight,

Though his temples too be fair
Yet two horns are growing there
Bursting forth to part asunder
All the riches of his hair.

[C S Lewis]


Outfit: [ abrasive ] – “Plastic Sweetheart” (Maitreya)

Arms: CURELESS [+] – “Incubus&Succubus / M / Diabolus Gloves / WHITE” (Maitreya, Gacha, Common, Bento)

Legs: CURELESS [+] – “Incubus&Succubus / M / Satyr Boots WHITE” (Maitreya, Gacha, Common)

Tail: CURELESS [+] – “Incubus&Succubus Diabolus Tail BENTO / WHITE” (Gacha, Common)


Collar: Happy Undead – “Charming Collar”

Hair & Makeup

Hair: A&Y – “Cyber Ghost Hair”

Faceart: Nefekalum Tattoos – “Abstract Dahlia Frozen Ltd.” (Omega Applier, Materials Enabled)

Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.4”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Skin: 7 Deadly s[K]ins – “Hally Crackled Browless” (Omega Applier)

Tattoo: Nefekalum Tattoos – “Skye’s Mark Ltd.” (Omega Applier, Materials Enabled)

Eyes: -SU! – “Phantom Eyes V2 All Colors” (Group Gift)

Lashes: alaskametro<3 – “Slay” (LeLutka Applier)

Ears: [Trap][Gauze] – “Djinn Ears”

Poses, Props & Tools

Poses: Foxcity

Background: Foxcity – “KPOP STAR – RARE1 – White Wolf” (Gacha, Rare)

Pose Tool: Anypose – “BVN HUD v1.6”

Model & Photographer

Wicca Merlin


A&Y Cybernetics again released a breathtaking creation at ROMP!

The new “Aglaya Latex Cyber Corset” is a perfect match to the “Aglaya Latex Cyber Boots”, which I blogged a few days already – I had to wear them again for this post to show off that perfect match.

The corset, as well as the boots, have the typical A&Y HUD to color customize many different parts. I am still amazed, how awesome that HUD works. It kinda already feels cybernetic, when you put the HUD on and then you connect the HUD with the item you want to customize and see the percentage running up to 100%. When it reached the maximum you can choose the part you want to color and then you are able to select what ever color you want depending, which the HUD/pack you bought – either one color with 2 different shades as base color, or you go for the complete fatpack.

I do have to admit cyberpunk is something right down my alley. I love the idea of cybernetic body parts, the vibrant colors paired with black do have a very energetic feeling for me and the idea, that in the future we all will not be perfect anymore and have several mechanical/electronic parts to survive is kinda interesting. That would create a whole new vision of beauty 🙂

In SL modeling we always were taught to never hide our faces, but for cyber or cyberpunk looks, huge glasses and masks are so much fun! To be honest, I always had a tendency to not listen to “rules” if they did not make sense for me 😉

Outfit & Accessories

Outfit: A&Y Cybernetics – “Aglaya Latex Cyber Corset” (Maitreya) – NEW @ ROMP

Gloves: Salt & Pepper – “Winona” (Maitreya, part of an Outfit)

Shoes: A&Y Cybernetics – “Aglaya Latex Cyber Boots” (Maitreya)

Collar: Happy Undead – “Charming Collar”

Mask: DRD – “Tubes Mask – Metallic” (rigged)

Glasses: MINIMAL – “Power Glasses – Black”

Claws: .:E.A.Studio:. – “Obsess Claws” (Maitreya, Bento)

Hair & Makeup

Hair & Hairbase: A&Y Cybernetics – “Cyro Hair” (Hairbase: Omega Applier)

Makeup: Zibska – “Kane ” (LeLutka Applier)

Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.0”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Poses & Props

Poses: Poseidon


District 18

Model & Photographer

Wicca Merlin

Summertime and the living is easy…

… for those who like summer most likely yes *giggles*

Thank god in SL you do not feel any temperature and can enjoy summer quite a little more, without sweating all the time like in RL.

I again found a bikini, which I truly like and again I was facing the question… what else than laying on a beach or hanging out in a pool I could do for a picture. I mean there is nothing against those scenarios, but I do not like to do that in RL plus that would make just another of those kind of summer loving pictures. A&Y always is special to me – I love her designs, I love the way how the textures are and I do love the futuristic character that all her creations have. Because of that, I just do not wanna make an easy picture with it. To me it alway requests something strong and special.

For the “Electra Cyber Bikini” from A&Y you have the option to wear it as a full set (already linked) or you can wear only top or pants single as well. As usual you have the amazing HUD that we all know from A&Y to customize the bikini itself (2 parts), straps and metals. To underline the amazing straps I added an arm harness from L’Emporio.

While I was looking for shoes, I saw the latest release from [Gos] and it felt like the shoes were made for my look! The “Bella Thong Platforms” are part of the actual round of FaMESHed and with the straps all over the feet and around the toe they completely matched the outfit. Like always the shoes come for all the popular mesh bodies and with the Boutique, the Blueberry and the Metalic HUD. What I do like a lot os that [Gos] includes a materials and a non materials version for the shoes. You can decide if you want to take a picture with the ambiance occlusion shown or jut have a clear view on the shoes.

Yesterday I was talking to Falbala Fairey again after a long time. We both were busy with RL and even more I was happy when I saw her in the audience, when I did that interview with Trouble and Kess for SL15B (

After the interview we did a call on Discord and had a nice long chat about what has happened over the time. Many good news and a things were shared and I was in a really good mood when she suddenly asked if she could show me something. Certainly she could :p. A few minutes later I had a folder and very shy sis in my ears when she said “Maybe you can try them and tell me what you think?” I peeked and it was… POSES! I love poses and the more I love them when they come from a person I feel close to 🙂 Little sis makes poses now! Here store is called Fairey Poses and what I instantly felt, when I tried the poses, was that those poses are done by someone that blogs fashion for along time. All the poses I got were strong and well thought poses for fashion photography. It was refreshing to see some edgy poses as well and especially the crouch and lean against the wall poses made their way right into my heart. It is so rare to find really cool and swag poses for fashion photography. The more I was happy to find exactly those 2 kind of poses made by Falbala!

Enough for today… I need to take a look at Fairey Poses now, to see what else Falbala made!

Outfit & Accessories

Outfit: A&Y Cybernetics – “Electra Cyber Bikini” (Maitreya) – NEW @ Good Vibes Fair

Shoes: [Gos] – “Bella Thong Platforms” (Maitreya) – NEW @ FaMESHed

Arm (right): L’Emporio – “Harness Arm” (Maitreya)

Legs: [ Sakide ] – “Yleria Leg Straps” (Maitreya)

Collar: Happy Undead – “Charming”

Glasses: .::Nanika::. – “Agnes Sunglasses Silver”

Nails & Rings: [CX] – “Shredder Claws” (Maitreya, bento)

Hair & Makeup

Hair: [NYNE] Hair – “Penny”

Lipstick: Izzie’s – “Fae Lipsgloss” (LeLutka Applier)

Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.0”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Face: Izzie’s – “Pores & Blemishes” (LeLutka Applier)

Tattoo: .pichi. – “Pretty Blossom” (Maitreya Applier)

Poses & Props

Poses: Fairey Poses – “Crouched 1″ & ” Waiting for you 1″

Seat: .birch. – “Mery Ottoman Black & Silver”

Background: Foxcity – “Photo Booth – Short Circuit” (Gacha, Rare)

Model & Photographer

Wicca Merlin

She’s a Maniac

Locking rhythms to the beat of her heart
Changing movement into light
She has danced into the danger zone
When the dancer becomes the dance

It can cut you like a knife, if the gift becomes the fire
On a wire between will and what will be

She’s a maniac, maniac on the floor
And she’s dancing like she’s never danced before
She’s a maniac, maniac on the floor
And she’s dancing like she’s never danced before

[Michael Sembello]

When I saw the “She’s a Maniac” gacha set from Salt & Pepper, I immediately had the pictures of one of my favourite 80s movie in mind… Flashdance!

For those who are my age.. I am sure you remember that little beauty training her ass off, sweating like she would have stood in the rain to get hired by that ballet company :p

Yes, I admit, I had to watch the movie right there again while styling the new gacha set of Salt & Pepper and I highly enjoyed it – even if I saw it like a hundred times before – Thank you Salt!

I wanted to make my own interpretation of that main character of the movie, or how I would have seen the look in my very own vision. Since I am an 80s addicted, I had to have it in black and white with some hints of red on the lips and the fingernails, the hat as well was a must 😉

First I experimented with a ballet room with lots of mirrors and what not, but then I felt that something more simple would do a better job, to have the focus on the actual look and as well the fantastic poses from Poseidon.

So I just set up a white studio with a ballet barre from Cinphul and the “BoomBox” by [Since 1975]. I rarely saw such amazing energetic poses, than the ones of Poseidon. And when I saw he had  ballet and dances moves…

Again I experienced that not only great clothing, a cool set and some good photography make a picture.. no… poses do their huge part to it as well. It is always a combination of everything in my opinion.

And it is a lot more fun to work with energetic poses… if it fits the theme than with just static photo poses. Sometimes energetic, movement poses might not work on the first view, but if you change the angle, you can have super cool pictures, or if you just use a crop 😉

To give the whole look some more personal twist, I added the “Grim” eyepatch from [sys]. I love fancy headpieces and face deco and this little piece of art is just another master piece of [sys]. All those leather bands, chains and little decorations make this eyepatch to so much more than “just” an eyepatch 😉

The “Charming” collar from Happy Undead just matched so nicely in colors, style and as well in the positioning – it nearly looked as it was made for the “She’s a maniac” gacha set!

Maybe you now have the same desire as I had to watch ‘Flashdance’ again and I would like at least to link the video of that song 😉



Outfit: Salt & Pepper (S&P) – “She’s a Maniac” – NEW @ The Arcade (Gacha Set)

Eyepatch: [sys] – “Grim”

Collar: Happy Undead – “Charming”

Watch: Minimal – “Christmas Watch” – NEW from the Mad Pea Advents Calendar

Hair (with hat): Truth – “Elira”

Ghettoblaster: [Since 1975] – “BoomBox”

Ballet Barre: Cinphul – “Delusory”

Poses: Poseidon

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Summer Trend 2016 – Denim Shorties (featured in Eclipse Magazine July 2016)

E-Clipse Magazine - Wicca Merlin - Shorties 01

Look #1

When Trouble asked me, if I would like to do a few pics for the upcoming (just released) Eclipse Magazine, I just said yes without even thinking about actual summer trends, as I really do love to take pictures and work with magazines. Then he immediately asked me, what summer trend I would like to go for… I did not look over all the summer trends the past few days, so I jumped to google to be informed before I choose.

While I was looking over all the amazing summer trends something immediately caught my eyes… Denim Shorties! All kind of shorts, mini skirts, used, with fringes and what not… That sounds like fun!

I told Trouble about my idea and he seemed to like it. First I thought this would be easy as I really do like denim in RL and SL, but I shall discover soon it sounded easier that it was in the end…

E-Clipse Magazine - Wicca Merlin - Shorties 02

Look #2

So first of all, I looked through my inventory what kind of shorts, shorties and mini skirts in denim I would find – hell I had no clue how many non useful things I have when I type ‘denim’ in the search of my inventory…

 Most of my favourite denim things are still layers and I did not wanna use old layer items this time… and the next problem – a usual problem with mesh items – sometimes different mesh parts do not fit over each other.

But after some serious searching, I found a handful denim shorties, which I totally love. Now I just need to style them. Because I was told so often, I always only do extreme styles and mostly dark and gothic looking ones, I wanted to do 5 totally different styles for this little spread in the Eclipse Magazine.

E-Clipse Magazine - Wicca Merlin - Shorties 03

Look #3

For my first idea – Look number 1 –  I started with the “Booty Shorts” from [M.o.w] together with the “Havana” short and head wrap from [sys], the first look went to a more boho type of style. For the accessories I went with the “Vilma” earrings and the “Sile” necklace from Kunglers paired with the “Wooden Bracelet” from artilleri.

Look number 2 is based on the “Briony Shorts” from Erratic. For that look I was inspired by a picture I saw from a country side advert, which told about the great lake sides in germany 😉 To achieve the summer casual look, I added the “Polly” top from Asia Rae and the amazing summer floppy “Laila” hat made by Zibska. For the shoes I chose the “Tropicana” wedges we made for Wicca’s Wardrobe (Yes Grand, we did that.. once *snickers*) The look I was going for,was something trendy, summer looking and as well something simple and kinda ‘girl next door’ looking.

The 3rd look, I wanted to do something more fashion forward in a hipster or clubbing look. I started off with the “Wendy Denim Skirt” made by GizzA. A super short denim mini skirt. First I added the “Dead Romance” tank from Mon Cheri, a tank I used for various styles already as it is a perfect top to go for many different looks and the sizes are made amazingly with the thought to wear something underneath. The mega trendy “Pulsar” glasses and backpack certainly come from [sys], the home for unusual and futuristic designs 😉 The cool boots I found at Stelloane.

E-Clipse Magazine - Wicca Merlin - Shorties 04

Look #4

For Look number 4 I wanted something that I would wear RL as well. Some loosely casual but trendy and chic. something I would use for shopping or just go to the university or drink a coffee out with some friends. I always liked the ‘college girl’ look even if I am not in that age anymore 😉 The “Boyfriend Jeans Shorts” made by Maitreya, are one of my long time favourites. With their loosely fit they are a great everyday wear. I combined them with the “Liliana Top” from Glam Affair and put on the “Batschkapp” we made as a gift for the Indie Teepee event. Even if I like all 5 looks that might be my personal favourite out of them 😉

My 5th and last look is some more native and maybe gypsy looking. The idea came out of some pictures I saw of american native fashion trends. The denim shorties for this style come from GizzA. The “Loose Denim Short” was a perfect start for the idea I wanted to go for. With the lightly dirty looking fabric and the ripped trims it was just perfect to add a more simple, and light top. The “Julia” top from Asteria perfectly went with the shorts and kinda put them more in the focus. The cool necklace was one of the first original mesh releases from PurpleMoon and the incredible hat and back bag again came from [sys].

It was great fun to explore and try different things for this special spread of denim shorties and I have to admit, I found some goodies in my inventory, which I already forgot that I have them 😉

E-Clipse Magazine - Wicca Merlin - Shorties 05

Look #5


Look #1:
Pants: [M.o.w] – “Booty Shorts”
Top: [sYs] – “HAVANA shirt”
Headpiece: [sYs] – “HAVANA headwra”
Jewelry 1: Kunglers – “Sile necklace”
Jewelry 2: Kunglers – “Vilma earrings”
Jewelry 3: /artilleri/ – “wooden bracelet”

Look #2:
Pants: erratic – “Briony”
Top: Asia Rae – “Polly Top”
Headpiece: Zibska – “Laila Hat”
Bag: [sYs] – “Leaf Bag”
Jewelry: Maxi Gossamer – “Summertime Easy Living”
Glasses: Glamistry – “Sunglasses PU2004”
Hair: LeLutka – “Vibrato”

Look #3:
Skirt: GizzA – “Wendy Denim Skirt”
Top: Mon Cheri – “Dead Romance Tank”
Shoes: Stelloane – “Heloise Boots”
Bag: [sYs] – “PULSAR Backpack”
Jewelry 1: Happy Undead – “Charming Collar”
Jewelry 2: Real Evil – “Dark Queen Bracelets”
Glasses: [sYs] – “PULSAR Sunglasses”
Hair: BURLEY – “Sirah”

Look #4:
Pants: Maitreya – “Faded BF Jeans Shorts”
Top: Glam Affair – “Liliana Top”
Headpiece: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Batschkapp”
Bag: SEY – “Bucket Bag”
Jewelry 1: Kosh– “Multiplex Necklace”
Jewelry 2: E-Clipse – “Fiocco Watch”
Hair: Exile – “Jill”
Glasses: HAYSURIZA – “Eyewear Kyoto”

Look #5:
Pants: GizzA – “Loose Denim Short”
Top: Asteria – “Julia Top”
Headpiece: [sYs] – “PANAMA hat”
Bag: [sYs] – “PANAMA bag”
Jewelry 1: PurpleMoon – “Montana Necklace”
Jewelry 2: Primagine – “Cascade Bracelet”
Hair: no.match – “No.Why?”

Eclipse Magazine: HERE

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Caira [Latex Edition] – NEW @ Wicca’s Wardrobe

Lately I had a long talk with a close friend of mine about latex on fashion runways.

In the end we both agreed that latex can be a very fashionable fabric for clothing and accessories and so the idea of the “Caira” Latex Edition was born.

I know from various talks with other SL models, that many feel uncomphortable with wearing latex or think that latex just belong to others peoples bedrooms.

I never understood that because if you look at RL runways the high fashion designers used latex and vinyl for years. It all always depends on the way of how the latex is used and as well about the presentation.

To me latex always was something that had a very cool look to many different designs. Sometimes you saw very casual clothing shapes totally changed in their attitude with just being made of latex.

When we made the new “Caira” outfit for the store, we first had a Leather Edition, but we wanted to try how it would look in latex or vinyl as well and so we gave it a try. I have to say latex is one of the hardest materials you can try in SL probably as all the shine and lights are not really easy to do.

If you ever saw a latex clothing piece in RL, it basically just has a surface that is very clean, glossy and sleek with nearly no fabric structure. So everything what makes the look of latex is the light of the surrounding, that gets reflected by the clothing piece. That means it never will have the shadows and lights on the same spot, basically they change with every move.

Now try to make some permanent high lights for SL, which donot look like you wouldhave painted on someones body with a wide brush of white wall paint :p

It took some time until we all were satisfied with our version of a latex looking “Caira” but the result now really looks good and I love to wear it myself a lot. Especially becasue iam allergic to latex in RL and can’t do it there at all without getting bad pimples and itchy spots all over my skin *giggles*

In the end I guess everyone needs to decide on their own, if they wanna wear latex or vinyl or not, but I would not ban it from the runways or out of fashion blogs in general 😉 To me they are refreshing and extraordiary plus sometimes.

I had fun doing those pictures, giving them an art touch with different lightnings and crops 😉


Outfit: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Caira Edition” – NEW

Boots: [MODA] – Sakari Strapped Boots”

Collar: Happy Undead – “Charming Collar”

Hair: Tableau Vivant – “LeeJae”

Head: Catwa – “Jessica”

Lipstick: Zibska – “Blacktop Lips”

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin