The full moon just began its ascent into the night sky. So large and bright, one could almost reach up and touch it. Absolute silence ruled the darkness; not a creature roamed in the stillness. The time was now.
At the base of the stone steps, Lucira looked up at the path she must travel, alone. As the first bare foot rose to begin her journey, the delicate chains that lay against her skin gently swayed. This and the white silk robe were all she wore. The five foot train flowed behind as Lucira climbed the ancient stairway that would bring her to the Holy Pool.
The higher Lucira climbed, her path became more difficult. Once her journey began, Lucira was not permitted to stop, even for a moment’s rest. To slow, to falter, to waiver; all meant failure. Neither was Lucira permitted to touch the side of the cliff for support. Her back must remain rigid and her head held high, forbidden even to look down at the narrow steps where once misstep would send Lucira plummeting to her death.
This was a journey of endurance. This was a journey of faith. This was a journey of purification. There were no second chances. Tonight, when the moon was at its peak, Lucira would embrace her destiny.
With each painful step, the rough stone cut and scoured the tender soles of her feet until they were bloody and bruised. And yet, Lucira still climbed. The wind grew cold and sent her robe whipping about her body. She made no move to warm her aching body or control the errant garment. Lucira’s arms remained down at her sides and accepted the punishment.
Hours later, as the moon reached its apex, Lucira arrived at the summit of the great mountain. A great stone archway heralded the entrance of the Holy Pool. The water, black as night, shimmered with the reflection of the brilliant lunar light. At the edge of the water, Lucira released the silken garment and it fell to her feet. Only the delicate chain harness remained.
The Holy Pool would deem Lucira worthy this night. She must enter the pool and walk its length completely submerged until she reached the other end. If Lucira proved her merit, she would emerge unscathed and purified, a fit leader for her people. If she were found wanting, the chain collar would tighten and find a watery end.
With her head raised to the moon above and her hands raised in supplication, Lucira entered the Holy Pool. Each step took her deeper into the water until she was completely submerged. Soon her lungs burned from lack of air, but Lucira’s steps did not falter. Her faith gave her strength to endure and she continued at an unhurried pace. Soon the ground beneath her feet slowly returned her to the surface. She did not rush the remaining few feet, nor did gasp for much needed air. She remained calm and serene.
Lucira was deemed worthy of her destiny. She was purified and reborn.
Sizes: Maitreya (Lara, Petite), Legacy[F] (Classic, Perky), Reborn
HUD: 10 Colors/Metals + HIDE Options
Location: Mainstore