It was one of those days again…



Being like you are, well, this is something else
Who would comprehend? But some that do lay claim
Divine purpose blesses them, that’s not what I believe
And it doesn’t matter anyway
A part of your soul ties you to the next world
Or maybe to the last but I’m still not sure
But what I do know is to us the world is different
As we are to the world, I guess you would know that
Please don’t go, I want you to stay
I’m begging you, please, please don’t leave here
I don’t want you to hate for all the hurt that you feel
The world is just illusion trying to change you
[VNV Nation]

It was one of those days again…
It was dark, cold and misty outside and sometimes it mirrors to my inner. I would not say I hate that days, they bring out a certain type of feeling and emotions and they make you think about yourself a lot more and as well different. Life taught me to not stay too long in that moments, but as well not try to skip them either. I need them as a part of me and if they happen, I just let them for a while. I have no idea if that makes sense – I hope it does and those who had those moments too, I thin you know what I am talking about.
If I am in Second Life on such days and try to style up a look, it does something to me and my looks. It takes me longer to finish a style and the thought s and emotions go way deeper than with a usual look. It is hard to explain as 90% about it is feelings and emotions and you know how hard those are to describe 😉

Usually on such days I start off with something I bought longer ago and never had the right mood to work on it.
Today it was the “Black Parade Uniform” from CUREMORE. I fell in love with that outfit ages ago and when CURELESS [+] had their sale I could not longer resist and got the fatpack. I adore the way how CURELESS [+] as well as Moon Amore do obviously cute and frilly outfits, but they all have kinda a morbid feeling to them still. The texture work and the mesh details are amazing. Initially I had something Circus like in mind, but the more I was looking at it, trying several things the vision changed. First I added the awesome “Kate Thigh High Boots” from [Gos], which they released at UBER. I am a high boots addicted so those super cool boots were a no-brainer :p, I could not miss them in my wardrobe.

As usual the boots come in all the popular mesh body sizes and with the 3 amazing HUDs from [Gos] – Boutique, Metallic and Blueberry. You do not only have a wide variety for the colors – Even for metals and sole you get several options. As if that would not be already enough, for the “Kate Thigh High Boots” you get the option to chose from a thick or thin heel as well (like shown in the picture above)!
I do not know why, but while I was staring at my pixels to think about what I could do all of a sudden, the “Black Widow” collar from DRD popped up in my mind. First I thought it wouldn’t fit, because the uniform already had such a high neck… but it turned out, that exactly that made it fit perfectly! Sometimes it is kinda fate I guess.
For the poses and props I immediately had an idea after I added the huge back collar. I had blogged some poses of the “Necromatic” pose gacha with the skeleton, but I as well had some violin poses seen in my folder and I had a feeling, those would fit perfectly. First I used the violin and the bow that the pose had included but with the brown violin I felt a little disturbed from my vision. When I started to look for a black violin on MP I remembered I had a black skull violin from Grollwerk like in forever – I have to admit it is an old prim violin and the store already seems to have closed down, but for a picture it would do it I thought and it did 😉
I wanted to wear such a little, cute hat that makes no sense, but looks good and so I had to find a special hair, which is close to the head and not too high at the top. Certainly I found one at no.match 🙂
I love the textures and the way how no.match does their hair. I rarely have alpha glitches even with longer hair and she has the perfect size as well if hair goes down over my chest. If you followed me for while you will know, that I use no,match hair a lot :p.
Now I only needed a special makeup to satisfy my mood. I recently had the honor of being chosen to do a makeup spread in the Eclipse Magazine for ALMA (HERE). That brought ALMA back to my plate – I have to admit I know them for a while but sometimes you forget about cool stores and the more happy I was when I discovered it again and found so many new cool makeups and face art. If you are looking for something out of the box, vibrant colors or really complete, extraordinary face art, ALMA is your place of desire.
Finally after hours I was happy with my look and it did mirror exactly what I was feeling while doing it. That does not happen too often I have to admit, but I do enjoy that immensely.
Then comes that next challenge… what to use as background or scenery?!? Nothing too colorful, nothing clean but as well nothing too dark and nothing too dirty… initially that always feels like a challenge I never can work out. Sometimes I even get frustrated if I can not find the right location or built the right scenery and then I just delete my whole look as on those special days, where I am in that special mood I do not want to make any compromises as they just feel wrong and take all of the depth from the picture. Thank God there is Ironwood Hills! Ironwood Hills has so many different corners and places, that I usually find what I am looking for if I wasn’t able to built something or get an idea of what I would like to have. This time it was the old, rotten theater from Marcus Inkpen, that they have rezzed out there near the landing spot. I just had to add my music items and some broken furniture and it looked exactly as I imagined it and … the best part… it did match my feelings!!! You really should explore Ironwood Hills and I swear you won’t discover all the little details and corners on one day 😉


Outfit: CUREMORE – “Black Parade Uniform” (Maitreya)
Shoes: [Gos] – “Kate Thigh High Boots” (Maitreya) – NEW @ UBER
Tights: .::Nanika::. – “Alina Tights Black” (Maitreya Applier)


Hat: *BOOM* – “The Baroness Hat”
Collar: .:Avanti:. – “Vexie Collar” (Rigged)
Back Collar: DRD – “Black Widow Collar – Frost”
Rings: [Since1975] – “NoMercy Rings” (Maitreya, Bento)
Nail Polish: {ZOZ} – “Time Reds Polish” (Maitreya Applier)
Instrument: [GW] – “Skull Violin” (Store Closed)

Hair & Makeup

Hair: no.match – “No. Comission”
Eyemakeup: ALMA – “Isola” (LeLutka Applier)
Face Art: ALMA – “Being Human” (LeLutka Applier)
Lipstick: Zibska – “Bussaba” (Maitreya Applier)

Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.3”
Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”
Eyes: CURELESS [+] – “Seeres Eyes”
Skin: *YS&YS* – “Ginny Vamp Skin” (LeLutka & Maitreya Applier)
Tattoo: [White~Widow] – “Izo” (Maitreya Applier)

Poses & Props

Poses (incl. Stool): Le Poppycock – “Necromantic – The Oldest Song” & “Necromatic – Grim Anthem” (Bento, Gacha)

Note Stand: Fancy Decor – “Music Stand”

Notes: Nutmeg – “Old Music Sheets Floor” & “Old Music Sheets Standing”

Furniture 1: [ zerkalo ] – “Last Refuge – Dirty Matress – PG”

Furniture 2: DISORDERLY – “Overgrown Patio – Table & Chairs” + “Burried Treasure”


Model & Photographer

Fly with the Dragons

After a rough week again I am able to do a blog post. It is funny how bad you desire some SL blogging when RL becomes stressy and rough, while you sometimes desire RL back when blogging is too overloading 😉

I saw those dragons from E.V.E for a while and did not dare to get them, as I wasn’t sure if I can make it on time. But today I finally got the chance 🙂

The “Scatha” dragons come with a huge HUD to chnage colors and even the opacity of the head and the tail. Their eyes first did drive me nuts – they kept moving no matter what I was doing – until I found out, they follow my avatar!

While I was thinking for a cool set I remembered the “Sunny Spells”, as well made by E.V.E Studio. The made such a great background that I decided I do not need more 😉

I want to drag your attention to my hands for a little bit. I do know FORMANAILS for a long time, but did you ever hear of it? Ivi Bings is one of the best skilled artists when it comes to nail art and hand accessories. Today I combined 2 of her amazing designs – the “Simple Rings” and the “Chris Claws”. They go along perfectly and with the HUD you can customize each part to what ever you need. If you search for something special, something different and out of the box for your hands, go take a look at FORMANAILS. She recently changed her store and you now go shopping in a huge shopping bag 😉

The hair as well is something new, made ny no.match for the MOM event. The “No.Suffer” hairstyle is am amazing unisex, short hairstyle. I love the hair textures of the no.match hair a lot and with the update from her A version to her B version, they became even more realistic. With my short hair addiction, the “No.Suffer” just was a must have for me 😉

Tomorrow I will be back with some more Halloween looks – I enjoy the dark and scary season way too much I guess 😉

Outfit & Accessories

Top, Skirt & Panties: Casadel – “Jasmine” (Maitreya)

Shoes: UTOPIA@Design – “Noemi” – (Maitreya) –  NEW @ UBER

Gloves: CODEX – “Medea” (Maitreya, Bento)

Scarf: Bauhaus Movement – “Apoc Kitty Scarf” (Hunt Gift) – NEW @ Ironwood Hills

Garter: .:E.A.Studio:. – “Rebirth (Rosary Garter)” – NEW @ Kinky

Rings: FORMANAILS – “Rings Simple” (Maitreya, Bento)

Nails: FORMANAILS – “Chris Claws” (Maitreya, Bento)

Hair & Makeup

Hair: no.match – “No.Suffer” – NEW @ MOM

Face & right Eye: VYC – “Hunter” (LeLutka Applier)

Makeup: Zibska – “Nerio” (LeLutka Applier)

Lipstick: Izzie’s – “Black Lipstick” (LeLutka Applier, Gift)

Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.0”

Ears: ^^Swallow^^ – “Darkness Ears”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Tattoo: [White~Widow] – “Headgame” (Maitreya Applier)

Poses & Props

Poses: Poseidon

Dragons: E.V.E Studio – “Scatha Dragon” – NEW @ We♥RP

Lights: E.V.E Studio – “Sunny Spells M03-IRIS” – NEW @ TLC

Model & Photographer

Wicca Merlin

Dr. Stein grows funny Creatures


Once they killed his monster when it went into a trap
Now he’s making better ones on a higher step

It is not a secret, that this time of the year is my personal favorite. The weather becomes bearable, the sun is not burning down like crazy anymore, the days become shorter – I always was more a creature of the night and certainly the spooky times arrived 😉 Now I can do weird, crazy and morbid stuff without being asked if I am alright 😉

What inspired me a lot for this post, was the actual hunt and the latest releases from DRD as well as the amazing group gift from CURELESS [+]. I got kinda an addiction to the incredible detailed torsos from CURELESS [+ ], that they have in various releases, which I showed already in previous posts. When I saw that they even released one of those as a group gift I first could not believe it. It was one of the best group gifts I ever got! Speaking of kick ass cool group gifts – the hair I am wearing as well is a group gift coming from no.match. You can wear it with and without the hat!

There is 2 events going on at the moment that really got me excited and after completing both of them I am kinda sad that it is already over… such things  I could do forever 😉 . The fist one would be the Ironwood Hills event called Haunting 2018. It is the 3rd event in a row – and all 3 belong to each other – and I immensely enjoyed them all. While we hunted for little charms for a charm bracelet laying inside a book, this time we got a tablet, that guided us through the whole story and hunt. You do not need to collect something this time you just need to find the right people one after another and solve their riddles. It is a great way to explore the sim as well if you did not do that before as it drags you across the whole sim. As if that would not be already enough for amusement, you get as reward over 40 gifts from the best designers on the grid. All of them as well made special Exclusives, scary, spooky themed for the event – It is a shopping paradise for all those who love the darker side of life 😉

Speaking of the best designers on the grid, I cannot miss DRD. Deathrow Designs, is one of my all time favorites anyways if it is clothing, accessories or structures/buildings. They have a certain way of their designing and texturing, you would discover them under a million of other designers. The skills of the whole team is incredibly amazing and incomparable. They as well are part of the Ironwood Hills event with their mega amazing Reanimator Gacha – you can gamble for it or just buy the whole set. The whole set screams Dr. Stein with the tower and it’s furniture as well as the reward gift for completing the Ironwood Hills hunt. Last year round about the same time they introduced their Shadow Box. A monthly subscription box over 6 month with a final reward gift if you bought all 6 of them. My today background is exactly that final gift with various furniture items that were in the shadow boxes. Obviously I used the dark version – for the Shadow boxes you always got one light and one dark version.

DRD has as well an event going on, the Reanimator Hunt. You just have to grab the hunt HUD at the landing point and roam around the DRD sim along a path they mentioned in the NC. While walking around, you will find little skulls and just by clicking them you will get your hunt items until you collected all and can grab your final 10th gift back at the landing point. What I loved is that the skulls are not permanent. As soon as you lick them they vanish and spawn somewhere else randomly. That makes sure everyone has the same hunting experience 🙂

As a little plus and for all that love to collect things they have a neat addition to the hunt The Steins – 11 unique, in character dressed avatars of their staff – appear randomly on the sim and you have to ask them a specific question (you find that one in the DRD group notices). If you asked the right question each of them will hand you a unique, personalized journal – I still miss 3 of them but I will keep hunting them down 😉

Don’t miss either Ironwood Hills or the Reanimator Hunt @ DRD, before October is over – There is not many chances for free hunts and games in such an amazing quality!

Outfit & Accessories

Torso: CURELESS [+] – “Cadavre Exquis” (Maitreya) – NEW Group Gift

Panty: CURELESS [+] – “Anatomic Doll / Skeletal System / Panty / RARE” (Maitreya, Gacha)

Collar: Asteroid Box – “Caelum Collar” (Maitreya) – NEW @ Red Light District

Shoes: UTOPIA@Design – “Alice” (Maitreya)

Bracers: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Trinity Bracers [Black]” (Maitreya, Gacha)

Bracelets (Incl. Blood Tattoo): CURELESS [+] – “Barbedwire Cuffs”

Nails: Meva – “Bento Claws Dark” (Maitreya)

Bunnies: CURELESS [+] – “Bunny Dool” (Group Gift)

Hair & Makeup

Hair: no.match – “No.Scary” – NEW Group Gift

Makeup: CURELESS [+] – “Undereye Lines & Eyeliner” (Omega Applier)

Lipstick: Zibska – “Folia Lips” (LeLutka Applier)

Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.0”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Eye: Clemmm – “I’m Tired / Red Bloodshot” – NEW @ Ironwood Hills (Gift)

Ears: .:E.A:. Studio – “Elf Dior Ears”

Poses & Props

Poses: Foxcity

Set: DRD – “Shadow Mansion  – Furnished- Dark” (Shadow Box Bonus Item)

Model & Photographer

Wicca Merlin

Wicca’s Wardrobe @ Ironwood Hills

Wicca’s Wardrobe @ Ironwood Hills – Haunting 2018 (Oct 1st – 31st)

We are thrilled to once again be a part of an Ironwood Hills event! This time it is Haunting 2018.
This is a storyline hunt with a dark twist. It isn’t created for the faint of heart!

Special for this event we have created Bloodshed Gloves. It is plain to see at first glance that we have named this latest creation very appropriately.

Our Bloodshed Gloves are Bento enabled and created for Maitreya only. They come with a color changing HUD that offers you 6 different options.

We even have a clean version for those who prefer a little less blood on their outfits. 😉

For more information about this event and the game, please visit:

Taxi: Ironwood Hills

Wicca’s Wardrobe @ Ironwood Hills – Paranoia Event (April 2018)

“Ironwood Hills presents: Paranoia!
Ironwood Hills is excited to announce it’s second game – Paranoia – coming April 2018!
We’ve teamed up with some awesome designers to being you not only a new post-apoc / horror themed event but also a free game with some wonderful prizes.”

We are thrilled to be a part of the Ironwood Hills Paranoia Event! Our excitement is showcased in our Valkyrie boots created especially for this event. This kick-ass post-apoc boot is for the ladies and designed to fit Maitreya, Slink and Belleza. The boots are sold in single colors, but they are also available as a 9 color fatpack that comes with a HUD and includes a bonus color not sold seperately.

Our Ironwood gift is a bloody version of the Chiara Body (female only, Maitreya, Slink Physique & Hourglass) and as well a bloody version of the Psycho mask (in male and female fits). The gifts are only available to those who complete the special storyline-related hunt associated with the event.

Ironwood Hills Taxi:

Post Apocalyptic Mood

MoonElixier 4

A Post Apocalyptic Poem

All these days are filled with rust,
With nothing living on the earth’s crust.

Ships and cars and planes and hearts,
Are all that you’ll find,
But who said that the human race has become refined?

MoonElixier 3
Civilization has ended… Yes,
Cultures have been removed… Yes,
Common sense ceases to be relevant… Yes,
But was it not compulsory before?

Perhaps the era of technology has ended,
And most souls of the past have descended,
But we are still human after all…
Aren’t we?

MoonElixier 2
Does a smart phone and a suit and a job and a home,
Make us the humans we have all known,
Or is there something inside of all of us,
Something that helps the wounded,
Instead of our own.

Maybe it’s the feeling inside when we see another,
The rush of excitement, pain, fear and the next world,
To discover.

MoonElixier 1

Maybe it’s the thought of putting down,
What has so much to offer just for your own needs,

I don’t see a difference from this world and the last,
Perhaps someone I stumble apon will shut me down fast,
Or perhaps they will nod and walk on, right past.

[by Lewis Cavallo]

MoonElixier 5


Outfit (incl boots): Moon Elixir – “Lark”

Hair: No.Match – “No.Border”

Poses: ..::DARE::..

Location: Ironwood Hills

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin