Painting – I swear it was supposed to be on the Canvas!


Have yourself a merry little Christmas
Let your heart be light
Next year all our troubles will be out of sight
Have yourself a merry little Christmas
Make the yuletide gay
Next year all our troubles will be miles away
Once again as in olden days
Happy golden days of yore
Faithful friends who are dear to us
Will be near to us once more
Someday soon we all will be together
If the fates allow
Until then we’ll have to muddle through somehow
So have yourself a merry little Christmas now
[Judy Garland]

After a rough week I finally can do a post again πŸ™‚

The time before Christmas seems to be a hard time for many people. I feel it a lot lately with the kids at school. The quiet time, the time of love and family – for some it seems to be the opposite of that. Maybe it is because they miss that feelings at home, or they do have problems they try to hide the whole year and when Christmas comes close they start to realize even more. I do not know what it is, but some do need more attention and care. I try as much to give them what they need, in a way I am allowed to, but I realized it really soaks a lot of power and energy off myself – more than usual and more than in any other year before. That means to me I need to find moments and ways to refill my own ‘batteries’ and making pictures in Second Life is one of them πŸ™‚

I had the great pleasure to meet Hattie Panacek – owner and builder/designer of Ex Machina – when she agreed to built us our new custom made Mainstore for Wicca’s Wardrobe. I never dared to even think about her as the builder for our store, as I know she usually not does any custom builts. Salt from Salt and Pepper encouraged me to ask her and even offered herself as reference. I hesitated for a while… I looked around to maybe find a store that would fit to us, our designs and our imaginations, but all that I found had one of those criteria but not more than one at the same time.

So I gathered my courage, took a deep breath and opened an IM to Hattie. I kinda was prepared to get a no to my request, but what I had to loose? I was a little worried, that she would be too busy to answer and so I thought it would take a while for her to come back on me and after I typed my proposal I closed the IM – maybe I just closed it so fast, as I was scared about the answer *snickers*

You know what?!?!?! It turned out to be one of the most amazing talk I had in Second Life. She replied kinda instant and I nearly fainted as I really didn’t expect that. She got our vision after just a few seconds and already had even some ideas for it. When she said she looked at our stuffs and liked the way we design and some of the stiff we do… I really was close to just pass out *giggles*. She pointed out some things and even did let our vision grow with her input. It felt like I would talk to an old friend – unbelievable. I always admired her work, her ideas and building skills and as well her incredible textures. She makes things look like used and not just shiny and nice – even if she certainly can do that as well πŸ˜‰ I just really really adore her way to do things. The more we talked when we met for sneak previews of what she was building for us, or for some more talks about specific things for the built, the more she became a friend to me as well and we discovered, that we share a lot of things, thoughts and likings.

One day she showed me her newest release for an event and I instantly loved it. I already did showcase the right side of that amazing backdrop before ( and today it is time for the left side πŸ˜‰

I am talking about the “Atelier Baudelaire – By Ex Machina” backdrop.

The left side is a neat little atelier of a painting artist – according to Hattie the whole backdrop was inspired by the great French poet Charles Baudelaire. The backdrop has it’s own lights but since it is modify you can even turn them off if you want to use your own light setting. Did you ever see such an amazing love for the detail for just a corner of one room? The different paintings, the cool ‘used look’ details for the walls even behind the paintings and then the cardboard with the brushes and spilled paint… simply incredible and stunning. The more you look at that stunning backdrop the more details you will find like the awesome pipes at the ceiling. As well the materials are super awesome! If you are able to turn on materials the whole backdrop is like a new experience again. It does look already cool without but if you turn the advanced lighting model on in your graphics it does look like as you could even feel the little crackles or the bricks at the wall when you touch it – just breathtaking!


All the paintings, paint buckets and brushes reminded me of a fun mesh head/body applier of paint from Izzie’s I always wanted to use and never found the right chance to do so. The same I had with the super cool and amazing Paintball gacha set – I had no one yet playing that with me – where I had Redclaw shooting at me to get the paint splatter effect on the top πŸ˜‰ I guess I drove him nuts with that, as I wanted too have as many colors as possible on my short and he had to change between the guns all the time until I liked the way the paint applied to myself and the shirt *giggles*

Overall todays pictures where a lot of fun and I wasn’t able in a long time to just fool around with items, poses and things as my RL kept me so much. I hope the next days it will be a little easier going and I have more room for creative pictures and stuff to fool around with and getting inspired again πŸ˜‰


Shirt: Salt & Pepper (S&P) – “Paintball Tank” (Maitreya, Gacha, Common)

Pants: Neve – “Pant – Destroy” (Maitreya)

Shoes: DECO – “Classic Sneaks”

Hair & Makeup

Hair: [INK] – “Colored Pencil w/Tanbarumori” (Gacha, Common)

Makeup: alaskametro<3 – “Bali Eyeshadow” (LeLutka Applier)

Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.3”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Tattoo: Izzie’s – “Color Explosion” (LeLutka/Maitreya Applier)

Poses & Props

Poses: Le Poppycock – “Just Alice” (with ladder, paint bucket & brush)

Backdrop: Ex Machina – “Atelier Baudelaire”

Model & Photographer

Wicca Merlin

Let it Snow!


Oh, the weather outside is frightful
But the fire is so delightful
And since we’ve no place to go
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow
[Dean Martin]

Finally we had the first “light” snow!

It did not stay on the ground for too long but we had some! With all the cold weather it was about time an I hope soon it will stay as well πŸ™‚

For the first snow I again had to do something casual, especially because I finally got the “Skates” from N-Core at their Black Friday sale. I was after them like in forever, but I always kept telling my self “You can get them if you blog them”. When I saw them at the Black Friday Sale, I could not resist any longer and since I started to try to force myself not not just buy things and never use them – here is the post πŸ˜‰

I loved them so much as they have 3 different options. You can wear them as simple boots, roller skates and ice skates! Not to mention that you as well have the choice to wear the leg warmers or to skip them if you wear long pants and want them to go down to the boots only.

Talking about options… the cool hair I am wearing has the magic of many different options too. Not only the hair color and the accessories – even the style you can change!

No.Match made this amazing and cute hair style for the actual round of COSMOPOLITAN and as far as I know you have at least 2 days to still grab it there, or you will find itΒ  later on at their main store.

I will now enjoy my new skates a little more and find some more cool locations with ice skating rinks or frozen lakes πŸ˜‰


Coat & Shirt: GizzA – “Cozy Layered Coat W Tartan” (Maitreya)
Shoes: N-Core – “Skates” (Maitreya)
Leggings: Nanika – “Ombre Tights” (Maitreya)
Gloves: Izzie’s – “Arm Warmers” (Maitreya Applier)


Headpiece: UNA – “Earmuffs”
Scarf: Sleepy Edgy – “Handknit Muffler” (store not existing anymore)

Hair & Makeup

Hair: no.match – “No.Try” – NEW @ COSMOPOLITAN
Makeup: Izzie’s – “First Snow Makeup” (LeLutka Applier)
Lipstick: Izzie’s – “Dry Skin Patches” (LeLutka Applier)

Body & Tattoo

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”
Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.3”
Lashes: Izzie’s – “First Snow Makeup” (LeLutka Applier)

Poses & Props

Poses: Am Poses – “Ice Skating Pack #2” & Focus Poses – “Ice Skater 14 & 15”


Model & Photographer

Surreal Dreams

I just realized I had a lot of unpacked gacha items in my inventory and so I was cleaning and sorting that huge folder, when I stumbled over the boxes of the Selenopolis gacha…

When I unpacked all the boxes… the more I saw the more I got excited! How I could I not yet have used those for pictures ?!?! I love all kind of cyber stuffs and with that kind of clothing and body modification, you can do so cool and amazing, surreal pictures.

With that kind of look, the set screams for being futuristic and surrealistic. What else than the amazing designs of E.V.E Studio would fit so amazing to that kind of style? I love the way how Noke Yuitza visions his dream worlds and with his creations it is really easy, to set up a surrealistic environment. I mixed and matched all kind of newer and older items together to create my background.

I guess I do have to unpack more and see what else got hidden in my inventory mess πŸ˜‰ Maybe I discover some more cool stuff for new pictures!

Outfit & Accessories

Dress: CUREMORE – “Selenopolis / Maschienenmensch Arms & Claws” (Maitreya, Gacha, Rare)

Arms & Claws: CUREMORE – “Selenopolis / Ultima Dress” (Maitreya, Gacha, Rare)

Boots: CUREMORE – “Selenopolis / Robotrix Boots (Silver)” (Maitreya, Gacha, Common)

Hair & Makeup

Hair + Hairbase: A&Y – “Zeo”

Body & Tattoo

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.3”

Skin & Tattoo: *YS&YS* – “Pris ELF” (Maitreya& LeLutka Applier)

Ears: .:E.A.Studio:. – “Nepthune”

Eyes: CURELESS [+] – “Spookshow Eyes / Industrial”

Lashes: alaskametro<3 – “Slay” (LeLutka Applier)

Poses & Props

Poses: Poseidon


E.V.E Studio – “DYSTOPIA Room Divider “

E.V.E Studio – “Broken Souls {Black} Spikes”

E.V.E Studio – “Kira ” (Gacha, Ultrarare)

E.V.E Studio – “Rapunzel in Evie Tower”

E.V.E Studio – “DYSTOPIA Cyber Flower Pins”

E.V.E Studio – “E.V.E Ivy Bonsai”

Model & Photographer

Wicca Merlin

Business Travel

And again I am back with a pair of fabulous [Gos] heels!

The “Emma Strap Pumps” were originally released for UBER, but I am sure you will find them at the [Gos] main store by now πŸ˜‰ I am a huge [Gos] fan for along time. I love the details, the realistic looks, the textures and as well the unique ideas they have. Even for simple pumps, they will find a way to make them look like [Gos] specific pumps. The “Emma Strap Pumps” are a perfect example.

The pumps do have some cool straps added to them. Those straps can be colored in the same way as the shoes, or you can mix and match the colors of the shoes and the straps. For the strap you have 3 different possibilities as well. You can choose between a plain strap or between black and white highlights for each color. As usual you have 3 different HUDs available, The Boutique HUD, the Blueberry HUD and the Metallic HUD. Each of them have amazing colors, 4 metal options and different variations for the lining and the sole. The leather has such a phenomenal shine, while the straps are little bit more matte and it feels like they would be made of a cotton fabric kinda.

The awesome dress comes from Salt & Pepper. Usually I am not a huge fan of knitted dresses, but the “Alexa” dress is a cool combination of a knitted dress with leather seams and those cute leather sleeves that come out underneath the knitted ones and reach down over the wrists. The dress certainly again has a HUD and you can mix and match the colors of the knitted part and the leather parts. The high turtle neck as well looks like a leather fabric and changes the color together with the sleeves and the leather. The leggings are – believe it or not – an applier! I do have 2 different leggings from lassitude & ennui and both of them look so realistic that I could not believe on the first view that they were just appliers. The folds and wrinkles look so much more than just like a texture… simply awesome. I was at their main store a while ago but sadly I only could find those 2 leggings. If they would have had more I guess I would have bought them all πŸ˜‰

Last but not least I would like to draw your attention to the 2 new releases of this post. The awesome “No.Commission” hair style from no.match and the incredible “Claw XXL” nails from FORMANAILS.

The “No.Commission” hair you will find at the actual round of Tres Chic. I love short hair and that one cold become on of my general favorites. The bangs are very straight and sharp down the forehead while you have one ear free – the whole style is very tight to the head. I have an addiction for non symmetric styles, I already said that a few times. To me the hair style looks very modern and seeing the actual hair trends of RL, it fits right into the actual hair fashion trends!

The new “Claws XXL” from FORMANAILS are very versatile and I guess I have to do another post just for them to show all of them. You have the possibility to play with the length of the claws as well as you can show some gems, which I hided for todays look as it looked too much for a simple casual style. They are extremely long if you use the full length like I did today, but with that, they are very unique and even if I would have trouble using my cell phone, they are fun to wear πŸ˜‰

I wish I could fly business class like it looks with the “Flight Club – Day Travel” photo booth from Foxcity. So much room for the legs and the seats look so comfortable – not to compare with the last flight I had RL when I was going to London πŸ˜‰


Dress: Salt & Pepper – “Alexa” (Maitreya)

Pants: lassitude & ennui – “Handstitched Leather Leggings” (Maitreya Applier)

Shoes: [Gos] – “Emma Strap Pumps” (Maitreya)


Glasses: HAYSURIZA – “Lawyer”

Nails: FORMANAILS – “Claws XXL” (Maitreya, Bento) – NEW @ Mainstore

Hair & Makeup

Hair: no.match – “No.Commission” – NEW @ Tres Chic

Makeup: alaskametro<3 – “Fall Essentials” (LeLutka Applier)

Lipstick: alaskametro<3 – “London” (LeLutka Applier)

Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.0”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Ears: ^^Swallow^^ – “Darkness Ears”

Eyes: IKON – “Hope Eyes”

Face: Izzie’s – “Pores & Belmishes” (LeLutka Applier)

Poses & Props

Poses: Foxcity & <EMOZIONE>

Backdrop: Foxcity – “Flight Club (Day Travel)

Model & Photographer

Wicca Merlin

Late Autumn – Soon I need to turn on the Heating again!

Pose: – “Blasphemous Sister” (hand animation altered)

Todays post is filled with items from people I highly value, respect and I am happy to be able to call some of them friends as well πŸ™‚

After I had a blast with creepy and unusual looks, I thought it would be time for a autumn casual one – not that I will give up on the other though!

First of all I would like to mention the backdrop. The “Atelier Baudelaire” backdrop again shows the incredible skills of Hattie Panacek. I rarely saw such amazing detailed and realistic textures, as you can see it on all of her creations. What I do love the most is that she not just does clean and tidy textures, she allows as well non perfect and dirty spots. To me that gives the designs even more life and realistic feelings – nothing is perfect in RL and if it is it looks like a display in a warehouse but not like a realistic “used” place. Especially if you have materials on, her designs will blow you away in a good way!

The “Atelier Baudelaire” backdrop is a huge loft looking backdrop with 2 sides. The right side you can see on my todays pictures. It shows the desk of an artist or designer while the left side shows the actual working place of an artist- soon I will showcase the other side as well, but that backdrop perfectly shows, that you can use it for more than just one picture if you just use the right angles and crops. I do like it a lot, when you can use a backdrop more than once. Often enough you only can use backdrops only once, as they will be recognized instantly again on your flickr or blog.

Pose: Foxcity – “On Point-4m”

The amazing coat was made by Salt & Pepper for the UBER event. The coat can be worn with or without the turtleneck shirt and certainly you have a color HUD to mix and match the whole design to your likings. Certainly you can color the shirt and the coat separately. What I loved the most on that coat was the texture. All the tiny leather details and the lightly used look completely caught my attention.

The hair was made by no.match and it was released for the last round of Tres Chic, but I am sure you will find it at the main store by now. The hair is a more loose style with a huge hair band that brings the hair down the left shoulder to the front. To me it looked perfect, it did underline the loose look of the trench coat so nicely. I love the hair textures of no.match a lot and especially the blond pack has a blond tone that I completely fell in love with. I do like the fact as well that you have a so called “Essential” pack for nearly every hair style. Even if my personal favorite blonde is not included in that one, it gives you the possibility to have more than one color, even if you do not want to buy the whole fatpack. Sometimes I want more than just color, for different possibilities on pictures, but a full fatpack sometimes is too expensive for a hair style you just want to use for a picture πŸ˜‰

But now I need to work on the picture for the left side of the amazing “Atelier Baudelaire”… I hope you enjoyed my first fall/winter post, even if it was a more casual looking one again πŸ˜‰

Pose: Le Poppycock – “Keep On Believing”


Coat: Salt & Pepper – “Trench Noemi” (Maitreya) – NEW @ UBER

Leggings: lassitude & ennui – “Hisa Leather Leggings” (Maitreya Applier)


Bracelet (right): Kunglers – “Isis – Malachite”

Bracelet (left): Kunglers – “Bromelia – Ebony”

Rings: FORMANAILS – “Rings 1” (Maitreya, Bento)

Nails: FORMANAILS – “Stiletto 1” (Maitreya, Bento)

Hair & Makeup

Makeup & Lipstick: alaskametro<3 – “Fall Runway” (LeLutka Applier)

Hair: no.match – “No.Caution”

Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.0”

Eyes: IKON – “Hope Eyes – Quicksilver”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Face: Izzie’s – “Pores & Blemishes” (LeLutka Applier)

Poses & Props

Poses: <EMOZIONE>, Foxcity & Le Poppycock

Backdrop: Ex Machina – “Atelier Baudelaire”

Model & Photographer

Wicca Merlin

Drows – A dark Fantasy

I never was a huge fan of elves, but when I first learned about Drows – dark skinned and evil elves – I had to change my mind and look more into that πŸ˜‰

Second Life gives us a lot of possibilities about fantasy characters and if you know the stores for the right skins, accessories and outfits, it is really fun to step out of your human body and be a fantasy creature – even one with ‘stupid’ ears, as my partner usually says. Since I discovered the mesh ears from .:E:A:Studio:. I tend to use those kind of ears more often as they do have the most amazing ones. Just the tinting sometimes isn’t easy as the color on the ears always seems to look a little more flat than the actual body skin. Most of the times I can make it work though – thanks to Sadystika for pushing my nose into easiest solution for managing the gap of the mesh head ear alpha *hides*

Today was one of those days and with the cool new arm warmers from A&Y, it was the right time to bring the little dark elf back on. I still love the “Ginny” skin appliers from YS&YS and the skin for today is exactly one of those. Most of my fantasy skins are from YS&YS. I do not know what it is, but sometimes colors skins looks details and highlights if they are colored. With YS&YS, I always get the impression that they not just color overlay their skins, they really seem to built them up from scratch, like they do it with their human skins as well.

The “Aglaya” arm warmers from A&Y are another addition to the whole “Aglaya” collection. I already blogged about the cool corset and boots before. When I was styling I tried many other latex clothing and accessories, but none would match so perfect than the “Aglaya” collection it self and so I decided to just do it in a completely different color than before πŸ˜‰

I am addicted to the A&Y clothing, hair and accessories – I rarely saw such detailed and incredible textured sci-fi clothing and her latex is just super realistic and does not have those huge, just white reflection spots that latex in SL usually has. I am just in love with everything what she does!

Those who know me… do know my favorite color is black and all shades of black*snickers* It was quite out of my comfort zone to go white for the base color. Ok I admit I tried all kind of dark colors before, but none did pop put so great with the dark Drow skin. Since I already was out of my usual comfort zone, I thought I can add some colors as well that I usually do not touch too much πŸ˜‰

Using colors reminded me, that I bought a hair style from .shi lately, which would fit perfect. The “Sa-Rah V2” hair has a special option for a second haircolor all kind of colors. You can decide if you want to wear it as a full normal hair color or if you want to add some color in the front.

For a real Drow feeling I certainly needed some sharp nails or claws and certainly I found some at FORMANAILS πŸ˜‰ The eyes as well could not stay human – thank god I was shopping at the CURELESS [+] sale lately and got those uber amazing “Spookshow Eyes”, that perfectly fitted to todays styling.

I will now enjoy my look a little more and see what sims I can find to get more Drow inspirations and maybe some more ideas for another post πŸ˜‰


Corset: A&YΒ  – “Aglaya Latex Cyber Corset + Top” (Maitreya)

Gloves: A&Y – “Aglaya Latex Armwarmers” (Maitreya) – NEW @ ROMP

Shoes: A&Y – “Aglaya Latex Cyber Boots” (Maitreya)


Collar: A&Y – “Lorna Leather Collar” (Maitreya, Gacha)

Rings: FORMANAILS – “Rings Simple” (Maitreya)

Nails: FORMANAILS – “Chris Claws” (Maitreya)

Hair & Makeup

Makup + Lipstick: YS&YS “Ginny Drow Skin” (LeLutka Applier)

Hair: .shi – “Sa-Rah V2”

Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.0”

Ears: .:E.A.Studio:. – “Thauron Ears”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Skin: YS&YS – “Ginny Drow Skin” (LeLutka + Maitreya Applier)

Eyes: CURELESS [+] – “Spookshow Eyes / Dialated”

Poses & Props

Poses: Bauhaus Movement

Backdrop: Paparazzi – “Spacestation – BACKDROP – Jade”

Model & Photographer

Wicca Merlin

In just 7 Days…

I don’t want no dissension, just dynamic tension
I’m a muscle fan
In just seven days, I can make ‘me’ a man

[Rocky Horror Show]

The Reanimator Gacha from DRD and their hunt and the Stein hunting, inspired me for this post…

I already had a “Dr. Stein grows funny Creatures” post not too long ago and today, I would like to make a continuation of that thought πŸ˜‰

What about, if one of his creatures desires company? In German we have a phrase “Is the cat of the house, the mice dance on the table”. I do not know what this phrase is called in English, the dictionary gave me something like “When the cat is away, the mice will play.” Anyways, I guess you get my point… when the doctor is away… I can do studies and practice for my evil plan. Maybe you will discover the story I wanted to tell via my pictures πŸ™‚

The whole set is built from the “The Reanimator” gacha by DRD while all the poses I used for this post were made by Satomi Masukami for her brand Foxcity.

I had to find a look and I wanted something cute, paired with some spooky horror. A longer time ago, I got the “Shattered Existence” applier from CURELESS [+]. I wanted to use it for such a long time, but never got a good chance for it – today was the day! When I had edited all those little staples on my face, neck and wrists, I looked at me and I have no clue why but instantly I had a school girl look in mind. The “Junko” dress from Bauhaus Movement was released longer ago, but it totally made the look I wanted. again I have to admit I do love to use older things again for my posts if they fit. I hate it, if I just try to twist and force a new release it into a picture, when it does not 100% fit. I know that many blogger struggle with deadlines and duties, but to me blogging is more than just stuff as much new releases in a post as you can. I want to create cool pictures and have fun while I am styling, building, or looking for sets and backgrounds. I get that new releases have to be posted in time to be perfect promotion, but sometimes things just do not go together and then I prefer to make more than just once post and showcase each item properly. My friend Shena Neox, as well designer and blogger manager for some popular brands, brought it on the point when she wrote a notice in a blogger group, that people should think about the brand they showcase and respect and reflect its style. In the end most designs end up in the main stores anyways and if I am not a blogger for a specific brand and just bought the items, I guess I can give them a second time promotion as they won’t get dusty in store πŸ˜‰

So I had a schoolgirl outfit, some scary moments with the cool “Scattered Existence” and with the “Thauron” ears from Eclipse Art Studio, I added my little touch of fantasy and even a little more cuteness to the whole look πŸ˜‰

The cool and lightly messy looking hair was made by no.match hair for the past round of COSMOPOLITAN, but I am sure you will find it at the no.match main store by now.

The amazing rings and nails – I guess you figured already – certainly were made by FORMANAILS. Who else could do such delicate, perfect shaped and ornamented hand accessories, if not Ivi Bing. This time I really cammed close into my hands as I was curious how she makes it, that all those little shapes are crip and sharp edged and not blurry and distorted. What I found was a super high-poly created, awesome shaped art piece that shows Ivi’s incredible skills. No wonder that she became so popular and so many love her little art pieces πŸ˜‰

Coming back to my little story… this time I was not able to finish my studies before I heard the doctor coming back up the stairs to his lab. I quickly removed all the evidence of my secret trials and hided again in a corner of the lab, hiding a few tears that would discover me an my little experiments. He will go out again… some when… and then… then… I will try harder!

Outfit & Accessories

Outfit: Bauhaus Movement – “Junko Dress 4” (Maitreya)

Socks & Shoes: NYU – “MaryJane w/ High Socks” (Maitreya)

Rings: FORMANAILS – “Rinsg 1” (Maitreya, Bento)

Nails: FORMANAILS – “Wedding” (Maitreya, Bento)

Collar: Dirty Princess – “The Night Maid Princess Collar” (Maitreya, part of an Outfit)

Hair & Makeup

Hair: no.matchΒ  – β€œNo.Modify”

Makeup: Zibska – “Noir Pack 06” (LeLutka Applier)

Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLutka – β€œSimone 3.0”

Body: Maitreya – β€œLara 4.1”

Skin: YS&YS – “Immortal

Tattoo/Facetattoo: CURELESS [+] – β€œShattered Existence” (OMEGA Applier)

Ears: .:E.A:. Studio – β€œThauron”

Eye right: ClemmmΒ – “Ancient Eyes”

Eye left: .ARISE. – “Blind Eyes /Grey”

Tears: LAQ – “Falling Tears”

Poses & Props

Poses: Foxcity


1 – DRD – The Reanimator – Tower (Rare)

2 – DRD – The Reanimator – Operation Table

6 – DRD – The Reanimator – Conductor

7 – DRD – The Reanimator – Workbench

9 – DRD – The Reanimator – Switchboard

10 – DRD – The Reanimator – Circuit Breaker

12 – DRD – The Reanimator – Brain

16 – DRD – The Reanimator – Work In Progress

17 – DRD – The Reanimator – Lab Clutter

18 – DRD – The Reanimator – Beakers and Bottles

23 – DRD – The Reanimator – Regulator

24 – DRD – The Reanimator – D Cables

Model & Photographer

Wicca Merlin

Happy Halloween!

Finally it is Halloween!

The much I was waiting for it to happen, the more I am sad that it already is there now… Do you know that feeling? You desire something and when it is there or when you get it you are a little bit sad too, because now you cannot enjoy the waiting time as much anymore? Kinda like Christmas *giggles* even if I do like Halloween much more than that :p

Thank god we have SL where we can have Halloween through the whole year*winks*, so I won’t stop doing scary and spooky pictures as long as the dark season feeling has me in its hand…

Today again I would like to drag your view on those amazing nails. If you read my past 2 posts you will realize I got a lot of amazing nails from FORMANAILS lately ;)I really enjoy the details and all the tiny decorations the nails and hand accessories from FORMANAILS do have. Fingernails are overlooked so often. We just take them as granted, as an accessory we just ad to have something on our hands and usually they are so tiny that they get lost on pictures… same as shoes. What gets overlooked very fast are poses too, I recently made a post about that too. I catch myself a lot of times, when I add accessories that do complete my look and just don’t think about them anymore when I write my post. I soon will have another pose study post, as well as a nail spotlight I guess πŸ˜‰

For todays post I combined the “Buffalo” hand accessories and the “Stiletto” nails – I just love how they work together! Oh and before I forget to mention, even if I do use the Maitreya version only, there is versions for Vista and Slink hands as well πŸ˜‰

What better background you could use for a witch post, than the “Magick Shoppe” from DRD. I adore their buildings like in forever and since they had that awesome Stein/Reanimator hunt going this month.. I again was teased so bad for that incredible piece of art and I had to use it for my picture.

The hair is a Halloween special as well with that awesome 2 colors. The full pack comes with 3 special Halloween colors! It was made by no.match and it is named “No.Look”. You can find it at the actual round of Enchantment, but I am sure after the event ends, you will find it at the main store.

And now it is time to take my broom and go for a night out… it is HALLOWEEN!

Happy Halloween everyone!

Outfit & Accessories

Dress: [CoD!] – “Mentally Cute”

Shoes: UTOPIA@Design – “Halloween v2” (Maitreya)

Necklace: [Commoner] – “Monogrammed Planchette Pendant / W” (Gacha)

Rings: FORMANAILS – “Buffalo” (Maitreya, Bento)

Nails: FORMANAILS – “Stiletto 1” (Maitreya, Bento)

Hair & Makeup

Hair: no.matchΒ  – “No.Look” – NEW @ The Secret Affair

Makeup: CURELESS [+] – “Undereye Lines & Eyeliner” (OMEGA Applier)

Lipstick: LeLutka – “Beast Applier” (LeLutka Applier)

Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLutka – β€œSimone 3.0”

Eyes: Clemmm – “Irritated Eyes Dark Grey”

Forehead Marks: CURELESS [+] – “Onibi Markings” (OMEGA Applier)

Body: Maitreya – β€œLara 4.1”

Poses & Props

Poses (except the sky pose): Foxcity

Background (except the broom pic) DRD – “MS – Magick Shoppe – Full Set”

Broom: .AiShA. – “Vintage Bike Broom Sitting Black” (with poses, but I made my own for the picture)

Monkeys: [SWaGGa] – “Flying Monkey”

Bat: Manticore – “Hell Bat (Brown)” (not anymore available, store closed)

Model & Photographer

Wicca Merlin

They’re coming to get you…

“When there’s no more room in hell, the dead will walk the earth.”

[Dawn of the Dead]

God I enjoy Halloween and the dark season way too much πŸ˜‰

Today I started watching the 8th season of TWD – go figure where the inspiration of todays post came from…

Ok it wasn’t only TWD, it was the uber cool gacha from Salt & Pepper in cooperation with another one from Mina Hair as well. Salt & Pepper does some exciting interactive gachas for a while now. To me she did something completely new with those “changing” gachas. I guess it started with the wet clothing options, where you could go into linden water and had all of a sudden wet clothing, that dried again after some time when you were outside of water again. As well you certainly had the option of a drying towel as well if you wanted it quicker. That already was a great idea for roleplay scenarios. The paint ball game was an other one, that even had a HUD where you could fight with other residents , who owned the same set and HUD. That are only a few of her interactives… there are way more!

The one I would like to showcase today, is my personal favorite so far. The “Zombie” (Gacha Key) and the “Beatriz Zombie Hair” (Gacha Key) gachas were created for the special pop up round of the Arcade in October. Besides the interactive clothing and hair in both gachas you will find two different vents and fire-hydrants, that let you transform by walking by and a transformation HUD where you just can do the change by click.

To make my Zombie complete, I had to add 2 more creepy, scary things*grins*Β  The first one are the “Zombie” nails from FORMANAILS. When first saw them I was like “Are you kidding me?!?!??” I thought something like this would not exist but then.. who else than Ivi Bing should have done them πŸ˜‰ She is the one to be reckoned with, if it comes to extraordinary nail and hand designs. Nevertheless those nails are more than perfect for my Zombie look. They make me seriously look like being a Zombie for quite a while with my nails being damaged and ripped… just so kick ass cool πŸ˜‰

The second thing is that super scary facetattoo from CURELESS [+]. Actually I mixed a facetattoo and one of their eye makeup to make it even more creepy. The “XXX” face art and the “XXX” eye makeup made the perfect match to achieve the look I was looking for. CURELESS [+] always was one of my favorite stores for dark and scary things, the more I go there and shop the more I find things I want to use and due the fact of their designs, I see even more dark posts coming πŸ˜‰ I guess it was always inside of me and I just did hide it behind too much casual posts and ‘political correct’ do’s and don’ts πŸ˜‰ Maybe i should follow my dark and creepy mid a little bit more now and then πŸ˜‰

The only thing left was, to exchange my normal teeth with the LeLutka “Beast Teeth” and cover them in blood with their HUD. To me that worked beter with the bloody heart that looked so delicious :p

I found a new sim lately – my heart jumped higher when I found out it is a dark and scary place that will last the whole time and not just for Halloween! I am talking about Pendle Hill, another amazing creation of Lauren Bentham. She did a lot of amazing places already like Arranmore, Everywinter, the Baja sims and many more, but this one probably is my personal favorite. She used lots of DRD buildings and the environment is perfect for all creepy, spooky and darkness lovers!

Talking about creepy, spooky and scary places, I have to run to find more before Halloween is over and I can’t just do creepy things without having to explain it :p

Outfit & Accessories

Outfit: Salt & Pepper (S&P) – “Zombie” (Maitreya, Gacha) – NEW @ The Arcade

Shoes: Astralia – “Bloody Bandages” (Maitreya)

Nails: FORMANAILS – “Zombie” (Maitreya, Bento)

Hair & Makeup

Hair: MINA Hair – “Beatriz Short” (Gacha) – NEW @ The Arcade

Makeup: CURELESS [+] – “Undereye Lines & Eyeliner” (OMEGA Applier)

Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLutka – β€œSimone 3.0”

Body: Maitreya – β€œLara 4.1”

Ears: ^^Swallow^^ – β€œDarkness Ears”

Eyes: Clemmm – “I’m Tired / Black Bloodshot”

Teeth: LeLutka – “Beast Teeth”

Facetattoo: CURELESS [+] – “Psycho Face” (OMEGA Applier)

Poses & Prop

Poses: Poseidon (First 4 Pictures) & EMOZIONE (Last Picture)


Pendle Hill

Model & Photographer

Wicca Merlin

Fly with the Dragons

After a rough week again I am able to do a blog post. It is funny how bad you desire some SL blogging when RL becomes stressy and rough, while you sometimes desire RL back when blogging is too overloading πŸ˜‰

I saw those dragons from E.V.E for a while and did not dare to get them, as I wasn’t sure if I can make it on time. But today I finally got the chance πŸ™‚

The “Scatha” dragons come with a huge HUD to chnage colors and even the opacity of the head and the tail. Their eyes first did drive me nuts – they kept moving no matter what I was doing – until I found out, they follow my avatar!

While I was thinking for a cool set I remembered the “Sunny Spells”, as well made by E.V.E Studio. The made such a great background that I decided I do not need more πŸ˜‰

I want to drag your attention to my hands for a little bit. I do know FORMANAILS for a long time, but did you ever hear of it? Ivi Bings is one of the best skilled artists when it comes to nail art and hand accessories. Today I combined 2 of her amazing designs – the “Simple Rings” and the “Chris Claws”. They go along perfectly and with the HUD you can customize each part to what ever you need. If you search for something special, something different and out of the box for your hands, go take a look at FORMANAILS. She recently changed her store and you now go shopping in a huge shopping bag πŸ˜‰

The hair as well is something new, made ny no.match for the MOM event. The “No.Suffer” hairstyle is am amazing unisex, short hairstyle. I love the hair textures of the no.match hair a lot and with the update from her A version to her B version, they became even more realistic. With my short hair addiction, the “No.Suffer” just was a must have for me πŸ˜‰

Tomorrow I will be back with some more Halloween looks – I enjoy the dark and scary season way too much I guess πŸ˜‰

Outfit & Accessories

Top, Skirt & Panties: Casadel – “Jasmine” (Maitreya)

Shoes: UTOPIA@Design – “Noemi” – (Maitreya) –Β  NEW @ UBER

Gloves: CODEX – “Medea” (Maitreya, Bento)

Scarf: Bauhaus Movement – “Apoc Kitty Scarf” (Hunt Gift) – NEW @ Ironwood Hills

Garter: .:E.A.Studio:. – “Rebirth (Rosary Garter)” – NEW @ Kinky

Rings: FORMANAILS – “Rings Simple” (Maitreya, Bento)

Nails: FORMANAILS – “Chris Claws” (Maitreya, Bento)

Hair & Makeup

Hair: no.match – “No.Suffer” – NEW @ MOM

Face & right Eye: VYC – “Hunter” (LeLutka Applier)

Makeup: Zibska – “Nerio” (LeLutka Applier)

Lipstick: Izzie’s – “Black Lipstick” (LeLutka Applier, Gift)

Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLutka – β€œSimone 3.0”

Ears: ^^Swallow^^ – “Darkness Ears”

Body: Maitreya – β€œLara 4.1”

Tattoo: [White~Widow] – “Headgame” (Maitreya Applier)

Poses & Props

Poses: Poseidon

Dragons: E.V.E Studio – “Scatha Dragon” – NEW @ Weβ™₯RP

Lights: E.V.E Studio – “Sunny Spells M03-IRIS” – NEW @ TLC

Model & Photographer

Wicca Merlin