The Fallen One…

…or Faster Pussycat goes Cabaret Colore 😉

Last sunday we had an amazing show with the Passion Fashion Agency. Leandra Breen did it again and pulled together a real amazing show where we all showcased the new outfits of Faster Pussycat. Honey Bender, designer of Faster Pussycat, always was someone who I felt close to even before her designing days and it was a great pleasure that I was allowed again to wear her designs on the runway. Her designs really touch my soul again and again as they are so innovative and fresh but still fashionable and they allow me to go crazy 😉

My first outfit was called “The Caged Beauty” and usually the birds on the skirt were black. But as they are mod you can change the color to whatever you like 🙂 The Show was called Cabaret Colore so color was the key 😉 The outfit itself contains the top, the skirt, clothing layer and the head-piece. The rest I mixed and matched together. The skin is the “Lea Gothic” skin made by LionSkins, with a green lipstick from Launa Fauna,  the hair comes from 3636 Designs and is called “Tara”. I just colored the platinum one to match the green. The whole jewelry set is the “Ocean Winds” set made by Finesmith Designs. The huge amazing wings are done by Talyia Tarber and as well colored by myself.

The second outfit I was allowed to showcase was the “Hellfire Body Suit”. The outfit itself contains the sexy unsymmetric bodysuit that only hides one chest with an opaque texture while the other side gives a bit more of a view with the sheer part 😉 What totally got me are the huge horns that are as well part of the outfit I am so in love with them. The skin I used for is one of the Miasnow “Beautiful Death Beth” ones in red. The hair and hairbase again are from 3636 Designs. Earings from Ticky Tacky, the collar from Finesmith Designs and the cute wings from Material Squirrel completed my look. The shoes you can see in the very first pic above we got from PoosyKat LittleBoots.

It was a totally amazing show and I want to thank all the amazing fellow models and Leandra Breen for an awesome event as well 🙂

Pose Pic 1: Del May

Pose Pic 2 and 3: Corpus

Wicca’s Wardrobe – Future Fashion…

(Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin)

Lately I had a strange mood and was totally been drowned into futuristic and cyberpunk looks… For a strange reason it catched me more and more and I decided to let you be part of my journey into that 😉

I have to thank Harsch Sharktooth and Redclaw Inshan to follow me on my trip and pose with me for a few pics 😉

(Models: Redclaw Inshan, Wicca Merlin, Photographer: Wicca Merlin)

First look ..lemme call it “Futuristic Red”… has a big part of cyberpunk also, but lets take a closer look at the 2 outfits 🙂

(Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin)

The basic of my first outfit was is the “X – Suit” from Graves Leather. It shows off a lot of skin and was a nice possibility to also wear some big tattoos 😉 For the boots I chose the “Cyberboots” from R:A:D. They are fully color changeable for all the parts that are shown here in red. Also you can decide from different signs that decorate the boot tips. The bracelets and the mask are made by Nibiru Productions and are color changeable too. Te spine plugs are made by Toxic Orange and are color changeable with menu driven script as well. The hair I found at the Stringer Mausoleum and is called “Rooster Hawk”

(Model: Redclaw Inshan, Photographer: Wicca Merlin)

The male outfit is showcased by Redclaw Inshan, designer of R:A:D and he chose the same mask called “Optical Argument” as I did… actually it was the other way round…he had it first but oh well… 😉 The pants are the great “Male Distressed Leather Pants” by with a wonderful prim belt that has an amazing realistic look. The boots are made by Bobbysocks and are called “Anarchy”. The cool black “Devious Trench” is made by by Spider Productionscoat and you can wear it with or without the spikes that you can see on the shoulderparts.

(Model: Redclaw Inshan, Photographer: Wicca Merlin)

For the perfect cyberpunk look the “Cyber Heart” made by Mennisco Volitan for sure should not be missed. The spine implants are the same as I was wearing and yes this time I had them first… I guess 😉 The mechanical “Cyber Droids Hand” comes from [:: Black Heart ::].

(Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin)

For the second look Harsch Sharktooth helped me for the pictures and chose a wonderful futuristic looking outfit…

(Models: Harsch Sharktooth, Wicca Merlin, Photographer: Wicca Merlin)

The main color oft this 2 looks definitely is the silver & teal mix & match. Both of us were using cyberskins from LionSkins made by Lion Jonesford.

(Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin)

Again the suit is the “X – Suit” from Graves Leather made by Jackie Graves. This time i chose the “Tech” spine implant from Toxic Orange and colored it in teal to match the great Griddie hair. Th guns are from Breach and the “Climatix” mask is done by AVZ. For he mask you can choose if you wanna show breath particles and also the color of a few parts. The bracelets are the same as I used for my first outfit but this time also colored in teal. The boots are the fantastic “Dragon Boots” made by R:A:D. Those boots you can change in 5 basic preset colors and chains and spikes you can change to every color you can thing of as the HUD has an amazing color field to play with 😉

(Model & Photographer: Harsch Sharktooth)

Harsch is wearing the Elixier “Latex Hipsters” pants in camo black combined with the Elixier “Latex Sheer Raincoat-Clear”. For the neck collar part he took a part from the Miamai “Lulu” outfit. “Lulu” is part of the Black Label Collection of Miamai. Also from Miamai is the attachment he chose for the right arm. The armwarmer is part of the “Kingdom M Grey shirt”. For the boots he chose the “Homme_EngineerBoots” from COCO in black. The hair he found at the Stinger Mausoleum. Last but not least the gloves… they are from Xplosion and named “Skull Gloves”. Did you ever see such a cute android before 😉

(Models: Redclaw Inshan, Wicca Merlin, Photographer: Wicca Merlin)

Futuristic GREEN! 😉 It was just too tempting to do a full green in green on green pic*giggles*…

(Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin)

This time I combined the “Tribal Latex Suit” from Creepy Latex with the “JG2 Body” in the short version again from Graves Leather. The boots are again the “Cyber Boots” from R:A:D. The mask for this outfit comes from AVZ and the Visor is part of the Graves “G121 Black & White- Zero” outfit from Graves Leather. The color changing spine tubes are made by Toxic Orange. The “Cyber Hawk” hair style in a poison green, I found at DV8 🙂 and for the earrings I chose of my favourite ones made by Ticky Tacky.

(Model: Redclaw Inshan, Photographer: Wicca Merlin)

Redclaw Inshan chose for the main part one of the outfits he made by himself 😉 Pants, shirt, boots, wristbands, jacket and belt  are part of the “Cyber Biohazard” outfit of R:A:D and you can find it in his Mainstore 🙂 The mask is the same I was wearing 😉 and for the shades he chose one of his favourites, the “Halo” made by Eryn Republic, designer of ERD 🙂 I never saw such amazing detailed glasses before and I have to admit I bought me some glasses from there as well 😉

(Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin)

My glasses from Eryn Republic Designs are called “Streemlyne” and I was really impressed about the service and help I found with the fitting of my glasses. The outfit I am wearing on this picture is a very old one I found during cleaning my inventory and it reminded me lightly of kinds ‘Matrix’ or ‘Trinity’ outfit 😉 It is from Gothika and I am not sure if it still available or already gone, maybe you have to take a look by yourself if you are interested in 😉

I hope you enjoyed my futuristic cyber trip and maybe I could show you my version of future fashion 😉 A special thanks goes to Harsch Sharktooth & Redclaw Inshan, who had the patience and invested the time to style and pose for me 😉

stay styled,


News from LeeZu!!!

(Jacket: LeeZu – “Maria”, Models (from left to right): Linnda Scofield, LeeZu Baxter, Wicca Merlin, Picture by LeeZu)

Again we have great new releases from Leezu!!! One of them is the “Maria” jacket. For me a dream came true as I was asked by LeeZu if I would model for the new vendor advertise!!! Thanks so much for that LeeZu!!!

This amazing sculpted jacket again shows the fantastic skills of LeeZu Baxter if it comes to designs. Such a great eye and love for the detail makes this amazing jacket to a little piece of art. The open front gives an amazing sexy touch and yes if you are brave enough and not freezing easily you can wear it without anything else under it 😉 The collar, cuffs and main part are made with sculpted prims and amazing different textures! The jacket is available in 5 different colors (black, blue, champagne, olive, greybown). Make your way to the LeeZu Mainstore and find your color to be styled up to date for the actual season 🙂


Jacket: LeeZu – “Maria” /black

Pants: LeeZu – “Madison” /black

Boots: Courtisane

Hair: Baiastice – “Irene” /black

Skin: Baiastice – “Pulchra”

Nails: Mstyle

Earrings: Ticky Tacky

Facetattoo: Lionskins (not yet released)

Poses: agapee

Model & Photographer (except Picture1) Wicca Merlin

New fantastic hair attachments at Baiastice!!!

Sissy Pessoa did it again!!! She designed 12 incredible new hair attachments. I am very happy to be allowed that I am able to show you all of them. for sure they come in the well-known colors and all shades as usual even if I only have the black version for this blog post only 😉

“Michelle” , a wonderful and smart “up do” for the fresh and modern fashionista. The sweet wisps fly around everywhere as they are not really willing to behave. “Invasion” is a wonderful short hair cut for showing off your rebel attitude;)  “Fiamma” looks like the big sister of “Michelle” and even a bit more bad girl with the wild wisps that stick in the air like flames that raise in the air! “Fedora” is the good girl one of that 4… 😉 An unsymmetrical hairstyle that has the dominant side at the left. “Fedora is perfect for a wonderful evening gown but not boring with the extravagant shape.

“Mylla” is the perfect style for a rocker lady 😉 Sorry that was to tempting 😉 It is for sure not only for them. It has a free forehead and is put together very high on the had falling down your neck over your shoulder. “Sukiu” I would put as the most avantgarde style for this 4. Very straight and very clear you can wear it for couture outfits but also for an elegant ball gown 😉 “Meda” I like to wear with my couture outfits. Also straight and clean but with a wonderful non usual shape;) “Siville” again shows a bit more attitude again as there are some bad wisps on each side for this up do.

“Irene” is one of my actual favourites.. 😉 I so love that cool look with the sideward cap and the sweet wisps that peek out on each side..simply fantastic. “Pistols” is definitive the wildest haircut and it is a bit more the ‘only’ an attachment as it covers most of the head also. “Shilova” is a long hairstyle again. The sweet tail is parted in 2 parts at the back of the head and moves wonderful flexible behind you. Wanna do some sports? The “Tennis” is the right hairstyle for you. The cool cap is part of that hair!

You really should make your way to the Baiastice Mainstore and see wich one and wich color is yours 😉 I do not wanna miss one of them 😉

I so was feeling the neat bad girl that I really enjoyed this last pic a lot… even if I took of the cigarette because of the smoke;)  The great shirt is from R:A:D and I really fell in love with. It is not the only one made by Redclaw Inshan 🙂


All hair by Baiastice

Skin: Baiastice

Outfit1 with “Irene”: Leezu

Outfit2 with “Mylla” – R:A:D

Facetattoo: Lionskins (not yet released)

Nails: Mstyle

Sneak Preview on the new 3636 Hair!!! Avantgarde – Couture – Different!

Just a about an hour ago I got the great new hair of 3636 Hair that will be released soon!!! Dianny3636 Aeon again shows off her great skills for the unusual and avantgarde hair!!! If you are searching for something different you definitely will find it at 3636 Hair. One of the hairs that will soon be available in all colors at 3636 is the “Gardania” hairstyle…

A very huge style that is decorated with amazing flowers. Perfect for the spring season and the ones that dare to be different 😉

We keep the flower theme but here we have another pre released hairstyle of 3636 Hair – “Bella”. “Bella” will also be available in all the great colors we know of 3636 Hair! A big circle that is connected to a small hairbase and lovely, sweet, little flowers in different colors decorate the whole circle which is also a perfect spring and summer hairstyle!

Last but not least I have to make a little confession… the last hairstyle was thought as a male hairstyle but I have to admit I liked it so much that I dared to wear it by my own for the picture and I think it also can be used as a female hairstyle for the smart girls 😉

“Xavier” is a very short and smart hairstyle. The sides and the forehead are nicely covered by a few wisps of hair and the top goes wild up… even if it was thought as a male style I dare to say it can be used unisex 😉

Hurry and subscribe to the 3636 Hair group to be updated when these great styles will be released officially!!


Hair1: 3636 – “Gardania” /platin

Hair2: 3636 – “Bella” /black

Hair3: 3636 – “Xavier” /black

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Haute Couture with Faster Pussycat by Honey Bender!!!

Haute Couture Faster Pussycat 002

Today I would like to introduce you to Honey Bender’s label “Faster Pussycat“! A very highfashion and fresh label of a young designer with great visions and ideas. Honey Bender, a well known SL model by herself since 2006, has an amazing taste for highfashion. Her label dares to be different. Beside the usual fashion “mainstream” she created wonderful designs that let every fashionistas heart beat higher!!!

For my first blog I chose 2 outfits that cought my eyes emediately as I entered the shop…even if I could do a mega post with much more of the outfits 😉

Up first we see the “Black Night Suit”

Haute Couture Faster Pussycat 001A stylish back shaded outfit with a combination of many textures. The neck collar, the wrist and the skirt prims have the same amazing lace texture. They are very “fluffy” and look like the “filigree” parts of the whole outfit. The topitself has a similar texture but a bit darker and so it makes a great basic for the whole top. A wonderful stiched part like a corsage break the testure of the top and make a fantastic eyechatcher.

The black pants have a kind of a shiny “leather” look and come in 2 versions. One tight,  to wear as a leggin or with boots and another with wider legs for ankle boots, pumps or flat shoes.

The second outfit Í decided to show is ” The Ice Princess”

Haute Couture Faster Pussycat 003

This dress totally caught my heart. A silver-white dress totally fitting in my season mood! A light short dress witha prim neckcollar, wrist parts and and skirt. The top is decorated with a magnificant detailed corsage with belts and buckles. As in the outfit before you can see that great stiched parts on the top and for this outfit on the leggins too. The pants are completly made of this stiched texture and make a fascinating detail for me.

Haute Couture Faster Pussycat 004

For me Honey Bender is definatly a designer I will keep an eye on and I can promise this was notz the last post on my blog about this great label! “Faster Pussycat” definatly got my attention and will try to be up to date with all the amazing new designs and see if I can show a few more of the existing ones!


Pic 1 & 2:

Outfit: Faster Pussycat – Black Night Suit
Glasses: (VW) – Fame Shades
Hair: Mirone – Ceria
Boots: BAX – Prestige Boots

Pic 3 & 4:

Outfit: Faster Pussycat – The Ice Princess
Skin: Lionskins – Forbidden
Hair: Vanity Hair – Mikodo 2

Boots: J’s – Long Boots Round

Model & Photorapher on all 4: Wicca Merlin