Drows – A dark Fantasy

I never was a huge fan of elves, but when I first learned about Drows – dark skinned and evil elves – I had to change my mind and look more into that 😉

Second Life gives us a lot of possibilities about fantasy characters and if you know the stores for the right skins, accessories and outfits, it is really fun to step out of your human body and be a fantasy creature – even one with ‘stupid’ ears, as my partner usually says. Since I discovered the mesh ears from .:E:A:Studio:. I tend to use those kind of ears more often as they do have the most amazing ones. Just the tinting sometimes isn’t easy as the color on the ears always seems to look a little more flat than the actual body skin. Most of the times I can make it work though – thanks to Sadystika for pushing my nose into easiest solution for managing the gap of the mesh head ear alpha *hides*

Today was one of those days and with the cool new arm warmers from A&Y, it was the right time to bring the little dark elf back on. I still love the “Ginny” skin appliers from YS&YS and the skin for today is exactly one of those. Most of my fantasy skins are from YS&YS. I do not know what it is, but sometimes colors skins looks details and highlights if they are colored. With YS&YS, I always get the impression that they not just color overlay their skins, they really seem to built them up from scratch, like they do it with their human skins as well.

The “Aglaya” arm warmers from A&Y are another addition to the whole “Aglaya” collection. I already blogged about the cool corset and boots before. When I was styling I tried many other latex clothing and accessories, but none would match so perfect than the “Aglaya” collection it self and so I decided to just do it in a completely different color than before 😉

I am addicted to the A&Y clothing, hair and accessories – I rarely saw such detailed and incredible textured sci-fi clothing and her latex is just super realistic and does not have those huge, just white reflection spots that latex in SL usually has. I am just in love with everything what she does!

Those who know me… do know my favorite color is black and all shades of black*snickers* It was quite out of my comfort zone to go white for the base color. Ok I admit I tried all kind of dark colors before, but none did pop put so great with the dark Drow skin. Since I already was out of my usual comfort zone, I thought I can add some colors as well that I usually do not touch too much 😉

Using colors reminded me, that I bought a hair style from .shi lately, which would fit perfect. The “Sa-Rah V2” hair has a special option for a second haircolor all kind of colors. You can decide if you want to wear it as a full normal hair color or if you want to add some color in the front.

For a real Drow feeling I certainly needed some sharp nails or claws and certainly I found some at FORMANAILS 😉 The eyes as well could not stay human – thank god I was shopping at the CURELESS [+] sale lately and got those uber amazing “Spookshow Eyes”, that perfectly fitted to todays styling.

I will now enjoy my look a little more and see what sims I can find to get more Drow inspirations and maybe some more ideas for another post 😉


Corset: A&Y  – “Aglaya Latex Cyber Corset + Top” (Maitreya)

Gloves: A&Y – “Aglaya Latex Armwarmers” (Maitreya) – NEW @ ROMP

Shoes: A&Y – “Aglaya Latex Cyber Boots” (Maitreya)


Collar: A&Y – “Lorna Leather Collar” (Maitreya, Gacha)

Rings: FORMANAILS – “Rings Simple” (Maitreya)

Nails: FORMANAILS – “Chris Claws” (Maitreya)

Hair & Makeup

Makup + Lipstick: YS&YS “Ginny Drow Skin” (LeLutka Applier)

Hair: .shi – “Sa-Rah V2”

Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.0”

Ears: .:E.A.Studio:. – “Thauron Ears”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Skin: YS&YS – “Ginny Drow Skin” (LeLutka + Maitreya Applier)

Eyes: CURELESS [+] – “Spookshow Eyes / Dialated”

Poses & Props

Poses: Bauhaus Movement

Backdrop: Paparazzi – “Spacestation – BACKDROP – Jade”

Model & Photographer

Wicca Merlin

Silent Valentine?

You do not need to be loved, not at the cost of yourself. Of all the people you will know in the lifetime, you are the only one you will never leave or lose.

[Jo Coudert]

Valentine flowers, Valentine cards, Valentine cookies, Valentine this and Valentine that… every where you go, you get it rubbed right in your face wether you like it or not…

But what is with those people who would like to avoid Valentine’s da?

Maybe someone lost a beloved person and does not want to get reminded?

Maybe someone had a bad experience on Valentine’s day and tries to forget?

Maybe some people believe, that Valentine’s day only was made for the retail and do not want to support that?

What ever reason people have, I think that everyone should be able to make their own decisions about if they want to celebrate Valentine’s day or not.

I do not need  a special day to tell those I love how much I love them and I would not just do that on one special day. If I want to make my partner a little present, I do that on any day and as often as I want during the year. Sometimes it is just a little thing, maybe candy or something I saw and thought he would like it,  just a gesture or maybe just spend some precious time together. I even think it is the many little things that really show how much you do love someone else and not a huge present on a special day, that you are told by the calendar.

That brought me to today’s post as I wanted to do something different for Valentine’s day, but as well keep the typical red color 😉

So many new events started and so many new amazing creations got released, I really had a hard time to decide what I would like to wear and use for todays pictures. I ended up with a huge mix and match for my look and as well for the set.

For the outfit I chose a combination of the new “Diana” outfit from [sYs] and a new lingerie from La Perla. You certainly can wear “Diana” without a lingerie underneath but I thought it does give a nice romantic contrast to do so 😉

The awesome bracelets and the very special mask, I found at ROMP. When I tried the “Blinded” mask from Cubic Cherry, it immediately added a very intensive feeling to the whole look. With the metal look and the shaped eye contour, it did remind me on that old Roman theater masks.

The head piece is an art piece itself. It was made by LouLou Teichmann, owner and designer of Bauhaus Movement, and with the amazing details and the super sweet look, it made the perfect contrast to the mask.

I would like to drag your attention onto the hair a little more. Recently I discovered a new hair store. I am super picky with hair, especially with the textures, but when I tried my first Sintiklia Hair I was totally amazed. Not only the textures are awesome, Sintiklia has an amazing way how they create their hair at the base. You do not really need a hairbase with the way they do their end parts that meet the head and there is NO alpha issues at all! On many of their hair styles, they even include a style HUD, so that you can change the look of it and get more than one style with your hair. With the “Salma” hair, that I found at ROMP, you get a style HUD that gives you the possibility of 4 different ways how you can wear your hair! And usually you find a mirrored possibility if you have wisps of hair coming down at the front. So often I was cursing when the pose was not cooperation with my hair and I wished I would have had such an option to just change the side of the wisps. As if that would not be already awesome enough, with many of the Sintiklia hair you will get – besides the usual color HUDs – a tint color picker add-on HUD. With that you even can work on the shades of a certain color to match it perfectly to your skin and as well your look! You really should try some of their demos and see for yourself – I only can highly recommend it!

Another part of my post, which I would like to spotlight a little bit, is the sweet looking ‘daybed’ – if you call those things like that. It is a little stool with sweet ribbons and cute ruffles, that comes with many different textures. On the first view you would never believe what is behind that “cute mask” if you do not realize the little metal rings that are added to all the ribbons! Maybe you will get rough idea, if I tell you that the “Boudoir Bondage Stool” was made by Dictatorshop… ok the name might discover something already as well :p

This sweet little furniture you might imagine in a sweet girls room until you sat on it – and if you are a dork like me you enabled your RLV before as it said something about RLV and capture yourself on it *facepalms* It has a full ‘Dictatorshop known’ engine for all kind of couples and solos and for some poses it does even rezz cuffs and chains! What I liked most, you can pose solo in a non kinky way as well as you can roleplay all kind of scenes with it – private ones, which I resisted making picture of :p You still can get it, if you get you an actual Bound Box with a lot of other goodies in it at the Bound Box HQ!

I hope you enjoyed my little ‘different’ interpretation of my personal Valentine today 😉

Happy Valentine’s for all who celebrate it and happy shopping!


Outfit & Accessories:

Outfit: [sYs] – “Diane” (Maitreya) – NEW @ Kinky

Lingerie: {La Perla} – “Bela Ensemble” (Maitreya Applier) – NEW @ Enchantment

Shoes: UTOPIA@Design – “Kaliska” (Maitreya)

Mask: [Cubic Cherry] – “Blinded” – NEW @ ROMP

Headpiece: Bauhaus Movement – “Grimhilde Headpiece”

Necklace: [ abrasive ] – “Romance Necklace” – NEW @ Enchantment

Bracelets: NOIR – “Sophia Bracelets” – NEW @ ROMP

Rings: Meva – “Bento Maitreya Rings Gold” (Maitreya, Bento)

Hair & Makeup:

Hair: Sintiklia – “Salma” – NEW @ ROMP

Body & Tattoos:

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.0”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4,1”

Face: Izzie’s – “Pores & Blemishes” (LeLutka Applier)

Tattoo: Redfish – “Beast Tattoo” (Maitreya Applier) – NEW @ Enchantment


Stool: Dictatorshop – “Boudoir Bondage Stool” – NEW @ Bound Box

Cage: Ama & Nais – “Box Cage” – NEW @ ROMP

Table & Deco: <Heart Homes> – “The Rose Silver Table” & “The Enchanted Rose Red” – NEW @ Enchantment

Wall Art: Atelier Visconti – “Vincent Wall Art”

Lamp: Trompe Loeil – “Wiggle Modern Light” (Gacha)

Chains: [Arch] Deco – “Box of Chains”

Model & Photographer:

Wicca Merlin




Blinded by the Light

First there was a short, glaring light and then a long following darkness…

Today I again will showcase some of the amazing designs of the Thereafter event, but this time in a slightly different way. I really do love the post apocalyptic scenarios with all the trash and chaos, the dirt and the abandoned cities. But this time when I put on the cool wrap from Bauhaus and added the amazing “Andromeda” makeup made by Slackgirl, I had a totally different vision.

If you saw a short harsh light followed by a huge explosion and then all around you became dark and silent… and then you figure it is not night, you do not see any contours, outlines of shadows as you used to at night?

With that vision I went on styling and put in the amazing top from Vinyl, as well an exclusive for Thereafter and the collar from Noir. The first vision of my idea for today slowly fell together.

The more I played with it, the more the vision again changed and since I have some fantasy moments as well, those influences added up to my original first vision. Probably it did not help that I was watching ‘The Chronicles of Riddick’ while I was editing my pictures :p


The evil Necromonger and the white lady that helped Riddick kinda inspired me to the idea of a magician walker, that roam around through the nights of a post apocalyptic environment. And who can say that a nuclear apocalypse with all the energy that gets set free does not change a human being and the skills and abilities 😉

Certainly the kick ass “Wasteland Reaper” from CerberusXing could not miss for that kind of style 😉 I always admired the work of [CX]. The ideas, the amazing details and the love of realistic creations of metals, chains, spikes and leather always fascinated me.

I did not want to use a busy background, as it felt wrong for my kind of idea and so I just played around with windlights until I found that amazing blue/green sky with a light blue-ish moonlight falling down on my body. After fiddling a bit with it and tweak it hee and there, it really got the feelings that I had for this pictures. Sometimes I really do love simple surroundings as they can look so very dramatic and thrilling even if you just use lights and shadows.

That was not the first time that the original idea turned while I put my style together, but to be honest I enjoy those moments when your vision turns around and it goes in a different direction as you planned on it.

Since we have 5 more days (only 🙁 )for the Thereafter event, that probably is not my last post apocalyptic post, but I hope you enjoy it as much as I do 😉


Clothing & Accessories:

Top: Vinyl – “Twenty Turtleneck” & “Matchbox Bustier” (Maitreya) – NEW @ Thereafter

Pants: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Omira Pants RARE” (Gacha, Maitreya) – NEW @ Fantasy Gacha Carnival

Headwrap: Bauhaus Movement – “Cypriss’s Apoc Part.II / Fem Wrap” – NEW @ Thereafter

Collar: Noir – “Furiosa Choker” – NEW @ Thereafter

Weapon: [CX] – Wasteland Reaper” – NEW @ Thereafter

Makeup & Hair:

Hair: EMO-tions – “Miranda”

Makeup: Slackgirl – “Andromeda” (Omega Applier) – NEW @ Thereafter


Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.0”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Tattoo: Letis Tattoo – “Rigel Princess” (Omega Applier)

Eyes: Arise – “Blind Eyes”

Poses: Drunk Panda – “No Option Left”, “Proove them Wrong” (fingers of the left hand edited for the light ball) & “Stronger than Before” – NEW @ Thereafter

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin