A Look into the Mirror…

As I promised yesterday, I had to play a little bit with the new Fleur 2.0 head, which will be available at the LeLUTKA main store soon! Yesterday I used the shape, which came with the head without tweaking it. Today I got the amazing skins from Glam Affair, which were made especially for the new Fleur 2.0 head. After trying the all, I decided to do my first look with the “Muse “skin.

While I was playing around with the shape, I got such a cool idea, how I could showcase the new Fleur 2.0 head, the Muse skin from Glam Affair AND the amazing face mask from LeLUTKA, that is included in the Fleur 2.0 head pack. I could do a mirror shoot, facing my own evil side in the mirror! Since we have no real mirror option in SL yet, you always have to cheat around a little bit with PS and while you are shooting as well to get the right angle and view. What I do love a lot is all the cool face mods you get with the Fleur 2.0 head. For example on the good girl, you see those amazing smile lines, which make the look so much more realistic and unique. Or the incredible face masks – where I chose to wear the No. #1 of 3 that you get with the head update as well – on the bad girl.

There is so much more to play with, I am still not done with my Fleur 2.0 posts and pictures I guess *grins*

To have a complete overview of the new update, please scroll down after the credits as I put all the new features there for you to get an idea, why you should keep an eye on the LeLUTKA new releases on the coming weekend 😉


Top: [CX] – “Mucronate Top – Leather” (Maitreya)

Corset: [CX] – “Oroan”s Binding – (Set A)” (Maitreya)

Pants: Salt & Pepper (S&P) – “Colette Shorts” (Maitreya)

Right Leg: [CX] – “Wild Hazard Leg Harness – Black (A)” (Maitreya, Gacha, Common)

Left Leg: [CX] – “Wild Hazard Leg Harness – Black (B)” (Maitreya, Gacha, Common)

Stockings: .:Avanti:. – “Ripped Nylons v2” (BoM)

Hair & Makeup

Hair: no.match – “No.Comission”

Eyeshadow (Good Girl): CAZIMI – “Electric Eyeshadow – 6 Blue 50%” (BoM)

Eyeliner (Good Girl): CAZIMI – “Desert Rose Eyeliner – 6 Desert Blue” (BoM)

Mask (Bad Girl): LeLUTKA – “LeLUTKA.FaceMask. 001” (BoM, part of Fleur head) – NEW @ LeLutka Mainstore (24th July)

Eyeliner (Bad Girl): CAZIMI – “Desert Rose Eyeliner – 10 Almost Black” (BoM)

Brows: ~Songbird~ – “Pencil Thin Brows” (BoM) – store closed


Nosering: .:E.A.Studio:. – “Inferno Septum”

Nails & Rings: .:E.A.Studio:. – “Infernal Claws” (Maitreya, Bento)

Arms: [CX] – “Lance Bracers Femme – Black” (Maitreya)

Necklace: [CX] – “Enochian Succuba – Choker (Black)” (Maitreya, Gacha, Common)

Piercing Lip 1: LeLUTKA – “Fleur.Piercing.Lip.Ashley/Laubert” (part of Fleur head) – NEW @ LeLutka Mainstore (24th July)

Piercing Lip 2: LeLUTKA – “Fleur.Piercing.Lips. Frenulum/Tongue” (part of Fleur head) – NEW @ LeLutka Mainstore (24th July)

Head, Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLUTKA – “Fleur 2.0” – NEW @ LeLutka Mainstore (24th July)

Ears: .:E.A.Studio:. – “Kanji Ears” (Gacha, Rare)

Face Mod (Good Girl): LeLUTKA – “LeLUTKA.SmileLiness.Lgt” (BoM, part of Fleur head) – NEW @ LeLutka Mainstore (24th July)

Skin (Good Girl): Glam Affair – “Muse Layer [ LeLutka ] 002 E” + “Body Normal [ Maitreya ] 002” – NEW @ Mainstore

Skin (Bad Girl): Glam Affair – “Muse Layer [ LeLutka ] 001 E” + “Body Normal [ Maitreya ] 001” – NEW @ Mainstore

Eyes (Good Girl): Madame Noir – “Wicked Eyes” (LeLutka Applier)

Eyes (Bad Girl): Madame Noir – “Sarah Eyes” (LeLutka Applier)

Lashes: CAZIMI – “Starlet Lashes (LeLutka Evolution)” (LeLutka Evo. Applier) – NEW @ Mainstore

Tattoo: .:Vegas:. – “Tattoo Dark Siren’s Song” – NEW @ Summer Camp

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 5.2”

Poses, Props & Tools

Pose: Foxcity – “Made Up-3m” (Bento)

Mirror: [Ds] – “Regal Mirror PG Version v1.0”

Model & Photographer

Wicca Merlin

Here is a list of what is new and updated on Evolution 2.0! The list is long so get ready to read in detail, and the best part? This update is free.

▓▓▓▓▓ EVOLUTION UPDATE LOG 2.0 ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓


⚫ Script : HUD Apparence

Only one Piercing

⚫ Script : HUD Database

Added new specular intensity module

Updated Repair Materials code

⚫ Script : HUD Kernel

Kill command receiver set to T_ALL instead of T_HEAD

Added textbox for custom tint color

⚫ Script: HUD Misc

Added timer to check for eyes animations

Added 0.5 seconds delay before checking animations after sitting on object. Fixes the

animations not restarting after sitting.

⚫ Script : HUD Modules

Added textbox for custom tint color

Added new specular intensity module

⚫ Script : HUD Panels

Updated with new tabs and tint positions. Added HUD movement and position reset

⚫ Script : HUD Sync

Added 0.5 seconds delay before checking animations after sitting on object. Fixes the

animations not restarting after sitting.

⚫ Script : HUD Repair

Added Repair Materials code for new specular intensity module



⚫ Script: ADDON Remove Omega 1.0

Initial Commit

⚫ Script : HEAD Apparence

Fixed the “Can rezz after unpacking” bug

Changed listener to kill command

Added new specular intensity module

⚫ Script: HEAD Animation

Added 0.5 seconds delay before checking animations after sitting on object. Fixes the

animations not restarting after sitting.

⚫ Added 4 lashes length options

⚫ All Animations Remastered

⚫ 5 New Moods and Expressions Added

Added Moods List:






Added Expressions List:






⚫ More Detailed and Remastered EYE CONTROLS, 98 in total

⚫ Updated Material Maps

⚫ Updated “Vocal” Gestures



⚫ Script: ADDON Remove Omega 1.0

Initial Commit

⚫ Script : EYES Apparence

Added listener to kill command.

Sends message to children prims to kill scripts (Needs ADDON Remove Omega 1.0)



⚫ Script : BEARD Apparence

Added listener to kill command.



⚫ Script : BRACES Apparence

Added listener to kill command



⚫ Script : GEMS Apparence

Added listener to kill command



⚫ Script : PNG Apparence

Added listener to kill command

⚫ Multiple Piercings Added (Left / Right, Top / Bottom pairs):

L / R Brow


L / R Daith

L / R Helix

L / R Industrial

L / R Rock

L / R Snug

L / R Surface Tragus

L / R Tragus

L / R Rings


T / B Ashley / Laubert

L / R Dahlia / Dimples

L / R Laubert Sides

L / R Madonna / Monroe

T / B Medusa / Jestrum


T / B 3rd Eye / Bridge

T / B Austin / Septum

L / R Nostrils

L / R Rings

T / B Tongue / Frenulum

More info @ https://lelutkasl.com/

The Good Old Times featuring [AD] Creations, EMO-tions & SoliDea FoliEs

Solidea, AD, EMOtions 03

Today I had a very sentimental mood and that’s kinda the reason for those style of pictures for some news of EMO-tions, (AD) Creations and SoliDea FoliEs.

Lately I have a lot of those moments when you think back to the good old times when you started something. In this case it was a meeting with a dear old friend who started modeling with me and retired some time ago now. It was a very nice talk and not just whining about the good old times but we came across that there really are changes from back then to today – good and bad ones. One of the good ones is that nowadays the avatar really looks very nice with all the mesh, sculpties and what not parts you have for the body and as well for the clothing and hair. Wicca was born like a cybergoth with system hair and flexi prims were the top-notch as they were super new*snickers* I remember very well how long I had to wait until I got my first flexi hair from Gurl6 and my first skin from Nominee. Back then 75 L$ for hair and 250 L$ for a skin was a fortune for me. Usually you got your money from the camping chairs wich gave you like 2 to 5 L$  for a hour or from those funny money trees that gave you a linden here and there in a random time :p . We had to wear face lights to be seen on dark runways as there was no windlight at all and it was kinda as a revolution when Maitreya released their first animated poses wich moved from one pose to the other for runway modeling… yes we all had them and you saw the same 5 poses from nearly everyone 😉

But enough reminiscing about good old times… because there are som many amazing news in the here and now.

The wonderful bacl dress are one of the newest releases from SoliDea FoliEs, called “Giz/Total Black” The dress comes in 2 parts , the top and the skirt wich as well can be worn single for mix and match purposes. The wonderful huge flower head part a well is part of the outfit. In the mirror you can see the sweet little flower, that holds together the belt at the backside of the dress.

For the hair I used the “Antoinette” from EMO-tions. A wonderful baroque hairstyle that went so amazing with the idea of my good old times rant 😉 . Together with the hair, the idea of the mirror and the chair came up to complete the vision of a baroque look 😉

The eye decor with all the incredible details was made by Aliza Karu, owner and designer of [AD] Creations. The whole “Chain Make-Up” set comes with a wonderful tattoo layer for the makeup and the ‘tear-washed-down mascara’, plus an attachment with the sweet little heart-shaped gems under the eye and the inner eye corner.

For the jewelry I again chose EMO-tions, the “Dragon Heart” set. This amazing ensemble with gems and the little dragons framed in noble silver metal was the perfect finish for today’s look.

Solidea, AD, EMOtions 01


Outfit: SoliDea FoliEs – “Git/Total Black” – NEW

Hair: EMO-tions – Antoinette”

Jewelry: EMO-tions – “Dragonheart”

Eye Accessory: [AD] Creations – “Chained Make Up”

Poses: PosESioN

Mirror: Myrrine – “Vintage mirror with lights, silver”

Chair: Boudoir Decor – “Baroque Chair White/Black”

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

The other Me…

LeeZu - Saphire Gown Mal & Wicca 001

I have seen another sky
I have climbed another tree
I have wished another star,
above another star lit sea

Another me lives another life,
I’ve always dreamed
Another me exists somewhere
Why can’t I live that life there?
Please let me be … the other me

And I have seen another sunrise,
and another lightning storm
I’m not just the me you see
You see another me was born

Another me lives another life,
I’ve always dreamed
Another me exists somewhere
Why can’t I live that life there?
Please let me be … the other me

Somewhere I’m happy
I’m smiled at understood
In another Place I lift my face,
not hide it in a hood

[Lyrics by Jim Sturgess]

LeeZu - Saphire Gown Mal & Wicca 002

First of all I would like to thank Malicia for the time and the base idea for this pictures. She came up with the mirror idea and as well donated her mirror to the shooting 😉

We both wearing the newest gown release of LeeZu. The “Saphire” gown is a fully mesh made gown. It is available in many different colors but for the post we had to choose 2 and so we decided to go with plum for me and black for Malicia. The wonderful shoulder piece is to add single so you can even decide to go with or without it. As well part of the outfit the little hat is. The amazing little hat with the tentacles just adds the little extra elegant and couture touch.

The jewelry I chose to wear is made by Lazuri for the MVW 2014 contest. The “MVW 2014 Eva Luxury” set is an amazing set containing 2 types of earrings, bracelets, rings and a wonderful necklace made of 3 parts wich gives you the option to wear it in 3 different ways. As for all the amazing Lazuri jewelry the set is menu driven and you can recolor all parts to kinda customize the set to your likings and needs.

For the poses we needed some mirrored ones. For a long time I asked myself,why some pose makers made these and the only reason I could think of was, that you carry something in your hand that might be on the wrong side for the pose. But today I discovered, that they can be very useful if you want to do pictures like that as well 😉 So i went with poses from *PosESioN* and Morgane Batista.

The shoot and preparing was fun and I hope Mal will be with me for some more posts in the future 😉 It is rare if you meet people, that you go along so well and SecondLife gifted me a wonderful friend not only in SL anymore. Thank you Mal, for believing in me and being such an amazing friend for me in both worlds 🙂 .

LeeZu - Saphire Gown Mal & Wicca 003


Stylecard Wicca

Gown: LeeZu“Saphire plum” – NEW (mesh)

Jewelry: Lazuri – “MVW 2014 Eva Luxury” – NEW

Skin: Silken Moon – “Wicca”

Makeup: Silken Moon – “Eclipse ES No Tears”

Lipstick: Silken Moon – “Wicca Lips Lead”

Hair: Tuty’s – “Adorable”

Eyebrows: Silken Moon – “ES Goth iBrow”

Stylecard Malicia

Gown: LeeZu – “Saphire black” – NEW (mesh)

Makeup: Silken Moon – “Simone Lips Golden Light” & “Simone Cheeks Golden Glow” & “Elements Eyeshadow Fire”

Hair: Miamai – “Janetta”

Jewelry: Lazuri – “Esme”

All poses by *PosESioN* & Morgane Batista

Breathtaking News & Timeless Favourites by Mea Culpa & PosESioN!!! Starring Dahriel & Wicca


(Wicca Merlin: Mea Culpa – Back Mamba & Dahriel: Mea Culpa – Painless Obedience; Pose: PosESioN – Hamlet)

Lately my sweet little brother Dahriel, owner and creator of PosESioN, came across that we both liked a lot what the other did and we talked about to do some pics together. I adore his picture skills for a very long time and I was very happy, when he told me he would love to do some weird stylings and art with me together. All of  sudden he IMed me if I could style anything with Mea Culpa and purple, as he wanted to wear the “Illusory Wisdome” outfit from Mea Culpa. I was thinking on one of my long time favourites of Mea Culpa, the “Hopeless Illusion”. It was one of the very first creations of Tatanka Kaligawa, owner and designer of Mea Culpa. For the poses we used some of the latest releases of PosESioN. As Dahriel and me got dressed he rezzed one of his new skyboxes for the picture and I got huge eyes… The whole skybox was in purple and black and had a look like it could have been a location of a Tim Burton movie! Dahriel and me discovered that we both like Tim Burton a lot – another thing we share as so many others, that we discovered before and I felt even more how much I love my little brother 😉


(Wicca Merlin: Mea Culpa – Hopeless Illusion & Dahriel: Mea Culpa – Illusory Wisdome; Poses: PosESioN)

For the next picture we decided to go with one of the latest releases from Mea Culpa, the “X-treme Mirrors”.


(Wicca Merlin & Dahriel: Mea Culpa – X-treme Mirrors; Poses: PosESioN)

The “X-treme Mirrors” is part of the X-treme line of Mea Culpa, a special line, that combines fetish elements with high fashion designs. Again Dahriel rezzed one of his various skyboxes and again it was perfect for the whole scenery… he has the eye for the special detail. More and more I enjoyed our evening that we had together… all the stylings, like for the “X-treme Mirror” I had an idea and he came up with another one, or the other waxy round and we started to mix and match our ideas according to the other… I felt like in heaven. The wonderful mirrors on the “X-treme Mirrors”brought us to the idea to make the picture like there would be a mirror in the middle of the picture. Dahriel mirrored the pose he had for himself and the room as well and with all the amazing details of the “X-treme Mirrors”, the glasses, the wonderful headpiece and the amazing textures the whole picture became art for me.

Wicca & Dahriel 4

(Wicca Merlin: Mea Culpa – Oppressive Prophecy & Dahriel: Mea Culpa – El Matador; Pose: PosESioN – Matador)

Dahriel got he wonderful “El Matador” outfit from Mea Culpa and I had immediately the idea, the “Oppressive Prophecy” would make a perfect match for another couple shot with Dahriel. The gold decorations of both outfits are just like made for ech other. Both outfits have a black basic and with all the amazing prims of the “Oppressive Prophecy” I go the idea of if a fashion matador and his fashion victim. Dahriel loved the idea and started immediately to create the perfect pose. As we thought about a location we agreed because of all the black and gold tines we wanted to have sand and rocks with kinda an arena style for the amazing “Matador” pose from PosESioN.

I would like to thank my little brother Dahriel for an amazing afternoon and evening. For a long time I felt the first time that there is a soul that is somehow connected to mine with all the weird stylings and picture ideas. Our minds are so close that sometimes it scares me 😉 , but I could not think of a better little brother than Dahriel! This was a wonderful and amazing time with such incredible pictures and I really hope that this was just a start and we can do many more like this little brother!!!


Picture 1:

Outfit Wicca: Mea Culpa – “Black Mamba”

Outfit Dahriel: Mea Culpa – “Painless Obedience”

Pose: PosESion – “Hamlet” – NEW

Picture 2:

Outfit Dahriel: Mea Culpa – “Illusory Wisdome”

Outfit Wicca: Mea Culpa – “Hopeless Illusion”

Hair: EMO-tions

Poses: PosESioN

Picture 3:

Outfit Wicca & Dahriel: Mea Culpa – “X-treme Mirrors” – NEW

Poses: PosESioN

Picture 4:

Outfit Wicca: Mea Culpa – “Oppressive Prophecy”

Outfit Dahriel: Mea Culpa – “El Matador”

Pose: PosESioN – “Matador” – NEW

Photographer: Dahriel

Models: Dahriel & Wicca