LOTD 04/13/2014

Lybra & Finesmith 002

Sometimes you do not really know what you wanna style, or what you wanna wear and then you maybe just start with the basic idea of the color. Today I was in a black & white mood.

For the base I took the amazing “Tigress Gown” by Lybra. Lybra made this for the Tiger Alley event at SAVIAD. The imagination of a white tiger is not to deny ;). The long tight shape of the mesh dress, that opens towards the floor, with its tiger looking top and the more black wider bottom was the perfect start to create one of my very own looks 😉 .  If you put on a dress you have various possibilities how to style it. You can go for the elegant and pretty look, or you can go a bit more couture or wild. For today I had no particular style in mind and just followed my feelings. The jewelry I took from the “Amit” of Finesmith. Usually the set comes with a black short leather dress but the jewelry itself was so perfect to the “Tigress Gown” from Lybra, so I decided to just mix those 2 😉 The wonderful head piece with the flower heads wich were repeated at the bracelet and the chest part give some kind of a spring feeling even if they are black. The petals that run down over the face for me give a lightly mystic or dreamy looking attitude to the whole look.

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Now the whole look became  bit too elegant for my actual mood and I remembered the amazing “Gacha Horns” that I got from a gacha at the Arcade. Those made the perfect contrast to the basic elegant look 😉 .

The amazing necklace as well was made for a gacha with a lot of different colors. Natzuka made those and as well some wonderful spring looking rings for her gachas at the SAVIAD Spring Fair.

And now please take  look at those evil long and sharp nails… aren’t they just cool?

They are made by Formanails. Formanails started to make nails for the Slink hands not too long ago and I already had a special about them. Ivi Bing keeps herself busy and brings more and more amazing designs. The latest ones are the “XXL” nails. With an inbuilt menu you can change the textures on them by touch and I really was happy when I found a black and white one that was just perfect for my todays look 🙂

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Dress: Lybra – “Tigress Gown” (mesh, Tiger Alley)

Jewelry: Finesmith – “Amit” (part of a full outfit)

Nails: Formanails – “XXL Nails” (for casual Slink hands)

Necklace: Natzuka – “Latex Necklace Black” (FIERA Spring Fashion Fair 2014, gacha RARE)

Makeup: Zibska – “Dahlinka Wild”

Skin: Silken Moon – “Wicca 3”

Poses: *PosESioN*

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

On my Way to a Mad Hatter Party with my new hat from Natzuka

Natzuka Hat +N1CO 001

Lately I talked to Natzuka and after some time we came across her store. She usually sells poses and makeups. She made some outfits in the past as well but she told me as well she found her way into nice and cute accessories now too. She showed me her new “Moka Hat” and I totally fell in love.

The cute purple and pink toned hat really comes with such amazing little details that make it an art piece itself. The little cup, the amazing sweets and flowers… you nearly get the imagination you just have to grab it and taste it 😉 The soft feathers that fall down on your face add a lightly elegant touch to that overall playfully and funky looking hat.

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What else it needs for a cool Mad Hatter party outfit? A cool and crazy look that goes with that amazing “Moka Hat”.

I decided to go with one of the latest releases from N1CO, the “Zoe” pants. Thos freaking cool mesh hotpants, are really something I love. With the cool leather stripes and all the spikes and studds I so screamed Wicca to me and it was exact the right pants to make a cool contrast to the beautiful and playful hat. The pants are fully customizable with a HUD. This HUD lets you change every part of the pants and as well recolor the studds and spikes to what ever you need.

The collar as well comes from N1CO. The “Queens Collar” comes in a golden and copper looking tone with amazing feather attachments. Made in mesh as well it goes amazing with every move and pose you do and it is the perfect accessory for an outstanding look.

The very elegant boots are out of the “Golden Thread” collection. This collection was the latest addition to the Black Label of Miamai. This overknee boots carry an awesome black and white sequins looking texture. The feet itself are kinda black leather looking so it looks like the black and white fabric overlaps the black leather shoe parts.

Ready for the Mad Hatter Party!

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Hat: [Natzuka] – “MokaHat” – NEW

Pants: N1CO – “Zoe Pants” – NEW (mesh)

Neckpiece:  N1CO – “Queens Collar” – NEW (mesh)

Top: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “80s LSD Corset” – NEW (coming soon)

Shoes: Miamai – “Silk High Boots Sequin” – NEW (mesh)

Makeup: Madrid Solo – “Siobhan” + “Lying Eyes”

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Natzuka for the Typhoon Fundraiser

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Today I am very happy to showcase the amazing designs of Natzuka Miliandrovic, that she contributed for the Typhoon Haiyan Fundraiser.

As you know, in the past few days we have seen a very devastating news where Typhoon Haiyan hit Philippines. Typhoon Haiyan is known as the strongest storm that ever happened and it has been reported to cause more than 10,000 death and more than 9 millions people are affected. At the moment, there’s no electricity, no water and no food. And they need our help.

For this reason the Typhoon Hayan Fundraiser Team lead by Jammeh Resident and sponsored by Zenshi started to organize different activities in Secondlife™ and will send the 100% of the money raised to help the victims of this tragedy.

You can find more information about this charity at the following links:
Website: typhoonhaiyansl.tumblr.com/
Flickr: www.flickr.com/photos/typhoonhaiyansl/

Natzuka made 2 wonderful dresses. In pink and teal, the “Jamee” dress is a wonderful addition for every fashionista’s wardrobe. The top is ornamented with amazing little butterflies in white on a black ground and a sweet zipper on the left side up to the shoulder, gives the amazing little extra. With the “Jamee” dress you are looking super sexy and even more important in that case, you help when you buy at least one of them… and better both ;). All the money that gets raised with the “Jamee” dresses goes to the Haiyan Typhoon Fundraiser.

Look great and help – They need you now!

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Dress: [Natzuka] – “Jamee” – NEW (mesh, donation to the Haiyan Typhoon Fundraiser)

Hair: EMO-tions – “Collien 2” (Picture 1) & “Harley” (Picture 2)

Shoes: :)(: Pixelfashion – “Sandy”

Furniture: 222769 – “Beyond the Sea Chaiselongue”

Poses: Wicca’s Wardrobe

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

The Fashion Teller presents: Murder, My Sweet