I have no clue why but lately all the cyber and the vibrant colors to it, have an impact on me as never before.
Maybe it is the new hairstyles from EMO-tions that got me into it again, or as well the suspense between black and intensive deep hued, saturated colors.
Today – as I just said – the base of my styling was the amazing new hair from EMO-tions, which was available at the passed round of we ♥ RP, but it should be available in the EMO-tions main store by now.

I could not resist to make one picture with the newest feature from LeLutka for their bento heads. Finally we can stick out our tongues with LeLutka as well and even if I might not have that chance too often, I totally love it :p
LeLutka released a few more new expressions on the Skin Fair lately and they are so easy to install to your LeLutka Bento head, anyways which of them. You as well can keep them separate and use them vis the HUD that you get with the box as well. They are all cool and they are so different from really photogenic smiles to as well those few tongue out expressions, which I really got addicted to the past few days 😉
The cool makeup is not a super new release but one of my personal faves when it comes to cool and extraordinary ones. The “Tammy” makeup with its unsymmetrical look just was perfect for that cyber punk look 😉

The awesome dress I am wearing for this post comes from [sys], wich was released for the Tres Chic event. The “Ellea” dress is just really cool with the huge laced part t the top and the bottoms that look like upside down jacket lapels on the skirt. together with the “Jassy” boots and gloves as well with lots of lace, it just totally did it for me 😉
To just add one accessory I decided to go with the “Joyce” necklace, that was created by Wicca’s Wardrobe for our collaboration with Enfant Terrible.

The super amazing tattoo comes from White Widow again and it is one of Julie’s newer ones.
For the scenery I used some of the awesome designs of E.V.E Studio. I love to make scenes with her creations as they always add some artsy feelings to all of the pictures. I totally love her surreal environments 🙂
I guess I go and find a place now where I can stick out my tongue to people a little more before I go to bed, as I enjoy this new feature way too much at the moment :p

Outfit: [sys] – “Ellea” (Maitreya)
Shoes: Real Evil Industries – “Jassy Boots” (Maitreya)
Gloves: Real Evil Industries – “Jassy Corset Gloves” (Maitreya)
Necklace: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Joyce”
Hair: EMO-tions – “Sun”
Makeup: Slackgirl – “Tammy” (Lelutka Applier)
Lipstick: Zibska – “Nereza” (Lelutka Applier)
Tattoo: [White~Widow] – “Wonder” (Maitreya Applier)
Set: E.V.E Studio – “Chained Red Orchid”, ” Dancing Poison Rain” & “Ivy Bonsai”
Head: LeLutka – “Simone 2.3”
Tongue: LeLutka – “Anima. TNG. Set 02”
Body: Maitreya – “Lara V3.5”
Eyes: IKON – “Hope Eyes”
Shape: Selfmade