Made for SL20 Magazine // Issue No. 12 // Skin Issue // August 2022
I hear the sound, echoes beneath
Angels and skylines meet
And I’m straining to reach
The light on the surface
Light on the other side
I feel the pages turning
I see the candle burning down
Before my eyes, before my wild eyes
I feel you holding me
Tighter, I cannot see
When will we finally breathe?
[- Fleurie -]
Again I had the great pleasure to do a magazine feature for SL20. This time it was all about skins. I really was thinking hard what I could do since I am not a fan of nude pictures and mostly magazines are PG anyway.
So my idea was to give a little variety of different ages (no kids) and to have some different types and genres. In the end I ended up with an aged version of myself, a super cute 20s ranged girl and my myself together with my sweet sister Vivien.
The theme of the magazine was skins, so at least I wanted to show a lot of skin and less clothing than usual 😉
With Vivien I love to do erotic pictures as she always show so much taste and not gets porno like so many other poses do. I am not prude, but I never saw the need for myself, to do pornographic pictures especially not official magazine or Flickr pictures. It can cause problems with so many rules and TOS of various platforms, that feels mostly too much hassle as I do want my pictures to be seen – not saying I am judging such pictures, I just do not want to do them for myself 😉
To me it is always very special to do pictures with Vivien… I never did hide that and so some asked me, what would be so special. Let me try to explain that… Usually when I do pictures I am all on my own. That means, I have an idea (mostly, sometimes sadly not) and then I try to work on it kinda wearing blinkers not thinking or looking left or right. That can become quite boring after some time and I miss some kind of challenge and if I work like that for too long it can get boring sometimes. With Vivien it is always like a “challenge” as we both have ideas and either I have to fit into her idea or she into mine… OR we develop something together out of an idea of one of us – if that makes sense. Furthermore we seem to have an “alike thinking” if it comes to showcasing items. There is not much talk needed between us, to adapt the otters look or focus on the right item or genre, which makes it so sweet and easy and we can focus on the pictures, poses, angles and windlight. We never had a fight over a style or accessories that are needed or not, nor we have to tell each other if something like hair or something else interferes with the pose – it just feels natural. I hope that made sense, like most of you know I am not an English speaking native 😉
For Vivien’s look just poke her and ask her *winks*

Made for SL20 Magazine // Issue No. 12 // Skin Issue // August 2022
Outfit: Aurica – “Diana” (Maitreya)
Earrings: .:E.A.Studio:. – “Earring Mads all linked” (LeLUTKA EvoX female/human)
Ear Lobes: .:E.A.Studio:. – “Inazuma Plug” (LeLUTKA EvoX female/human)
Piercing (Nose): Wicca’s Originals – “Jadeon Piercing” + “Tegan Piercing Set” (unrigged)
Piercing (Mouth): LittleFish – “EziliV2” (Lel. EvoX, Avalon)
Hair & Makeup
Hair: Exile – “Sela”
Head, Body & Tattoos
Head: LeLUTKA – “EvoX Avalon 3.1”
Eyes: IKON – “Ascension Redux Eyes – Divine & Damned” (LeL. Applier)
Teeth: [CX] – “Strigoi’s Fangs – Silver Type.1 ( Size E / Wider )”
Body: Maitreya – “Lara V5.3”
Skin: Traditional Face (LeL.EvoX BoM)
Tattoo: .:Vegas:. – “Tattoo Bloom ( Dark )” (BoM)
Poses, Props & Tools
Poses: BodyArts by Vivien De’Lancoure
Vivien De’Lancoure & Wicca Merlin
Wicca Merlin