Wicca’s Originals @ The Warehouse Sale // March 2024


Wicca’s Originals @ The Warehouse Sale // March 23th – April 18th
Item: Dapper Glasses (show/hide Option for spikes and sides)
Sizes: unrigged // unisex // mod/copy/no trans
HUD: 10 Colors / Metals

LM: The Warehouse Sale

Wicca’s Originals @ The Warehouse Sale // August 2022

Wicca’s Originals @ The Warehouse Sale // August 23rd – September 18th

Laurien was fierce and seductive.
Always choosing the utmost sensual looks.
Inspired by her essence, the Laurien top was created. Sometimes, all it takes, is the right piece of clothing, the right accessory, to make you feel incredible in your own skin.
The Laurien top is more than an article of clothing. It’s art, desire, passion and confidence all in one.
Does this all sound too good to be true?
Well try it out and you might just surprise yourself!

Sizes: Maitreya (Lara, Petite), Legacy[F] (Classic, Perky), Ebody Reborn

HUD: 10 Colors & Metals (5 different opacity options for the cloth part on the HUD too!!!)

Event Location: The Warehouse Sale // August 2022

Wicca’s Originals @ The Warehouse Sale // April 2022

Wicca’s Originals @ The Warehouse Sale // April 23rd – May 18th

Strip Away The Layers

The closer she looked, the more the colors blurred. Dull, lifeless, common. Nothing to write home about, if she actually had someone to write to. It was a minor piece by an insignificant artist, who led an unremarkable life. Just like me, Naia thought to herself.

With a heavy sigh, Naia pulled off the magnified glasses she used to resort paintings at the Metropolitan Museum and tossed them on her worktable. The throbbing behind her eyes was there when she woke up that morning and nothing; shower, food or coffee, eased her discomfort. Considering the shower was lukewarm at best, the food bland and the coffee weak, it’s not like there was much hope.

For seven years, two as an unpaid intern, Naia worked in the cold, temperature controlled basement of the museum for long hours and low pay. Her clothes were from the bargain racks at the local Goodwill. Long skirts down to her ankles, and oversized, shapeless sweaters; all meant to hide her body. She might be 26 years old, but Naia looked as old as the other two basement dwellers who worked nearby; both close to retirement age.

After rubbing her eyes with the heels of her hands, Naia looked up at the clocked and noticed it was after six; time to go home. Mr. Smith and Mr. Jones, heaven help her, those were their actual names, had already shuffled out, leaving Naia alone. No hellos. No goodbyes. No conversation day in and day out. It was like working in a morgue with walking corpses.

Naia gathered her belongs and made her way out of the museum. She arrived at the bus stop in time to see the 6:15 chug away down the street. With her bag clutched tightly to her stomach, Naia sat gingerly on the edge of the bench and waited for the next bus. What else could she do, but wait.

Two hour later, Naia walked the final block to her tiny efficiency apartment with a bag containing two soggy tacos and a warm soda from the whole-in-the-wall place around the corner. Just like work, she lived in the basement of a converted brownstone that had seen better days a century ago. As she drew closer, the building manager came out of the front entrance with an overflowing cardboard box. Without fanfare, he dropped the box on top of the trash cans with a grunt of disgust, and then climbed the high stoop as if it were Mt. Everest.

To enter her shabby little space, Naia had to descend a few steps to a door beneath that stoop. As she passed the trash cans, Naia caught sight of a familiar item in the discarded box. Naia reached out and fingered the well worn boots worn by Tillie in 3B. They found Tillie a few days ago when the manager went up to demand she turn down the music blasting from her crappy stereo, dressed in just her underwear and the needle still in her arm. Bet that stereo is now in the manager’s apartment.

Looking around to see if anyone was watching, Naia grabbed the box and hurried down to her apartment. Once safely inside, Naia dropped the forgotten food onto an old, scarred table and carried the box to her bed; which was no more than a thin mattress on top of a wooden pallet. The single room contained a toilet, shower (without any walls), sink and a tiny closet. No kitchen – only a hotplate on top of a small chest of drawers.

One by one, Naia emptied the contents of the box on to the mattress. A couple short skirts, a tank top, a black button down blouse, a red pullover blouse and a thin black sweater. All that remained were the thigh high boots and what looked like a child’s diary.
Naia stripped down to her underwear and dropped back down on to her bed. As if driven by a force unknown, Naia slipped into the boots. A little snug around the toes, but otherwise the leather hugged Naia’s legs like they were made just for her. Naia couldn’t help but stare at her legs like they were a new, strange creature she had never seen. And she couldn’t help but wonder about the woman who wore them.

With the diary in hand, Naia scooted back on the bed until her back rested against the wall; only a thin pillow to protect her skin against the rough, exposed brick. She turned on the small lamp that sat on the floor and worked the clasped open on the small book.

At the beginning, the diary was filled with girlish hopes and dreams. Pretty dresses. Parties. A puppy. As a teenager, Tillie dreamed of becoming a singer. Loved. Adored. Famous. Soon after that the entries turned dark. Names of men. What they made her do. What they paid her. How they hurt her. The last entries were nothing more than incomprehensible ramblings and unreadable scrawls.

Naia didn’t realize she was crying until her salty tears fell on the last page. She looked around the place she called home and her stomach turned. Her life could be reduced to a cardboard box carelessly thrown onto a trash can. With gentle hands, Naia carefully removed the boots as if they were fragile and costly and returned them to the box. Each piece of clothing, neatly folded, was returned to the box. Last, the diary was laid on top with respect, as though Naia was placing flowers upon Tillie’s grave.

Staring down at the carton that now rested beside her dresser, Naia was determined not to meet the same fate. For the first time in her life, Naia wanted to fight for something. She was ready to fight for a new and better life.
Naia no longer wanted to just exist. She wanted to live.


Sizes: Maitreya, Legacy [F], Freya, Hourglass, Reborn
HUD: 10 Colors & 10 Metals (hide option for the upper leather parts and you can color upper and lower part separately)
Event Location: The Warehouse Sale

Wicca’s Originals @ The Warehouse Sale // November 2021

Wicca’s Originals @ The Warehouse Sale // November 23rd – December 18th

Reality bites!

I remember the Zombie apocalypse movies and televisions shows from Before. Those were nothing compared to life After. But I always knew Hollywood was full of shit.
Some might call me psycho survivalist or a fanatic, but in the end I am alive and they are all dead. Ten years in the army, in the worst conditions possible, prepared me for this. The After has been a long time coming and I made damn sure I was ready for it.

The only thing I failed at was protecting my family. Lost Mom during my second tour in Afghanistan, but Pop was still going strong raising my kid sister and brother in Brooklyn. During one of my leaves, I built a damn good bomb shelter in the basement of the family home. Before I shipped out again I made sure it was well stocked with provisions.

The night the world went to Hell, I was video chatting with Pop and the twins, who had just graduated from high school. They were all so damn happy. All I needed was a few more weeks and the bunker would have been ready for all of us. Instead, the last I saw of them was their smiling faces huddled in front of Pop’s computer before the flash that knocked out everything.

Took me months to get back to the city. I carried the hope that Pop managed to get them down to the basement and into the bunker before the worst happened. That hope turned to ash, much like my childhood home when I finally arrived. I dug through the remains until I found the door to the bunker and opened it with a combination. No one made it inside.

So I packed up all the supplies I had stocked there and started back to my remote bunker, just me and Whiskey; the mongrel mutt I rescued from an animal shelter when he was a puppy. Half canine, half bear, but one hell of a guard dog. Quiet as hell, too, for a dog the size of a small pony.

It will be sunrise soon and it’s suicide to travel during the day; too easy to be seen. My boat is filled with the supplies from the family house and I don’t dare risk being seen during the day. I know a place in the city I can hide the boat and wait out the daylight. Whiskey will alert me to anyone approaching.
The old warehouse had completely collapsed, but otherwise looked sturdy. Over time the debris had settled and left pockets where a body or even a dog could squeeze in and find shelter. But as we approached, Whiskey’s ears perked and he stopped and stared at a tiny dark spot. I moved in cautiously and found a small form hiding in the recesses.
Her thin, burned face and bloody hands did not compare to the fear in her eyes. Before I could offer any assurance of safety, Whiskey jumped ahead of me and stood protectively over her small frame. Hackles raised and teeth bared, Whiskey alerted me to the imminent danger. With a hand gesture order to stay and guard, I quietly covered the small cubby hole with debris and moved to high ground where I could see what or who was coming.
Soon, two men came into view dragging a body between them. They striped the body clean of every piece of clothing then shoved it off the end of the dock. Then they began to fight amongst themselves for what they had just scavenged. One man grabbed a loose board and began to beat his companion. The other, disoriented between blows, still managed to pull out a makeshift weapon and jammed it into his companion’s stomach. Both men fell to the ground and after an eerie silence, neither man moved.
They were both dead. I had seen enough of it in Afghanistan to know what it looks, smells and sounds like. Quietly, I left my vantage point to return to women’s hiding spot and slipped inside my hastily built shelter. She sat huddled close to Whiskey with fists full of his fur and her face buried into the dog’s massive chest.
Since the men were only a few yards away, she had to have heard and seen everything. I slipped inside the shelter, but stayed as far away from the terrified woman as I could. I rummaged through my knapsack and pulled out a couple bottles of water I retrieved from Pop’s house and a few protein bars. Carefully, so not to startle her, I slid a bottle and bar toward her with my foot.
On a metal plate, I broke apart a second bar and held it out for Whiskey. The food was gone in seconds. I emptied half my water bottle onto the plate for my dog while the girl remained frozen by the canine’s side. Once Whiskey was taken care of, I made short order of my own meager breakfast, careful not to look at the woman directly.
I did see her slowly reach for the food and water and clutch them to her chest. She drew up into a tighter ball, keeping Whiskey between her and me. That was fine. I could not blame her. But when she whimpered in pain trying to open the bottle of water, that nearly broke me. Her hands were so torn up she could not manage the simple act.
I held out my hand and waited. Whiskey took that moment to stretch out and bump my hand with his head. With a smile, I obliged my faithful friend with a scratch behind the ears. This is one smart dog, because by showing me his trust, he showed the woman she could trust me as well.
Cautiously, a trembling hand passed over the water bottle. I took the bottle and unscrewed the cap enough so she could manage the rest herself. She snatched it back and took what looked like a couple painful swallows. How long had it been since she had water?
She tore at the bar with her teeth and managed to tear it open enough to get at the food inside. Damn, I thought Whiskey ate fast. Between bites and gulps she stared at me warily, expecting me to attack at any second. Can’t blame her for that either.
Using my knapsack as a pillow, I rested as best I could, but always conscious of my environment. Whiskey laid his head over his massive paws and went to sleep. The woman struggled to stay awake, but finally exhaustion won out and she fell into a deep slumber against the dog’s back.
By the time she woke up I had torn my tee shirt into bandages and cleaned and dressed her hands. Ointment from my kit was carefully applied to the burns on her face. This is all I dared to do for now. I couldn’t risk her waking and running. When darkness fell, I left her with Whiskey on guard and another bottle of water while I scouted the area.
When I returned, she was staring at her hands in disbelief as her body shook and jerked in an odd way. It took me a moment to realize she was crying. No tears fell, clearly too dehydrated to expend the dampness from her eyes.
I gathered my things and silently signaled fo Whiskey to follow. The dog nudged the women’s arm with his nose before he rose and followed me from the shelter. I waited outside until I saw her inch forward the opening to peer out at me. An outstretched hand was my silent offer, for I dare not risk even a word of comfort with danger still around us.
Wide and fearful eyes stared at my hand for a long time before her eyes shifted to my bare chest. The night was still hot, so I was not uncomfortable without my shirt. I had my durable pants and boots that never let me down. Her oversized shirt was torn and dirty, but it was long enough to protect her.
I was patient. The decision was hers to remain or come with me. We were both alone in this new world. I am not going to lie. I wanted human companionship. Female companionship. But I wasn’t going to take anything that was not offered.
I looked out at the once great city and knew it was the last time I would ever see it. Life Before is just a memory. I looked down when I felt her hand slip into mine. She slowly stood and stared up at me. The fear was still there, but not directed at me, but for the future before us.
This was a new and strange world for both of us. I offered her a reassuring smile as I led her to the awaiting boat.
One step at a time.

– The End –

Sizes: Maitreya, Legacy[F], Legacy[M], Gianni, Jake
(one full version and one coat-cut included – matches the Scavenger Coat)
HUD: 10 Colors & Metals
Event Location: The Warehouse Sale // November 2021

Even the Evil need a Sugar Shack sometimes :p


And so it went
The children lost their minds
Beggin’ for forgiveness
Was such a waste of time
And the bullets start to fly
And the bough’s about to break
When you hear them cry
It’s too much for me to take
They said the world does not belong to you
You are not the king, I am not the fool
They said the world does not belong to you
It don’t belong to you
It belongs to me
[- Pretty Reckless -]


Top: AsteroidBox – “Clarke Jacket” (Maitreya Petite) – NEW @ Kustom9 // April 2021

Pants: AsteroidBox – “Elise Leggings” (Maitreya)

Gloves: [Cubic Cherry] – “{Momentum] Gloves BLACK)” (BoM) – NEW @ The Warehouse Sale // April 2021

Shoes: L’Emporio – “*Refill*” (Maitreya)


Glasses: A&D Clothing – “Sputnik (f)”

Necklace: AsteroidBox – “Bailey Jewelry – Collar – Smaller Fit”

Hair & Makeup

Hair: Exile – “Phoebe (A)”

Face Art:  Nefekalum Tattoos – “Hunger” (EvoX BoM, Materials enabled)

Head, Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLUTKA – “EvoX Avalon 3.0”

Ears: .:E.A.Studio:. – “Akasuna”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara V5.3” + “Lara Add-On “Petite” V1.1″

Tattoo: Nefekalum Tattoos – “Willow #03″ (BoM, Materials)

Poses, Props & Tools

Poses: Lyrium – “Turning Pages” (Bento)


DRD – “The Sugar Shack” (Full Pack) – NEW @ UBER Hometown // April 2021

DRD – “Boho Garden Party – Tree A”

DRD – “Boho Garden Party – Tree B”

LAQ Decor – “Mossy Stonewall”

Little Branch – “ArganTree{Seasons}*Animated”

Little Branch – “MoonFlowerShade{Animated}”

Little Branch – “DownyBirch{Seasons}”

Little Branch – “OliveTree.v2{4Seasons}”

DDD – “Seasonal Sculpty Gift Grass [2 LI Each, No Flicker]”

Model & Photographer

Wicca Merlin

My Rage…


Everyone’s a sinner, baby
And so are you
We don’t really need a reason
For the things we do

[- De/Vision -]

Yes, finally I found myself in the new Avalon head, but that was quite a journey and without someones help I probably would not have made that…

When I tried the 3 new head releases of LeLUTKA for the Skin Fair 2021, I first liked Ceylon the most. After fooling aournd with all 3, it turned out more and more, that the Avalon head features most of the things I like for Wicca’s face. It takes me in forever if I am finally willing to change to a new head, to find the right skin, the right mods, make the perfect shape… that is why I usually avoid changing heads often for my main character – blogging other heads is a totally different thing, that I actually enjoy, as I can built a character I have in mind at that moment when I do the pictures.

I wanted to try a look with an Albino skin – as I always loved the special features of that very special kind of skins – plus my I had the imagination my “no brows” policy would look lovely with that. I tried various skins from various brands inworld and from Marketplace. It seems I have a different vision of an Albino skin that most of the other have. All I found was either something Goth/Vampire looking or some cute, pale, rose skins with glowy cheeks and/or glossy, kissy lips kinda girly/dolly looking – that was not what I wanted…

A little frustrated I gave up on that thought and just went further with looking for pale, porcelain looking skins. And as fate plays out, you find what you are looking for completely unexpected. I was looking though one of the weekly sales events and my eyes got stuck on a skin. Unfocused and fidgety as I am, something came up and I got distracted. A few hours later I had a talk with Vivien and she reminded me of that skin again and I jumped over there trying it. When I saw what it did to my head, I was just speechless. I never had heard from that skin brand before and what I saw did really blow me away. A skin, very detailed, amazingly toned and without the typical girly look on it even without any face mods – not yet as edgy as I like it, but better than anything I was trying before. Certainly it was just the face as so often lately – I come from a time (before appliers came who made it reasonable to part the skin in body and head as you needed one applier for each) where skins used to be in one piece and not split up in head and body if both are “layers” (BoM) – so I took a look, how much the body part would be and how it looks on my body. I was amazed when I saw, that the body skin had an affordable prize as well and so I got face and body skin.

Back at my working space I sat down and worked on my shape for hours – If you ever tried to make a new shape from scratch, you know how long that can take. After 5 or more hours I finally was satisfied and happy and wanted to share my result with dear friends of mine. So I knocked at their screen with an IM and got a teleport. When I arrived there, I still was so excited about my new “me” and asked, what both of them would think about and I got weird and confusing answers like “Maybe you should fix your eyes they are poking out a little” or “Maybe the piercings need a little adjustment as they look out of place”. I was completely confused… I usually look very closely on my attachments and how can rigged eyes made for the head look out of place?!? I mean I know both of them are perfectionists like me and so I started struggling and caming on myself again, but I didn’t see what they seemed to see. So I did a gayzo and showed them my view. I got 2 gyazos in return and my blood froze in my veins – THAT was not even close to what I saw. The first things I could imagine was trying to undeform my avatar, which didn’t do anything so I came to the idea of toggling my shape with an older one… and then I was shocked. When I opened my current outfit folder, I saw that I am not wearing any shape at all! It was a huge surprise, because usually you cannot take off a shape completely! I went to my shapes folder and realized, the shape I was working on wasn’t there at all and some of the shapes I made the days before were missing, too. I opened the last safed shape and looked at the date and it said 3rd of March – We have beginning of April now!!! WTF?!? Ok, we all know SL and how it can act up sometimes, so the first thing I did was I relogged, hoping that it would just be a bug and that would fix it. When I came back, the shapes were still gone and I realized there are other complete folders missing too in my objects folder. Slowly panic raised up my throat and I thought I might have to clear cache, since I didn’t do that for a while – again nothing… I know it is just Second Life and I know that a shape isn’t something to whine about. BUT if you spent like a whole day to make something and then it is gone, you have nothing to remake it 100% again, as you didn’t make notes of any numbers… It IS god damn frustrating and I found myself in a mixture of madness, sadness, anger and rage. It was at the middle of the night and I was the only awake person in the house, so I could not even talk to someone and yell out my feelings to get rid of them. But if you have really close friends on SL, they even can “smell” though the web, over the ocean, what you are going through and all of a sudden you get an unexpected call. First I was scared to take the call as I didn’t want anyone to hear in what a condition I was, but if you respect someone, value his friendship and especially if it someone that shares your certain lifestyle, you better pick up that call. So to the mixture of already existing emotions, I felt nervosity adding and I was lightly scared as well, but I took that call – it turned out that it was the best thing I could have done. Even if he sounded serious and partwise firm, he calmed me down and he pulled me out again from that dark corner I was starting to draw myself back to. I still was mad about what had happened and sweared to just trash the whole idea of that new head and go back to my existing one. But that didn’t seem an option for him either and he tried to insist on the fac,t I just should restart from scracth and that if I made it once, I can do it again. At the end of the call he sent me to bed to get some rest and to a fresh restart on the next day – I didn’t see that happening at that point, but since the sun already was rising, I logged out and went to bed. I still hoped it was an SL bug and maybe I would login the next day and everything would be back to normal.

Certainly that wasn’t the case and I alredy switched back to my old look when I got an IM with a new vendor picture – The Hunger tattoo, which kinda became a trademark for me on my old face, made for the new EvoX heads. DAMN… suddenly I did remeber that I was harassing him at least 3 times yesterday, to make a version for the new EvoX heads – he said he would do that when he feels like it is time to do so. And now…? I felt it was kinda on purpose, to force me back to work on that new Avalon head… how mean… and how effective! Today I just wanted to do a quicky of my new look, but I will take those glasses off soon to showcase that incredible new version of the Hunger tattoo made b Nefekalum Tattoos. This new version for EvoX comes in different colors and matching materials for your LeLUTKA EvoX head. The reason why I am saying that, would be that I know it will go on the Wanderlust Weekend sale on the 10th and 11th of April and you have the unique chance to get that incredible, amazing design for only 50L$ before it rises to its regular price at them Nefekalum Tattoos main store!!!

Thank you Sir Skye, for catching me in that particular night and for the time you spent to talk to me… and certinly as well for making me sit down on my ass and work on that shape again 😉


Horns: .:E.A.Studio:. – “Magnus Horns”

Glasses: -SU!- – “Esme Glasses Silver”

Face Chain: .:E.A.Studio:. – “Gunnhild Cross Goth” (Gacha, Rare) – NEW @ Kinky // March 2021

Septum: .:E.A.Studio:. – “Inferno”

Gloves: Skellybones – “Rae Gloves” (Maitreya) – NEW @ The Warehouse Sale // March 2021

Nails: [CX] – “Essential Dirty Claws (Original)” (Maitreya)

Hair & Makeup

Hair: Exile – “Nightfall”

Face Art:  Nefekalum Tattoos – “Hunger – EvoX” (EvoX BoM, Materials) – NEW @ Mainstore for Wanderlust Weekend // April 10th-11th

Face Scratches: Glam Affair – “Face Scratches 02” (EvoX BoM)

Head, Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLUTKA – “Avalon 3.0”

Ears: Aii & Ego – “Dark Elf Ears” (Bento)

Body: Maitreya – “Lara V5.3”

Tattoo: .:Vegas:. – “Tattoo Dark Earthly” (BoM)

Poses, Props & Tools

Background: DRD – “Powergaming Shed”

Pose: Amitie – “Hands & Co. II”

Model, Stylist & Photographer

Wicca Merlin

Wicca’s Originals @ The Warehouse Sale // January 2021

Wicca’s Originals @ The Warehouse Sale // January 23rd – February 18th

Wicca’s Originals has done it again with the Fox Glasses. Merging form and function, this set of eyewear dares to be bold and brings something fresh to the table. These will match any punk aesthetic well, rejecting what have become boring norms when it comes to eyewear. Whether you need them for eyesight, to accessorize, or to do some field work and want something that looks cooler than bulky safety goggles, the Fox Glasses fit the bill. The base frame and ear supports are made of a rigid, durable alloy rather than plastic, designed to hold up to more intense wear and heat. The lens frames extends from the lens to shield your eye on the sides, providing protection from dust or glare. The affixed flip-up UV shades provide shielding from intense sources of light, like a welding torch, or staring into the sun, if you’re into that. A faux ‘power button’ fills the gap between the frames, preventing any shrapnel from settling in the gap between. The Fox Glasses come in 10 colors and metals, and are unrigged, intended to fit any gender and any body.

Event Location: The Warehouse Sale