

There’s something I should get off my chest
I’m losing my mind and my life’s a mess.
Well everyone says do this and do that
Maybe they’re right
I feel like I’m gonna…….
It is so big yet I feel so small
It’s even in your shopping mall
Is my life wasting away
Don’t throw it away that’s what they say
I don’t wanna go out and fail
Yet I fail at home every day
I wonder someday if I’ll look back
With regrets on how I lived
Each way I turn I turn my back
Each time I turn I always look back
I’m trying to please everyone I don’t know how
I feel like I’m gonna…….

What should I do I really don’t know
Should I stay home or should I go
Well I’m struggling with my sanity
Is my life crumbling in front of me.
Do you know how it feels?
To feel like you’re gonna explode
Do you ever feel
Like you’re gonna explode.

[The Unseen]



Outfit: Sakide – “Impulse”

Shoes: :)(: Pixelfashion – “Vanina Boots”

Mask: PurpleMoon – “Lost Heart”

Nails & Handwraps: Formanails – “Scarabeus”

Hair: EMO-tions – “Tommy”

Scene: E.V.E Studio – “Broken Chains {The Bomb}”

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Bird of Prey – Pose & Picture Processing Studies with DARE Poses

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..::DARE::.. – Face Hands – “Collar” (#81)

I more and more find my own fun, in playing and fooling around with poses, experimenting with angles and learn new picture processing techniques…

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..::DARE::.. – Editorial pose 63 – “You Can’t See Me” (#63)

When I started blogging, I always saw the need toa full body shot, a head shot and maybe even some close-ups of certain accessories. Nothing wrong with that, but the longer I was blogging, the more it was kinda boring to do always the same kind of pictures for each post.

What is a very common way of blog pictures – and yes I tried that as well *grins* – is to have one big picture and then include little close up circles or squares for more details. Nothing wrong with that either, but over the time I more and more had the desire of making more artistic looking pictures, which still showcase the designers work properly.

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..::DARE::.. – Face Hands – “Imma Burrito” (#82)

If you have a full body shot, often enough the shoes, the jewelry or even nails often enough are too tiny to really showcase them as the full avatar gets kinda tiny when you try to have all of your body on your picture. Mostly I had the feeling then, that I had more ambience and background on my pictures, than the actual items I wanted to showcase. I thought by myself, what would be wrong to have real closeups as a full picture… sometimes maybe my head or face was missing but is that so important, if I want to showcase an item that my face is on the picture as well? Yes and no… certainly you want to show that the pictures are of yourself and brand yourself for marketing purposes, but sometimes you can even show your face in one closeup and have other pictures with certain parts of your body or furniture. I realized, that if I do that, I need to find interesting angles for the pictures, as if I just crop them they can look boring very easy.

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..::DARE::.. – Editorial pose 46 – “I Work Out” (#46)

I already talked about how you can twist and turn poses to weird angles and in the end they turn out as amazing crops or closeups. Some pose stores help with that kind of pictures and ideas, as they make unusual, editorial poses, which sometimes look weird if you see them as a whole or just from the wrong angle. Exactly those poses can be the most interesting if you go for crops, closeups or even interesting angles.

During the last Ferosh Fashion Weekend, I discovered a pose store, which I basically know for a long time but kinda lost out of the view over the time – to be honest I do not really know why…

Chance Greatrex, owner and creator of DARE poses, has a very special vision for his poses. They are really out of the box and different to so many I found on the grid. Just the fact that all his poses have each a unique and story telling name, shows that there is way more behind his poses than just an animation 😉

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..::DARE::.. – Editorial pose 62 – “The Struggle Is Real” (#62)

Lately I got s pose set called “Face Hands”, which probably was made with the intention to feature a hand/face combination for example for makeup and nails, rings or hand jewelry. They re perfect for closeups and different angles and while snapping I even had a hard time to sort out the ones I love the most, since I cannot overload a post with over 20 pictures*snickers*

 Since I wanted to do a pose study, I decided to go for something simple but still with ym personal twist for the outfit. I realized, that La Petite Morte has a sale going on where Voshie gives her skins away for 100 lindens! As I still do experiment with my new Catwa head and do not have much skins for it yet, I TPed over to the La Petite Morte and took a look. I was very surprised as I just expected older skins to be on sale, when I realized there are as well newer ones with appliers for several mesh heads and bodies!

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..::DARE::.. – Face Hands – “Bedtime” (#78)

I have to admit, I have a weakness for fantasy skins even if I am not able to use them too often, but for pictures they always add something special to the whole look. When I was looking around – after I found the TP to the sales room… typical me… – I immediately fell in love with the “Belle” skin in diamond. It comes with a Catwa applier and when I tried the demo, it looked so stunning that I could not resist to get me one 😉

The face has a wonderful ornament around the eyes and the lips are one of the most stunning lips I ever saw on the Catwa head. With the light purple/grey touch and a shimmering finish, the skin screamed for something mystical or fantasy looking.

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..::DARE::.. – Editorial pose 46 – “I Work Out” (#46)

To not disturb the view on the body too much I went with the “Siren Set No. 1” by Pixicat. The tight fit on the Slink Physique and the minimal covering of the body was just perfect for a poses and skin showcase. The cool “Bird of Prey” head-piece, we made a little while ago for a themed event, and it just went perfectly with the rest of the look, even if it is a pity that it covers the amazing eye makeup of the skin… that requires another post with this incredible, amazing skin soon I guess :p

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..::DARE::.. – Editorial pose 55 – “Now You See Me” (#55)

The cool finger rings I found at the last round of On9 made by [Since 1975] and I am pretty sure they will be at their main store now.

For the hair I wanted something pulled back, what did not interfere with the head-piece too much and so my choice fell on a ponytail from [taketomi].

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..::DARE::.. – Face Hands – “Damn Hot Coffee” (#80)

What as well took me a lot of time lately was polishing my picture procession. I played less with windlights and tried more to work with a graphic program to post process my pictures by painting and drawing certain things like shadows and lights and as well I tired to find new techniques to create certain effects. Fog was something I really wanted to learn for a long time, something that looks realistic and not just painted on and edgy looking. As well, how I can create shadows without using the SL shadows, or my shaky hands to draw fuzzy lines 😉 YouTube has a lot of offers for learning new things and from time to time it is really exciting to test something new, like green screen against white screen shots and the possibilities you have with those kind of photography.

So for this post I mixed clean pose studies with interesting angles and new techniques of picture processing and even if it took me a while it was a very intensive learning time, which I really enjoyed 🙂

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..::DARE::.. – Runway pose 18 – “Edgy Leaned Feet Apart” (#18)


Outfit: Pixicat – “Siren Set No. 1” (Gacha Item at their main store)

Headpiece: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Bird of Prey Mask”

Hair: [taketomi] – “MamiPlared_Bento”

Nails Rings: [Since 1975] – “FangRings”

Shoes: :)(: (Pixelfashion) – “Slavia Shoes” (for Slink high feet)

Skin: La Petite Morte – “Bella”

Body: Slink – “Physique”

Head: Catwa – “Jessica”

Poses: ..::DARE::..

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

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..::DARE::.. – Editorial pose 49 – “Floppy Wings” (#49)

Urban Musing


This wonderful picture was done by the talented Tempest Rosca. We got the a theme for the last issue of the Eclipse Magazine, called Urban Musing. The trend becomes more and more popular. In many of the fashion cities you can find people who mix and match lingerie with normal urban casual, to create this new and modern look.

It was quite fun to experiment with lingerie and make something that can bw worn on the street 😉

For more of those amazing looks you can take a peek on the February Issue of the Eclipse Magazine 🙂

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Top: Pixicat – “Temptation Corset” (Store Gacha)

Lingerie: Apple May – “Tigress Hotpants & Sliced Top”

Bra: Wicca’s Wardrobe (coming soon)

Collar: Maitreya – “Vintage Collar”

Jacket: ISON – “Occult Jacket”

Shoes: :)(: Pixelfashion – “Vanina”

Hair: no.match – “No.perfection”

Location: Maddux’ Wreck

Photographer: Tempest Rosca

Model & Stylist: Wicca Merlin

The Crow – Dark & Strong

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Today I have the great pleasure to showcase another hat for the Art in Hats 2015 charity. This time it is the contribution of Miss Darcy”.

The “Stillness” hat not only includes the hat, but as well a wonderful and sad dramatic looking face tattoo.

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The “Stillness” hat looks like a tree branch coming out from your head and has sitting a little crow in it. Additional to that you have crows flying around your head too what brought me on the idea of todays look.

The face tattoo reminded me about 2 things. First of all about the old silent movies, where pantomimes were used or even about the pantomimes, that you can find out on the street in the big cities who entertain the people while they are shopping.

And for the second reason.. I am a child of the 80s and back then those sad clowns, called Pierrot, were very popular. I know that the general term is way older, but they kinda had a revival in the 80s in black & white. And the mask kinda reminded me of that as well.

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When I was putting the hat and the makeup on, I looked at it more and more the Crow theme was growing in my head. Again and again black crows and dead trees were floating through my mind.

The dead tree totally called for something late fall winter looking in my opinion and I remembered the “Corvo” outfit from Zibska. The dark branches were right what I was looking for.

The outfit is made by Leezu and I just used the clothing layers for today. The kinda ripped off lately was the perfect base for the idea I had.

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For the shoes I was thinking a long time what I should wear. Boots? … to heavy for the filigree look with the branches… heels? … to elegant…

While I was trying several different shoes, a gift came to my mind. I got this shoes as a special gift, to remember something while I would wear them. The shoes are not common shoes, they are just leather straps wich surround the foot  and the ankles and as a heel they just have one iron pin. I am sure, that those shoes are kinda painful to walk in and as well not very comfortable with poking constantly into the back of the heel *shudders* But since I did not have to walk a lot for the shooting.. it was worth a try :p The shoes kinda underlined the gothic character of the look as well as they were filigree enough to not overload the whole look.

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With my addiction to tattoos, I certainly could not miss one of my favourite tattoos from White Widow 😉 . The “Cavage” tattoo is available on the We <3 RP event and it is a full body tattoo, which goes from the upper body,shoulders and arms down over the belly to the upper thigh of the right leg. That was perfect for the kinda ripped lately since the bare skin was covered by amazing ink then 🙂 The tattoo works for the normal avatar and as well for all popular mesh bodies.

Last but not least I added – to complement the shoes – I added a collar from Revolt ([R3]), called “Isobel” with some chains and buckles to bring back those accessories from the bottom to the top as well.

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Outfit: LeeZu – “Liquid Latex”

Attachments: Zibska – “Corvus” (part of the outfit)

Shoes: Pixelfashion – “Slavia Shoes”

Hat & Makeup: Miss Darcy – “Stillness” (Art in Hats 2015)

Collar: R3volt – “Isobel Collar”

Tattoo: White Widow – “Caravage” – NEW (We <3 RP)

Hair: no.match – “No.Why?” – NEW (On9)

Poses: Del May

Location: Digital Art – Cammino e Vivo Capovolto

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

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Natzuka for the Typhoon Fundraiser

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Today I am very happy to showcase the amazing designs of Natzuka Miliandrovic, that she contributed for the Typhoon Haiyan Fundraiser.

As you know, in the past few days we have seen a very devastating news where Typhoon Haiyan hit Philippines. Typhoon Haiyan is known as the strongest storm that ever happened and it has been reported to cause more than 10,000 death and more than 9 millions people are affected. At the moment, there’s no electricity, no water and no food. And they need our help.

For this reason the Typhoon Hayan Fundraiser Team lead by Jammeh Resident and sponsored by Zenshi started to organize different activities in Secondlife™ and will send the 100% of the money raised to help the victims of this tragedy.

You can find more information about this charity at the following links:
Website: typhoonhaiyansl.tumblr.com/
Flickr: www.flickr.com/photos/typhoonhaiyansl/

Natzuka made 2 wonderful dresses. In pink and teal, the “Jamee” dress is a wonderful addition for every fashionista’s wardrobe. The top is ornamented with amazing little butterflies in white on a black ground and a sweet zipper on the left side up to the shoulder, gives the amazing little extra. With the “Jamee” dress you are looking super sexy and even more important in that case, you help when you buy at least one of them… and better both ;). All the money that gets raised with the “Jamee” dresses goes to the Haiyan Typhoon Fundraiser.

Look great and help – They need you now!

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Dress: [Natzuka] – “Jamee” – NEW (mesh, donation to the Haiyan Typhoon Fundraiser)

Hair: EMO-tions – “Collien 2” (Picture 1) & “Harley” (Picture 2)

Shoes: :)(: Pixelfashion – “Sandy”

Furniture: 222769 – “Beyond the Sea Chaiselongue”

Poses: Wicca’s Wardrobe

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Elegant and still young and modern?

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Not too long ago Morgane Batista released a set of poses she named after me. During the development of the set, Morgane and me talked a lot and she asked me many things about me, as she wanted to have parts of me in that poses. After she send me the first 3 of them I was totally amazed. The first 3 poses were amazing they had some elegance, some fierce and some fresh and modern in them and I really loved them.

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(Picture by Sue Moonwall)

The after a while she poked me again and had another pose, a cool kneeling one that really looked like and 80’s magazine style model. I told Morgane that I loved the idea of some non standing poses for pictures and the 5th became an amazing sit as well 😉 For the last, the 6th pose, Morgane reached deep in the trick box 😉 She made an editorial pose that was leaning backwards (like you can see on the first pic).

When Morgane asked me if I would model for the vendor of her Wicca Merlin poses, I certainly accepted gladly. It was a great honor for me 🙂 I asked Morgane if she has something in mind about the styling for the vendor picture and she just said ” Can you do me something Wicca?”. I giggled, as it really sounded funny and tried to style something ‘Wicca’. I remembered a look I did longer ago for a charity and pulled it back up. I was not anymore satisfied so I redid the styling until I thought it could look ‘Wicca’. I prepared 2 more but Morgane liked the first one the most, as I did 😉 The amazing vendor pic was shot by Sue Moonwall, a wonderful sweet Lady that really has patience as her second name 😉 Thanks for the amazing picture Sue!

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For today’s styling, I decided to go with my outfit from my shift at GizzA today. The “Lordly” outfit is longtime favourite of mine and at the moment it is set to a discounted prize at GizzA, so I thought I can spotlight it 😉

The amazing huge collar comes from Finesmith and is called “Guilt, The shoes I found at Pixelfashion. I liked the combination of the woolen legwarmers that overlaps the pumps. With one of the latest releases from LeLutka I completed my styling. I liked the elegant and still modern look and for me it was kinda of a business attire and an appropriate outfit for my shift today 😉

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Outfit: GizzA – “Lordly”

Collar: Finesmith – “Guilt”

Hair: LeLutka – “Emeli” – NEW (mesh)

Shoes: Pixelfashion – “Sandy”

Skin: Silken Moon – “Wicca”

Makeup: Elysium – “Geometrica Line”

Lipstick: Silken Moon – “Wicca Lips Blood”

Poses: Morgane Batista Pose Shop – “Wicca Merlin”

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

[AD] Creations for the Couturier’s Docks

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