A little Midnight Snack?

Talk about her like a Queen
Dancing in a Eastern Dream
Yeah, she makes me feel like a river
That carries me away

[Deep Purple]

The eastern Asian culture always was very interesting to me. It has a great feeling of elegance, mystic and as well a high traditional one. I rarely dare to touch that kind of style, as I am not too familiar with it and I do not wanna hurt anyones feelings. Sometimes I do feel the desire to try and when I found that cute Octopus gacha from ::Static:: called “Octopet Prize” I could not resist to combine that with the try of a Japanese look, in a way how I would imagine it. I have no idea why, but when I was holding that little bag with the pet in my hands I had the strange feeling, that I just had bought my dinner… I know a little morbid but sometimes my brain does those funny jumps *giggles*

So I was looking in my inventory for something that could go with that idea and found a sweet short Kimono from Luas, which is quite naughty as you can see the bits above the seam. I did not want that kind of look for my todays pictures, so I added a bra from Blacklace and a cool tattoo to cover that lightly :p

First I thought about making a set by my own, but I do not really own many Asian things so I decided to take a look what comes up in search if I type “Tokyo”. After trying some places I found a really cool sim called “Rieri Town in Tokyo” and they had a super cool mall with some food shops and that was exactly what I had in mind ๐Ÿ™‚

Today I am again wearing my “Simone 3.3” bento head from LeLutka. Seriously, those heads never stop to amaze me in terms of versatility. When I did put on the “Geisha” makeup from ALMA, and tweaked my shape lightly, I immediately got an Asian touch to my face. Usually I never wear any eyebrows, that became kind of a trademark over the past years, but sometimes I cannot resist to wear some penciled eyebrows, especially, if I decide to tint my hair dark or even black.

Maybe I should dig more into that kind of style, as I really do like the look and the mystic feelings that are attached to that. Plus I really should explore more again and find some new awesome photo places for future pictures ๐Ÿ™‚


Dress: Luas – “Mei Xing” (Maitreya)

Bra: Blacklace – “Niki Red Leather & Lace Set” (Omega Applier)

Shoes: MOMOCHUU – “Hoshi – Stocking +Geta Red” (Gacha)


Headpiece: [CX] – “Sai Kanzashi”

Rings & Nails: Pure Poison – “Victoria”

Animals: ::Static::– “Octopet Prize” (Gacha)

Hair & Makeup

Hair: no.match – “No.Further”

Makeup: ALMA – “Geisha”

Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.3”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Tattoo: HoTINK – “Geisha” (Maitreya Applier)

Ears: .:E.A.Studio:. – “Akasuna”

Eyes: ARISE – “Haya Eyes”

Poses & Props

Poses: Foxcity


SSOS – Rieri Town in Tokyo

Model & Photographer

Wicca Merlin

Pose Studies with HelaMiyo

HelaMiyo – “Ankles Action” Pose Set

Poses are something very personal and as well to me they are a very important part to my pictures and blogging. We all spend a lot of time to dress up our pixels to get a cool look for our posts. I need the same amount of time as well to find the poses I do want to use for certain outfits. A real cool outfit can be super boring and not exciting at all when you use the wrong poses in my opinion.

HelaMiyo – “Ankles Action” Pose Set

If you have a wonderful detailed outfit and you just do a standing pose with lots of background and ambience around you, all those pretty little details simply vanish. It took me a long time until I figured out a way for me to keep those details and as well have a cool picture. Poses are very often too underestimated. Sometimes poses that look crazy and weird on the first view, can become very interesting if you play with them, turn them around or just have a crop picture where you only can see certain parts. Maybe that requires more pictures to showcase an outfit properly but I do not mind that at all if I am satisfied with the picture itself.

HelaMiyo – “Ankles Action” Pose Set

For shoes for example you can do so much more than just have shoes and feet on the picture. Like with the pose I used on the picture above. The shoes are the definite focus in that picture, but I still have nearly my whole avatar shown and the outfit it self as well. The same pose from another angle can showcase something different. So one pose can be used more than once and maybe sometimes you cannot even tell that it was the same pose with a totally different angle on it (at least I could not :p)

HelaMiyo – “Ankles Action” Pose Set

Sometimes I get asked, why I am doing more than one picture for my blog posts and if one picture would not be enough. Maybe sometimes one would be enough but then, if you style your avatar with time and passion, would you not like to show all the details you styled to it – Maybe a back view or a closeup? For clothing I usually do not have more than 3 to 5 pictures, if I do not have a picture story or something like that. Then I try to have one full body shot, one head shot and maybe one with shoes, nails or a little detail that would be overseen in one of the 2 others. But if I play with poses, I do have more than that. Usually, one pose set has more tha one or 2 poses in it and how I could showcase a pose set with just one picture if I do not wanna stuff all poses into one picture?

HelyMiyo – “Ankles Action” Pose Set

If I want to do pose studies with more than one pose set, I have to have more pictures to really showcase the work a pose designer put in to it. To be honest it is as well fun to change poses and angles while you take pictures. I sometimes find angles and crops I never would have thought about, by just turning and rotating my pose stand *giggles*

For this post I had over 80 snapshots and in the end over 20 pictures from them, that I wanted to use. but since 20 pictures is a lot I forced myself to cut it down under 15 for one post and do some more on a second post, so I will not beat you down with too many pictures ๐Ÿ˜‰

HelaMiyo – “Our Darkness” Pose Set

For todays post all poses are made by HelaMiyo.

HelaMiyo is not a new pose store. Miyoko Magic entered SL in 2008 and HelaMiyo was born back then as well. Miyoko always had very unique and impressive poses that not just were ‘simple standing’ poses. If you ask her you will find out that all of her poses have a linked story to her RL as she states on her website (http://helamiyo.blogspot.de/) . Maybe that explains as well why all of her poses are so unique ๐Ÿ˜‰

HelaMiyo – “Our Darkness” Pose Set

I still remember one of my first pose sets from HelaMiyo from when I started modeling and was working for a store named Staged back in 2009. We were standing on a round platform and we got a puppet hanger to wear so it looked like hanging puppet/string dolls instead of just usual store models – I really loved that idea and I still have those hanger and poses ๐Ÿ˜‰

That was the first time when I discovered HelaMiyo poses ๐Ÿ™‚

HelaMiyo – “Our Darkness” Pose Set

The more I was happy that now, about 8 years later, I got to know the person behind th poses! I am usually too shy to talk to designers if I am just one of a million customers, because I always think they are so busy with creating and I do not want to bother them with me and my questions ๐Ÿ˜‰

The more I was excited that Miyoko IMed me after one of my last posts, where I was talking about the difficulties to do pictures with gowns (https://wiccamerlin.de/i-am-a-pants-person-but-i-am-not-a-gown-enemy/).

She sent me 2 amazing pose sets for gowns (which I still have to post as well, as soon as I find a gown I do like) as she really proved me that there ARE gown poses who are not just boring and without any action ๐Ÿ˜‰

HelaMiyo – “Rock” Pose Set

What I do like a lot with the HelaMiyo pose sets is, that you always get a mirrored version of each pose. So you can decide either what direction you want to look at and as well you can do amazing pictures with a mirror or even fake reflection. It is really fun to experiment with that kind of pictures if you have the possibility of a second, mirrored pose.

HelaMiyo – “Contemporary Jump” Pose Set

HelaMiyo – “Contemporary Jump” Pose Set

I really think, that poses are sometimes underestimated and we just use them for the purpose to have a pose for our amazing styles and we rarely see the work and effort that posemakers as well have to do, so that we can shine in our amazing outfits on our pictures and on the virtual fashion runways. Because of that, I like to do the “Pose Studies” posts here and there, where I can mainly focus on the poses and give them the attention and time they really earn.

HelaMiyo – “Contemporary Jump” Pose Set

As well that is a personal challenge as well as you have to find an outfit that cooperates with all the poses no matter what ๐Ÿ˜‰ You have to find a look, where the poses come out clean and proper without breaks in the clothing or having your limbs inside your body. Sometimes that even asks for lightly shape changes to make your shape fit the poses as well. I did not have to change my shape for the HelaMiyo poses but the outfit was quite a challenge as I wanted to use some specific poses that have a lot of movement to them.

I hope you enjoyed my little pose journey as much as I did while iI was doing the pictures andย  I am sure that will not be my last one as I have a few more amazing HelaMiyo poses left to showcase ๐Ÿ˜‰

HelaMiyo – “Ground Sit” Pose Set


Outfit & Accessories:

Body & Jacket: [sys] – “Samhain” (Maitreya)

Stockings: .:Avanti:. – “Ripped Nylons” (Maitreya Applier)

Shoes: N-Core – “Ballet” (Maitreya)

Eyepatch: .Shi – “Patch Mechanics 4.1”

Rings: MEVA – “Bento Maitreya Rings Silver” (Maitreya)

Collar: Pure Poison – ” ‘W’ Love Collar”

Hair & Makeup:

Hair: Vanity Hair – “Crown Royal-Greedy”

Makeup: Zibska – “Augusta” (LeLutka Applier)

Lipstick: Zibska – “Asya” (LeLutka Applier)

Body & Tatoo:

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.0”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Facetattoo: Izzie’s – “Pores & Blemishes” (LeLutka Applier)

Poses & Props:

Poses: HelaMiyo

Model & Photographer:

Wicca Merlin

HelaMiyo – “Ground Sit” Pose Set


We <3 RP meets Skinfair or [sys] meets Elysium?

sys, elysium 01

Sometimes you have 2 or more items you would like to blog and then you think for a way how you can combine them ๐Ÿ˜‰

On the first view they might not look as if they would go together well, but then, if you play around with accessories and scenarios, sometimes you get lucky and the look falls together some when…

sys, elysium 03

Exactly like this happened to me a few days ago. I put on one of the newest releases of Elysium for the Skin Fair 2016. The “Candice Skin” totally caught my heart. With the cute freckles and the amazing skin tones, I really wanted to blog that wonderful skin. I comes with all kinds of appliers for the mesh heads and bodies, but for my first post with the skin I wanted to use my very own avatar face as the skin looked so cute on it.

sys, elysium 05

The skin really comes with many different options. you have the choice to use nearly all popular mesh heads, which are compatible with Omega, plus you can choose between a freckled and a non freckled version. What I loved most is that you as well can have an option for no eye brows, since that is my personal trademark for years now ๐Ÿ˜‰

What I appreciate a lot, Elysium offers the same skin as well for the default avatar including the head, which is a real rare case lately and the more I ould love to spotlight Elysium skins for that as well.

I was so disappointed when I went to the skin fair and saw nearly only appliers for mesh heads but no default avatar skins anymore. I can see the need for mesh head appliers as many do like to use their mesh heads. But as well I know enough ppl who like to stick to their avatar heads still – or even wanna change around between mesh and default – to keep their uniqueness and personality. I am not saying I hate mesh heads, I just was very disappointed to not being able to look for a new skin, if I do not wear any of those.

Anyways.. that was not the topic I wanted to talk about today :p

sys, elysium 06

The second item I wanted to talk about is the item, that [sys] has on the actual round of We <3 RP.

The “Nemesis” outfit, is another genius design of the [sys] sisters. It covers all the important parts and still gives enough room to see the “Candice” skin of Elysium ๐Ÿ˜‰

The set comes with a HUD to customize colors and fabrics. The basic armor can be changed to 5 different colors of metals and structures. For the light parts you get the choice between teal, rose and silver/gray.

The cool collar and chains as well come from [sys] and were made for the Whore Couture event.

The cool shoulder parts were made by Eudora and totally went with the rest of the look. The extraordinary head-piece was designed by Pure Poison and gave the dot of the “i” in my view ๐Ÿ˜‰

All those parts made no sense when I put them first together, but by looking at them more and more an idea for pictures did grow in my mind as well. I wanted something trashy apocalyptic looking to make a contrast to the delicate “Candice” skin and the amazing shining “Nemesis” set. And right there the trouble started. I was roaming around over many sims and places and did not find what I wanted or I could not rezz the cool “Barrel Chair” from 22769, which I liked to much for the idea of my picture. So I ended up with the worst thing I could imagine… I needed to built something myself…

I am everything but a good builder… and usually if I try to set up something it never looks like I want it to. I adore people like Anderian Sugarplum or Daffodil Crimson, who can create amazing scenarios and sets.

So I did know, I wanted the “Barrel Chairs” and something trashy on a sanded base. After I set that up, I opened my inventory and typed “trash” in the search of it and looked what comes up. I found an old bus station and some funny trash bins. A start but far away from what I was looking for :p

I remembered a wall, I recently got off a yard sale from Remarkable Obvilion. It is called “Junkyard Dogs – Corner Wall” and I suppose it came from a Gacha. Given the new term “Junkyard” (yes I am German and sometimes I miss such terms or words…) I made my way to the Marketplace and searched for some more ‘Junk’. I found various parts from Angharad Greggan, wich perfectly went with the idea I was going for. Together with some grass and dead bushes from [we’re CLOSED] and some time of pushing and turning and pulling, I got something I really liked ๐Ÿ˜‰

Now just a few interesting poses and then…


sys, elysium 09

ย Details

Outfit: [sys] – “Nemesis” – NEW @ We <3 RP

Skin: Elysium – “Candice” – NEW @ Skinfair 2016

Shoulder Parts: Eudora 3D – “Eir Shoulders” – NEW @ We <3 RP

Collar & Chains: [sys] – “Sade Bodychain” – NEW @ Whore Couture

Headpiece: Pure Poison – “N’aimah Headdress” – NEW @ We <3 RP

Hair: no.match – “No.Call

Mesh Body: Slink – “Physique”

Furniture, Junk & Plants: 22769, Angharad Greggan & [we’re CLOSED]

Model, Photographer & Set: Wicca Merlin

ย sys, elysium 10

Couture News from Pure Poison

Pure Poison Absinthe+Finesmith Nova 001

During the “The 24” event I had the honor to walk a show for Pure Poison. That show brought the label ofย Shaleene Kenin back to my mind and I realized again how amazing the designs are. Pure Poison made a whole new Couture Collection and today I would like to show case the “Absinthe” gown.

Pure Poison Absinthe+Finesmith Nova 002

The black version of the “Absinthe” gown is an firework of textures and an amazing mix of modern looking extravagant prim parts. The slin gown is covered by this amazing straps and lines that as well go up and decorate the shoulders. I just chose the black version, but you can get the “Absinthe” gown in other colors as well ๐Ÿ˜‰ .

The wonderful head comes from LODE and is called “Bitter Sweet”. For the hair I used one of my new favourite hairs from booN. The jewerly are parts of the “Noya” set of Finesmith. I just skipped the necklace as the dress was alrealy making the cleavage relativly busy ๐Ÿ™‚ . The wonderful makeup, which so perfectly catches the shape of the hat is the “Bird” from White Widow.

If you cannot wait till I shocase all the rest of the Pure Poison Couture Collection, what I can understand, since it has so incredible outfits, just make your way to the Pure Poison Mainstore.

Pure Poison Absinthe+Finesmith Nova 003

Gown: Pure Poison – “Absinthe” – NEW (mesh)

Jewelry: Finesmith – Noya” – NEW

Skin: Silken Moon – “Wicca Lumee”

Makeup: White Widow – “Bird”

Hair: booN – “SMK876”

Furniture: 22769 – “Somewhere beyond the Sea Chaiselongue”

Lights: [*Art Dummy] – “Light up my Way”

Poses: *PosESioN*

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

The Runway Perfect Hunt #4 – Part 11

TRPH #4 - Ezura+PP full

The Runway Perfect Hunt goes in itโ€™s 4th round :) . Morgane Batista again made it, to get amazing designers to participate in one of the most famous hunts on the grid. Even if the title says โ€œThe hunt with models in mindโ€ does not mean this hunt is limited to models only. All the amazing and versatile designs are amazing additions to everybodyโ€™s wardrobe, even the males will find some amazing hunt prizes in some locations ;) This year the hunt is not a total freebie hunt, each hunt item costs $5 Linden. With a total of 50 shops you reach a maximum of $250 Linden, what is a great amount for so many amazing quality designs!

Till Friday TRPH #4 does last, then all the amazing items will be gone… So I will use the chance for my final post about this amazing hunt.

My final styling is based on the amazing contribution of Ezura to the Runway Perfect Hunt. Ezura made the beautiful “Velvet Long Gown” in dark brocade green. The basic dress is mesh made and you have a wonderful optional flexible skirt attachment as well. For this post, I decided to go without to show the basic mesh prim a bit better, basically you get 2 gowns in one ๐Ÿ˜‰ The shoulder free gown is perfect for a formal or elegant attire. With the free shoulders it lets room for amazing jewelry.

Speaking of jewelry, I would like to drag your attention over to the earrings. Pure Poison made a wonderful pair of earrings for the hunt. The silver earrings with the black gems made a perfect accessory for the “Velvet Long Gown”.

For the hair I decided to go with the “Chevia” hair from EMO-tions to underline the elegant look of the styling.

TRPH #4 - Ezura+PP face


Gown: Ezura – “Velvet Long Gown” – NEW (mesh, TRPH #4)

Earrings: Pure Poison – “Silver Runaway Earrings” – NEW (TRPH #4)

Makeup: Miamai – “Les Makeups Masked 03”

Hair: EMO-tions – “Chevia”

Ring: (NS) – “Vicious Rose”

Lipstick: Silken Moon – “Wicca Lips Lead”

Poses: PosESioN

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

-The Event- Hollywood: [Pure Poison]

Rust 001

Today again I would like to showcase one of the amazing designs of -the event- Hollywood.

The amazing “Giul Haute Couture Dress” from [Pure Poison].

The wonderful gown in black and gold tones has an extravagant look and together with the “Giul Lace Haute Hat” and the “Adore Gold-Onyx Collar”, both as well from [Pure Poison] it made a wonderful elegant and artistic style.

The gown is shoulderfree and the golden tones give amazing highlights to the black base. The head piece totally caught my attention with the lace looking front that repeats the train theme of the gown and the 2 horns that go high up in the air.ย  The collar as well made of gold and black/onyx gems adds some elegance.

Rust 002

As I was searching for a nice location I came across one of the LEA sims. It is named “Rust” and was made by Cica Ghost. I spent a lot of time there, until I could decide where I wanna do my pictures. The amazing sim is so detailed and has so many amazing little places, it was really hard to decide for the spots I wanted to use.

Rust 003

So after you made your way to -the event- Hollywood sim (http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/event%20HOLLYWOOD/57/170/66), you should make your way over to LEA 13, where the “Rust” (http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/LEA13/169/48/22) is located ๐Ÿ˜‰

Rust 004


Gown: [Pure Poison] – “Giul Haute Couture Dress” – NEW (Hollywood)

Headpiece: [Pure Poison] – “Giul Lace Haute Couture Hat” – NEW (Hollywood)

Collar: [Pure Poison] – “Adore Gold-Onyx Collar” – NEW (Hollywood)

Skin: Silken Moon – “Wicca”

Makeup: Silken Moon – “Conceptual Makeup The Lost”

Eyeshadow: L.Fauna – “Basic Shadow Gold”

Hair: Baiastice – “Spagna”

Bangles: blackliquid – “Orbital”

Location: LEA 13 – “The Rust” by Cica Ghost

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin