Exciting News for 2015 @ Wicca’s Wardrobe & Happy New Year!

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Today again is a very special to me as I can bring already a short sneak peel of some news at Wicca’s Wardrobe of 2015 😉

To already show part of the great newness I asked Sazzy Nirpaw to be with me for this amazing post for a very special reason.

Today’s post will be about a new release at Wicca’s Wardrobe and as well an introduction of a special new collection located at Wicca’s Wardrobe.

The ones of you who know me and Wicca’s Wardrobe for a while may know Sazzy Nirpaw as my COO and as well my personal assistant and very dear friend. But that’s not yet all 🙂

Sazzy as well has amazing designing skills and already had a store way before Wicca’s Wardrobe was in my mind 😉 Many of you might remember her brand FATAL.

She closed her doors couple of years ago and for me it felt kinda as a loss for the SL fashion world since then. But she wanted to develop herself more and had various other projects and things she wanted to get done. But lately we more and more talked about FATAL again and the more we talked the more the idea was growing in both of our minds. I kept nagging her about her amazing designing and creator skills – I guess I was close to just get yelled at for not stopping my bothering :p

But… it seems my constant poking was not for nothing^^

Sazzy agreed to think about designing again!

I am very proud and honored that I may show you the very first release of the Wicca’s Wardrobe [FATAL] collection…

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The “Sense & Sensuality” lingerie!

This amazing lingerie ensemble contains bra, panties, corset and stockings. The corset is mesh made while the bra, panties and stockings come as layers for  very special reason.

For the very first time me and Saz were sitting together to figure out how the appliers for the Slink Physique are working.

Saz made the amazing “Sense & Sensuality” set in 6 different colors. For today’s post Saz is wearing the ‘black’ version and I decided to go with the ‘navy’ one.

The great thing of that lingerie is, it can be worn as usual layer clothing with the mesh corset AND with the Slink Physique mesh body. We included a HUD where you can apply the bra, panties and stockings to body, legs and feet.

So be sure to take a look and find the color that matches you best for a wonderful evening with the one you love 😉

Thank you Sazzy for your work, trust, and friendship and I hope that’s the beginning of another chapter in the book we are allowed to write together – our book of the wonderful journey that brought us till where we are now <3

I am very proud, honored and happy to have Saz now not anymore only as a COO – I am looking forward to a great collaboration of Wicca’s Wardrobe & FATAL!

Happy New Year from Wicca’s Wardrobe & FATAL

Wicca. Saz & Red

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News @ LeeZu! – At your side

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News @ LeeZu! Again LeeZu surprised us with an amazing new release – The “Constance Top” and the “Constance Leather Pants”. Both parts are mesh made and you can choose from various colors. The pants are amazing textured with an a wonderful used look leather texture and some cute ruffles at the knee. The “Constance Top” is something really eye catching. The right side of the top look like, as if you would have lost the line over your shoulder and it just fell down. I never saw something like this before as it gives the casual look a really cool and debonair touch. The top as well is again a masterpice when you look closer on the texture. All the shine and lights and folds make it look very realistic. Again I have to admit LeeZu is one of my personal texture goddesses. If you are brave enough you can just skip the top, wich I chose to wear from the “Vera” outfit.

Sazzy as well chose the same combination of the “Constance” top and pants, plus the “Vera” bra but in different colors.

We had so much fun doing the pics and the whole shooting went into a wonderful afternoon at the amazing “All starts with a smile” sim. It has so many wonderful corners and we really had a blast at the playground even if we had a hard time to find some non kissing couple poses :p But we managed to find some, with a lot of laughing, that we could use as best friends too.

Thank you Sazzy for that wonderful time again. I am happy we met and I hope we can have a lot more of those wonderful moments and times 😉

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When the daylight’s gone, & you’re on your own
And you need a friend, just to be around
I will comfort you, I will take your hand
And I’ll pull you through, I will understand
And you know that…

I’ll be at your side
There’s no need to worry
Together, we’ll survive
Through the haste & hurry
I’ll be at your side, if you feel like you’re alone
And you’ve nowhere to turn
I’ll be at your side

If life’s standing still, and your soul’s confused
And you cannot find what road to choose
If you make mistakes
You can’t let me down
I will still believe
I will turn around
And you know that

I’ll be at your side
There’s no need to worry
Together we’ll survive
Through the haste & hurry
I’ll be at your side
If you feel like you’re alone
And you’ve nowhere to turn
I’ll be at your side

I’ll be at your side
There’s no need to worry
Together we’ll survive
Through the haste & hurry
I’ll be at your side, if you feel like you’re alone
You’ve got somewhere to go
‘coz I’m right there

[The Corrs]

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Top: LeeZu – “Constance Top” – NEW (mesh)

Pants: LeeZu – “Constance Leather Pants” – NEW (mesh)

Bra: LeeZu – “Vera Top” (part of the outfit)

Jewelry: Mandala (mixture of different sets)

Hair: Vanity Hair – “Bitter Sweet”

Hands: Slink – “Avatar Enhancement Hands – Casual” (mesh)

Ears: Mandala – “Simple Ears” (mesh)

Skin: Silken Moon – “Wicca 3” /peach

Shoes: [GOS] – “Triumph

Location: All starts with a smile

Models: Sazzy Nirpaw & Wicca Merlin

Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Pose Fair 2014 – News from Wicca’s Wardrobe!

WM - Poses Momentum Set Posefair 2014 logo

The Pose Fair 2014 is up! RubyStarlight Writer again made it to put together one of the most popular events on the grid. Every year she takes a lot of time and effort to feature a lot of pose designers on her fair. This year she created an amazing place for the Pose Fair 2014.

WM - Poses Dark Lady Set Posefair 2014 logo

When you enter the sim you will immediately see what I am talking about. The whole place is black and just the shop entrances are highlighted. When I set up my store I really was impressed and it was super fun to just walk around and enjoy the feeling of the darkeness outside of the shops 😉

WM - Poses Elegant Clutch Set Posefair 2014 logo

For me this Pose Fair is very special as I was allowed to be part as a designer for the first time 🙂 . For my debut on the Pose Fair 2014 I made 4 different sets who are exclusively released atthe Pose Fair 2014 for now.

§ sets for the ladies and one for the gents. After I was asked so often to make some more male poses I had to include at least one set for the males as well even if I was told and as well shown, that some of my other sets as well work unisex.

I hope you enjoy my new sets and have fun by using them for runway or pictures 😉

You should not miss that great experience of the Pose Fair 2014 and all the great and amazing new and exclusive releases of all the designers who are being part 🙂

Taxi to the Pose Fair 2014: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Desiderium/81/212/296

WM - Poses Gravity Set Posefair 2014 logo

News @ Wicca’s Wardrobe

Wicca & Saz Corset Vendor

Today I am very excited to announce that I finally released my short series of corsets with matching jeans and bolderos 🙂 . It is a short collection of 6 different patterns and fabrics that iI was working on for quiet some time now. In RL I am addicted to corsets so it was a long time dream to make some in SL as well that would be kinda the style I could like to wear. Usually if you hear corsets many have only the fetish vision or a medieval look in their mind, but corsets can be so much more and they can be part of every day wear as well.

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A corset is a garment worn to hold and shape the torso into a desired shape for aesthetic or medical purposes (either for the duration of wearing this item, or with a more lasting effect). Both men and women are known to wear corsets, though women are more common wearers.

In recent years, the term “corset” has also been borrowed by the fashion industry to refer to tops which, to varying degrees, mimic the look of traditional corsets without actually acting as one. While these modern corsets and corset tops often feature lacing or boning and generally mimic a historical style of corsets, they have very little if any effect on the shape of the wearer’s body. Genuine corsets are usually made by a corsetmaker and should be fitted to the individual wearer. (Wikipedia)

In the fashion industry corsets became again more and more popular as sexy and modern accessories. And so I am happy to present my short mini corset collection in my store now 😉

I packed some full outfits but as well I offer all the corsets, jeans and bolero single, so that you can mix and match them how ever you like 😉 .

The pants have a special metal button that gets repeated at the bolero as well. On the first view the boleros are all black but if you take a closer look, each of that 6 different black jackets have a different pattern or feature round the zipper on the arms to match the jeans and corset they belong to. Certainly you can cross mix them as well.

The corsets all have a different texture and a certain style. Anyways if back laced or front laced or with straps and buckles, all of them come in the 5 standard sizes and are mesh made, same as the jeans and the boleros.

I hope you come over and take a look or try the demos and find one you like for your wardrobe 🙂 .

Wicca’s Wardrobe: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/New/97/141/22

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Models: Sazzy Nirpaw & Wicca Merlin

Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Wicca’s Wardrobe: New Age – My Debut

New Age for Blog

Today I am very excited and nervous because this will be my first pose about some clothing I made myself.

At the end of January I will turn 7 years old in SL. 7 years are a lot of time and if I look back most of the time I really had fun 😉 .

I explored a lot, tried to RP and dancing in clubs and after sometime I found my way into modeling in the end of 2008 by taking my first modeling classes at schools and academies. Since then I was doing a lot of runway shows, various video productions, managing different stores, having my own agencies and magazine with SL Art Couture and discovered blogging as one of my addictions besides teaching.

Early 2013 I realized my self being kinda restless as I wanted to do something new. First I was not really sure what it should be. More and more the dream was growing inside of me t make something, something that i can hold in my hands saying it is made by me 😉

First I tried it with poses. I was making poses anyways for my blog sometimes and after I was asked why I do not sell them, the idea of Wicca’s Wardrobe was born. For quite some time I just made poses and I still have fun doing that. But more and more a nother desire was growing inside myself… I wanted to create more than poses. After looking a bit on marketplace I found the wonderful world of mesh, sculpties and prims. Together with my Photoshop addiction the plan to make shoes or clothing for myself came more and more real.

New Age Bracelets Blog

I started with some accessories like head pieces or hats and some bracers until I found some awesome pants on Marketplace I wanted to try for myself first. It worked out quite nice and so I decided I can put it to Wicca’s Wardrobe. One by one all the pieces of the “New Age” outfit found their way into my inventory and I had a lot of fun by trying different textures and combinations. The result was the “New Age” outfit in 3 lightly different versions.

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The outfit can be purchased as a total for each version or you can mix and match together your version if you just pick the single at my Mainstore. The whole “New Age” outfit contains awesome mesh pants with those fancy leg shape, the mesh top that can be worn with or without the shoulder attachment and you can choose between 3 types of bracers. The shoulder parts and bracers are able to be fitted with a resizer and for the mesh parts you always have the 5 standard sizes.

If you wanna try if the “New Age” outfit is something for you or if it fits you just take a look at Wicca’s Wardrobe, you will find demos to try there.

Wicca’s Wardrobe Taxi: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/New/27/82/22

Thank you Dahriel and Sazzy for your patience to snap those pictures with you 😉

Fantasy Gacha Carnival Dreams

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Beyond, beyond the mountain line,
The grey-stone and the boulder,
Beyond the growth of dark green pine,
That crowns its western shoulder,
There lies that fairy-land of mine,
Unseen of a beholder.

Its fruits are all like rubies rare;
Its streams are clear as glasses;
There golden castles hang in air,
And purple grapes in masses,
And noble knights and ladies fair
Come riding down the passes.

Ah me! they say if I could stand
Upon those mountain ledges,
I should see on either hand
Plain fields and dusty hedges;
And yet I know my fairy-land
Lies somewhere o’er their edges.

– Cecil Frances Alexander –

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I am very happy to do a post again with the sweet and cute Sazzy Nirpaw. She was always someone special to me since we met and your ways never parted even of we did not talk every day. Lately we came more and more close and were talking a lot and since I started creating stuff and anyways have a brain like swiss cheese she had pity with me and offered to be my personal assistant. First I was hesitating, as I never has something like that before and the thought of someone working for me, a confused and crazy-weird person that mostly cannot even work with herself, kinda scared me and I had the feeling, that should not bother another person with my ADHD character.

But she did not give up being here and helping me. After some time I could not even think what to do without her and I finally agreed, that she now official is my PA and I do not regret it – I could not have chosen a better one 😉 . Thank you Sazzy for being here for me and sorting my chaos.

The majority of the showcased items are coming from Enfant Terrible. One new upcoming brand that has all those extravagant goodies I love so much. For the Fantasy Gacha Carnival she did amazing accessories. So mark your calendars some when between the 1st and 28th of February to stop by and visit the Fantasy Gacha Carnival. The ballerina shoes are available in February only at Enchantment and they will not be sold after.


Sazzy’s Stylecard would be HERE

My Style Card

Necklace: Enfant Terrible – “Midsommer Dream Necklace” – NEW – (Fantasy Gacha Carnival)

Bracelet: Enfant Terrible – “Midsommer Dream Apple Bracelet” – NEW – (Fantasy Gacha Carnival)

Horns: Enfant Terrible – “Midsommer Dream Horns 1” – NEW – (Fantasy Gacha Carnival)

Head Piece: Enfant Terrible – “Midsommer Dream Flowerband colors RARE” – NEW – (Fantasy Gacha Carnival)

Back Lantern: Enfant Terrible – “Midsommer Dream Staff ULTRA RARE” – NEW – (Fantasy Gacha Carnival)

Shoes: Enfant Terrible – “Ribbon Ballerinas” – NEW – (Enchantment Exclusive for February 2014)

Outfit: GizzA – “Amorah”

Hair: DeLa – “Marley” (mesh)

Wings: Fancy Fairey – “Tendril Wings”

Models: Sazzy Nirpaw & Wicca Merlin

Set Building: Sazzy Nirpaw

Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Wicca’s Wardrobe: Torn

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Sometimes you just do not know where to go or what to do, you feel torn inside and you only see darkness. Sometimes your inner only feels like a big fight and you have no clue how to escape.

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Sometimes it it hard to find words to describe what you wanna say. And I tried to find words for this post and they just did not wanna flow. A close friend of mine, who is way better with words and who knows me very well wrote something for me after i showed her the pics and gave her a lot of single words and emotions and I would like to share it as it really expresses, what I only could say with pictures. Thank you Mal for finding the right words for me, for knowing me and understanding me even without any words sometimes.

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I am alive – though I am dead

I am over you – though you bury me

I am me – though I am no one

I survive – though I die each day

I am strong – though I feel I will break any minute

I am you – though I don’t know who you are

I am here – though I don’t know where

I am understood – though you don’t know what I am talking about

I wanna enjoy –  though I don’t know fun anymore

I miss you – though I never know who you were

I am lonely – though there are crowds around me

I am dead – though I still move

I submit – though you are not worth it

I am all – though I cant cope

I will die – though I wanna live

I am weak – though I can do all I want

I am me  – though I am lost

I am there – though I don’t know where

I am a riddle – though it would be so easy

I wanna think – though I get stuck

I am happy – though I should not be

I am – though I am not

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Outfit: Graves – “G 179 Crossfire”

Hair: DeLa – “Marley” (mesh)

Chains: [Ca.Co] – “Chained Down”

Tattoo: [iN] – “Eternity Awaits”

Blindfold: N1CO – “Devotion Blindfolds”

Makeup: Shakeup – “Bleeding Mascara”

Lipstick: Silken Moon -“Wicca Lips Cardinal”

Skin: Silken Moon – “Wicca”

Boots: Slink – “Tall Leather Thigh Boots” (mesh)

Poses & Prop: Glitterati – “Mausoleum”

Poem: Malicia Python

Set building: Sazzy Nirpaw

Concept, Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Press Release: A Star is Born (ASIB) – First Show Results!

“A Star Is Born!” group, which was launched by Kay Fairey on February 29, 2012, to support promising new models has since gathered a group of up and coming new models who all have joined with recommendation from various model academies, and has executed its first show on Sunday, June 17th.

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Fluke for CHIC²

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Wicca’s Wardrobe: Burlesque

Today I would like to tell  little story again that this pictures, made by Daron Brandeis, have attached. The first picture, was the entry for the BOSL covercontest and was choosen into the Top 5 on Frolic Mills flickr stream. Sadly it did not make the cover but never the less it really was fun 🙂

I already blogged more then once the great new corset brand NV Corsetry. Their corsets are really amazing and I felt really honored as I was chosen to be part of the BOSL fashion spread of NV Corsetry. I already blogged many different styles with the corsets of NV Corsetry and for sure the burlesque theme was kinda bullseye for a styling with those corsets. In the burlesque aera, corsets were very popular and you could not think any styling without them nearly. I would like to showcase the stylings I made for the BOSL fashion spread, as I really had fun doing them and it shows another possibility for wearing the amazing corsets from NV Corsetry.

For the first look I got the “Ordained” corset and the short body from NV Corsetry and for the rest of the look I had my freedom to choose what I wanted, according to the challenge to create a burlesque outfit. I roamed through google and saw different pictures of amazing burlesque stylings, but one got stuck in my mind. It was a relativly modern picture but the girl had combined fishnet tights with cool boots and a litte hat. I remembered the “Rosenkavalier” hat from Rozoregalia and it matched perfect to what I wanted to go for. Fishnet tights I found on marketplace and for sure feathers and the long cigarette holder could not be missing. Them I found at !dM deviousBeauty out of their ‘Fetish Cabaret’ collection. I like the little details so I added one of those velvet chokers I saw on so many pics with the little rose in the front and the gloves of the Betty outfit from Angel Dessous. The awesome “Burlesque” boots, made by [GOS] made the perfect finish for Look No. 1 🙂

Look No. 2 was not that easy as the “Wrath” outfit from NV Corsetry comes with a long black latex suit. Latex was not that popular and known in the times of the burlesque aera. So I had to think harder for this look to make it work. First I slipped into my red BAX ankle boots. as red and black was used often for burlesque in the past. Then I made my way back to !dm deviousBeauty and took another look on their ‘Fetish Cabaret’ line. I found one outfit that had interesting huge red feathers for the hips, waist and head and as well a red feather boa that came with matching poses to wear it. The black “Wisper” boa I took from Miamai out of the ‘inMutatio’ collection. The 2 huge black fans were provided by Maya Paris.

I hope you liked my little trip into the burlesque aera 🙂

I would like to thank Sazzy Nirpaw for building the amazing burlesque set and modeling in pic 1 and Daron Brandeis for his great idea and the amazing pictures and as well modeling in pic 1 :p


Look No. 1:

Corset & Short Body: NV Corsetry – “Ordained”

Lashes: Redgrave – “Vampire”

Boots: [GOS] – “Burlesque”

Feathers & Cigarette Holder: !dm – “Fetish Cabaret/Feather Queen”

Skin: Silken Moon – “Rookie” (special custom makeup)

Eyeliner: Silken Moon – “Wicca”

Birthmark: Miamai – “Birthmark 03”

Gloves: Angel Dessous – “Betty”

Fishnet Tights: Thalia’s Fashion Collection – “Fishnet Pantyhose with Seam”

Look No. 2:

Corset & Long Latex Suit: NV Corsetry – “Wrath”

Birthmark: Miamai – “Birthmark 03”

Eyeliner: Silken Moon – “Wicca”

Earrings: Chloe – “Black Drop”

Boots: BAX – “Ankle Boots”

Feathers: !dm – “Fetish Cabaret/Show Diva”

Skin: Silken Moon – “Rookie” (special custom makeup)

Boa: Miamai – “Whisper”

Hair: Baiastice – “Moira”

Model: Wicca Merlin

Photographer: Daron Brandeis