“In 2077, what makes someone a criminal? Getting caught!”


“In 2077, what makes someone a criminal? Getting caught!”

[- Cyberpunk 2077, by Johnny Silverhand -]

It is Cyber Fair again! ACCESS again runs another round of the Cyber Fair at the moment with amazing designers and creations for all those who have a sci-fi, cyber or cyberpunk addiction like me 😉

I would like to spotlight some of my person highlights (there will be more soon in my nest posts!!)… I love to mix and match looks and so I sometimes break down outfits into their single pieces to get a more unique and personalized look. Sometimes designers do not like that, especially if they made full outfits, they like to have them being showcased together. If I blog for a certain designer and only want to showcase their exclusive releases, I usually keep them together and try to used them in mix and matches later on. But since I just wandered over the fair to get some more inspiration, I was able to do my first look completely free from any obligations and duties just having fun and fooling around with all the ‘goodies’ 😉

Let’s start with the awesome jacket. The “Thrasher Jacket” was made by A&Y one of my favorite designers if it comes to cyber or science fiction looks. I love the her creative ideas and the way how she does texture her designs. It has a certain shininess and the materials are truly amazing without being too ‘glowy’ or light. That makes it very easy to work with lights, projectors and environments to have a cool atmosphere without washing out the colors or textures – something I seriously adore. With mesh it is always difficult to layer things and I LOVE the designs of Jackie Graves for that. she makes incredible amazing clothing on layers and tattoo layers. Even with being only a layers I rarely saw better details and highlights on leather or latex creations. I wanted to stay human this time, but still have a futuristic lightly extreme look going on and the “Drone Corset” from ::Static:: was just perfect for that. The extreme slim waist was a perfect opposite to the heavy jacket. Cyberpunk is a lot about accessories and technical replacements or better modifications of human body parts and in many movies we see a lot of extreme and colorful makeups, too.

For the eyes itself I wanted something more extreme, too and there is no better place, than Madame Noir to find such unique and extraordinary designs. She recently as well started to make really interesting and fresh mesh designs, which I as well really like (and will showcase again soon as well *grins*), but her eyes are still the most striking things for me as they really come in so many creative and different looks. And not only the styles… she offers applier for nearly every popular body plus an omega version AND mesh/layer eyes too – in all colors you can imagine so that they really fit into every look. In the credits below you can see, I used a lot of the new releases of the Cyber Fair, but there is so much more! You really should take a look for yourself while I am preparing for more awesome and crazy cyber ideas or looks – probably more shopping as well 😉

Maybe we meet soon at the ACCESS Cyber Fair!


Jacket: A&Y – “Thrasher Cyber Jacket” (Maitreya) – NEW @ ACCESS Cyber Fair // March 2021

Bodysuit: Graves – “G661 Leviation – Classic Body (tattoo)” (BoM) – NEW @ ACCESS Cyber Fair // March 2021

Corset: ::Static:: – “Drone Corset” (Maitreya) – NEW @ ACCESS Cyber Fair // March 2021

Shoes: [[ Masoom ]] – “Bionic Boots” (Maitreya) – NEW @ ACCESS Cyber Fair // March 2021


Horns: .::Supernatural::. – “Nya Horns” – NEW @ ACCESS Cyber Fair // March 2021

Glasses: TRIGGERED – “Intercept Glasses (Slo-o-ow glow)” – NEW @ ACCESS Cyber Fair // March 2021

Mask: [Cubic Cherry] – “{Ellor} mask HOLO (fit1)” – NEW @ ACCESS Cyber Fair // March 2021

Collar: HARO – “DI1Collar”

Hair & Makeup

Hair: {Limerence} – “Bonnie” – NEW @ ACCESS Cyber Fair // March 2021

Brows: -SU!- – “Ncromancer /Eybrows White-TINTABLE/ Lelutka” (BoM)

Eyeshadow 1: .::SO::. – “Shadow HD Evo LEL Night” (LeLUTKA HD Evo. Applier)

Eyshadow 2: ~Shiny Stuffs ~ – “Neon Chic” (LeLUTKA HD Evo. Applier)

Face Art: -SU!- – “Necromancer /Face Implants / Lelutka” (BoM)

Head, Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLUTKA – “Irina 2.5”

Eyes: Madame Noir – “Iceberg Eyes” (LeLUTKA HD Evo. Applier)

Ears: L’Emporio&PL – “Athan”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara V5.3”

Poses, Props & Tools

Poses: Poseidon

Weapon: .:VSD:. – “YNT S5812X Cyber Gun” – NEW @ ACCESS Cyber Fair // March 2021

Backdrop: Paparazzi – “BACKDROP – Cyberpunk Street” – NEW @ ACCESS Cyber Fair // March 2021

Deco: Ex Machina – “Limb’o’Matic 4000” – NEW @ ACCESS Cyber Fair // March 2021

Model, Stylist & Photographer

Wicca Merlin

The Engine Room – Part II

As I was threatening in my last post – her is the Engine Room part 2! *snickers*

Today with something more naughty, but still in a vintage, maybe today more dieselpunk looking way. Now you might scratch your head and think… usually she talks about steampunk and now she throws in a new word called “dieselpunk”, but actually it is a different genre, even if there is a lot of cross over happening in fashion. Lets take a look at the “Dieselpunk Encyclopedia“…

“Dieselpunk is a style and a budding sub-culture that combines the zeitgeist of the interbellum period through World War II and ending before or at the early 1950s with postmodern sensibilities from a counter-cultural viewpoint…”

“Dieselpunk fashion blends the styles commonly found during the diesel era with contemporary styles to create a fusion of both. The “punk” nature of the subculture comes from expressing a more complete presence in public akin to the fashion styles popular during the diesel era such as waistcoats, covered arms, hosiery, styles of shoes, and head wear to name a few. Military and paramilitary also counts, especially related to genre icons. Dieselpunk emphasizes the inclusion of such accouterments to render one’s look “complete,” in defiance of modern custom.

The now defunct blog Gearing Up was one of the first web sites dedicated to dieselpunk fashion. Despite its domain name (dieselpunk.net) it promoted mostly steampunk costumes and accessories but also helped to define the style and to point out the difference between Diesel and Steam… Generally, dieselpunk fashion is not (and never was) restricted to formal dress or military uniform. It includes a broad range of styles, from 1930s colonial to 1940s bomber jackets, from posh zoot suits to humble working-class overalls. Sometimes a light touch of style, like a vintage wristwatch, a pair of Art Deco earrings or an old-fashioned petrol lighter, is sufficient for a fashion-conscious dieselpunk.”

I tried to archive that look with some of the releases from the Engine Room certainly 🙂

When I saw that awesome bondage crane from Dictator Shop while I was wearing that super naughty, but kick ass cool and military looking “Disciplinarian” dress from CerberusXing, the dieselpunk idea was born in my mind. I do love the combination of steel and military inspired fashion with a little touch of fetish as well 😉

First I was tempted to cover up my chest with a black bra, but then I thought that would drag away the attention off the dress too much and when I found that cool nipple piercings in my inventory, which had a touch of a military decoration, the desicion was made.

The incredible detailed and interesting face art was made by Skye Nefekalum, an artist and friend which I do admire for along time for his creativity and skills. The “Shaman Series – Earth” is one of an amazing series of the 4 elements and it does come in black, color and one white/tintable version as an Omega applier. With that it is compatible with most of the mesh heads in Second Life.

What really caught my eyes are the “Mistic Glasses” from The White Crow. They do come with a tattoo for face and body, but for this post I only used the body part or it to not mix up the face art I already was wearing. The interesting part of the glasses are that they are “pierced” into your nose and do not have frame temples at the sides – those of you who know me, know that I LOVE such things 😉 They are available in 3 different colors and are resizable so you can customize them perfectly to your head.

To get an even more dominant touch for my pictures, I did add three of the “Unfortunate Destiny Mannequins” and put the new “Plague Masks” on them, which you can wear yourself a well as you can see in my last post (HERE) – so I was able to show all the colors that are available at the event 😉

The Engine Room is open until the 20th or October and again this will not be my last post – I am already working on the next look and pictures *winks*


Dress: [CX] – “Disciplinarian – Original” (Maitreya) – NEW @ The Engine Room // Sepetmber/October 2019


Hat: !R! – “Peaked Cap/Wearble” – NEW @ The Engine Room // Sepetmber/October 2019

Glasses: -[TWC]- – “Mistic Glasses – Reading” – NEW @ The Engine Room // Sepetmber/October 2019

Collar: +AH+ – “Pampering Collar”

Piercing 1: IMMODEST – “Downfall Septum”

Piercing 2: Blaxium – “Dangerous Bento Piercing – Simone” (LeLutka Simone, Bento)

Piercing 3: .::Supernatural::. – “Sweet angel Nipple Piercing [Gold]”

Bracelets: Gemini – “Sis Bracelets” (Maitreya)

Rings: : CULT : – “Rou Rings Set” (Maitreya, Bento)

Nailpolish: DP – Koffin Nails – “Neo-Victorian Keys” (Maitreya Applier) – NEW @ The Engine Room // Sepetmber/October 2019

Hair & Makeup

Hair: .Entwined. – “Nyx B”

Face Art: Nefekalum Tattoos – “Shaman Series – Earth (White/Tintable)” (Omega Applier) – NEW

Makeup: Zibska – “Noir Pack 06” (LeLutka Applier)

Lipstick: alaskametro<3 – “London” (LeLutka Applier)

Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.4”

Ears: .:E.A.Studio:. – “Ears Akasuna”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Right Arm: Wicca’s Originals – “Eagleden Arms” (Maitreya, Bento) – NEW @ The Engine Room // Sepetmber/October 2019

Tattoo: -[TWC]- – “Mistic” (Omega Applier, part of the glasses) – NEW @ The Engine Room // Sepetmber/October 2019

Poses, Props & Tools

Poses: Foxcity


[Ds] – “Vindustria Bondage Crane – Adult OMNI v1” – NEW @ The Engine Room // Sepetmber/October 2019

::Static:: – “Unfortunate Destiny Mannequin” – NEW @ The Engine Room // Sepetmber/October 2019

::Static:: – “Plague Mask – Caged {Worn Hide}”, “Plague Mask – Aperture {Worn Pale}” & “Plague Mask – Caged {Worn Coal}” – NEW @ The Engine Room // Sepetmber/October 2019

Face Animation Tool: LeLutka – “Axis HUD Face 1.1”

Model & Photographer

Wicca Merlin

The Dark Warrior with PurpleMoon & EMO-tions

PurpleMoon & EMO-tions 01

Dark Illusion Warrior

From nowhere came a warrior
With a mission to complete
He was in possession of extreme power
That he’d use on everyone he’d meet

He came when you least expected him
He brought terror to the world
You could expect no mercy
As he swung his sword

He was cursed by the Gods
He had to fight ’til he died
But finally he beat the odds
And then he was free, free to rise

Nobody knew where he came from
No one knew his destiny
The story was told through the centuries
A piece of tragic history

He came when you least expected him
He brought terror to the world
You could expect no mercy
As he swung his sword

[by Supernatural]

PurpleMoon & EMO-tions 02


Outfit (incl gemstones & gloves): PurpleMoon – “Belladonna”

Hair & Head Piece: EMO-tions – “Anorg” (color modded)

Mask: Illusions – “Unseelie”

Furniture: 22769 – “Beyond the Sea Chaiselongue”

Poses: PosESioN

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin