Music was my first Love

Music was my first love
And it’ll be my last
Music of the future
And music of the past.
To live without my music
Would be impossible to do
In this world of troubles
my music pulls me through

[John Miles]

When I saw the outfit from today, I immediately had something in mind for pictures. As usual it did not wanna come out as intended and I had to think about something else.

The “Melodic Doll” from CURELESS[+] is another masterpiece of their amazing design. I always loved CURELESS[+] as they are creating things that are usually outside the box and very special. The details and the incredible skills of designing always was something that was marvelling. Every little detail is sharp and crisp and their creations usually need more than just one look to see their full beauty.

The whole set is rigged to fit the Maitreya Lara mesh body and with the alpha HUD you can fit the outfit perfectly to your avatar. The arms and legs of the “Melodic Doll” look typically like the ball jointed dolls, which we all might know from your childhood play toys 😉 I totally love the look on my avatar now as well 🙂 The limbs are a little thinner as your regular mesh body ones but that even more gives you the doll feeling.

The “Quaver” shoes of the gacha set are only working with the common dolly legs and won’t work with normal human feet. Some other unrigged shoes of mine did fit the dolly feet as well, but for the post I certainly chose the matching ones from the “Melodic Doll” gacha of CURELESS[+]. The box has no special animations in it but you can adjust it to every pose that you use easily.

The RARES of the set do have a HUD for full customization, while the COMMONS only have little HUDs that change the details.

As a musician, I adore the whole set and it was a must have for me. I hope you will have the same fun and happy feelings that I had when you get your “Melodic Doll”!

Outfit & Accessories

Outfit (incl. Torso, Arms & Legs): CURELESS[+] – “Melodic Doll” (Gacha,Maitreya, Bento) – NEW @ Epiphany

Doll Key: Cybernetics – “Ornamental Doll Key”

Hair & Makeup

Hair: no.match – “No.Arrest”

Hairbase: MINA – “Myla” (LeLutka Applier)

Makeup & Lipstick: Zibska – “Agafia” (LeLutka Applier)

Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.0”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Skin: .la petite morte. – “Amalthea Unicorn” (LaLutka, MaitreyaApplier)

Eyes: Anatomy – “Angel Eyes – Silver”

Poses & Props

Backdrop: CMYK// – “2. pastel magical studio” (Gacha)

Butterflies: Wasabi Pills – “Butterflies Swarm” (FaMESHed Birthday Gift 2018)

Poses: Foxcity

Model & Photographer

Wicca Merlin

LOTD 07/16/2016 – Gradient!

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Green/Blue Gradient… I have no clue why but I felt I wanted to do something with that :p

First I went through my inventory and looked for something in green and blue, when I remembered that I always loved the string and deep colors fo Zibska.

Then I saw the amazing “Zsuzsa” dress from Zibska. Originally it was made for a Thumbelina inspired event.  With the amazing leave shaped skirt and the beautiful little petals that are floating around the whole outfit it seemed to be perfect for my idea 😉

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With the huge color HUD I was able to color the dress to a green/blue gradient, so I just had to fins something green for the top half of my body and something blue for the bottom. The down part was kinda easy as we released not too long ago a snorkel blue version of the “Montana”boots, that perfectly matched the idea.

The upper part was not that easy until I remembered the “Kiri” collar and head-piece as well from Zibska. Usually it is always easier to match colors if you use items from the same designer as mostly they use a close color pallet for some of their items. The green of the “Kiri” ensemble matched so perfect and when I found an option to even color the spheres in a light blue tone.

The amazing makeup is a mixture of 2 eye shadows from Nuuna’s – the “Ere Makeup”  and the “Mya Shadow” in blue and the amazing apple green “Leah” lipstick from Glam Affair.

Even if black is my favourite color, sometimes I have some colorful moments :p

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Outfit: Zibska – “Zsuzsa”

Jewelry & Headpiece: Zibska – “Kiri”

Shoes: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Montana Boots”

Hair: Wasabi Pills – “Chibi”

Makeup: Nuuna – “Ere” & “Mya”

Lipstick: Glam Affair – “Leah Lipstick 13”

Poses: DARE

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

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Atlantis – Inspired by [E.V.E] Studio

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Today I would like to spotlight the [E.V.E] Studio. Owner and designer Noke Yuitza, always puts a lot of effort in her designs and she has a very special sense of art and design. Her creations always have a huge art aspect anyways what she creates. Today I would like to drag the focus on her contribution to the Fantasy Gacha Carnival event.

The whole set she created is inspired by the myth of Atlantis by Jules Verne’s book Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea. The stong steampunk touch totally caught my heart from the very first moment when I tried the different parts of the set.

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The whole “Atlantis Set” contains way more parts than those I used for today’s post.

For the pictures I decided to wear the Catsuit, the Ankle Boots and I combined the Wave hat with the Great Wave hat.

The whole set has materials enabled and reacts so wonderful to the windlight settings and surrounding lights. So for the best and most realistic look just activate the “Advanced Lighting Model ” in your viewer to enjoy the full beauty of the designs.

If you would like to see all the amazing parts of the set you can take a look at the [E.V.E] Studios blog:

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To go more towards the Atlantis look I decided to add the “Eye Deco” from Elysium, which were made for the Cosmetics Fair. The cool geometric parts which are arranged like artistic lashes are the perfect match for the look.

For the makeup, I used a fe different ones from Nuuna. The blue “Litzi” stripes that go over the upper part of the face and the amazing “Ninja” in black wich covers the bottom half of the face.

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I wanted to add some scales but more subtile than totally obvious. So I just used the “Dragoness Scales Black Overlay” from Talyia Tarber and for the body I got me the “Dragon Blue Scales” from [Even~Tides].

For the pictures first I wanted an under water scenery, but all that I tried did not really do what I had in mind and so I ended up at ChouChou, one of ma favourite sims for pictures. With  the wide field of water and all the artistic structures this place always inspires me even more 🙂

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Outfit, Shoes & Head Piece: [E.V.E] Studio – “Atlantis” NEW @ Fantasy Gacha Carnival

Eye Decor: Elysium – “Eye Deco Charcoal” – NEW @ The Cosmetic Fair

Makeup: Nuuna – “Ninja” & “Litzi”

Scales: [Even~Tides] – “Blue Dragon Scales”

Hair: Wasabi Pills – “Chibi”

Nails: Nailed It! – “The Style Icon Set”

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

 Aquarius 4

Romantic Dreams with [AD] Creations

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Today I was in a very romantic mood, when I remembered the amazing “Oltre” mesh dress from [AD] Creations. Aliza Karu again outdid herself with a fantastic unique creation, that totally caught my heart.

The amazing “Oltre” dress has a bottom long skirt with a wonderful transparent net fabric skirt on top of the opaque one, wich adds a lot of sweet elegance and gives the whole look a very playful touch. The puffy sleeves in that darker color high light the upper body part in an amazing way. The huge head-piece as well is part of the outfit. With the long tentacle looking pats in the back it reminds me very much of some couture looks, I recently saw in fashion magazines.

The tendrils that surround the whole upper body and reach down to the skirt are ornamented with beautiful roses and petals what brought me to the idea to accessorize the dress with some designs of Pixel Box, which I got recently.

The “Goth Rose Ring”, the “Gothic Roses Necklace” and the “Goth Roses” eye patch. With the rose ornaments on the jewelry items it was a perfect match to the “Oltre” dress from [AD] Creations.

The fantastic building I used for the photo comes from “Atelier Visconti” and was released at the Fantasy Faire as an RFL item called “Morgana Fountain”. It comes in 4 different versions. One as a full version and 3 different versions of a ruined one. With the sweet water lilies in the middle totally matched the tendrils that surround the body and underlined the wonderful dreamy and fantasy look I wanted for today’s post 🙂

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Dress: [AD] Creations – “Oltre Mesh Dress”

Jewelry: Pixel Box – “Goth Rose Ring”, “Necklace Gothic Roses” & “Patch Woman Goth Roses”

Hair: Wasabi Pills – “Taleen”

Nail Polish: Nailed It! – “Spring Mesh Set” (for Slink Hand Nails)

Structrure: Atelier Visconti – “Morgana Fountain ruined A”

Poses: PosESioN

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Wicca’s Wardrobe: ” Girls just wanna have fun”

LeeZu-GizzA-Lazuri 001Pink & Purple!!! Yes, I took my medicals for my pink allergy before I did the styling*grins*

Usually I try to avoid pink and purple like hell bu sometimes I am in a 80’s mood and back then pink and purple were some of the dominating colors.

The “Metropolis” mesh dress from LeeZu was the base for this in the end colorful look. The sexy short dress, wich only has straps over the shoulders is amazing textured with wonderful lights and shadows looks amazing realistic.

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The jacket comes from GizzA. The “Biker Jacket” always was something I had on my focus and as I saw the pink version discounted to 50%, I just could not resist and the pink & black idea was born. I am a fan of overknee boots since in forever and the “Piccadilly Overknee Boots” from LeeZu are a long time favourite of mine. To make a black basic, I put them on in black. Now the part of the legs between the black “Metropolis” dress and the boots screamed for some color as well, as the pink jacket dominated the whole look. I first tried some pink leggings but then it was too much of all that pink and so I decided to go a little darker with purple. The “Cat Tights” in violet from LeeZu with the holes just made the perfect match for my 80s look, since back then many ripped their stockings and jeans to get the used look.

For the jewelry, I wanted something with black metals and some pink and lilac or purplish looking gems. Nothing that would dominate the whole look too much, just something that goes with it. I have a fable for neck corsets and collars, so I remembered the “Noor Mystic Infinity” set from Lazuri, that I was given for the amazing jewelry spread in the BoSL Magazine. The “Noor Mystic Infinity” set is fully menu driven like all of the Lazuri jewelry and that makes it for me so valuable. I can decide about the metal and as well the gem stones for fabric and color and I can even color the gem stones in different colors and not just one for all gems. What I figured out for the Lazuri jewelry as well… you can have different styles for nearly each set. Always a basic style and 2 more to add more and more glam and parts to it. That really is something inventive for me, as you just buy one set, have 3 different styles and a full control over the metals and colors.

The skin as usual is my custom made “Wicca” skin in the new ‘lumee lunette’ tone. The lipstick as well comes from Silken Moon and the eye makeup I found at Boom.

The whole look took me so much back into the 80s that I was listening to all the old good tunes during my post and enjoyed it so much, that I would like to quote Cyndi Lauper for the end of my post… “Girls just wanna have fun!”

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Dress: LeeZu – “Metropolis” – NEW (mesh)

Jacket: GizzA – “Biker Jacket” (50% off at the Gizza Mainstore)

Leggings: LeeZu – “Cat Tights”

Shoes: LeeZu – “Piccadilly Overknee Boots” (mesh)

Jewelry: Lazuri – “Noor Mystic Infinity”

Hair: Wasabi Pills – “Cookie” (mesh)

Skin: Silken Moon – “Wicca Lumee Lunette” – NEW (custom skin)

Lipstick: Silken Moon – “Wicca Lips Pink”

Makeup: Boom – “Nuclear Duo”

Poses: Del May

Model& Photographer: Wicca Merlin

GizzA – Burlesque Corset varied ;)

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Do you know the feeling if you think that the whole world is against you and every day something new stupid or bad happens… that’s how I feel lately. My doggie was bitten badly and since then she turned into a psycho after being my angel for 10 years. She seems to have a bad trauma now and it will need a lot of time and love to let her recover from that. My RL moving as well went not that smooth as I hoped and that holds me back a lot from being online and blogging. Many more small things added up to a point where I felt no power anymore. But as always it has to go on and so you mobilize a last time all what you have left and throw yourself into something that’s called life ;).

Yesterday finally I made 85% of my movement to the new apartment and so I just have 2 weeks left till I finally can leave this place here and start over new in my new appartment*happy dance*

I had a few time left last night and so I snapped a few pics so that I at least can blog something, after being so slow for a few weeks 😉 .

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Today I would like to showcase my look I made for my GizzA workshift. The new “Burlesque Corset” got blogged quite a few times with amazing and beautiful pictures out of the Burlesque genre, so I wanted to to something different. With the red and gold version of the “Burlesque Corset” I came across the idea of a fashionable cadet look. I added the pants from the “Lordly” outfit as well from GizzA and the “Epaulette” shoulder parts that are available in various colors at the GizzA Mainstore from one of the gachas. The necklaces and chains are part of the “Epaulette” shoulder parts, so I skipped any kind of necklace to not overload the whole look. The amazing “Asia” bracelets with the leather parts, chains and watches were a good addition to complete my cadet look.

To add a female and sexy touch I put on the “Tall Leather Thigh Boots” from Slink. Then I wanted to wear one of those berets that make it even a bot more cadet looking. I looked all over but I could find none that matched in color nor did I like the shape of the most. I started a few ago to experiment with mesh and sculpties for designing clothes and I remembered that in one of those huge packs of sculpts there was a beret somewhere… ok.. i just will make my own one. I tried until I was satisfied with the texture, light and shadows and… tataaaaa my own beret that matched the look!

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Outfit: GizzA – “Burlesque Corset” NEW (mesh)

Shoulder Parts: GizzA – “Epaulette Set” (GizzA Gacha)

Bracelets: GizzA  – “Asia Watch & Bracelet”

Boots: Slink – “Tall Leather Tight Boots” (mesh)

Skin: Silken Moon – “Wicca”

Hair: Wasabi Pills – “Claire” (mesh)

Beret: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Cadett Beret”

Poses: Wicca’s Wardrobe (coming soon)

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Models Work Out

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(Picture by Falbala Fairey)

Models always have to look amazing, be dressed perfectly, hair has to be styled always great, the makup always has to look fresh and certainly models always have to be in shape 😉

TUNES – The Model

So what to do on a lazy Sunday afternoon? Sure go for some workout!

That we even can look awesome during our fitness sessions, GizzA made the perfect workout outfits 😉 You can choose between 4 wonderful colors and the outfit includes all you need. The top, the pants, shoes and even the legwarmers. At least you do not have the excuse you would have nothing to wear or you would need too much time to dress before you can go and train a bit 😉

As it is never nice to do workout alone, I went with Falbala to have some fun and chat a bit while working on our shape 😉 We had lots of fun and nice talks until we both decided, we need a shower 😉

And what you do after a good workout? Yes you go for a nice coffee and some more chit chat 😉

Thanks Falli, for the amazing pic and the fun we had during that photosession 😉

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Outfit Wicca:

GizzA – “Work Out” – NEW (mesh)

Hair: Wasabi Pills – “Taleen” (mesh)

Glasses: Steinwerk – “GT Sunglasses”

Ears: Mandala – “Omimi Ears – Tunnel”

Skin: Silken Moon – “Wicca”

Outfit Falbala:

Models: Falbala Fairey & Wicca Merlin

Photographer: Falbala Fairey (Pic 1) & Wicca Merlin (Pic 2)

Black & White Fantasies

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A few days ago soraya Vaher, owner and designer of Violator, released 2 more parts for her new Prêt-à-porter collection. The “Hit me Up” top and the “Luxury Pants” in black & white. Not too long ago, I said I am addicted to black & White anyways, so this combination together with the color matching version of the “Pride Stiletto Ankle Boots” just hit right up to my heart 😉

The amazing “Luxury Pants” come with so many details and accessories already and you can just put them on, no ned to think about any additional accessories. The long pant ruffle that attaches at the right hip, the amazing spikes, the button in the front and the gems of the upper and lower leg are all extra attachments so you have a lot of different possibilities as well. The top comes with kinda the same options. Besides the mesh top you have the desicion of chest flowers the feathers at the shoulder, and as well the gems.

Again soraya made a wonderful ready-to-wear outfit for her new collection that is affordable for everyone 😉 To see the other new colors and releases you best take a look for yourself at the Violator Mainstore.

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Top: Violator – “Hit Me Up” – NEW (mesh)

Pants: Violator – “Luxury Pants” – NEW (mesh)

Shoes: Violator – “Pride Stiletto Ankle Boots” – NEW

Wings: Material Squirrel – “Abyss Demon Wings”

Makeup & Lashes: Tuty’s – “Black Side of the Moon”

Bracelets: Digital Eyes – “Plastic Bracelets”

Earrings:Ticky Tacky – “Lick Me!”

Hair: Wasabi Pills – “Reptilia”

Poses: Di’s Opera

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Fantasy Faire 2013 – Ezura

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Today the Fantasy Faire 2013 opened. Until the 28th of April, when it ends, you can find amazing creations various designers made for themes like fantasy, role play, steam-punk and Sci-Fi and all that is content of dreams 😉  Incredible builders created awesome sims for that event where you can make fantastic pictures or just explore and get caught away in your dreams and imagination.

The Fantasy Faire is one of the most huge events that take part in the RFL. RLFRelay for Life – is a charity organisation that supports the American Cancer Society.

The whole event takes part on 10 sims. The are arranged in a nice way with a path that you can follow to explore all of them. On 8 you will find the creations that were made from all the designers to support the RLF. The last 2 sims are the event sims, where presentations, music events, concerts, auctions and silent auctions take place. To make it more interesting for visitors, a super amazing hunt is taking place where you can find many incredible little items.

Today I would like to start my little row of Fantasy Faire 2013 posts with the contribution of Ezura.

Ezura made different items for the Fantasy Faire and I tried to combine them all in one outfit whats really possible 😉

The base is the amazing “Fanatsy Velnyra” outfit. It kinda is a ready to wear outfit as it contains all visible parts like the bra, the stockings, the skirt, the cuffs and as well the panties. The amazing mesh “Thigh High” boots are the second item for the Fantasy Faire. The long over-knee boots underline the sexy touch of the outfit very well ;). What really caught my attention are the super cool gloves with the looooong blades that reminded me about Freddy Krueger :p

To finish the styling I took the “Mai Goth” collar from Ezura with the awesome spikes that matched the blades perfect in my opinion 😉

So make your way to the Fantasy Faire 2013 ( and help while you buy all those amazing dreamy fantasy items!

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Outfit: Ezura – “Fantasy Velnyra” – NEW (mesh, Fantasy Faire 2013)

Boots: Ezura – “Thigh High” – NEW (mesh, Fantasy Faire 2013)

Gloves: Ezura – “Claw Gauntiet” – NEW (mesh, Fantasy Faire 2013)

Collar: Ezura – “Mai Goth”  (mesh, Fantasy Faire 2013)

Skin: Silken Moon – “Clawdia L’horreur Bleu Veined”

Hair: LeLutka – “Dolce” (mesh)

Horns: Wasabi Pills – “Inferno Horns”

Earrings: .HoD. – “Spiral Gauge”

Poses: Del May

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Etchaflech & Voluptia featured in the Maniera Magazine

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For the actual Maniera Magazine December 2012 ( I had the great honor to be featured in a wonderful fashion spread of Lovely Miwako. She made a special corset themed article about how different corsets can look.

We all got sent different corsets from Etchaflesh and Voluptia and Lovely asked us to style them in a vintage non typical lingerie manner. As well she wanted us all to choose one tattoo that we wear through the whole spread.

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For the first picture Lovely placed me on the floor besides SterlingZen. The corset I was wearing for this picture came from Voluptia and everyone that knows me… I am a corset addicted even in RL, so to style the corset in a non lingerie way for me was like if you tell me I just won in a lottery *grins*

I love a lot the different vontage stylings from the 50’s to the 80’s ( it still scares me that 80’s are called vintage now too^^) and so I was going for my favourite urban look as well with the heavy boots and the tattoos and some fishnet stockings and torned stockings. The huge glasses and the pinup hair added the perfect finish for the look in my view.

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On this picture, I had the great pleaure to be with Katherine Comet a wonderful and classy Lady that shines at my side with a wonderful corset styling that reminded me a lot on the old racing pinups I saw so many times on that collectable retro/vintage, metal signs from coke or even others… not sure how they are called in english, mostly you find them in bars 🙂

For the second look I was given the corset and the sneaker boots from Etchaflech. I added the neck corset as well from Etchaflesh, pantys and garterbelt from Maitreya.

Lovely did an amazing job in putting different ladies, diffrent looks and attitudes together to show a wide range of what corsets can do… weither of elgant, grunge, rocker, lingerie, vintage or burlesque… as different as we ladies are as different corsets can be used for anykind of styling, that you can think of 🙂


Style 1 (left):

Corset/Outfit: Voluptia – “Domina Lust Catsuit”

Hair: Plume – “Retro” /onyx

Earrings: Ticky Tacky – “Lick Me!”

Gloves: LouLou – “Crepsule”

Glasses: artilleri – “Gabriella”

Nails: Formanails – “Stiletto”

Skin: Silken Moon – “Wicca” /Wicca van Teese

Boots: Slink – “Tall Leather Boots” (mesh)

Tattoo: v3 Tattoo – “Nothing but Hate” & “Outlaw”

Style 2 (left):

Corset: Voluptia – “Precious” (mesh)

Skin: Silken Moon – “Wicca” /Wicca van Teese

Lipstick: Silken Moon – “Wicca” /mauve

Fishnetstockings: Thalia – “Fishnet Pantyhose”

Jewelry: YS&YS – “Afrika”

Boots: [GOS] – “Triumph” (mesh)

Piercing: ni.ju – “Monroe Piercing”

Glasses: LeeZu – “Twiggy” (mesh)

Nails: Love Soul – “Retro Girl”

Stockings: insanya – “Stockings and Kneesocks n.4”

Tattoo: v3 Tattoo – “Nothing but Hate” & “Outlaw”

Panty: Maitreya – “High Waist Pants Low Vintage”

Style 3 (right):

Corset: Etchaflesh – “Sick Bubblegum” (mesh)

Shoes: Etchaflesh – “Midnight Sneaker Boots” (mesh)

Neck Corset: Etchaflesh – “Kalima Neck Corset” (mesh)

Garters & Stockings: Maitreya – “Allure Girdle”

Panty: Maitreya – “High Waist Pants”

Skin: Silken Moon – “Wicca” /Wicca van Teese

Lipstick: Silken Moon – “Wicca” /mauve

Tattoo: v3 Tattoo – “Nothing but Hate” & “Outlaw”

Jewelry: Ticky Tacky – “Hoopty Hoops of Love”

All Pics by Lovely Miwako for Maniera Magazine