I was allowed to walk along with the Scala Grad Students!

Shey Casual 01

Last weekend I had the great pleasure to walk the Graduation Show of the last Scala Academy batch, side by side with the grad students! It was so much fun and I kinda missed my good old student days 😉

Since I got some of the students to know during the last batch of the academy, I did know I really have to watch my stylings, since we really had some very promising stylists! That does not mean I would not watch my stylings usually too but it is a very different feeling to walk along with the models that you taught about styling and other things before.

Plus, I know how obsessed Seashell is with poses and since we all had to be checked by her too… that was quite a challenge 😉

Shey Casual 02

The sponsor for this graduation show was Shey. A wonderful brand with so many different styles. All of us got 3 outfits, which we had to style for the show.

Mine was all very different and so I tried to do justice to each of them 🙂

 My first assigned run was the “Aukje” outfit. The outfit comes as a complete outfit including top, skirt, belt and pants. When I put it on it immediately screamed “rock!” to me. The short skirt with that open vest seriously needs to be styled urban and kick ass for me 😉 So I wanted to have a cool necklace but nothing elegant and sophisticated, more something loose and cool looking. I decided to go with the “Legendary” necklace from Mandala. The huge necklace made me kinda skip on the earrings but I did not wanna go with bare ears either. Solution: The special mesh ears from Mandala with the piercings and tunnels on it!

I am addicted to tattoos and I know many do not really like them on the runway. I had requested permission to do so for that very particular style since it kinda screamed for a tattoo 😉

The tattoo is from my favourite tattoo maker, Julie Hastings, owner and designer of [White~Widow]. The super cool makeup is a combination of Nuuna’s And Zibska, that I added over each other.

It still looked as if it would miss something and I started to experiment with my hair. I tried a lot of different hair and none would satisfy me for the look as I came across the idea of a hat. The extravagant “Dali” hat from [sys]. The hat has an open back, which allows you to have hair that goes a little higher that usually for hats.

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My second outfit was more classy chic and when I tried it the first time, I did know I had to put my personal twist on it 😉

 Shey Funky 01

The “Mira” outfit comes with a blouse and skirt. The top is a kinda overlapping style and with its asymmetric shape and the high open front it has a definitely sexy touch.

Shey Funky 02

The skirt with its asymmetric shape and the amazing ornamented belt gave room for a little bit of crazy ness and I decided to try the “Gorgo Metal Helm” That looked so weird that it already was kinda cool again :p So I decided to keep it. Since I have so much going on, on my head, I have to keep the jewelry to a minimum for my personal taste. So I just added the “Sinra” Earrings from Mandala and the “Axiom” bracelet made by [sys].

Shey Funky 03

My 3rd and last outfit looked to me very elegant when I tried it on the first time.

Shey Formal 01

The “Sonia Prestige Gown” as well is an asymmetric gown. The left leg is long down to the ground while the right one ends short under the hips at the right upper leg. The top only is held by a filigree chain round the neck.

I wanted to keep that elegant touch and though about something what could work as well as accessory and for jewelry since the little chain round the neck does not let any room for a necklace. All of  a sudden the “Butterfly Neobaroque” head-piece from Swallow came to my mind. For the shoulders I chose a mixture off 2 different Finesmith sets, or better parts of them 😉

For the earrings I just put some little and simple pearl earrings as I wanted to wear the “Celeste” face chain to complement the chain around my neck.

The show was a blast and I was very happy to be allowed to walk with our grads. Great looks, a great set and a cool bunch of amazing, skilled and upcoming stylists and models 🙂 Thank you Scala, thank you Seashell and Kryptonia!

 Shey Formal 02

Look 1

Outfit (incl shoes): Shey – “Aukje”

Necklace: Mandala – “Legendary”

Braclet left: United Colors – “Dragon Scale Braclet”

Beaclet right: Formanails – “Nikolaj”

Rings: Wayne – “Black Set”

Hand Tattoo: Zibska – “Mallt”

Tattoo: [White~Widow] – “Tesis”

Hair: Baiastice – “Eolion”

Hat: [sys] – “Dali Hat”

Makeup: Nuuna’s – “Astro Glam” & Zibska – “Ltd Noir 13”

Poses: Corpus

Look 2

Outfit: Shey – “Mira”

Shoes: Shey – “Chole Stielettos”

Mask: Miamai – “Gorgo Metal Helm”

Earrings: Mandala – “Sinra”

Braclet: [sys] – “Axiom”

Ring: (NS) – “Vicious Rose Ring”

Lipstick: Swallow – “Surrealist 4”

Nail Polish: Nailed It! – “Metal Set”

Poses: PosESioN

Look 3

Dress: Shey – “Sonia Prestige Gown”

Shoulder Piece: Finesmith – “Shame” & “Shape of my Heart”

Facechain: Keystone – “Celeste”

Hat: Swallow – “Butterfly Neobaroque”

Earrnigs: *C:K* – “Simple Pearl Earrings” (color modified)

Hair: Amacci – “Estra”

Nail Polish: Nailed It! – “MvW Autumn Set”

Poses: Wicca’s Wardrobe – Poses

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

LOTD 08/24/2015 – Yesterday @ GizzA

Gizza Bad Ass 1

After having my romantic moments… I am now back to something more urban now 😉

My today’s look was the one, I put together yesterday for my GizzA workshift. Lately Giz released so many amazing cool designs and one of them were the “Holly Leggings”. The leggings are available in many different patterns and colors, but for yesterday’s shift I decided to go with the ‘Cotton Leather Black’ version. The reason why I chose them, was the way how the fabric and style go together. The leggings are made in a very dark grey, nearly black, just light enough, so tha the dark leather straps give an amazing accent on them.

The cool jacket as well comes from GizzA. The “Petra Jacket” is one of those jackets, that you put on and never wanna take it off*giggles*.

The extraordinary design, has an open front and what makes it even more special, the whole arms are slit. For me, a total tatoo lover, that is the most genius thing to show off my favourite tattoos, even with a long-sleeved jacket!

The leggings and jacket already made such a cool , rocking look, I kinda had t force it more towards with all my accessories, shoes and hair.

Gizza Bad Ass 2

The kick ass awesome necklace I am wearing was made by Mandala and lately I really like to wear it a lot for different styles as it is so versatile with the huge HUD that allows you to customize for colors and metals.

I was looking for a place to snap my pictures that goes with my todays look. And after some sim hopping I found this cool and urban realistic looking place called “Virtual Decay“, which has many dark corners for amazing pics 😉

Gizza Bad Ass 3Details

Top: GizzA – “Petra Jacket”

Bra: Maitreya – “Bra Top Black 2”

Pants: GizzA – “Holly Leggings”

Shoes: J’s – “Studded Long Boots”

Necklace: Mandala– “Legendary”

Belt: Armidi Gisaci – “Au Di Leather Belt”

Glasses: Urizask – “Vintage”

Hair: [bade] – “Micha”

Tattoo: White Widow – “Steppin'”

Poses: Wicca’s Wardrobe – Poses – “Swag Casual Set”

Location: Virtual Decay

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Silken Moon, Finesmith & Swallows for the FIERA Spring Fashion Fair 2014 @ SAVIAD

SAVIAD Silken Moon+Finesmith 001

All those amazing creations that were made for the FIERA Spring Fashion Fair 2014 event… and so less time to showcase them all 🙁

But I keep trying, even if it might get over the time of the event itself, I really belive they all should have a spotlight 😉

For this look I combined different designs released for the event on the SAVIAD sim. The huge feather wings and the amazing matching collar are parts of the release of Finesmith of the FIERA event. The “Butterfly” in general has a matching dress as well coming with them but I liked the “Estara” gown from Silken Moon so much together with it, so I just had to put those together 😉 . The cute wrap around at the chest have such an amazing and realistic look, simply stunning. The aerial pattern Malicia put on the dress with this amazing color combinations and the filigree floral structures just made the whole dress to a perfect spring item 🙂 .

To complete the colorful spring look, I added one of the 2 amazing head pieces from Swallow. The “Butterfly” headpiece in turquoise just hit the nail on the hat for me 😉

The elegant “Allegra” hair knot at the back of the head together with the amazing hairbase again comes from EMO-tions.

The matching makeup with the soft but still deep colors I found at Silken Moon. The combination of the “SM Eclipse Centrestage Green Spleen” and the “SM Eclipse Color Eye Mauve” caught the colors of the look in an amazing way.

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Dress: Silken Moon – “Estara” – NEW (SAVIAD)

Jewelry & Wings: Finesmith – “Butterfly Greenpurple” – NEW (SAVIAD)

Hat: Swallows – “Butterfly turquoise” – NEW (SAVIAD)

Skin: Silken Moon – “Wicca 3 lumee” – NEW

Makeup: Silken Moon – “SM Eclipse ES Centzrestage Green Spleen” + “SM Eclipse Color Eye Mauve”

Hands: Slink – “Avatar Enhancement Hands – casual”

Ears: Mandala – “Simple Ears”

Poses: Wicca’s Wardrobe – Poses

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Crazy Connection: Gemini

CC - Catchme if you can 002

Style Details at: http://crazyconnection.wordpress.com/2013/12/14/crazy-connection-gemini/

Halloween with Mea Culpa & Silken Moon

Mea Culpa - Crow 002

Halloween is not too far away and SL’s top designers already released their Halloween collections and items. I would like to do a series of Halloween 2013 looks and decided to start with one of the latest releases from Mea Culpa.

Mea Culpa - Crow 001

The “Lunar Crow” is the perfect styling for an avant garde Halloween look. For all of those who prefer a couture look instead of a scary, cruel looking style, the “Lunar Crow” will be the right choice. The outfit is partwise mesh made. The skirt and the neck corset are mesh made and combined with the prims of the hat and the moving prims of the shoulder parts it makes a perfect match between old and new design tools. The layers are made with a delicate lace texture and the huge headpiece adds an extra avant touch.

Mea Culpa has an awesome Halloween special! Till Halloween on the 31st of  October, there will be different Halloween matching outfits for a special discount of 50% off!!! This is a chance, you should not miss… one of the great Mea Culpa designs for only the half prize!!!

Every week, there will be a selection of outfits that are set to 50% off. This week it is the “Black Mamba” (https://wiccamerlin.de/mea-culpa-goes-fetish-fashion/), the “Call of the Siren” (http://wiccamerlin.wordpress.com/2012/12/21/news-and-spectacular-christmas-special-at-mea-culpa/) and the “Dark Desire” (http://www.flickr.com/photos/meaculpahighfashion/6303396627/)

For all the males – do not be sad you have as well your Mea Culpa Halloween special. If you wanna know what it is this week just take a peek at the new Mea Culpa Mainstore! (http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Himmafushi%20Island/127/141/23)

The nails are my favourite ones from Formanails. The “Madonna Skeleton” nails are prim nails, that fit to the regula avatar hands.

The incredible makeup comes out of the hand of Malicia Python, owner and designer of Silken Moon. The “Kabuki” makeup is one of the new releases, and for me it was the perfect match for today’s Halloween styling. The strong and dark ornaments round the eyes give you a certain kinda mystic look and together with the lip stripe that has that sharp line going down… it just caught my heart 😉 .

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Outfit: Mea Culpa – “Lunar Crow” – NEW (part mesh)

Makeup: Silken Moon – “Kabuki” – NEW

Earrings: PosESioN [Jewelry] – “Angelical”

Nails: Formanails – “Madonna Skeleton”

Poses: Wicca’s Wardrobe Poses – “Buccaneer” – NEW

News by Mea Culpa and Wicca’s Wardrobe!

Mea Culpa Afrika Dings 001

Mea Culpa has moved! Back with a new look on a new location. At the new Mainshop you will find a lot of news and as well a special outlet place where you are able to purchase a few of the older creations and as well some single parts for mix and match stylings. If you wanna take a look – here is a taxi directly to the new Mea Culpa Mainstore: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Himmafushi%20Island/127/141/23

I am happy to showcase one of the latest releases from Mea Culpa – “Karasu Hebi”.

Mea Culpa Afrika Dings 002a

The “Karasu Hebi” outfit is an amazing surreal outfit with incredible textures and amazing huge and fashionable prims. The look kinda a snake that wraps up round your body and the laced textured full bodysuit with the golden ornaments really gives the whole outfit a very seductive and sexy touch. The headpiece as well is part of the outfit and completes the whole outfit to an amazing art piece.

I was very happy that I was allowed to wear this amazing outfit for the Autumn Symphony show from Solo Evane. It was a very exciting and special show to me, as I was allowed to sponsor the show with my own poses from Wicca’s Wardrobe, my new label. I made all the poses for the showcased Mea Culpa outfits, as well for the “Karasu Hebi”.

WM - Poses Constricted Set

I made the new “Constricted” set so that it goes well with all the prims and textures. Sometimes it is not easy to pose outfits with such huge prims without getting in trouble or always have your arms spread or high up in the air. I wanted some dramatic and still not too spread out poses for the outfit since it has an avantgarde attitude for me. The “Constricted” pose set does not only work for the “Karasu Hebi” outfit, you can try those poses with many other outfits, that are prim heavy just try them in my new store 😉 If you wanna see… just take the limo 😉 http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/New/32/64/22

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Outfit: Mea Culpa – “Karasu Hebi” – NEW

Shoes: Diktator – “Envy”

Nails: InSpired Designs – “Nightstalker Nails Noir”

Skin: Silken Moon – “Wicca”

Poses: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Constricted”

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Mea Culpa Afrika Dings 005

Wicca’s Wardrobe: 08/27/2013 – Today at LeeZu

Wicca's Wardrobe - LeeZu 001

Usually I am more into black and dark colors, but today I had a little bit of a pastel mood*grins*.

I started with the “Lana Top” in baby blue. The special satin set always comes in a basic color and a white neck part. I added the “XXX Tie”. The white version of it is modify, so I was able to change it a little bit, to give it the light pink color.

Wicca's Wardrobe - LeeZu 003

The “Victoria” pants are one of the lasted releases from LeeZu. I loved the idea of a lightly vintage looking basic paired with modern furniture and some modern accessories. The “Lana Top” ends right under the chest, I wanted to cover my belly a little more, since in Germany the weather really became rainy and cold, as I am sitting here freezing lightly I though a light autumn look would be the right choice 😉 . To bring the light pink of the top and the beanie back, I added the “Cat Tights”, as well from LeeZu. The cool “Piccadilly Overknee Boots” are one of my all time favourites. I love how the perfectly fit to my legs and with the mesh technique, you have no more weird angles round your knees when the bend.

Wicca's Wardrobe - LeeZu 004

The amazing bag comes from 22679. The made those for the L’accessorie event in various colors and I chose the white/white version for this post. The amazing lightning and shadows really give this bag a very realistic look. With the amazing details of the buckle and the overlays it really is an awesome addition to my bag collection 😉

Wicca's Wardrobe - LeeZu 002

The fantastic furniture as well comes from 22679. The “The Challenge” set can be bought as a whole ensemble, or you can just pick out the single parts you like. The bed is available in a PG and in a mature version. The wonderful coffee table can be used with or without the decoration and as well you have the magazines and books single to decorate with them what ever you like 😉 . The lamps can be turned on and of by touching them. The single seat, which I am sitting on has different poses for laying and sitting on it and as well some couple poses. The “The Challenge” set is the perfect choice for those, who like a modern, black & white ambience.

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Top: LeeZu – “Lana Top SILK”

Pants: LeeZu – “Victoria Pants” – NEW (mesh)

Shirt: LeeZu – “Valerie Blouse”

Boots: LeeZu – “Piccadilly Overknee Boots” (mesh)

Leggings: LeeZu – “Cat Tights”

Hair: Maitreya – “Sasha”

Glasses: Schoen – “Color-Change Sunglasses”

Skin: Silken Moon – “Wicca”

Bag: 22769 – “Veronica Handbag”

Furniture: 22769 – “The Challenge – B&W Bedroom”

Poses (except sit poses): Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Cool Handbag Set”

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

I made new Poses!!! The Huge Flowers Set

WM - Huge Flowers Set

And I did it again 😉 Lately I found a lot of fun in making my own poses for my blog posts and I got asked so many times why I wouldn’t put them for sale… so I did 😉 The reason why I started making my own poses was that I have a lot of times wild outfits or special stylings that do not lemme use some of my amazing poses that I already have in my inventory. So all of my poses will have a special purpose. The new set is called “Huge Flowers“, because of the huge flowers that decorate the dress. I tried to snap this amazing “Anima” gown from Azul.  All of the poses I used had the hands in that flowers somewhere or were just too simple for that stunning dress. I am sure you all know that, you wanna pose an outfit and every pose you try you find another part that does not look right, ir your hands are in the prims or the prims move weird with the pose.  So I thought I make a few special ones for this purpose 😉 So if you like them, grab the taxi and try them 😉 You will find them at the landing spot of the Silken Moon Mainstore, where  have now all my 3 sets out. You can choose if you just wanna buy single poses or the whole pack for a little discount.

TAXI: (http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Napf/61/35/40)

WM - Poses Casual Jeans

As well you find there my first 2 sets. The “Casual Jeans” and the “Cool Handbag” set.

WM - Poses Cool Handbag

The Runway Perfect Hunt #4 – Part 11

TRPH #4 - Ezura+PP full

The Runway Perfect Hunt goes in it’s 4th round :) . Morgane Batista again made it, to get amazing designers to participate in one of the most famous hunts on the grid. Even if the title says “The hunt with models in mind” does not mean this hunt is limited to models only. All the amazing and versatile designs are amazing additions to everybody’s wardrobe, even the males will find some amazing hunt prizes in some locations ;) This year the hunt is not a total freebie hunt, each hunt item costs $5 Linden. With a total of 50 shops you reach a maximum of $250 Linden, what is a great amount for so many amazing quality designs!

Till Friday TRPH #4 does last, then all the amazing items will be gone… So I will use the chance for my final post about this amazing hunt.

My final styling is based on the amazing contribution of Ezura to the Runway Perfect Hunt. Ezura made the beautiful “Velvet Long Gown” in dark brocade green. The basic dress is mesh made and you have a wonderful optional flexible skirt attachment as well. For this post, I decided to go without to show the basic mesh prim a bit better, basically you get 2 gowns in one 😉 The shoulder free gown is perfect for a formal or elegant attire. With the free shoulders it lets room for amazing jewelry.

Speaking of jewelry, I would like to drag your attention over to the earrings. Pure Poison made a wonderful pair of earrings for the hunt. The silver earrings with the black gems made a perfect accessory for the “Velvet Long Gown”.

For the hair I decided to go with the “Chevia” hair from EMO-tions to underline the elegant look of the styling.

TRPH #4 - Ezura+PP face


Gown: Ezura – “Velvet Long Gown” – NEW (mesh, TRPH #4)

Earrings: Pure Poison – “Silver Runaway Earrings” – NEW (TRPH #4)

Makeup: Miamai – “Les Makeups Masked 03”

Hair: EMO-tions – “Chevia”

Ring: (NS) – “Vicious Rose”

Lipstick: Silken Moon – “Wicca Lips Lead”

Poses: PosESioN

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

The Runway Perfect Hunt #4 – Part 10

TRPH #4 Prism fulla

The Runway Perfect Hunt goes in it’s 4th round :) . Morgane Batista again made it, to get amazing designers to participate in one of the most famous hunts on the grid. Even if the title says “The hunt with models in mind” does not mean this hunt is limited to models only. All the amazing and versatile designs are amazing additions to everybody’s wardrobe, even the males will find some amazing hunt prizes in some locations ;) This year the hunt is not a total freebie hunt, each hunt item costs $5 Linden. With a total of 50 shops you reach a maximum of $250 Linden, what is a great amount for so many amazing quality designs!

After being absent because of RL, I would like to show some more of the wonderful Runway Perfect Hunt items before the hunt is over.

Prism made a wonderful summer dress for the Runway Perfect Hunt. The beautiful “Charmie” dress is perfect for the summer. A short dress with an amazing high belt, and a super stylish neck collar. The smooth colors from white to light blue underline the awesome summer feeling of this dress. Again it was Xenobia Foxclaw, who made that amazing hat. I know this must look strange, as I use her hats lately a lot, but she simply has so many amazing hats in unusual colors and so many different shapes that I really fell in love with them. The “Fort Sill Feodora” hat that I used for this post, is a band new one that not even is released yet. Xen made them for a special show in the beginning of June, but I was allowed to have a few already and do some sneak previews 😉 The shoes I was wearing a lot too in the last few weeks and never lost a word about them. The “Dare” shoes from the Diktator Shop. Diktator has some amazing new shoes, the break out of the usual styles that I can see all over the grid and so I had to have them for sure 😉 A girl can never have enough shoes and especially not enough high heels 😉 If you bite your tongue and buy the not really cheap fatpack you get a HUD that allows you to match the skin, tint your nails and even the shoes itself in many different colors and as well color combination, so I would dare to say the prize is worth it… but like I said I am a shoes addicted so I might be not really unbiased…

The beautiful casual jewelry comes from a german jewelry designer, that I was allowed to wear for a show last week – Vincenca Rosca. The “Sleeping Beauty” set comes with a HUD, where you can change the leather, medal and as well the gems. In the beginning i had a few problems as the HUD was not that easy but after I made the effort to read the included NC… yes I am impatient and usually I never read manuals… it was no problem to recolor and customize the “Sleeping Beauty” set until it matched the “Charmie” dress.

There is only a few days left to do the TRPH #4 and then all those amazing goodies will be gone. So hurry if you wanna go for this amazing dress and all the other incredible goodies of this hunt 🙂

TRPH #4 Prism face


Dress: PRISM – “Charmie” – NEW (mesh, TRPH #4)

Jewelry: Vicenca Rosca – “The Sleeping Beauty”

Hat: Xen’s Hats – “Fort Sill Feodora” – NEW (mesh, coming soon)

Skin: Silken Moon – “Wicca”

Makeup: Silken Moon – “SM Eclipse Soft Eye Washed” & “SM Eclipse Color Eye Silver”

Lipstick: Silken Moon  – “Wicca Lips Tintable”

Shoes: Diktator – “Dare”

Bag: TTF – “Xenia”

Poses: Wicca’s Wardrobe-Poses – “Cool Handbag Set”

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin