Category Archives: Fashion
Fashion all over Secondlife ;)
The Ravens are coming! – House of Rfyre meets Madrid Solo
(Picture by Madrid Solo)
Raven Pennyfeather, owner and designer of House of Rfyre, released a new and wonderful collection. The “Ravens Collection” contains 4 outfits, 3 female and one male. Madrid Solo made 5 beautiful and outstanding makeups for the whole “Raven Collection”. I felt very honored as Madrid asked me if I would pose for her vendors for the 3 female makeups. Thanks a lot Madrid ! To make my happiness complete, I was allowed to showcase the gown of Rfyres “Raven Collection” in the AVENUE Cinque Onyx show. Thanks a lot Raven
!The show was as well the release for this incredible collection of Rfyre. For today I would like you show you the 3 females – outfits and makeups
(Picture by me)
The first one is a stunning gown over and over made of feathers, matching the raven theme. The mesh corset, that makes that awesome waist is textured with an amazing filigree texture and because of the mesh it moves perfect with every turn and twist of your upper body. The skirt, back piece and the incredible chest piece are awesome flexible feathers and the huge neck part and the little delicate brooch that hold the chest feathers give the whole gown a super elegant touch. On top Raven made some amazing earrings that come with the gown!
(Picture by Madrid Solo)
The perfect makeup for the “Raven Collection” gown for me was the “Ravens Solo” makeup. The tiny filigree lines at the sides, combined with the beautiful feather on top of the eyes just made the perfect finish for this styling in my opinion
(Picture by me)
The casual outfit of the “Raven Collection” comes with 3 different possibilities to wear it. The top you can choose from an opaque black to a sheer black with the silver ornaments on or you even just wear only the bra with no top under it at all. The mesh corset highlights the shape of every fashionista perfectly with the wonderful light stripes and the mesh pants make an amazing look that still has a touch of elegance, even if you can wear it as a casual attire.
(Picture by Madrid Solo)
For this look Madrid Solo‘s “Ravens Flight” makes the perfect addition. Again we see some very filigree and amazing fine lines beside and below the eyes and this time you have 3 red parts that go upon the eyes.
(Picture by me)
The last outfit for today would be the club version of the “Ravens Collection” A wonderful fresh but still chic looking dress with wonderful parts for wrists, neck and shoulders. You again have the option to choose from 3 versions for the top. Sheer, opaque and one, that only has the beautiful silver lines on it. As well on this look you can see the boots that Rfyre made for the “Ravens Collection”, to match all of the outfits.
(Picture by Madrid Solo)
The last of the 3 “Ravens” makeups of Madrid Solo would be the “Ravens Flock”. Not as huge and filigree with lines beside and above the eyes this makeup made the perfect club look for me. Still a touch of elegance but a very cool look with the silver/teal parts upon the eyes.
To see more of the amazing creations of Rfyre and Madrid Solo you can visit their Mainstores and get your favourite “Ravens Collection” piece
Chop Zuey: Talk to me in Love Poems
Wicca’s Wardobe: Inventory Accident
Wicca’s Wardrobe: Pinabella
You all know how it is with famous brothers, everybody knows them. But did you know that Pinocchio had a little sister? After he met the sad Fairy on his journey, she felt lonely. She decided to ask Master Geppetto to carve her a doll she could bring to life and raise as the child she could not have any other way.
The dollmaker granted her wish, because she helped his son so much to find the right way and finally become a real boy. He carved the most beautiful doll and gave it to the fairy. She was overwhelmed when her little doll came to life and promised her to make her Pinabella a real girl when the dolly had proven her character.
When the doll grew older, the fairy was pleased how her daughter turned out to be. One day, she talked to her about making her a real girl. Pinabella did not know what to think of that, because she never felt wrong about being what she was. But as it seemed to be important to her mom, she agreed.
They went to a nearby lake to transform the doll. The fairy gave her the kiss of life. She had thought her power to create life was endless, but alas, it was not. As she watched her daughter turning into a beautiful young woman, she saw her eyes widening with shock. Only then she realized her own spark was fleeing her body and she was vanishing from this world to enter the next one. She only managed to tell her daughter that she loved her and to be as good a human as she had been a doll.
The girl stood there shattered her mother had left her. Thus, losing her life for hers. Only when the first shock left her, she cried bitter tears of loss and loneliness. From that day on, Pinabella went to the lake every day to cry for her mother. And sometimes, when her misery was just too much she heard her mother‘s voice in the wind, soothing her like she had always done: „Hushhhhhhhh.“
Dress (incl necklace and hat): Ezura – “Peu Loli”
Shoes: Ezura – “Peu Loli Floral Shoes”
Nails: Formanails – “Kuralisa”
Hair: DeLa – “Marley” (mesh) – “Kuralisa”
Socks: [SB] – “Knit Suspender Socks”
Make-Up: YaYo – “Running Mascara”
Skin: Silken Moon – “Wicca”
Poses: In-Pose – “Sad Wicca” (Trinity… again you helped me as I was despairing with making and searching poses for this post. Thank you so much for being you, a friend of mine and being there for me )
Story: Malicia Python (Thank you so much Malicia, you are a never ending ending sea of inspiration, ideas and kindness. It is an honor for me to call you a friend )
Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin
Yes, Mam!
Wicca’s Wardrobe: Today at LeeZu 10/16/2012
Today I again had my LeeZu shift and I decided to go for something that matched the weather outside ;). The days are getting shorter and colder – Autumn is coming fast :).
One of the latest releases of LeeZu was the “Her Day Blouse”. A wonderful mesh blouse with so many amazing details on it.
If you take a closer look you can see the beautiful scarf and the wonderful open pocket on the left side of the chest. The texture again shows the amazing and incredible skills of LeeZu Baxter and her genius ideas for designs. The blouse for me is kinda loose-fitting, cool casual style and as it was long enough, I did not need extra pants and wanted to go with the chic “Cat Tights” as well from LeeZu. To make the perfect autumn look I used another one of LeeZu’s latest releases, the “Piccadilly Overknee Boots”. To see all the amazing new releases of LeeZu for the actual season and many evergreens, make your way to the LeeZu Mainstore. It is really worth it, particularly as LeeZu has a summer end sale and some special items are set 50 % off the regular prize!!!
Top: LeeZu – “Her Day Blouse” /black – NEW (mesh)
Leggings: LeeZu – “Cat Tights” /lightgray
Boots: LeeZu – “Piccadilly Overknee Boots” (mesh)
Nails: Mandala – “Female Nails”
Earrings: ::HH:: – “Ellisse”
Hair: (epoque hair) – “Warrior” /snow
Skin: Silken Moon – “Wicca”
Sim: Mayfair
Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin