NEW Group Gift @ Wicca’s Originals

New Group Gift @ The Mainstore

Months have gone by since the ceremony that forever proclaimed me as The Great One’s Blood Doll, the Valia Necklace forever embedded into my chest declaring me His.

I sit at the dressing table brushing out my long hair, awaiting His nightly visit. I stare at my reflection and finger the necklace; awed at its beauty. Magically, matching earrings appear dangling from my lobes. When I drop my brush upon the table, a matching ring appears upon my finger.

“A gift, my pet,” The Great One murmurs as he pulls my hair over my shoulder and presses a sensuous kiss upon my neck.

I smile at His generosity as His fangs in deep.


Earrings: unisexunrigged // mod/copy/no trans

Rings: Maitreya, Legacy[F], Legacy[M], Gianni + unrigged

HUD: 10 Colors/Metals

(completes the “Valia Set“)

Location: Wicca’s Originals


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