NEW Group Gift @ Wicca’s Originals // Araneus Saga Chapter 3

New Group Gift @ The Mainstore

Araneus – Chapter 3
The day of the Coronation has arrived and Wicca stands in her bed chamber, staring blankly a the wall. Though dressed in her ceremonial gown, Wicca felt anything but regal. An hour away from the ceremony that would appoint Wicca Queen and the final piece of the Araneus was still missing. Without all three pieces – necklace, crown and earrings – Wicca cannot rule.
The earrings – the Balance of Justice – grants her the wisdom to treat all equally and without prejudice. Even with compassion and knowledge, what was a ruler without wisdom. Has she failed her people even before becoming their Queen?
A knock on her chamber door draws Wicca’s attention and she turns to see two filthy, haggard men being admitted into her chamber. Upon seeing their future Queen, each man drops to one knee and bows their head in homage. As Wicca draws near, she recognizes the pair as Royal Guard sent out to recover the last of the missing Araneus.
The men are caked from head to toe in muck and slime, their shoulders sag and their legs tremble from exhaustion. Had they even rested since ordered on their quest three days ago?
Fear grips Wicca as she approaches. She can only assume they failed in their quest and the last of the Araneus is forever lost. Only when Wicca stands before the men do the raise their weary heads to look her in the eye. With the last of their strength, each man lifts a arm and opens a clenched fist. There, on each of their palms, lies an Araneus earring.
Wicca drops to her knees before the exhausted guards, takes each of their outstretched hands in hers and presses them to her lips. The guards, embarrassed by their appearance, try to pull the filth-covered hands away, but Wicca refuses to relinquish her hold. It is not until her maids rush to her side does Wicca release the loyal guards.
In an attempt to escape capture, the last thief threw the earrings into a noxious bog when the guards were only yards behind and closing in quickly. Knowing the gravity of the situation, the guards discontinued their pursuit and searched the bog for days, without rest, until the earrings were recovered.
With the Araneus fully restored, Wicca can now be crowned Queen. She orders her maids to see the two guards bathed, fed and clothed before she is escorted to the Throne Room for her Coronation.
As each piece of the Araneus is placed on her, Wicca thinks of all the people within her Kingdom and vows to serve them until her dying day, with the same devotion they have shown her.
Long Live The Queen.
– The End –
Sizes: unisexunrigged // mod/copy/no trans
HUD: 10 Colors/Metals
(completes the “Araneus Set“)

Location: Wicca’s Originals

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