30th of January… 2007 I was born in SL and now we have 2012… 5 years in SL, that’s a long time. I usually tend to forget that date as I did today. I realized it as the clock on my computer turned to 1AM and the date switched*grins*. So, today.. or better yesterday, I spent my SL day with styling and making pictures… like mostly*lol*. I had an argument lately with a few ppl about corsets. Some wanted to tell me corsets are fetish, others told me they are porn and some said corsets are lingerie only. But I disagreed and still do. Corsets came from way in the past before we had all those fancy leather and latex stuff and they were part of awesome medieval gowns for example.

So I took myself to a challenge that I can wear corsets without any touch of all that prejudices and create a modern non avantgarde look. Ok I admit… it turned out in some postapocalyptic again lightly but that might be because of my favour for this kinda pictures *smiles* Maybe if you just put the whole outfit in a different scenery it looks different again, but the big hoodie on the “Anath” jacket of Miamai. The rats that are placed over the shoulder just underlined the feeling of the day after a worldwide catastrophe where you just wake up and try to survive, maybe try to find other people and some food. The white corset comes from NV Corsetry. I discovered this store over 2 of my sissies, Lexie and Lorelei. The introduced me to Khurt Vhargon, owner and designer of NV Corsetry. He makes a very new kind of corsets, fully scripted to resize them in every direction. You can choose if you only wanna make it longer or wider and not just resize the full object… really an innovation for corsets in SL. As well he created so many different styles and different fabrics that you really get in trouble if you visit his store as you have a hard time to choose. The newest addition to that corsets is, that now he can help you fit the corset as well if you cannot do it on your own with a remote control of the script. That means he can operate the script while you are wearing his corsets. I only saw this technique at BAX before for the boots and it will be really helpful, if you are not yet that experienced in SL with fittings and scripts and still wanna wear one of his amazing corsets π

For the pants I chose one of my all time favourites from LeeZu, the “Madison” pants. The earrings and bracelets come from Finesmith and the face tattoo from White Widow, as well favourite stores of mine π The skin is made by Malicia Python, owner and designer of Silken Moon. She made me this special makeup for the “Rookie” skin, called “Childhater” as I wanted black lips and dark smokey eyes. One example for the great custom makeups you can get from Silken Moon π As I had to walk through water for that post :p the water swallowed the cool “Pomski” boots from Kookie…
I hope I could prove my opinion, that corsets are not only porn, fetish, lingerie or avantgarde… they can be so much more and as well a part of everyday looks if you combine them with jeans and a casual blouse :). *makes a note to herself for a new look*
And so I will bring the box I found, in the water at the beginning of my post,Β back home and see what I got…

Jacket: Miamai – “Anath”
Corset: NV Corsetry – “White Underbust”
Pants: LeeZu – “Madison”
Earrings: Finesmith – “Hermosa Espina”
Bracelets: Finesmith – “Buckle Up”
Nails: Mstyle – “Perfect Hand-Short”
Skin: Silken Moon – “Rookie” /childhater (special custom makeup)
Eyeliner: Silken Moon – “Wicca”
Lashes: Detour – “Spider Lashes”
Facetattoo: White Widow – “Trees Black”
Boots: Kookie – “Pomski”
Poses: Del May
Model & Photogrpaher: Wicca Merlin