Who are you behind the screen?

Are you a guy or a girl behind the screen?

That is a question, I heard so many times in my SL life. In the beginning – over 10 years ago – I had a different RL partner, who played a girl in SL and so he did not want me to voice or skype. He was afraid, that he would be ‘discovered’ as a guy, if ambiance noise or background phone calls were going on and that others would not RP or talk to him anymore if they would know. I respected his wish during our relationship and only typed. I never even thought about that being an issue for anyone, since I never requested myself being a female*lmao*, but when it happened the first time, I remember I really felt hurt somehow. I can not even say why, but it hit me right out of nothing when I got told “If you are not voicing you are a guy that tries to hide”

That was years ago and after I broke up with my partner, I did voice and prove more than once with it, that I am a real female.

But for about 2 years, it really kept getting more and more annoying and the more I was told if I don’t voice I must be a guy that I became stubborn as well and in the beginning I did not even wanna voice just because of all that. I did not want to let them dictate me and what I need to do. When I finally started to voice with some people that I always felt close and who never accused me to be a guy in RL It really was fun.

When I started modeling, I again stumbled over that fact. In some competitions they asked for voice checks, some designers where requesting voice verifications and at some modeling schools you had to prove, that you are a girl when you play a girl avatar. That really made me think… Why it would be so important, to know if a girl avatar really is a girl in RL? I mean we are not talking about relationships or cheating on other people who fell in love on wrong informations. There were some girls who told me in privacy that they would be guys and they would be afraid to say it, because they thought then they would not be allowed to model anymore as girls. And the ‘Why’ in my heads became bigger and bigger. What would make the difference on a SL model, designer or any other kind of roleplay if you don’t take it to RL, if that person is male or female or gay, lesbian or hetero? Does it matter for styling abilities? Does it matter for walking the runway?

Isn’t Second Life a place where you can be what you want? Isn’t Second Life a place where you can live your dreams? Isn’t Second Life a place where you can release a side of you that you can’t show in RL? Maybe there is a reason why a person does not voice even if they are the gender in RL, which they are playing in SL? Maybe someone cannot voice because they are not able to talk in RL, because they are deaf or mute?

The more I got into that, the more I hear things and read bad posts about people that were ‘discovered’ by others. Those people who did that always felt right about, that they revealed something ‘important’ and had to tell the whole world?!?! Who gave them the right to do that? Who gave them the right to hurt others with their stories? Who are they, that they think they need to be the Second Life police for that?

Again I am not talking about SL relationships that were meant to go RL and one got badly tricked, but I always said I do not care about what gender people are behind the screen as long as no one gets hurt. I know a few super, mega top models in SL that do a great job and be admired by many people and they are not the gender, which they are playing in SL. Who cares? They do an amazing job, otherwise they would not have made it so far. It is just sad, that they had to ask friends to do their ‘voice verifications’ for them, to be allowed to do what they like and enjoy.

I hope one day – in a world where transgenders in real life more and more get accepted and as well get popular and famous – people in Second Life can be as tolerant as they became RL.

I wish – in a world where creativity is a gift and all are aiming to be more creative – that all who only stand up to think about how they can hurt, slander and defame other people get a life and find joy and satisfaction in being productive instead of being constructive.

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind.”
[Bernard M. Baruch]

Outfit & Accessories

Lingerie: Enfant Terrible – “Bombshell” (Maitreya)

Stockings: BigBeautifulDoll – “Stockings Lady Nude Sheer” (Maitreya Applier)

Shoes: Bliensen + MaiTai – “It’s aways Teatime” (Maitreya) – NEW @ Enchantment

Wings: Enfant Terrible – “Unisex Wings Heartshape”

Gloves: CODEX – “Aranel” (Bento, Maitreya)

Blindfold & Collar: Bliensen + MaiTai – “La Perla” – NEW @ ROMP

Ring & Armlets: .alme. – “Maple Leaves Ring” (armlets edited)

Hair & Makeup

Hair: Mithral – “Agave”

Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.0”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Face: Izzie’s – “Pores & Blemishes” (LeLutka Applier)

Poses & Props

Bed & Poses: Dictatorshop – “Contempo Bed” (menu driven) – NEW @ ROMP

Background: DRD – “Shadow Mansion – Light” (Bedroom, Shadow Box Bonus)

Model & Photographer

Wicca Merlin

Vibrant Lights

“I think there is beauty in everything what ‘normal’ people would perceive as ugly. I can usually see something of beauty in it.”

[Alexander McQueen]

YAY! Fetish Fair extends for one week! More time to get all the goodies 😉 Speaking of goodies, many parts of my todays post are from exactly that Fetish Fair…

The cool mask, what made me start with my styling today, comes from E-Clipse Design. It is part of a full outfit called “Anu”. The outfit comes with dress, mask, boots and as well a whip. The boots and the whip I did not use for todays post.

The mask caught my attention immediately – I LOVE such neat accessories that are outside the mainstream range… I am sure thats nothing new 😉 All the little details, the gear and tubes already make this a stunning accessory and if you take a closer look at the textures, you will see why I fell in love with it. The dress as well is something special. The fabric is opaque, but has a wonderful shining texture and you get the imagination of it being slightly sheer even if it is not. Speaking of details… take a look how awesome the strings are wrapped around the body held by those amazing metal rings!

The cool boots would fit perfectly into the Fetish Fair as well, but those are out now at the Cosmopolitan event. The “Camala” boots are calf high boots with an amazing lace down at the sides of the feet. I have no clue how Elisabetta Hyun does her textures, but they are so incredible realistic and you never have any seams where the shoes have none. The “Camala” boots come with a huge HUD to customize several parts of the boots like the main boot, the laces, the inner and outer sole as well as the heel and metals. I know I already mentioned that, but what I do like a lot with the UTOPIA@Design shoes is the preset tab on the HUD where Elisabetta already makes 9 presets ready to wear and as well the possibility to choose about the glossiness of the whole shoe.

The collar and the cool garter – yes, it is a mesh body rigged garter that is a standalone without the stockings – I as well found at the Fetish Fair. Recently I look into .:Avanti:. more and more as I really do like the way Intoxicate, owner and designer of .:Avanti:., creates her things. I rarely saw so many different way of stockings like she did and what I love the most – they are different high on the thighs depending on their style. That makes it possible, that you can either connect them to garters or wear them even under thigh high boots and see the tiny boarder peeking still 😉 and certainly I cannot forget to mention that I adore her texture skills for her appliers!

Last but not least, I would like to drag your attention towards the amazing hand accessories I am wearing. I always look for something I can wear on my hands, I am addicted to all kind of nails, rings, gloves and what not 😉 This time I chose the super cool “No Mercy Rings” from [Since1975].  They combine some leather straps wrapped around your hands and as well unusual, kick ass rings and little gems on the fingernails. All are perfectly rigged for bento hands and react awesome to all kind of finger movement and posing. With the HUD you can decide what metal colors you would like to have and as well you can hide rinsg and gems single, to not have a perfect mirror on both hands. That I like a lot, as you usually never have all the same rings mirrored on each hand at the same time and I am anyways a lover of non symmetric things.

But now I will make my way back to the Fetish Fair again – since I have one week more to go – and see what neat accessories I can find for my next post 😉


Outfit & Accessories:

Outfit & Mask: E-Clipse Design (ED) – “Anu Dress” (Maitreya) – NEW @ Fetish Fair 2018

Shoes: UTOPIA@Design – “Camala” (Maitreya) – NEW @ Cosmopolitan

Stockings: .:Avanti:. – “Ripped Nylons” (Maitreya Applier)

Garter: .:Avanti:. – “Mina Garter” (Maitreya) – NEW @ Fetish Fair 2018

Collar: .:Avanti:. – “Nayomi Collar” – NEW @ Fetish Fair 2018

Hand Accessories: [Since1975] – “No Mercy Rings” (Maitreya) – NEW @ Fetish Fair 2018

Nailpolish: alme. – “Silver Lines Dark” (Maitreya Applier)

Hair & Makeup:

Hair: [KoKoLoReS] Hair – “Oakes”

Hairbase: Mina – “Myla” (LeLutka Applier, comes with a hair style)

Makeup: ALMA – “Hela” (LeLutka Applier)


Body & Tattoo:

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.0”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Face: Izzie’s – “Pores & Blemishes” (LeLutka Applier)

Tattoo: [Hipster Style] – “Black Tattoo” (Maitreya & LeLutka Applier)

Poses & Props:

Backdrop: anxiety – “%bedside” (Group Gift)

Poses: s26 – “Soraya” (Bento), Belle Poses – “Mi” & “Margery” (Bento) & Body Language “Fine Sand” (Bento)

Model & Photographer:

Wicca Merlin

Back in Black

Yes I’m back in black
Back in the back of a Cadillac
Number one with a bullet I’m a power pack


Yes… finally black again :p

Today with [sys] and Blacklace.

When I first saw the “Passenger” outfit from [sys], I fell totally in love with it. I anyways have a fable for non symmetric looks and that outfit itself already has that!

The jacket has along sleeve on the left side and is only held by a strap on the right side while the pants are right the other way round. The amazing straps over the belly and chest just add a wonderful, sexy touch to it.

You can wear it without any lingerie as well – and probably that would be even more sexy – but I liked a lot, how the lingerie looked like under the outfit. (Plus I was more safe to sit anywhere in public without any scandalizing views :p)

The amazing glasses I found at Minimal. I Loved the different look with the parts the cover the ears like headphones. I love futuristic stuffs anyways and the cool “Power Glasses” just have the right amount of futuristic and nowadays touch to it and matched perfectly my today’s look.

The amazing nail polish was made by ChloeElectra for her bran .alme. She recently came up with some adorable new nail polished on several events – I guess I should think about a nail spotlight soon – but some of her older ones are kinda long time favorites for me. The “Silver Lines” which she made in dark and light are one of those. with a solid color on the nail and a little silver line towards the finger at the end of the nail, they are just super amazing for all kind of styles and still look special because of that metallic line.

Even if I force myself more and more to try on colors .. black will always be my fave 😉


 Outfit: [sys] – “Passenger” (Maitrea)

Lingerie: Blacklace – “Vivian” (Omega Applier)

Shoes: [sys] – “Valli” (Maitreya)

Bracelet: Enfant Terrible – “L’odeur du Cuir”

Glasses: Minimal – “Power Glasses”

Hair: Exile – “Out of the ruins”

Makeup: Zibska – “Noir Pack 06” (LeLutka Appliers)

Lipstick: je suis… – “LeLutka Lips No. 005 / greys” (LeLutka Applier)

Nailpolish: .alme – “Silver Lines Dark” (Maitreya Applier)

Poses: Del May

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 2.7”
Body: Maitreya – “Lara V4.1”
Eyes: IKON – “Hope Eyes”
Shape: Selfmade

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

So take me as I am…

So take me as I am
This may mean you’ll have to be a stronger man
Rest assured that when I start to make you nervous
And I’m going to extremes
Tomorrow I will change
And today won’t mean a thing

[Meredith Brooks]

The styling today I made with some goodies of the WCF 2017. The fair is now over but I am sure, you will find all the creations and designs in the mainstores of the designers 🙂

Sometimes you plan on blogging something and then all of a sudden you RL comes in between and disturbs that plans.

But I loved the look too much to just trash it and go on with all the new stuffs 😉

The outfit is a mix and match of several designers and as well of mesh designs and appliers.

The cool top, that mainly is made of chains with some cloth at the sides was made by [sys] as an exclusive for the WCF 2017. Since I wanted to cover up my private parts a little bit, I added the “Sexy Lingerie” from Cherie underneath the “Shane” top.

The hair as well was made as an exclusive to the WCF 2017 and it does  come from no.match. At the moment I have kinda a top 3 for hair designers and I could not say which one of those I love most , since they are all do different. No.match, EMO-tions and enVOGUE I use the most as I just simply love their ideas and textures the most. Certainly I have hair from all over as there are hairstyles I see and like instantly like DeLa, .shi or so many others but when I pull up my hair folder those 3 have the highest numbers for a reason 😉

For the WCF 2017, no.match made 2 different version with a hat. one as a braid and one – the one I am using today – with open hair. One has the cap set on forward and the other one has it 180 degrees turned like the cool kids usually have it :p

The cool gloves were made by Real Evil Industries and I really love the details as well as the huge HUD that does let you customize so many parts to match your outfit.

The tattoo certainly comes from White Widow. I just love Julie’s tattoos and I rarely find good ones which do not get blurry or are way to colored or just uploaded RL tattoos. I do love the creativity and as well the painting skills that Julie brings to her tattoos and I am totally amazed that this creativity seems to be never ending 😉


Shirt: [sys] – “Shane” (Maitreya)

Lingerie: Cheeky – “Cherie – Sexy Lingerie” (Maitreya Applier)

Gloves: Real Evil Industries – “Jassy Corset Gloves”

Shoes: UTOPIA@Design – “Akira” (Maitreya)

Collar: [evolove] – “Mandy – Horn Choker”

Cigarette: Nikotin – “Cigarette Dirty”

Glasses: *agp* – “Johnny Sunglasses”

Hair: no.match – “No.More”

Tattoo: [White~Widow] – “Insidious” (Maitreya Applier)

Nail Polish: .alme – “The Edge Light” (Maitreya Applier)

Lipstick: je suis… – “LeLutka Lips no. 005 (greys)”


Background: RAMA – “Passage Side”

Bus Station: 22769 – “Art Nouveau Bus Stop”

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 2.6”
Body: Maitreya – “Lara V4.0”
Eyes: IKON – “Hope Eyes”
Shape: Selfmade

Flight of Fancy into the Darkness

At the moment I am trying to learn new PS tricks and techniques. I discovered my likings for dark background pictures with a very simple set and more extra ordinary poses, so that the focus is more on the person and the items that are being showcased.

When I started to work with black backgrounds, usually they looked kinda flat and I was wondering how you can still have the imagination of a room even if it is all dark. But som subtile lights which are not even really noticeable, will do the trick I read. The shadows on the avatar will as well help with that if you have something throwing shadows on your avatar that you, that you not really see. There are so many more things like reflections and what not, that I still try to learn properly before I am coming up with picture :p

Today it would be The amazing lingerie from Blacklace, the super sexy high heels from Glamistry and the adorable and incredible jewelry from EarthStones, which I would like to showcase.

I had the great pleasure to take a photo of Abraxxa Anatine, designer and owner of EarthStones, for the last issue of the Spotlight magazine. Abraxxa is such a wonderful and lovely person and her creativity has no limits. While we were shooting she was wearing one of her latest releases, the “Flight of Fancy” jewelry set.

When I saw it, I immediately fell in love with it. It was made for the last round of TLC but I am sure it will be in her main store now.

The set contains a pair of earrings, 2 bracelets as well as a short and along necklace. The details on this set are incredible. With the butterflies and the little studs and gems and all the filigree chain links… just amazing. The Set as well is HUD driven so you can customize the colors to your personal likings and your look.

For the shoes, I decided to go with the latest release of Glamistry. The “Lilium” heels are a pair of super sexy pumps. I love the high plateau heel on them and as well the simplicity. With that you can see the wonderful leather texture if the shoes and as well the great details like the seam.

The super cool nail polish was made by ChloeElectra for her brand .alme. I love the golden geometric lines that run over the colored nail 🙂 and with the color they matched amazing to the jewelry and the lingerie!

The lingerie is not just an applier! This time Blacklace came out with a wonderful negligee made of mesh with a sexy transparency.  The panties and the garters are made of mesh as well, only the stockings are mesh body appliers. “Kelsey” you can purchase in many different colors as always with Blacklace designs 🙂

The sofa I used was made by Katink. originally it comes with some poses, but for this post I just used various other poses and adjusted them to the sofa 🙂


Outfit: Blacklace – “Kelsey” (Maitreya)

Shoes: Glamistry – “Lilium” (Maitreya)

Jewelry: EarthStones – “Flight of Fancy”

Nailpolish: .alme – “The Edge Dark” (Maitreya Applier)

Makeup: Zibska – “Sirra” (LeLutka Applier)

Lipstick: je suis… – “LeLutka Lips no. 005” (LeLutka Applier)

Hair: Truth – “Ximena”


Head: LeLutka – “Simone 2.6”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara V4.0”

Eyes: IKON – “Hope Eyes”

Shape: Selfmade

Seductive Chic in a Spring Mood


Spring is coming! – At least it looked like yesterday even if the wind was horrible again today :p

To my todays feeling the “Plaisir” dress from [sys] just was the right match. The short dress with the high open, loosely collar and the seductive open back… perfect for the first few warm sun moments.

The huge cutout in the back really makes the “Plaisir” dress mega special. Only the thick brown leather strap hold the whole dress in place 😉 And look how deep the cut out is… you really have to be careful with your moves… 😉

I chose to wear some leggings under the dress and I know I had blogged those already before, but I really do love them a lot. The “Hisa Leather Leggings” from lassitude & ennui. I was so amazed when I put them on the first time, that appliers can look so realistic and actually do look like a mesh item while they are appliers ‘only’. All those shadows and lights , the folds and wrinkles, they are so realistic I really had to cam close to see that they are really flat on the body… incredible!

The super chic glasses are made by Glamistry and just were the perfect accessory for the look to give it an even more chic look. The “PU2003” sunglasses have a cat-eye feeling to them as well as a soft vintage touch, this kind of shape is my personal fave anyways 😉 It does remind me of those 50s pin-up glasses a little bit.

I really enjoyed the sim a lot after I was doing my shoots. I never was at Anduril before, but I am sure I was not there the last time. they have so many different corners there and all are built with so much love to the detail, it was hard to choose one for the pictures already when I arrived there and looked around. Sometimes it is really worth it to jump through the search to find a new sim, or even look into the destination guide of SL, instead of just using the ones you already know very well. It can be time-consuming, but you can find some neat places out there.

I hope you could feel some of my spring feelings for that post 😉


Dress: [sys] – “Plaisir” (Maitreya)

Leggings: Lassitude & Ennui – “Hisa Leather Leggings” (Maitreya Applier)

Shoes: [sys] – “Lido” (Maitreya)

Glases: Glamistry – “Sunglasses PU2003”

Collar: [evolove] – “Mandy Horn Choker” @ The Avenue

Necklace: CLOCKHAUS – “Wooden Necklace”

Hair: KoKoLoReS – “Oakes”

Makeup: La Boheme – “Steph” (LeLutka Applier)

Lipstick: je suis… – “LeLutka Lips no. 005 [greys]” (LeLutka Applier)

Nailpolish: alme. – “Golden Threes Light”

Poses: Vitalis Animatum

Location: Anduril


Head: LeLutka – “Simone 2.3”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara V3.5”

Eyes: IKON – “Hope Eyes”

Shape: Selfmade

Stunning and Seductive – News @ Blacklace!

Blacklace 3

Today I am very honored to showcase you one of the latest releases from Blacklace.

The “Amalthea” set, is a wonderful ensemble of corset, bra and panties. The whole ‘outfit’ does work for mesh bodies as well as for the standard avatar. The corset is a mesh prim, while the bra and the panties come as payers or appliers.

Blacklace 2

The corset has a very detailed texture and with the awesome roses decorating the hips this stunning piece is a must have lingerie piece!

If you take a closer look on the appliers, you again will see the love of the detail the designer put in to that wonderful set.

I added some of my favourite nylons from AviCandy and the wonderful “Fea” necklace from Salt & Pepper. The wonderful head piece comes from Modern Couture. For th e hair I decided to go with the “Bethany” hairstyle from EMO-tions.

Blacklace 4

Certainly for such a delicate and seductive lingerie I needed some more simple but high quality pumps, which I found at Glamistry.

The little photo set I did built myself with items from Bee Designs. The amazing “Charlotte Daybed” with the “Charlotte Rugs” was just the perfect scenery for this pictures. With the light textures it was a perfect contrast to the black version of the !Amalthea” lingerie from Blacklace.

Blacklace 6


Lingerie: Blacklace – “Amalthea” – NEW

Stockings: AviCandy – “Lace Back Seam”

Shoes: Glamistry – “Crocus”

Hat: Modern Couture – “Crisp Hat”

Necklace: Salt & Pepper – “Fae”

Bracelet: Mandala – “Shippoah”

Ring: alme.Jewelry – “Leaves Ring”

Hair: EMO-tions – “Bethany”

Furniture: Bee Designs – “Charlotte Daybed & Rugs”

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Blacklace 5

Lady in Red? Featuring Azul & EMO-tions

Azul 1red

Lady in Red

I’ve never seen you looking so lovely as you did tonight
I’ve never seen you shine so bright
I’ve never seen so many men ask you if you wanted to dance
Looking for a little romance, given half a chance
I have never seen that dress you’re wearing
Or the highlights in your hair that catch your eyes
I have been blind

Azul 2

Lady in red is dancing with me, cheek to cheek
There’s nobody here, it’s just you and me, it’s where I wanna be
But I hardly know this beauty by my side
I’ll never forget, the way you look tonight

I’ve never seen you looking so gorgeous as you did tonight
I’ve never seen you shine so bright, you were amazing
I’ve never seen so many people wanna be there by your side
And when you turned to me and smiled, it took my breath away
I have never had such a feeling
Such a feeling of complete and utter love, as I do tonight

Azul 3

Lady in red is dancing with me, cheek to cheek
There’s nobody here, it’s just you and me, it’s where I wanna be
But I hardly know this beauty by my side
I’ll never forget, the way you look tonight
I never will forget, the way you look tonight

The lady in red
The lady in red
The lady in red
My lady in red (I love you.)

[Chris de Burgh]

Azul 4


Dress (incl Choker): Azul – “Yves” – NEW
Shoes: [MODA] – “Tessa Knee High Boots”
Hair: EMO-tions – MARTINA – NEW @ Hairfair 2016
Bag: 22769 ~ [femme] – “Veronica Handbag”
Glasses: Glamistry – “Sunglasses PU2003”
Ring: alme Jewelry – “Leaves Ring”
Makeup: Veechi – “Sleuth Shadows”
Lipstick: Zibska – “Winterberries”
Poses: Devilish Poses

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin