True Friendship

“And now to something completely different!”

In RL my English teacher – back when I was at school – used to say that if he was changing his topic, and after a roll of post apocalyptic posts (one is still missing), I wanted to do something different and finally my mind was able to do something else *giggles*

I am always fascinated from white pictures and rarely – if I try one – , they come out as I want them too.

But this time it did! I wanted to do a combination of power and fragile moments in a very soft environment.

All I added for the set were the “Waving Bioluminescent Fungus” in white and the “Rapunzel in Evie White Tower” in front of a white background. The “Rapunzel in Evie White Tower” reminded me of the thought of your inner voice, that talks to you if you have decisions to make or that you ask when you are down and do not know who to ask. It looked great in the background for the idea of the picture.

Do you know that moment, where people want you to be strong and you feel right the opposite but cannot show that, because you have a task to end or you have to be there for someone?

It is like an inner fight with yourself, trying to not let the fragile side win. Sometimes you need to be strong, no matter what. Even if I have been told several times to not hide my feelings – if you have a true friendship, sometimes your own feelings have to be pushed behind to be there for your friend. Thank god it does not happen too often that those 2 ‘souls’ come up to the same time. Would you not expect the same from a true friend – to be there for you when you need him or her most? and even if I am always afraid to bother someone with my problems and moods. But IF I do, I really to expect close and true friends to be there for me. And saying that I would even get up in the middle of the night and drive 500 and more kilometers to help , when it would be needed and possible.

True friendship is rare and even more rare in an online environment, but it is there. Many times you might be disappointed from people who you thought you know but if you stop trusting… you never will find those who are true and honest. You would cut yourself off to meet people who could be potential true and honest friends. I do not know if that makes sense – bear with the German – but I hope you know what I am trying to say.

In the past 10 years in SecondLife, I met many people. Some I still talk to, some quit playing and some just vanished. It was a rollercoaster journey in terms of meeting people. A few I let come close to me and they ripped out my heart and left me in pain for weeks. sometimes I even thought I will quit playing Second Life. But then there are some that I met, which caught me, gave me the feeling of being close to them and those I would not want to miss again. It might only be a handful people who really do know me – know more behind Wicca’s pixel – but those I highly value and I could not think about a life without them anymore. Even if we never met, we shared tons of hours on skype or inworld, even further on mobile communication tools and they became part of not only my Second Life but my real one as well.

Friendships are different – Some are super close and with some you share moments and experiences but you do not talk to them on an everyday base. That does not have to be bad though, they are still friends I do care for and in the moment we meet we have the biggest fun ever 🙂

I never would wanna change the past, as it did make me to what I am now – SL and RL. Even the pain made me learn something –  I never stopped to trust people or give people a chance to know me and become new, true friends.

Sometimes it is hard, but if you go out to find new true and real friends maybe do not give them the burden or the doubt out of your past experiences. They are not responsible for that, nor they know.

I hope I did make sense with what I was trying to say – if not… maybe holler at me inworld and you can help me doing it better 😉


Clothing & Accessories:

Outfit: Plastix – “Solaris” (Maitreya)

Shoes: Essenz – “Calgary” (Maitreya)

Shoulder Piece, Necklace & Brows: Zibska – “Verad” (Gacha)

Makeup & Hair:

Makeup: Zibska – “Verad Eye Makeup” (LeLutka Applier)

Lipstick: Zibska – “Adia” (LeLutka Applier)

Hair: enVogue – “Carley”

Head, Body & Tattoos:

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.0”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Poses & Props:

Poses: Poseidon

Props: E.V.E Studio – “Waving Bioluminescent Fungus” & “Rapunzel in Evie White Tower”

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin


Wicca’s Wardrobe @ The 24 Event

The 24 - Wicca's Wardrobe


Outfit (incl Hat): Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Entity” (Exclusive Release for The 24) – NEW

Hair: LeLutka – “Vibrato”

Jewelry: Mandala – “Kyara”

Makeup: Zibska – “Joss 02”

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

The 24 2015 Femme Ad


THE 24 2015

12:00pm SLT – 1:00pm SLT — Lybra Fashion Show
5:00pm SLT – 6:00pm SLT — House of Rfyre Fashion Show
6:00pm SLT – 8:00pm SLT — The 24 2015 Opening Party

12:00pm SLT – 1:00pm SLT — United Colors Fashion Show
5:00pm SLT – 6:00pm SLT — The 24 2015 Exclusives Show

12:00pm SLT – 1:00pm SLT — Bravura! Homme Fashion Show
5:00pm SLT – 6:00pm SLT — WoW Skins Designer Show

12:00pm SLT – 1:00pm SLT — Lavian & Co. Fashion Show

12:00pm SLT – 1:00pm SLT — B. Barbie Fashion Show

12:00pm SLT – 1:00pm SLT — Yeliz Fashion Show

12:00pm SLT – 1:00pm SLT — 69 Park Ave Fashion Show
5:00pm SLT – 6:00pm SLT — IMaGE Factory Fashion Show

12:00pm SLT – 1:00pm SLT — Wicca’s Wardrobe Fashion Show
5:00pm SLT – 6:00pm SLT — Prism Fashion Show

12:00pm SLT – 1:30pm SLT — Pop Stars Show
2:00pm SLT – 4:00pm SLT — The 24 2015 Closing Party

Your Limo:

EMO-tions @ The 24 Event

The 24 - EMO-tions


Outfit: EMO-tions – “Lady X Corset” (Exclusive Release for The 24) – NEW

Arm Jewelry: EMO-tions  – “Niani”

Hair: EMO-tions – “Anya” (On9 September 2015) – NEW

Head Piece: LoQ – “Bird Skull Hair Accessory”

Boots: Dirty Princess – “Secret Society”

Makeup: Zibska – “Ting” & “Ltd Noir 22”

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

The 24 2015 Femme Ad


THE 24 2015

12:00pm SLT – 1:00pm SLT — Lybra Fashion Show
5:00pm SLT – 6:00pm SLT — House of Rfyre Fashion Show
6:00pm SLT – 8:00pm SLT — The 24 2015 Opening Party

12:00pm SLT – 1:00pm SLT — United Colors Fashion Show
5:00pm SLT – 6:00pm SLT — The 24 2015 Exclusives Show

12:00pm SLT – 1:00pm SLT — Bravura! Homme Fashion Show
5:00pm SLT – 6:00pm SLT — WoW Skins Designer Show

12:00pm SLT – 1:00pm SLT — Lavian & Co. Fashion Show

12:00pm SLT – 1:00pm SLT — B. Barbie Fashion Show

12:00pm SLT – 1:00pm SLT — Yeliz Fashion Show

12:00pm SLT – 1:00pm SLT — 69 Park Ave Fashion Show
5:00pm SLT – 6:00pm SLT — IMaGE Factory Fashion Show

12:00pm SLT – 1:00pm SLT — Wicca’s Wardrobe Fashion Show
5:00pm SLT – 6:00pm SLT — Prism Fashion Show

12:00pm SLT – 1:30pm SLT — Pop Stars Show
2:00pm SLT – 4:00pm SLT — The 24 2015 Closing Party

Your Limo:

h.m.a.e.m. @ The 24 Event & Finsmith News

The 24 - hmaem + finesmith


h.m.a.e.m. – “Guenda” (Exclusive Release for The 24) – NEW

Jewelry: Finesmith – “Adwaita” – NEW

Hair: EMO-tions – “Imani 2”

Nailpolish: Nailed It! – “Baiastice’s Yara Set II”

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

The 24 2015 Femme Ad


THE 24 2015

12:00pm SLT – 1:00pm SLT — Lybra Fashion Show
5:00pm SLT – 6:00pm SLT — House of Rfyre Fashion Show
6:00pm SLT – 8:00pm SLT — The 24 2015 Opening Party

12:00pm SLT – 1:00pm SLT — United Colors Fashion Show
5:00pm SLT – 6:00pm SLT — The 24 2015 Exclusives Show

12:00pm SLT – 1:00pm SLT — Bravura! Homme Fashion Show
5:00pm SLT – 6:00pm SLT — WoW Skins Designer Show

12:00pm SLT – 1:00pm SLT — Lavian & Co. Fashion Show

12:00pm SLT – 1:00pm SLT — B. Barbie Fashion Show

12:00pm SLT – 1:00pm SLT — Yeliz Fashion Show

12:00pm SLT – 1:00pm SLT — 69 Park Ave Fashion Show
5:00pm SLT – 6:00pm SLT — IMaGE Factory Fashion Show

12:00pm SLT – 1:00pm SLT — Wicca’s Wardrobe Fashion Show
5:00pm SLT – 6:00pm SLT — Prism Fashion Show

12:00pm SLT – 1:30pm SLT — Pop Stars Show
2:00pm SLT – 4:00pm SLT — The 24 2015 Closing Party

Your Limo:

Zibska @ The 24 Event

The 24 - Zibska


Outfit: Zibska – “Cherie” (Exclusive Release for The 24) – NEW

Hair: Zibska – “Kiki”

Makeup: Zibska – “Alida Solo”

Lashes: Zibska – “Via No.01 lower”

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

The 24 2015 Femme Ad


THE 24 2015

12:00pm SLT – 1:00pm SLT — Lybra Fashion Show
5:00pm SLT – 6:00pm SLT — House of Rfyre Fashion Show
6:00pm SLT – 8:00pm SLT — The 24 2015 Opening Party

12:00pm SLT – 1:00pm SLT — United Colors Fashion Show
5:00pm SLT – 6:00pm SLT — The 24 2015 Exclusives Show

12:00pm SLT – 1:00pm SLT — Bravura! Homme Fashion Show
5:00pm SLT – 6:00pm SLT — WoW Skins Designer Show

12:00pm SLT – 1:00pm SLT — Lavian & Co. Fashion Show

12:00pm SLT – 1:00pm SLT — B. Barbie Fashion Show

12:00pm SLT – 1:00pm SLT — Yeliz Fashion Show

12:00pm SLT – 1:00pm SLT — 69 Park Ave Fashion Show
5:00pm SLT – 6:00pm SLT — IMaGE Factory Fashion Show

12:00pm SLT – 1:00pm SLT — Wicca’s Wardrobe Fashion Show
5:00pm SLT – 6:00pm SLT — Prism Fashion Show

12:00pm SLT – 1:30pm SLT — Pop Stars Show
2:00pm SLT – 4:00pm SLT — The 24 2015 Closing Party

Your Limo:

Fears, Anxieties & Nightmares…

Chased 01b

I still cannot believe it… I was invited to an Art Gallery as an artist!

Not too long ago I was IMed by someone, that told me if I ever would have considered my pictures as art…

I was quite speechless, because until now I never thought about making art I just made pictures for my blog posts*giggles*

Chased 02b

But now I would like to talk a little bit about the guy that found me 😉

John (Johannes1977), owner of the Windlight Gallery and the Windlight Magazine.

He and his partner, the lovely Emma Portilo, created that amazing place and Magazine that features new, aspiring artists as well as experienced and popular artists of Second Life.

To have such a place, is something very precious as you rarely will find something like that… giving young and new artists the same chance as already popular and well-known names.

When he asked me, if I ever thought about having an exhibition or show for my pictures, I nearly did faint…

Chased 03b

I really could not believe, that an experienced and well-known artist would consider my pictures art and it took me some days to get familiar with that thought*giggles*…  you can ask him, how insecure and excited I was…

He was so nice and kind and encouraged me for quite some time, until I dared to agree to try it.

Now I had to think about making art… what did not make it easier*chuckles*

I thought back and forth what I could do and I guess, I kinda ‘over thought it’ as I did not find anything that I thought would be as good to be displayed. Then I just slapped myself and forced myself to not think too much and just do what I feel.

The idea was to have several different pictures for the gallery, but when i started making some pictures I more and more came across, that I wanted to tell a little story with my pictures.

I ended up with 2 different series, which were born out of 2 totally different visions.

The first one is the one I have on this post.

I called it “Chased…” as a work title. The idea behind was that in our lifes we are running from fears, nightmares and anxieties, just because it is something we do not know better.

So the steam punk looking fishes are kinda synonymous for all those things we run from.

Sometimes we even feel attacked or even bitten by those and try to defend us and survive or get rid of them at least for the moment.

But what, if we stop running and turn around facing them?

Chased 04b

Maybe we can get them known better and all of a sudden they are not anymore formidable? It might not work for all of them but with some we maybe can make our peace after some time?

It might now work with all, but for many it can, at least for some it was like that for me. And in the end you might be able to go along with them like I did with swimming together with the fishes instead of always running from them 😉

 If you would like to come over to the Windlight Gallery and take a look at all those amazing artists and art pieces here is your limo :

Windlight Gallery

While you are there and look at all the amazing pictures, do not forget to pick up the latest issue of the Windlight Magazine to be always up to date and informed about the SL Art World 🙂

Chased 05b


Outfit: r2 – “Kagaya”

Leggings: Sheer – “Leggings 29a: Very Torn Black”

Boots: Stelloane – “Heloise”

Bracelets: [sys] – “Khaleesi”

Hair: [sys] – “Micha”

Necklace: [The Forge] – “Chainlink Tassles”

Makeup: Nuuna’s – “Litzi Black” & Madrid Solo – “Twice Shy-Selfish Silver”

Tattoo: White Widow – “Insidious”

Fishes: 22769 – “Floating Boat” (part of the boat)

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

LOTD 08/17/2015 – Goodies @ On9 :)

On9 1a

Today I would like to showcase some of the amazing designs available at the On9 event.

On9 is a monthly event, that offers many different designers, creations, and items. You will find clothing, accessories, furniture, poses, shoes, makeup and nearly everything you can thin about all in one place done by different genius and skilled creators. You can imagine how happy I was when I was asked if we would like to be part with Wicca’s Wardrobe as well… among all those incredible designers and creators 😉

But today I won’t use any of our own stuff and put some spotlight on some of those amazing items you can find at the current On9 event.

On9 2a

Let’s start with the incredible amazing head-piece. Who else that Zib Scaggs, owner and designer of Zibska, could do such an amazing art piece?

The huge head-piece looks like made out of petals and some sweet fishes are swimming around. The head-piece comes with a great color HUD that lets you customize the petals, the accents and the fishes to many different colors.

To fit under this wonderful head-piece I needed some not too high but still modern and fresh looking hairstyle. Guess what… I as well found that one at On9 *snickers*. No.Match offers the perfect hair for my actual look. The “No.Call” style with the two smart braided tails left and right was the right addition to balance the crazy and the cute touch of the whole look.

The glasses are as well available at On9. Made by [Since 1975] those glasses are an extra ordinary addition to your accessories box! You can decide between 4 different colors. I went with the golden version for today’s post.

On9 3a

The super sweet top was made by the amazing Poulet Koenkamp, owner and designer of PurpleMoon.

Poulet is one of the most talented people, I was allowed to meet and call a friend in SL. She always amazed me with her stunning hand printed textures and her awesome ideas and designs. For this month of On9 she made this delicate top called “Anika” in 7 different colors. The top is a wide and loose fit and together with the cool sleeves, this top really is a must have for every ladies wardrobe especially for the late summer season:) .

 The pants and the shoes coming from a very talented and skilled woman too. Thetra Blackheart, ower and designer of E-Clipse. The “Fringe Pants” I got longer ago but the amazing “Follia” heels are as well available at On9. In 6 different colors or as a fatpack, those amazing heels fit the Slink, the Maitreya and the TMP feet. The strapped heels have wonderful fringes at the front and some amazing metal decorations on the straps. With the HUD you can change the metals to 3 different types.

Last but not least I would like to zoom in a little bit closer and drag the focus on this incredible necklace from Kunglers. You can pick from 5 different colors. The great combination of filigree metals, stones and gems makes a wonderful every day necklace for many different styles.

For all the other amazing ne releases at On9 please jump over there and take a look by yourself. And don’t forget… every designer offers one piece for 20% off the regular price, like always at On9!

On9 4a


Top: PurpleMoon – “Anika Blouse” – NEW @ On9

Pants: E-Clipse – “Fringe Pants”

Shoes: E-Clipse – “Follia” – NEW @ On9

Head Piece: Zibska – “Maris” – NEW @ On9

Necklace: (Kunglers Extra) – “Iracy Necklace” – NEW @ On9

Glasses: [Since 1975] – “Vintage Glasses 209” – NEW @ On9

Hair: No.Match – “No Catch” – NEW @ On9

Furniture: 22769 – “Purity” (Complete Set)

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

News @ Machoire – Back in Black

Machoire 01

Today I have the great pleasure to showcase some of the newest releases from Machoire.

The amazing “Veitades Hat” in black and the super edgy “Colde Heels” as well in black, both from Machoire.

The “Colde Heels” are made for the slink high mesh feet. with the huge circle shaped heel and the wonderful triangled front, those shoes are really a statement. Those high fashion and avant garde looking shoes definitely will turn heads everywhere you go and should not miss in a modern fashionistas wardrobe!

Machoire 02

The head piece is a very complex and detailed piece of art. With the huge back part that gives the imagination of a light fabric floating in the air and the wonderful mask, I would not dare to just call it mask or hat, as the whole design comes in one piece. The awesome waved silver lines at the sides and the edgy spiked curved part on the top are a perfect match for the cool looking solver mask, which is ornamented with some amazing chains across the eyes. The chains are repeated below the chin and with the shining gems at the forehead it really becomes a little precious in every wardrobe.

Machoire 03a


Head Piece: Machoire – “Veitades Hat” – NEW

Shoes: Machoire – “Colde Heels” – NEW (for slink high mesh feet)

Outfit: Graves – “G304”

Collar: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Dark Desire Collar”

Hand Jewelry: FORMANAILS – “Nikolaj”

Nail Polish – Nailed It! – “Monochrome Set”

Makeup: Zibska – “Ltd Noir 20 + 24” (Project Limited)

Lipstick: MUA – “Matte Lipstick White 1” + blackliquid – “Lip Line”

Poses: Del May

Furniture: 22769

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Black & Red with GizzA, 22769 & Wicca’s Wardrobe

Black-Red 03

Black & Red always has been one of my favourite color combinations 🙂

This time I played with those 2 colors using some of the newer designs of GizzA and  22769 together with one of my favourite head pieces from Wicca’s Wardrobe 😉

Black-Red 01

Lets start with the dress. The amazing “Absinthe” dress, which I already showcased in the vintage edition.

The dress comes with the leggings so you have no fitting issues with the pants under the dress. Along with the dress you will get a HUD to change the inside of the dress to different colors – for me it was the vibrant red for today .

The furniture was made by 22769 and it contains some really ‘naughty’ pieces 😉

The “Black Tied Leather Bench is part of the “ROMP Fresh” set. It comes in a PG and an Adult pose menu, so you can choose wich one you would like to have. Along with the bench and it’s gret lacing in the top you have some really nice accessories… I did not use all of them for the picture but it was fun to play with parts of the “Naughty Decoration” set as you can see on the first picture. It immediately reminded me of the 50 shades of grey wave we had a few weeks ago… The whip, the handcuffs and some ice cubes on a black plate… I am sure that can be a great start for some RP 😉

The amazing fashionable head-piece, we made for our own brand, Wicca’s Wardrobe. The “RamHorn Mask” is one of our latest original mesh releases and comes in 7 different colors.

Black-Red 02


Dress & Leggings: GizzA – “Absinthe Leggin Dress”

Head Piece: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “RamHorn Mask”

Necklace: P.C; – “Garnet Nest Necklace”

Earrings: Mandala – “Shippoah”

Nail Polish: Nailed It! – “Diva Set” (for Slink mesh hands)

Hair: Vanity Hair – “Guns & Pearls”

Furniture & Accessories: 22769 – “ROMP Fresh Set”

Poses: Del May

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Wicca’s Wardrobe – Our first rigged, original Clothing Piece!

Zoomy Vest close

Today I have a very special reason for my post… a very special vest for a very special friend!

Many of you might know we are doing original mesh accessories for quite some time now but we never had a rigged clothing part yet… until now 🙂

I am very happy that I can announce we are now able to even make rigged original clothing!

What makes it even more special for me is that our first design was made for a very special Lady!

Zoomy Bluebird, our reigning Miss CoC 2015.

And even that contest is the reason for our new “Zoomy Vest”.

It was not even long time planned, that we make something for Zoomy. We were working on the national costume for Miss SL Poland 2015 (yes, that one will be showcased soon too I just need to finish the pics :p) when Zoomy was in my IMs and told me she was searching for a cropped vest for one of her finale stylings. She said she looked already for quite some time and could not find what she wanted or the vest was not cooperating with the rest of her styling. The more we talked the more I got an idea, but I did not dare to ask her about as I did not wanna bother or obrude her too  much. Then she all of sudden said she never would dare to ask me to make one, as she would know I would be busy with the gown anyways. You cannot imagine my smile in that moment… Zoomy was always a very dear friend to me over time, a crazy sister in mind and someone who always understood my weirdness. So you can imagine which honor it would be to create a piece for such an amazing woman!

So I told her that I would LOVE to design something for her, but that I have to ask Veo and Red as well. We are a team in creating and already were working on other designs so I could not decide that on my own. I was very nervous what Veo would say about it though.

Next day as soon as I saw him, I jumped on him, making super puppy eyes and told him about the idea for Zoomy’s cropped vest. I scribbled my idea on a piece of paper and showed him and he just nodded and said “Oh yeah we can do that”.


(Picture by Zoomy Bluebird)

 You can imagine, it did not too even one second to jump back in Zoomy’s IM and tell her the good news.

With her special style, the vest had to be in a certain look to mactch the rest of the styling.

So while i was finishing the gown for JJ, Veo worked on the vest and not too much later I got my favourite IM from him that said “I guess I am done!”

When he uploaded it and showed it to me I had goosebumps… that was exactly what I had in mind and it was fully rigged and everything!

The “ZoomyVest” was born!

I grabbed it and immediately went to Photoshop to make the textures. Like you can see the styling was extremely colorful and wild so the vest had to match in there. I made 3 different textures and as it ould have been fate one even was close to the pants, which I never saw before 😉

Wicca's Wardrobe - Zoomy Vest (all)

Besides the 3 colors for Zoomy I already made some more, because I totally fell in love with that vest :p.

So we just had to get Zoomy to kinda custom tailor the vest onto her body with the dress under it, that again was a huge fun time when we were all standing on the platform and uploaded a bunch of different sizes until we had got it right ;). Somehow it felt like a real fitting for a super model*giggles*

 It was a very special moment for me and as well for us all at Wicca’s Wardrobe. When Zoomy then, a few days later even won the Miss CoC 2015, you can imagine how much we were excited and happy.

And now I am even more happy, that I may announce that the “Zoomy Vest” now is in store in 8 different textures to match as many different looks s you can imagine from casual to steampunk and even to the zoomylishious new style trend KAWA Couture!

Zoomy Vest 2


Vest: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Zoomy Vest” /Polka Dots Red – NEW (original mesh)

Pants: LeeZu – “Heather Hotpants” /white

Shoes: [GOS] – “Burlesque”

Top: Simone! Design – “White Top”

Earrings: Ticky Tacky – “Lick Me!”

Glasses: /artilleri/ – “Gabriella Glasses” /white

Bracelet: Digital Eyes – “Plastic Bracelet”

Hair: enVOGUE – “Clarissa”

Tattoo: White Widow – “Midnight in Paris”

Nails: Nailed It! – “Valentines 2015 Set”

Poses: PosESioN

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Zoomy Vest 1