Wicca’s Originals @ Mainframe // July 2020

Wicca’s Originals @ Mainframe // July 20th – August 13th

So, you think you’re achieved an hourglass figure? Think again. The Cryo Torso & Top redefines cosmetic surgery. By removing all those pesky organs in the abdomen and replacing them with the latest tech from Wicca’s Originals, one can achieve an extreme look previously unimaginable. The spine vertebrae are replaced with a series of titanium rings, which protect the highly sensitive circuitry and electrical coils stored within. A pair of springs flank it, complete with reaction wheels to provide better balance than the meat body ever could. A set of wires and tubes also help connect the upper and lower half, where additional parts may be removed in order to supply a miniature reactor as a power supply. A simple tube top maintains modesty by covering one’s breasts. By purchasing this body modification and electing this experimental surgery, the buyer agrees to forfeit any removed organs to Wicca’s Originals and agrees not to hold them liable for any health complications which may arise. Ten color patterns/metals are available, for Maitreya only.

Event Location: Mainframe

Wicca’s Originals @ ACCESS // May 2020

Wicca’s Originals @ ACCESS // May 12th – June 8th 2020

For our first round of Access we have created the Nightingale Boots. These ultra high thigh high boots are perfect for your cyber styling or cyber rp. Our Nightingale Boots are both sexy to look at and will have you wanting to run your hands up over them to feel the unique impressions on the boot itself. Let’s not overlook the clever lighting built into the sole of the boot as well as a front panel on the sole. The lighting can be turned on or off as the mood strikes. Our Nightingale Boots are designed to fit Lara, Legacy, Freya and Hourglass.

Event Location: ACCESS

Wicca’s Originals @ We♥RP 2020

Wicca’s Originals @ We♥RP (May 4th – 31st)

The RX-01 Spine by Wicca’s Originals is one of our most potent bodyware augments. While not as overt as the Elmstone Head (HERE)  and not as obvious in function as limb replacements, the RX-01 Spine brings its power to where it really matters: the nervous system. Yes, this augment is keyed to one of the most sensitive systems in the humanoid form and is capable of pushing the rest of the wearer’s body beyond its limits. Neural responses and muscle memory can be recorded and pre-programmed for precision reactions even before the conscious, slower organic mind can process what has happened. Pain signals can be isolated and deferred, minimized to below-shock thresholds (Or, for the true masochists, amplified). The external pieces of the artificial vertebrae were designed not just with function in mind, but also are quite stylish, sporting a true cyberpunk aesthetic. With the RX-01 Spine, the input/output system of the humanoid is purely under your control.
RX-01 Spine fits just about everyone – Maitreya Lara, Belleza Freya, Legacy, Slink Hourglass, and Signature Gianni.


Since it is the We♥RP Anniversary Round we put a little unisex gift for 10L$ only!

Event Location: We♥RP

Wicca’s Originals @ Aenigma // May 2020

Wicca’s Originals @ Aenigma Event // April 23rd – May 15th

The Approach…

Crazy times… Corona still holds the world in its hand and all of us try to do our best to fight it, even if we cannot see yet any success and things seem to get worse and worse. I know it isn’t the fact, but sometimes it feels like it. We are now in our second week without school in Germany. I am a teacher (usually in the mornings I do teach at a school) and I do have a tiny private afternoon tutoring company. Usually I am surrounded by kids all day and in the past I had days where that was quite exhausting. Always having 10 to 60 kids around you from 8 in the morning to 4 in the afternoon didn’t feel always easy but now that I see how it is to have none of them around – it doesn’t feel good either. I am lucky to have the possibility to hold online classes and have some one-on-one tutoring as well, but it doesn’t feel the same. Before the difficulties were the noise in bigger groups, or the kids being distracted by looking outside the window and now… the difficulties have changed. I never thought it could be that hard to explain something like mathematics to a child online only online… you talk a lot more trying to describe everything and if they have to draw triangles with certain length or certain degree angles. Most of them do not have the technical equipment to show you what they did, they usually only can take a snap with their cellphone and send it to me.. and if they spend already like 20 min to do that task and then something went wrong you can start all over again.

Certainly it has a positive side as well – I do not have the distance and the time to drive to school and back in the afternoon and I have the advantage of having an open bowser all the time to find answers I might not know out of the blue for certain questions, so I do not wanna whine or rage about it – I just discover everyday the differences and the different difficulties. Between all that I try to keep my Mom inside and safe – she is over 70 and recently had a brain tumor and chemo after it, so she is in the risk group for that damn virus as well. So my Second Life times at the moment are a little bit more limited and not as regular as I used to be, but I do not want to stop blogging and taking pictures completely as it feels like a little bit of resting time and holiday for my brain when I do that.

The pictures for todays post I already did  over a week ago, but I wasn’t able to post work them and write something about yet. So now the Cyber fair by ACCESS sadly is over but I am sure you can find all the goodies in the designers main stores already or soon.

First of all the amazing vinyl ensemble from A&Y called “Phex”, which is a combination of a long sleeved top and short pants with an awesome, realistic looking shine. It is decorated with straps and zippers and with the huge HUD you can change the colors for all different parts including the metals.

All the amazing accessories I as well found at the Cyber Fair, but like I said before I am sure you will find them most likely either already or soon at the designers main stores. The incredible face art done by Nefekalum Tattoos comes in 3 different versions. You can find many different tings in your folder. First of all the 3 different versions of the makeup it self. Black Tears only, Red Smudge only and a full version of both. Furthermore you will find appliers for head and body materials and the belonging erasers. On top of that, since all his tattoos are materials enabled, Sir Skye added a perfect projector (light source) as well, for you to use if you like.

Certainly I did need some cool nails and rings to complete my outfit and it was no question that the “Creature Claws” from CerberusXing were just the perfect choice. They are available in 3 colors (silver, onyx and gold) and rigged for Belleza Jake,  Signature Gianni, Maitreya and the female Slink hands.

The smart looking hair style was made by no.match. I love the wild top hair, the shaved sides and the fact that you still have 2 wisps at your ears. Like always for no.match hair styles you have different color packs and a fatpack available. The purchases will include a shaved hairbase as well, but since I do have my own shaved hair base I did not use it for todays post 😉

It was time again to built my own set – I found so many cool things at the Cyber Fair, I just had to. All you can see, from the backdrop over the drinks, food (weed) vending machine and the incredible animals, I collected at the Cyber Fair.

I would like to draw your attention a little bot towards the animals. The “Caged Biter” is available in 3 different colors. You can separate the animal from the cage as you can see in my pictures. The Biter is an animated mesh design and has adorable movements, which make it possible to have some more interactive looking pictures with the different poses or the animal.

I do have an immense fun at the moment with cyber and sci-fi posts as they open a whole new range for pictures and styles to me. We do not know what the fashion or environment will look like in our future, but for me that gives us a lot of room to experiment and the possibility of unending creativity 🙂


Outfit: A&Y  – “Phex” (Maitreya)


Eyepatch: RichB. – “Dex Eyepatch F”

Face Straps: unstable – “Code: WYVERN”

Septum: Astara – “Cthulhu Septum”

Mask: SEKA’s – “HVCKED Mask (no effect)”

Back Attachment: .{PSYCHO:Byts}. – “Feel the Connection – Back Implant”

Rings & Nails: [CX] – “Creature Claws – Onyx” (Maitreya, Bento)

Hair & Makeup

Hair: no.match – “No. Industry”

Faceart 1: Nefekalum Tattoos – “Two Sides of Madness (Black Tears Only)” (BoM)

Faceart2: LuluB! – “Fembot” (BoM, Cyber Fair Gift)

Lipstick: Izzie’s – “LeLutka – Holo Metallic Lipstick 12 (green)” (BoM)

Head, Body & Tattoos

Head: LeLUTKA – “Lake 1.1”

Ears: [Cubic Cherry] – “Altered Ears (glow)”

Skin: Human Glitch – “MNFRM SKIN / MTL GENUS1” (BoM)

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 5.0.2”

Legs: Blah. – “Love.Ai/RoboLegs Black” (Maitreya)

Tattoo: Nefekalum Tattoos – “Organic Decay” (Maitreya, Applier)

Poses, Props & Tools


Picture 1: BellePoses: – “NyxV2 2” (Bento, right arm lightly edited)

Picture 2: STUN – “Debora 4” (Bento, lightly edited)

Picture 3: BellePoses: – “NyxV2 7” (Bento)

Picture 4: Foxcity – “Power-1” (Bento)


Background: The Bearded Guy – “Industrial – The Future” (Gacha, Common)

Machine: # ninety – “Cyber Vending Food [ Weed ]”

Shower: HILTED – “Decontamination Shower – Adult – Silver/Green”

Animals & Cage: HILTED – “Caged Biter – Black/Green/Light”

Chairs: buildworksdecor – “Cyber / Retro Neon Chair White Changeable X”

Food: andika – “cyber sweets Dispenser set”

Model & Photographer

Wicca Merlin


Wicca’s Originals @ ACCESS Cyber Fair // March 2020

Wicca’s Originals @ ACCESS Cyber Fair // March 5th- 25th 2020

The latest in biotech augmentation, Wicca’s Originals has put forward the Deadbolt Arms. This body mod is not a complete replacement, but rather merges technology with some of the biologic parts of your natural arms. Bone structure will braced with titanium to resist breakage. Microscopic poly-acetylene tubes will be woven with your muscles to provide multiple times the strength. Additionally, movements can be both recorded, fine-tuned, and played back using the control panels on the upper arms for a revolunationary new definition of ‘muscle memory’. Comes with style in mind, in a myriad of color patterns, and with a transparent hardened fiberglass viewing port on the forearm, which can be removed if maintenance is needed.

The Deadbolt Arms are made for Maitreya Lara, Belleza Freya, Slink Hourglass and Signature Gianni. They all come with a HUD for 10 different color options.

The Vision headpiece by Wicca’s Originals is a piece of tech you don’t want to miss. The external lens fitted before your head provides a non-intrusive heads up display. Perfect for painting and rangefiding targets, scanning for anomalies, or just secretly exchanging messages or browsing the web without appearing rude in company. The forehead brace isn’t that bulky just for show — it is an induction sensor which scans your brain patterns for commands. No typing needed. One size fits all — the device can be modified for any head, male or female, and comes in black, blue, red and grey.

Event Location: ACCESS Cyber Fair 2020

Black Widow


Kiss me black widow.
Have no mercy on me tonight.
Feed on me, black widow.
Come feel me.
I want to touch you.

No rescue,
I already carry your poison within me.
All my vitality,
sinks into the abyss of lust,

[Original German Lyrics from Eisbrecher]

When I styled todays look, I already had that song (above) in mind and since it is German, I tried to translate a few  lines for you all 😉

Again I am showcasing some of the incredible releases from the Mainframe event. The event has about half-time by now and some creators even put half-time news or gifts out us all – you really should check them out 😉

When I saw the insect legs from AMBIX, I immediately had an idea what I would like to do with them. I never saw something like that before in Second Life in such an amazing quality and with even an AO coming with them… The Black Widow jumped into my mind and settled down while I was looking through some other new releases of the Mainframe event. I marked all the goodies of the Mainframe event blow my credits you you can be sure to not miss any of them.

Sometimes I have the desire to tell a little story with my pictures and with the Black Widow, I had to have a victim for her and I didn’t want to go for the most obvious and use a human this time (maybe another time *grins wickedly*). That is the reason for the awesome, little dragonfly with me on my pictures.

So my biggest challenge this time was, how to  get my Black Widow in a cyberpunk or sci-fi looking surrounding without looking too weird *giggles* While I played around with the “hex frames” from Toxxic, I did remember the “Neon Retrowave Landscaping” set, which I picked up on a FLF. I KNEW they would come in handy some when!

Now that I had my perfect set I was able to go some more crazy with more news from Mainframe! Normandy made some really interesting pieces and since I was already wearing insect legs, the cool “Auto Fangs” with the matching lip stick, just matched perfectly in my imagination and the “Oeil” set with the eyes and the forehead accessories made the face look just perfect! I love cyberpunk and sci-fi sets and styles a lot as you can go crazy with kinda no limits not being called constantly a freak :p

Before I will run back to SL to do some more pictures, I would like to drag your attention to my panties and collar, which are made by CerberusXing. I already showcased both before but lately I simply cannot live without CerberusXing anyways plus I saw exciting news on his Flickr stream. He is remodeling his store completely and gave a little sneak preview (HERE) – it is really worth watching it!

And as I already said… back to Second Life for some more picture and fancy ideas *snickers*


Top: A&Y – Electra Cyber Bra” (Maitreya)

Pants: [CX] – “Pantsu Codex” (Maitreya)


Accessories & Eyes: Normandy – “The Oeil” – NEW @ Mainframe

Mouth: Normandy – “Auto Fangs [Neon]” – NEW @ Mainframe

Collar: [CX] – “Xeno Circuit – Night” (Maitreya)

Wings: ::AMBIX:: – “Plasmoric Wings” – NEW @ Mainframe

Hair & Makeup

Hair: A&Y – “Medusa Cyber Hair 2”

Makeup: Zibska – “Noir Pack 06 – 01” (BoM)

Lipstick: Normandy – “Mouth.Drip [Tintable] (neon)” – (BoM) – NEW @ Mainframe

Head, Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLUTKA – “Erin 1.0” – NEW @ Mainstore

Contour: Nefekalum Tattoos – “Cheek and Nose Contour (Tintable)” (BoM)

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 5.0.2”

Skin: HUMAN GLITCH – “MNFRM SKIN / MTL” (BoM) – NEW @ Mainframe

Arms: HARO – “Insectum Cyber Hands” (Maitreya) – NEW @ Mainframe

Legs: [Cubic Cherry] – “Altered Legs (Glow)” (Maitreya) – NEW @ Mainframe

Poses, Props & Tools

Poses: Poseidon


NOMAD – “Neon Retrowave Landscaping”

paper.crowns – “hex frames” – NEW @ Mainframe

::Static:: – “Dragonfly – 12” (Gacha, Common)

Pose Tool: Anypose – “BVN HUD v1.6”

Face Animation Tool: LeLutka – “Axis HUD Face 1.1”

Model & Photographer

Wicca Merlin

Safe with me!

I wanted to do a couple picture for such a along time again with my partner Redclaw Inshan and now finally for the Mainframe event the time was right again. You can find so many cool new releases for male and female at the Mainframe event, that there was no way around some couple pictures of them 😉

I always get told, it is rare to find good designs for males… the Mainframe event would be one event to take a look as they have a lot of incredible designs and item for all genders and as well different genres inside a futuristic overall mood. But you can find electronic things, sci-fi, fantasy, post apocalyptic and lots of Neon things.

I mean it is no secret that I am addicted to cyber things anyways do that event was a “must go” anyways but I really think even if you are just looking for some extra ordinary accessories it will be worth looking.

Lets take a closer look what we used from the event…

The first item that probably jumps to your eye first is the cool “Enhancement” tattoo from Nefekalum Tattoos. It is available in red and blue and we chose the red version for todays post. The tattoo (face & body) comes in 2 versions, with the shading (black) and without. You can decide if you want to go BoM or work with the Omega Advanced applier, which as well gives you the cool possibility of materials on the tattoos. Sir Skye as well included 4 projectors (which I did not use for this particular post). 2 color ones in red and blue and 2 tech ones that give you an amazing look through their projector textures!

The incredible detailed face implants are made by {PSYCHO:Byts}. They come in 2 link sets (8 pieces), that you can perfectly edit to fit them on your face. With the HUD you can make a lot of color combinations based on 8 different colors and 6 metal versions.

The extreme cool eye patch was created by Gryphon Vendetta for his brand UNGOD. He already convinced me with his poses but his meshes are very unusual and perfect for a unique look as well! For the Mainframe event, he created that unisex eye piece in black and white. Each one has 4 different colors for the glowing lens and since he left his product modifiable, you can even adjust the glow to your needs.

The cool skin that I am wearing as well is one of the releases for the Mainframe event, coming from Stargazer. They offer the skin in 3 different tones for the event and I chose to wear the gray one.

The gloves that Sir Red is wearing, we created for our own brand Wicca’s Originals – as well a new release for the event, which I will do a separate showcase over the next few days since we again created a female AND a male version of a full outfit that is sold in 3 pieces (outfit, gloves & shows).

 What better than some evergreens from A&Y we could have chosen to complete our looks. the “Dext” hair is one of my personal favorites and I do not need to tell how much I love Anabel Crystal’s clothing if it comes to latex and cyber designs!

You still have till February 20th to visit the cyber fair and see all the goodies in one place before you have to do shop hopping when they all return to their main stores 😉


Corset: A&Y – “Aglaya Latex Cyber Corset+Top” – ON HER (Maitreya)

Shoes: A&Y – “Aglaya Latex Cyber Boots” – ON HER (Maitreya)


Nails: [S] – “PC Culture” (Maitreya, Bento) – ON HERNEW @ Mainframe 2020

Face Implants: .{PSYCHO:Byts}. – “CyberImplants”- ON HIM & HERNEW @ Mainframe 2020

Eyecover: >UNGOD – “P-0531 Eye Patch Black”- ON HIM & HER NEW @ Mainframe 2020

Gloves: Wicca’s Originals – “Guardian Gloves” (Signature Gianni, Bento) – ON HIMNEW @ Mainframe 2020

Hair & Makeup

Hair: A&Y – “Dext” “- ON HIM & HER

Tattoo (Body & Face): Nefekalum Tattoos – “Enhancement (Red)””- ON HIM & HERNEW @ Mainframe 2020

Head, Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLUTKA – “Erin 1.0” – ON HERNEW @ Mainstore

Eyes: [LB Eyes] – “Cybernetic Steel: 1” – ON HER

Ears: .:E.A.Studio:. – “Ears Meraxes” – ON HER

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1” – ON HER

Skin: [Stargazer] – “Synthetica Skin – Grey” – ON HERNEW @ Mainframe 2020

Tattoo (Body & Face): Nefekalum Tattoos – “Enhancement (Red)”- ON HIM & HERNEW @ Mainframe 2020

BoM Relay: Maitreya – “Bakes on Mesh Relay HUD” – ON HER

Poses, Props & Tools

Pose 1: WRONG – “VS” (Bento)

Pose 2: Imitation – “Control me” (Bento)

Background: Strange Merchant – “Light City Downtown #1 – V:1.0” – NEW @ Mainframe 2020

Pose Tool: Anypose – “BVN HUD v1.6”

Face Animation Tool: LeLutka – “Axis HUD Face 1.1”


Redclaw Inshan & Wicca Merlin


Wicca Merlin

Wicca’s Originals @ Mainframe // 2020

Wicca’s Originals @ Mainframe // Jan 20th – Feb 20th 2020

Kevlar vests are all well and good, but what about the rest of the body? Wicca’s Originals has you covered, with the Guardian Suit. Coming in three pieces which can each be worn independent, the outfit, gloves, and boots, the Guardian Suit offers great protection without sacrificing mobility. The material is made up of a combination of plasteel panelling and synth-thread weave, providing effective defense against ballistics and cuts, while also softening any blunt force. The panel over the groin is secured by several buckles, allowing the wearer to ‘do their business’ without removing the entire ensemble. Our Guardian ensemble is designed to protect both men and women and is rigged for Gianni, Lara, Hourglass and Freya. Comes in six colors, get yours today!

LM: Mainframe

“If a technological feat is possible, man will do it. Almost as if it’s wired into the core of our being.”

“Cyberspace. A consensual hallucination experienced daily by billions of legitimate operators, in every nation, by children being taught mathematical concepts… A graphic representation of data abstracted from banks of every computer in the human system. Unthinkable complexity. Lines of light ranged in the nonspace of the mind, clusters and constellations of data. Like city lights, receding…”
[William Gibson, Neuromancer]

Again I was in a cyberpunk/sci-fi mood… I have no idea but in that kind of genre, I love deep and saturated colors like orange and blue or teal.

With the “Chemicoll” gacha set, a collaboration between CerberusXing and SOLE, I easily found my way completely in to the world of cyberpunk and future worlds. The set is made of 33 commons and 2 rares plus 6 amazing, different VIP rewards. You will get one VIP reward each time you play the machine for 1000 L$. I am wearing all parts mostly in orange for today’s post but you have the chance for  7 different colors – the rares certainly come with a HUD to match them to all colors. What is a neat little detail as well is, that most of the parts are modify like always for CerberusXing (except for script content). That gives you the possibility for example to work on the transparency of the “Tube Top”. With that you can decide how  much of your bits you want to show or hide *winks*

What other hair I could choose than a style from A&Y, my favorite store when it comes to cyber or futuristic hair. Today I picked the “Zeo” hair, which as well comes with the matching hair base with an Omega Applier. The hair is a full style with the head plate and all the tubes and parts you can color match to what ever you wear with the amazing HUD A&Y offers for all of their items.

To complete my look I used one of the latest releases from Nefekalum Tattoos. He recently started to work even more with materials and environment (Omega Advanced, for the bodies that support it). I LOVE his creativity and as well the dark mood his tattoos always put me in. That inspires me a lot and sometimes – like today, I was trying to go with a blue/teal color range first – I even re-think my looks and change around some colors to include his work into my styles. For the open chest of the “Tell Tale” tattoo a red/orange toned look matched much better…

My whole set I did build with HILTED items. I recently discovered, that HILTED not only does great accessories, avatar followers and gadgets, but as well backdrops and furniture! I am sure I will have more of that in the future as they are amazing built and as well incredible detailed textured. Today I mixed different sets and designs – a detailed list you can find in the credits below 😉

“If a technological feat is possible, man will do it. Almost as if it’s wired into the core of our being.” – Motoko Kusanagi


Jacket: [CX] & ::SOLE:: – “Chemicoll Gacha : Jacket ( RARE )” (Maitreya, Gacha Nr. 1, Rare)

Top: [CX] & ::SOLE:: – “Chemicoll Gacha : Tube Top (Orange)” (Maitreya, Gacha Nr. 27, Common)

Panties, Garters & Boots: [CX] & ::SOLE:: – “Chemicoll Gacha : Bottom Set (Orange)” (Maitreya, Gacha Nr. 21, Common)


Head (left): [CX] & ::SOLE:: – “Chemicoll Gacha :  VIP Head Connector (Orange) (L)” (Gacha, VIP)

Head (right): [CX] & ::SOLE:: – “Chemicoll Gacha : Head Connector (Black) (R)” (Gacha Nr. 4, Common)

Mask: [CX] & ::SOLE:: – “Chemicoll Gacha : SA Mask ( RARE )” (Gacha Nr. 2, Rare)

Collar: [CX] & ::SOLE:: – “Chemicoll Gacha : Neck Regulator (Blue)” (Gacha Nr. 14, Common)

Shoulderparts: [CX] & ::SOLE:: – “Chemicoll Gacha : Pauldron (Orange)” (Maitreya, Gacha Nr. 8, Common)

Backpack: [CX] & ::SOLE:: – “Chemicoll Gacha : Backpack (Orange) (Gacha Nr. 32, Common)

Nails & Rings: [CX] – “Creature Claws – Onyx” (Maitreya)

Hair & Makeup

Hair & Hairbase: A&Y – “Zeo” (Omega Applier)

Makeup: Zibska – “Falkor” (LeLutka Applier)

Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.4”

Eyes: [LB Eyes] – “Cybernetic Steel: 5”

Ears: .:E.A.Studio:. – “Ears Gunvor”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Tattoo: Nefekalum Tattoos – “Tell Tale” (Omega Applier)

Poses & Props

Poses: Foxcity


HILTED – “Neon Dreams Garage – Backdrop”

HILTED – “The Capsule – ADULT”

HILTED – “The Capsule – Ladder”

HILTED – “The Cryo Chamber – ADULT”

HILTED – “Preservation Hub – Yellows”

HILTED – “Afterdark Bar Set – Bar Yellow”

HILTED – “Afterdark Bar Set – Animated Wall Yellow Green”

HILTED – “Afterdark Bar Set – Bar Stool Yellow”

HILTED – “Afterdark Bar Set – Beer Glasses x 4”

HILTED – “Afterdark Bar Set – Beer Cans x 4”

HILTED – “Knicknack Pets – Snooty Snoot”

HILTED – “Knicknack Pets – Toot Toot”

Model & Photographer

Wicca Merlin