Wicca’s Originals @ Hallow Manor 2019

Wicca’s Originals @ Hallow Manor // October 18th – November 1st

Tired of tripping over your own feet? You need something more precise, and more functional. Enter the Eagleden Legs and accompanying boots, by Wicca’s Originals. A smart steel and brass body augment, this improves leg performance by incorporating hydraulics, spring tension, and replace brittle bone with unyielding metal. Jump higher, run faster, kick harder, these beat out their organic counterparts in every race. Comes exposed for easy diagnosis and maintenance, but can be covered up with clothing easily. The boots they come with are part western, part punk, held together with metal pins, metal studs, and buckled straps. Can choose to wear the replacer on one leg or both, and the boots come in a myriad of hues.

The Eagleden Legs are available for Maitreya Lara, Slink Hourglass, Belleza Freya and Signature Gianni!

Hallow Manor as well has a fabulous hunt going on during the event. The rules and guidelines you can find at the Hallow Manor Hunter’s Guide: https://palegirlproductions.com/hallow-manor-hunters-guide/

Our hunt prize will be a special version of your Phantom Mask. This half-mask can be worn on either side of the face, and is adorned with patterns depicting an enigmatic array of symbols. Puzzle pieces, haphazard stitching, saw blades, and gears appear on the mask, giving the wearer a sense of mystery along with anonyminity. Rather than a traditional eye hole, the eye is covered by a mesh, obscuring view of it while allowing clear sight. Can be worn by men and women alike.

Event & Hunt Location: Hallow Manor

Wicca’s Originals @ Driftwood // August 2019

Wicca’s Originals @ Driftwood (5th August – 5th September)

The Edge Implant. Some say it is a synaptic accelerator, increasing the brain’s own ability to process information. Some say it is able to provide the wearer with augmented reality, through induction points near key optical nerves. Still others claim that it is being used to control the behavior and condition the thoughts of slaves. One thing everyone agrees on is that it looks amazing, and is a must-have for any cyberpunk style! The Edge Implant comes with a HUD that offers you 13 colors to choose from. It is unisex and modifiable so you can size it to fit your head no matter if it is mesh or system.

Taxi: Driftwood


CyberPunk Fair is over – Sadly!

But I am not yet done with my cyber moods *giggles*. The event had so many awesome new designs and creations, I just cannot stop yet to play with what I got.

Today I had mega fun with the “Samurai Hoverboard” from UNGOD and the matching pose set from Poseidon. Gryphon Vendetta, owner and designer of both brands, included aΒ  more simple looking board in the pose set but I loved the hover board and the katana so much from the UNGOD set that I had to cheat them in πŸ˜‰

Again I have to say, how much I love Poseidon Poses. They are so full of energy and so well thought through, it really inspires a lot of you have such poses for pictures – they are really poses for special purposes!

And again I am happy to show you another side of the “Simone” head from LeLutka. I do not know how to say, but the “Simone” head, is one of the most versatile ones. I know that some call it edgy and not as smooth as other ones, but maybe that is exactly what I do love. Every skin gives you different looks and with using the editing sliders, you even can force that more. This time I wanted a cyberpunk look and with the blue skin and some modification tattoos it really got a light machine character. The lips do have an amazing shape. I am not a friend of too full lips for my look and with thinner lips most heads do look angry – but not “Simone”!

With the cool face mods fromΒ  -[TWC]- and the crone ,paired with some cool cyber looking eyes from CURELESS [+], the whole look really became freaking cool. The smart “EmoTech Lens 1” from Astara, is a sweet little thing too. You can decide with a HUD, what kind of smiley face you want to show on your lens, as well you can choose your color. The cool neko headpiece was made by the one and only Deccan Arida from [The Forge] and it certainly could not be missed for my cyberpunk style today πŸ™‚

What caught my attention as well were the lipsticks from nox. They do give the lips that awesome plastic look and oyu have many colored to choose from.

After all I do hope Flair for Events will make the CyberPunk Fair an annual event as I really miss this kind of things and it was like heaven to find so many in one place πŸ™‚


Outfit: :::insanya::: – “Azura Bodysuit Cyber” (Maitreya)

Gloves: [Cubic Cherry] – “{Ekion} Arm Augments” (Maitreya)

Garter: .:Avanti:. – “Mina Garter” (Maitreya)

Socks: *katat0nik* – Boot Socks (dark)

Shoes: L’Emporio – “Cryptor” (Maitreya)


Glasses: Astara – “EmoTech Lens 1”

Right Upper Leg: [V-Tech] – “Forbidden Experiment” (Maitreya)

Cables: .Inkhole. – “USB Set” (Maitreya)

Collar: A&Y – “Lorna Collar – Dark – 01” (Maitreya, Gacha)

Headpiece: [The Forge] – “Cyber Neko Headphones”

Face/Nose: -[TWC]- – “Hazard Tube black sick”

Hair & Makeup

Hair: KMH – “CP001 Rigged (Size S)”

Lipstick: NOX. – “Incomplete Lip” (Omega Applier)

Body & Tattoo

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.3”

Skin: YS&YS – “Pris Elf Skin” (LeLutka & Maitreya Applier)

Eyes: CURELESS[+] – “Spookshow Eyes”

Tattoo: the crone – “Flesh Shell” (LeLutka & Maitreya Applier)

Facetattoo: -[TWC]- – “Hazard – full blk” (Omega Applier)

Poses & Props

Hoverboard: UNGOD – “Samurai Hoverboard Shinto”

Weapons: UNGOD – “Mirror’s Edge (blue)”

Poses (incl. Katana and Board): Poseidon – “Samurai Hoverboard” (Bento)

Model & Photographer

Wicca Merlin

Tokyo after Dark

Being still in my dark period, I was in a dark casual mood today πŸ˜‰

I love the “VoDoo” ears so much, I had to do another post with them. I am not a fan of elf ears for everyday looks but sometimes – for what ever reason – I love them not just for a fantasy style.

Today I wanted to showcase one of Ex Machina’s awesome buildings. I rarely saw better structures that are made with more love for the details, than the designs from Hatris Panacek, owner and designer of Ex Machina. It is no secret , that I adore her work, otherwise we never would have asked her to make a custom built store building and most of it’s interior for us. Hattie has amazing skills when it comes to building and as well to texturing. She works so hard to get her realistic looking surfaces done and it pays of every time she does a new release. The “Tokyo after Dark” building is one of her latest creations. On her vendor she states, that his is the first in a set of urban, Japanese, cyberpunk styled buildings. That mean for me we can hope on more of those, which would make me super duper happy, because I LOVE that kind of style πŸ˜‰

For my pictures I used 2 of the buildings and the amazing street components she delivers with the building. I just turned one of the buildings 90 degrees, so I could showcase the front and the backside as well – I really loved the stair case in the back a lot. I snapped over 10 pictures and I liked all of them. Making a decision was really not easy this time. When I started I just wanted to showcase the amazing “VoDoo” ears and the awesome “Tokyo after Dark” building. But the more I was fooling around with a style the more I got my vibe for that dark urban look. I used the amazing “Bella Leather Pants” from [Gos]. I already blogged those before, but in a more sweet casual style and I wanted to try if they do work for some more dark looks as well – They do!

What as well caught my attention a lot was the new tattoo from Mister Razzor. I love when tattoos go up till parts of the head, but not many are really seamless. The “Dante” tattoo, which was released at the Black Fair not too long ago, did not disappoint in that matter πŸ™‚

Again I am wearing my everyday head from LeLutka. I know the “Simone” bento head was one of the first heads, that LeLutka released when the new bento generation of heads came out, but it is still my absolute favorite one, even if I more and more enjoy the new Korina head as well *winks*

The “Simone” head with a skin from the Skinnery became kinda my trademark. When I first put on the “Simone” head, I wasn’t really sold on the first try, as it looked very young with the default skin from Glam Affair. Since I am in Second Life now for over 10 years I wanted a more adult look for my pixels. I did a lot of things and I did grow up lightly too during my Second Life journey. That I wanted to mirror with my avatar as well. I remember very well the moment when I put on “my” skin. As models we all had quite some trouble when the first mesh heads came out and we all looked the same more or less, while we were told ALWAYS, tht our face would be our trademark in the modeling business. But the bento generation changed that “issues” pretty fast, when we were able again to at least customize our heads a little more again. From that moment on I was in love with my “Simone” head. I tried all the new bento heads from various brands but none was able to satisfy my needs as LeLutka did. What I do love the most on the “Simone” head (and as well on the Korina one), that it is not the usual mainstream beauty. It does have edges and give – depending on the skin – a very characteristic look. With my Skinnery skin and some face modifications from Izzie’s, I was completely sold with my new look and never really changed it drastically again – just some minor shape and other changes here and there πŸ˜‰


Top: [CX] – “Mucronate Top – Leather” (Maitreya)

Pants: [Gos] – “Bella Leather Pants & Belt” (Maitreya)

Shoes & Leggings: Eudora 3D – “Aerendyl Boots” (Maitreya)

Gloves: Wicca’s Originals – “Roadie Gloves” (Maitreya)


Glasses: BONDI – “The Extrovert Sunglasses”

Collar: VOBE – “Stzar Prision Choker”

Piercing: [CX] – “Drop Septum”

Hair & Makeup

Hair: Dura – “Collaboration02_Bob2” (Gacha, Common)

Makeup: Zibska – “Noir Pack 06” (LeLutka Applier)

Lipstick: alaskametro<3 – London” (LeLutka Applier)

Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.3”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Ears: .:E.A.Studio:. (Eclipse Art Studio) – “Ears VoDoo”

Tattoo: Mister Razzor – “Dante” (OMEGA Applier)

Poses & Props

Set: Ex Machina – “Tokyo after Dark – The iKON”

Poses: Foxcity

Model & Photographer

Wicca Merlin

Wicca’s Originals @ CYBERPUNK Fair 2019

Wicca’s Originals @ CYBERPUNK Fair 2019 (May 4th – 25th)

We are thrilled to be a part of the first ever Cyberpunk Fair! In honor of this special event we have created a 5 piece ensemble exclusive to the event. Nyx is made up of the bodysuit, boots, arms, and Bento enabled hands. Each item comes with a generous HUD that provides you with 7 different color choices for customization. These components are designed to fit Maitreya’s Lara, Slink’s Hourglass, and Freya’s Belleza. In addition to that, the unisex Specter Eyepatch comes with its own HUD offering 8 colors to choose from, it has glow options and a resizer.

All items will have a special reduced price for the event (even the fatpack), so be sure to come by the event and pick them up before the return to the store at full price!!!

TAXI: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Flair%20for%20Events/195/129/29

Dark Fantasy is just another way of saying Horror ;)

Dark Fantasy is just another way of saying Horror.

[Terry Pratchett]

Cyber & Sci-fi time again!

There is so many exciting events running at the moment, it is really hard to resist to not buy everything you see at those events… Especially if it is events like Black Fair, Epiphany, ACCESS or The Fantasy Faire even.

A few things I got nevertheless and they screamed cyberpunk/sci-fi for me πŸ˜‰ I am still in my dark period with creating styles and pictures and the more I do, the more I enjoy it πŸ™‚ With the dark and fantasy side of SL, I feel so much inspiration lately that I could post something every day if I would have the time to post process all my pictures. But since I wanted to use my easter holidays for learning new tricks in Photoshop, finishing pictures takes some time – even a little more with try and error these days *winks* The desire was to learn more about shading, lights and shadows and how they can be done realistic in Photoshop. I had some basic knowledge about that with a lot of layers, but I wanted to have a different result, something I saw a lot on flickr lately and that was why I forced myself to watch some tutorials and then try them instantly myself. I am not yet done completely with my research, but for today I was pretty satisfied how those new tips and ticks worked out.

The mega, amazing “Aeon Cyber Corset” is one of the latest releases from A&Y. I love the creations of Anabel Crystal, owner and designer of A&Y. She has a very special way for sci-fi and cyberpunk creations and I do love her skills for vinyl and leather clothing. The corset you can find at the actual round of the ACCESS event, while there is a matching top/jacket at the black fair, which I will have to showcase soon too (I saw that after I finished my styling for this post already).

The incredible “Voodoo” ears are as well a brand new release at the Black Fair. I love the ears of Eclipse Art Studio and Shina Shan never stop to amaze me with every new release. She always has another cool idea for the accessories of her ears. This time it was that little voodoo doll, that she added to the earlobes as an earring. The voodoo doll can be purchased as a single earring as well if you do not want to have the long elf ears ;). I love how easy you can tint the ears to match your skin and the possibility of all the tattoos you can add really make those ears so versatile.

For a strong, powerful outfit you need super cool boots and those I found with the “Roxy” boots from [Gos]. The boots are part of a gacha, which is a collaboration of [Gos ] and Lybra. I will have a post for that gacha and all of it’s beauty soon – the boots just matched so awesome with my look, that I could not resist to already use them *blushes* The thigh high boots are super tight and have an amazing laced back. Certainly there are more colors available than just black in the gacha πŸ˜‰

For the location I was trying first to set up something by myself, but this time I did not wanna come together as I desired it and so I made may way out to see if I could find a cyberpunk sim for my pictures. First I tried Cocoon, which is amazingly built but for non group members you have no rez rights and I wanted to use my pose stand this time. I need to go back another time as they really do have amazing spots for pictures and the sim rules even allow photographers as long as you wear an OOC titler, which you can find at the landing spot.

I did remember, that Insilico had rezzing open at least for rezzing a pose stand top hop on. The auto-return kicks in after a few minutes, but as long as you sit on your stand, you are safe. Just do not get scared when you are done and stand up as the stand will be returned to your lost and found folder.

After I could not decide about a perfect spot and had shot some random snaps, I did remember a few backdrops, that I got as a present from a friend not too long ago. The whole gacha set is amazing and I hope, I can find/win the ones I still miss in my collection. The “Cyberpunk Capsule *7*” was the perfect background for my look.


Corset: A&YΒ  – “Aeon Cyber Corset” (Maitreya – NEW @ ACCESS Event // April 2019

Panties: A&Y – “Loma Leather Panties” (Maitreya, Gacha)

Shoes: [Gos] – “Roxy Boots” (Maitreya, Gacha) – NEW @ Epiphany // April 2019

Gloves: Wicca’s Originals – “Paxton Gloves [Light]” (Maitreya, Bento)


Collar: [CX] – “Hell’s Harbinger” (Maitreya)

Piercing 1: [CX] – “Scarred Bridge”

Piercing 2: [CX] – “Spiked Gloss”

Earring+Chain: [CX] – “Vermin”

Hair & Makeup

Hair: A&Y – “Cyber Ghost Hair”

Makeup & Lipstick: YS&YS – “Ginny Skin Applier” (LeLutka Applier)

Face Art: ALMA – “Rors for L’Homme” (LeLutka Applier, Gift)

Body & Tattoos

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.3”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Ears: .:E.A.Studio:. – “Ears Voodoo” – NEW @ Black Fair // April-May 2019

Eyes: Clemmm – “I’m tired / Black-Regular”

Skin: YS&YS – “Ginny – Tone Zafiro” (LeLutka & Maitreya Applier)

Tattoo: .:AuricA:. – “Saida Tattoo” (Maitreya Applier)

Poses & Props

Poses: Poseidon

Backdrop: MINIMAL – “Cyberpunk Capsule *7*” (Gacha)

Model & Photographer

Wicca Merlin

Running Free

Picture made for Eclipse Magazine // February 2019 // https://issuu.com/eclipsemagazinesl/docs/eclipse_magazine_february_2019

β€œEvery child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.”

[Pablo Picasso]

I fully agree with Pablo Picasso and I truly believe that in every artist lives a child’s heart somehow. The imagination of a child is often without any boarders and only if we can manage to keep that a little, we can do all the crazy things that we see in front of our inner eye.

I kept a lot of that I guess and often people call me kiddo in RL if I have crazy ideas :p . For this picture series, which I made for the actual Eclipse Magazine, I used a lot of this illimitable imagination, that overcomes me if I see the creations of Noke Yuitza – owner and genius designer behind E.V.E Studio. I know Noke for quite a long time and I do enjoy his extraordinary craziness a lot. His brain must have similar weird circuits, than mine has, his things instantly click with my mind and built pictures in my head. So when Trouble asked me if I could do a spread for the magazine about E.V.E Studio I was dancing in my chair and I did not have to think about it –Β  I just said yes in a blink.

First I thought I should put all the pictures in one post, but then I realized they are so different, they would overlay each other and none would get the attention that it should have. So I will post one here and there in between my on going posts and hope you do enjoy the as much as me when I did them πŸ˜‰


Outfit: Vanilla Bae – “Vixen Body suit” (Maitreya)

Gloves: Wicca’s Originals – “Paxton Gloves” (Maitreya)

Boots: Bax – “Regency Boots” (Maitreya)


Tentacles: E.V.E – “Apocaliptica Cyber Snake Chains”

Headpiece: E.V.E – “EtheralPearls & Ribbons Tiara”

Hair & Makeup

Hair: Sintiklia – “Lou”

Makeup: Zibska – “Samil” (LeLutka Applier)

Lipstick: Zibska – “Folia” (LeLutka Applier)

Body & Tattoo

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.3”

Eyes: Arise – “Haya Eyes”

Eyelashes: alaskametro<3 – “Slay” (Maitreya Applier)

Poses & Props

Pose: ::Poseidon:: – “Hill Nurse 3”

Set: E.V.E – “Dystopia Room Divider” & “Eye of the Storm”

Model & Photographer

Wicca Merlin

Now @ Wicca’s Wardrobe Mainstore

For the past round of We β™₯ RP we went cyberpunk and created Nemesis Arms. These cyber arm prostheses have been designed for Maitreya only and come with a HUD that provides you with 10 color choices for carbon, stripes, plates, fingers and claws.

TAXI: Wicca’s Wardrobe


A&Y Cybernetics again released a breathtaking creation at ROMP!

The new “Aglaya Latex Cyber Corset” is a perfect match to the “Aglaya Latex Cyber Boots”, which I blogged a few days already – I had to wear them again for this post to show off that perfect match.

The corset, as well as the boots, have the typical A&Y HUD to color customize many different parts. I am still amazed, how awesome that HUD works. It kinda already feels cybernetic, when you put the HUD on and then you connect the HUD with the item you want to customize and see the percentage running up to 100%. When it reached the maximum you can choose the part you want to color and then you are able to select what ever color you want depending, which the HUD/pack you bought – either one color with 2 different shades as base color, or you go for the complete fatpack.

I do have to admit cyberpunk is something right down my alley. I love the idea of cybernetic body parts, the vibrant colors paired with black do have a very energetic feeling for me and the idea, that in the future we all will not be perfect anymore and have several mechanical/electronic parts to survive is kinda interesting. That would create a whole new vision of beauty πŸ™‚

In SL modeling we always were taught to never hide our faces, but for cyber or cyberpunk looks, huge glasses and masks are so much fun! To be honest, I always had a tendency to not listen to “rules” if they did not make sense for me πŸ˜‰

Outfit & Accessories

Outfit: A&Y Cybernetics – “Aglaya Latex Cyber Corset” (Maitreya) – NEW @ ROMP

Gloves: Salt & Pepper – “Winona” (Maitreya, part of an Outfit)

Shoes: A&Y Cybernetics – “Aglaya Latex Cyber Boots” (Maitreya)

Collar: Happy Undead – “Charming Collar”

Mask: DRD – “Tubes Mask – Metallic” (rigged)

Glasses: MINIMAL – “Power Glasses – Black”

Claws: .:E.A.Studio:. – “Obsess Claws” (Maitreya, Bento)

Hair & Makeup

Hair & Hairbase: A&Y Cybernetics – “Cyro Hair” (Hairbase: Omega Applier)

Makeup: Zibska – “Kane ” (LeLutka Applier)

Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.0”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Poses & Props

Poses: Poseidon


District 18

Model & Photographer

Wicca Merlin


We are creatures of light and darkness
Only happy when we love, when we dare
We know nothing of moderation
Only suffer when we love, when we can

A human can only fly for so long
I’m coming in to land
It may seem strange, but I need you to
Help me understand
Who I am

[Information Society]

Outfit & Accessories

Top: A&Y Cybernetics – “Electra Cyber Top” (Maitreya)

Gloves: A&Y Cybernetics – “Electra Cyber Gloves” (Maitreya)

Pants: A&Y Cybernetics – “Electra Cyber Panties” (Maitreya)

Legs: A&Y Cybernetics – “Electra Cyber Legwarmers” (Maitreya)

Horns: E.V.E Studio – “Maleficent GW Horns” – NEW @ SL15B Lucky Chair

Hair & Makeup

Hair: no.match – “No.Shield” – NEW @ TRES CHIC

Body & Tattoos

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.0”

Teeth: LeLutka – “Beast Teeth 1.1”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Skin: YS&YS – “Ginny Drow” (LeLutka & Maitreya Applier)

Eyes: ANATOMY – “Dragon Eyes”

Poses & Props

Poses: Poseidon – “Horror Set”


District 18

Model & Photographer

Wicca Merlin