Winter Thoughts

Today, just a ‘quicky’ as I had fun doing a picture with this look, but posing the coat drove me nuts…

Do you know that feeling if you are trying to make a picture with some cool poses and then long coats or skirts do not cooperate due game mechanics? It is so frustrating. I do not wanna tilt my picture sideways, just because I do want to have a picture where you can see the full outfit! I realized that it became some kind of a trend to just tilt your pictures 90 degrees, but to be honest… I don’t like that for myself. I always have the desire to tilt my monitor to see those pictures the right way and that can get pretty annoying to me. I love sit, crouch and leaning poses a lot more than just simple standing poses. With my usual blog pictures size, I get more ambiance and landscapes into pictures, than the actual outfit I do want to showcase. I do not know what it is, that I try to get away from simple standing poses… maybe they are not emotional enough to me anymore, because I saw and used them too many times on the runway and on pictures. Especially if you have some details like shoes, hair or rings, you don’t want to do crops only all the time and specific poses or special poses with a little more. Speaking of shoes, the shoes I am wearing for this post are from [Gos]. Those cute ankle boots with the sharp tip, are the perfect addition to the cool nearly vintage/Victorian looking coat from Hotdog. I do like to break the typical style rules and combine different items from different epochs 😉

As usual the amazing 3 HUDs – Boutique, Blueberry and Metallic – are available for the “Hurley Ankle Boots”. The have a quite wide shaft and so you can manage to wear some mesh pants with them.

The cool hair, which usually is way too modern for the coat, but matches the booties so nicely is one of the latest releases from no.match at the Cosmopolitan event. I do have an addiction to short hair 😉

I wanted a winter scenery for my picture, but not the usual shiny, sweet winter wonderland type… I wanted something more dark, desert and lonely looking, BUT I wanted to rez that amazing “Building Remains” structure, that DRD released for the actual round of their Eclipse event. Probably you can imagine if you search for a certain type of location AND would like to rez something, that can drive you nuts and most of the time you will end up building one yourself. I was simply to lazy today to do that :p I finally found a spot on Luanes Winter World sim. I just had to de-rez a few of the sweet things and it worked! I was so happy with that, as I already thought that will take hours to find what I was imagining.


Coat: Hotdog – “Frock Coat . Female . Dark” (Maitreya)

Pants: GizzA – “Josie Pants” (Size XS)

Shoes: [Gos] – “Hurley Ankle Boots” (Maitreya)


Earrings: [Cubic Cherry] – “{Null} key” – NEW @ Eclipse

Eyepatch: Pixel Box – “Patch Woman BAD Left”

Rings: FORMANAILS – “Buffalo” (Maitreya, Bento)

Nail Polish: {ZOZ} – “Time Reds Polish” (Maitreya)

Hair & Makeup

Hair: no.match – “No.Commitment” – NEW @ Cosmopolitan

Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.3”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Ears: .:E.A.Studio:. – “Nepthune”

Poses & Props

Structure: DRD – “Buidings Remain” – NEW @ Eclipse

Pose: Foxcity – “Me Time – 6m” (Bento)


Luanes Winter World

Model & Photographer

Wicca Merlin

Wicca’s Wardrobe @ Eclipse – October never dies!

Wicca’s Wardrobe @ Eclipse – October never Dies! (Jan 13th – 31st)

We are thrilled to be a part of this round of Eclipse! The theme of the round is very well suited to us…”October Never Dies!” All the items are dark…creepy…scary…all that we love about October! We have designed the Aurelia coat…it is a long coat with a well worn look. It has an open belt encircling your waist and a window into your mechanical heart. It comes with a texture HUD that gives you options between 5 dark colors for the body of the coat and 3 metals for all the accents and parts of the mechanical heart. For Maitreya only.

Taxi: Eclipse Event

Trend Fall 2018: Headwear

Picture Made for Eclipse Magazine September 2018 //

Outfit & Accessories

Jacket: MSS – “Ellen Shoulder Coat”
Top: MonCheri – “Dead Romance Tank”
Headpiece: Janka – “Novo Scarf”
Pants: Dirty Princess – “Lil Suspense Princess Shorts” (Maitreya)
Leggins: lassitude & ennui – “Hisa leather leggings” (Maitreya Applier)
Shoes: N-core – “Rogue” (Maitreya)

Hair & Makeup

Hair: .Shi – “Hearken”
Makeup: Zibska – “Noir Pack 06” (LeLutka Applier)
Lipstick: Izzie’s – “Fae Lipgloss” (LeLutka Applier)

Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.0”
Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”
Face: Izzie’s – “Pores & Blemishes (LeLutka Applier)

Model & Photographer

Wicca Merlin

Golden Times with [sys] and E.V.E Studio


We can be golden
Why don’t we show them
All of the life there’s meant to be
We can be golden
Look what we holdin’
Better than angels if you believe

[Brandon Beal]


More and more I like the idea of blogging with friends. It gives so much more possibilities even if it might be a tiny wee bit more time intense as you need to find times when you can shoot  together, but they are worth every single second 😉

This time it was the return game with Tempe. She did a wonderful picture of us both not too long ago and the deal was – once she does the pic and once I will. (Link to the post/picture)

So this time it was my time. First I thought about lingerie, but to compete with the picture Tempe did – impossible! So I thought about something different. I was thinking about, what I do love most and as well about the craziness we both have and came across an idea…

I IMed Tempe, asking her what she would think about a post with [sys], since we both like to blog them very much (yes I follow her blog and flickr certainly*grins*).

So it was a given, we needed to do something crazy or editorial or even both :p

We came across, that we both own the “Venus” dress from [sys], so Tempe was going for the black/gold version and I used the golden one. The basic idea was “No reigns, no rules – just go what you feel” and we both came up with something wild looking – I simply loved it. Again it showed why we go so well along, our craziness goes so well together :p.

For the set I immediately had the idea of a lot of gold, when Tempe sent me a snapshot of her styling. One of the latest releases was the “Flowers of the Golden Apple”. The huge golden apples come in 2 versions – once with and once without that sweet golden/white flower petals on the bottom. I added the “Splashing Droplets” in gold which were circling around us since they are animated 😉

The cute balloons I found at the ‘Book of Daniel’ fundraiser. They come in different variations but for today, I certainly chose the golden one.

Last but not least, the golden ‘rain’ in the back, I created from the “Segmented Curtain” made by 22769.

We had again a great time and I experienced once more how awesome it is to work together with a real friend. More fun, more ideas, more challenge;) Let’s see who I will poke next… I think I already have an idea…



Outfit: [sys] – “Venus” – NEW @ The Secret Affair

Shoes: Eclipse – “OhMe”

Shoulder/Neck: E.V.E Studio – “Etheral Neck Corset”

Arm  Parts: Asteria – “In FLames”

Headpiece & Butterflies: Enfant Terrible – “Halo” & “Moonchild animated Butterfly”

Rings: Formanails – “Stiletto Nails – Maitreya Gold/Black”

Hair: Entwined – “Linette”

Poses: Del May & Quixotica


Apples & Splash : E.V.E Studios – “Flowers of the Golden Apple” & “Splashing Droplets”

Balloons: Apple Fall – “Confetti Balloon” NEW @ Book of Daniel

Curtain: 22769 – “Segmented Curtain”

Models: Tempest Rosca & Wicca Merlin

(to see details about Tempe’s styling please look @

Photographer: Wicca Merlin

The Exposed Shoulder – X Factor Edition – Eclipse Magazine June 2016

Wicca Merlin 01

Read the full magazine HERE


Top: Salt&Pepper – “Valerie”
Pants: GizzA – “Skinny Pants”
Shoes: Glamistry – “Anemuna”
Hair: enVOGUE – “Britney”
Earrings: Kunglers – “Cintia”
Bracelet: Kunglers – “Keira”
Ring: Tracei – “Evan Ring”

Photographer: Skye Nefekalum (Azram Belwraith)

Model & Stylist: Wicca Merlin

Wiccan Merlin Close

Sunny Day with *agapee* & Eclipse

agapee 1

The sun comes out more and more and I just had to do another Spring post today 😉

I was experimenting some more with my new mesh head I got, but to be honest I did not yet found anything new. So I will focus on the amazing dress, which I got from *agapee* and  the cool boots made by Eclipse.

agapee 5

The amazing “Jean Outfit” is a real spring ensemble. With the sweet long-sleeved top, decorated by that little scarf, and the wonderful belted skirt with the delicate lace part in the front, it is perfect for the first warm sun beams.

The outfit comes with a HUD to change the colors of the short and the scarf to 6 different ones, so that you can customize the whole outfit perfectly to your very own likings.

agapee 2

The super cute hairstyle comes from Truth and was made for the actual round of The Fantasy Collective.

For the pictures, I wanted something sweet and modern, to complement the outfit itself. When I was lately doing some sim hopping, I discovered a residential sim called “Mataiva”. The name for the place is “The Iconic Spell”.

“The Ionic Spell is what remains of a little village devastated by a large solar storm.. For 10 years the people have lived without electricity and looked for ways to restore the light.The community is close and we must stick together to find the answer”

That is the description which I found in the sim description field. On the first view you won’t see the destructions, as most of the sim look like, as if the residents have rebuilt it, but some corners still show the basic idea. It is a fantastic place to walk around and enjoy the love to the detail, the people put in here to create this wonderful little world.

I am sure I will return to this awesome place to discover some more interesting corners for future pics and posts 😉

agapee 4


Outfit: *agapee* – “Jean Outfit”

Boots: Eclipse – “Oh Me”

Hair: Truth – “Tierney” – NEW @ The Fantasy Collective

Body: Slink – “Physique”

Head: Catwa – “Jessica”

Freckles: Le Forme – “Beauty Moles II V3”

Eyes: Ikon – “Hope Eyes”

Poses: Devilish Poses

Location: The Iconic Spell

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

agapee 3

Urban Musing


This wonderful picture was done by the talented Tempest Rosca. We got the a theme for the last issue of the Eclipse Magazine, called Urban Musing. The trend becomes more and more popular. In many of the fashion cities you can find people who mix and match lingerie with normal urban casual, to create this new and modern look.

It was quite fun to experiment with lingerie and make something that can bw worn on the street 😉

For more of those amazing looks you can take a peek on the February Issue of the Eclipse Magazine 🙂

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Top: Pixicat – “Temptation Corset” (Store Gacha)

Lingerie: Apple May – “Tigress Hotpants & Sliced Top”

Bra: Wicca’s Wardrobe (coming soon)

Collar: Maitreya – “Vintage Collar”

Jacket: ISON – “Occult Jacket”

Shoes: :)(: Pixelfashion – “Vanina”

Hair: no.match – “No.perfection”

Location: Maddux’ Wreck

Photographer: Tempest Rosca

Model & Stylist: Wicca Merlin

Incredible Sale at Silken Moon!!!

Sale posterSilken Moon

Today I was in Malicia Pythons office to take a look at her bloggers list since she asked me if I maybe could help a bit sorting and finding new bloggers for her brand. I went over her desk… and you know how desks of genius minds look… to find the list. While I was looking a picture fell into my hand with some hand scribbled note that Malicia did. Since one of my most huge weakness is being curious, I had to take a closer look…

UNBELIEVABLE!!! The note said that Malicia will have a special weekend sale for makeup and nails!?!

50% off for lipsticks and makeups of the Eclipse line and as well for the nails that work with the Slink hands… ok that’s quite a tempting offer!!!

While I was drooling over the pic and the note I heard steps in front of the door… damn Mal was coming back, probably she forgot something…

I grabbed the picture and stuffed it in the back pocket of my jeans as the door opened and Mal came in.

She looked at me wondering what I did here and I explained that I was looking for the bloggers list and tried to make an innocent face. Usually she discovers in between seconds if I did something I should not have

but she seemed to be already tired since it was way after her bedtime and she just forgot something in the office so I could get away with my innocent look and a secret in my back picket of my jeans 😉

So mark this weekend in your calendar and make your way over to the Silken Moon Mainstore… you do not wanna miss that incredible sale!!!


Casual Evening Fun ;)

Mow - Wicca & Lovely Full

Not too long ago, my sweet little brother Dahriel sent me to a nice little shop called ‘M.o.w.‘, telling me I would find some super cool casual clothing there. I made my way over and I have to admit he was right. While I was roaming through the store, I had a nice talk with the owner and designer medusa Back. She seems to be a real nice and kind lady and we came across blogging. I got some amazing creations and after sometime I returned home and unpacked all the awesome goodies. While I was styling, Lovely Imed me and asked if she can visit me for some talking. I never can say no to her, she is simply too cute and so I TPed her over and she immediately discovered me styling me new M.o.w. clothing. She remembered that she has the same jacket as I was wearing and put it on. While we kept continue talking I combined the “Open Sweater” with the “Action Capris” as well from M.o.w. As I saw her in the “”Open Sweater” from M.o.w. I had to grab her and drag her in front of my camera with me 😉 The result of a wonderful and fun evening you can see in the pics 😉 If you wanna know the details of Lovely‘s styling you can see her blog ( or you just storm her IM asking her 😉

If you wanna see more of the amazing designs of M.o.w. you better take a look by yourself at the M.o.w. Mainstore 🙂

Mow - Wicca & Lovely Half


Top: M.o.w. – “Open Sweater” (mesh)

Pants: M.o.w. – “Action Capris” – NEW (mesh)

Hands: SLink – “Mesh Hand Casual” (mesh)

Shoes: Diktator – “Dare”

Hair: DeLa – “Marley” (mesh)

Skin: Silken Moon – “Eclipse Lumee Casual” – NEW

Makeup: Silken Moon – “SM E-clipse Urban ES Mud, Honey” – NEW & “SM Eclipse Formal ES Red Silk” – NEW & “SM Eclipse Color Eye Gold” – NEW

Lipstick: Silken Moon – “SM Eclipse Lips Goldshine Red” – NEW

Pose: PosESioN – “You are Mine!”

Models: LovelyMiwako7399 Menna & Wicca Merlin

Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Silken Moon – Eclipse! Wicca in Makeup Heaven!!!


(Picture by Pam Astonia)

Today we come to something very special… Silken Moon released a new, fresh, innovative and extraordinary new skin line with a huge ‘building set’ possibility!!!

In the past we always were running for skins with different makeups for different looks. Nowadays you have the multiple layer option for your avatar that allows you to wear various numbers of tattoo layers on your head. This brought way more possibilities for makeups and uniqueness into SL. But when i go out shopping I still find a lot of complete skins for just one makeup that is painted on the skin itself still, or you have full faces where you maybe wither like the eyes or the lips or maybe even just parts of that whole makeup. Some stores offer eyes and lips separated but still you have just one option of makeup for the eyes or lips… sometimes in different colors but that’s it. But sometimes you even need to customize your look even more with some color highlights or some specials…

I was searching for a new skin by myself not too long ago (post will come soon and I will tell you all about it 😉 ). I was wearing the Silken Moon “Rookie” skin for quite a long time and at some point along with my total make over and my new shape I got more and more the desire for a skin that really shows of a lot of my self and the character that Wicca has. With all the talking I had with Malicia Python, owner and genius designer of Silken Moon, I realized that she was right about to make a total new skin line as well.

Silken Moon  - Bisque Casual

She told me about her idea of the ‘building set’ for the new Eclipse skin line she was thinking about for a longer time.

Her idea was to make different basic looks and give them different makeup options that you can wear in many different ways.

To describe the best what was her idea I would like to quote her from her own blog…

Malicia Python:

” I developed a skin system grounded on that insight. Basic skins for different looks instead of ready-made faces, plus the makeup to max out the desired look or create your own. I decided to make makeup the way you actually apply it RL, for example, the skin’s lips working as a lipliner, the lipstick on top and maybe some gloss on top on that. Or you apply an eyeshadow foundation, add the eyeliner and then blacken your lashes. This led to a (still growing) range of makeups perfectly complementing each other and offering thousands of unique combinations.”

Silken Moon  - Bisque Urban

So Malicia asked me a lot for what for example models would need, or wich types of stylings I would think of. After weeks of very funny evenings, long nights and nice talks she defined 10 different looks: Canvas, Casual, Formal, Urban, Doll, Boho, Steam, Goth, Fab and Burlesque. All of them have different features. The “Canvas” one is totally blank without eyebrows even so you can really customize your face totally. The “Urban” one for example has a shaved eyebrow on the right side and the “Boho” one for example features all the wonderful purple, lilac and violet tones that are typical for that style, while the doll skin comes with a super cute look and all the pink that I like so much :p .

Each look is available in 4 different skin tones. “Brûlée”(a dark tan), “Bisque” (a fair lively tone and the one I used for this post), “Bousee” (a light tan with a yellow undertone, perfect for warm haircolours) and “Lumee” (a very light complexion)

Each skin comes in 3 unique body options all options are available for every skin as a tattoo layer: Cup A, natural breasts, enhanced cleavage, Abs – all with three degrees of shiny leg, freckled body, a high shine and golden shine version face and nose freckles, dimples.. and so much more!!!

Silken Moon  - Bisque Burlesque

Each look has a set of type matching eye makeup and lipsticks. But you can pick the face you like best and add makeup to your own liking, style or mix and match needs even by crossing the different looks. For example if you like a doll face the most but wanna have more than jus the pink color theme you can easily buy another set of makeup and going crazy with all the mix and matches 😉

I remember when Malicia IMed me the first time, after she was ready with the first Eclipse face and all of a sudden I had various folders in my inventory all named “SM Eclipse” – Silken Moon Eclipse… I was like ‘holy hell what is this?!?!?’ and started to look through all the different parts. Then she told me she booked Pam Astonia for the advert and I was thrilled, as as she asked me to be the one on the picture. Then she said “Ok now you just have to make your own look out of all the new skins and makeups” and I nearly fainted. There is over 100 possibilities to do this!!! I started to try and was totally wrapped in trying and mixing and matching… about 3 weeks… ok I am joking but I guess it was about 3 days later, with squared eyes I came up with a look for the picture that you can see on the very top of this post 🙂 Not to mention, how long I was captured in my “SM Eclipse” folder while I was doing the other 4 looks for this post*lol*

But in the end you can see on the 4 looks I did, what different looks and possibilities you have with adding different makeups over each other and changing around with all the lipsticks… And Malicia keeps updating her makeups of the Eclipse line. Right as I was on the burlesque look, another folder with new makeups hit my head… there I found the lovely “goth firewings” in which you can see on the on the picture above at the outsides of my eyes 😉

For more information and updates you always can look at the Silken Moon Blog (

But enough of all the words… better go to the Silken Moon Mainstore and see by yourself 😉 (

Silken Moon  - Bisque Boho

All skins & all makeup by Silken Moon

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin (except the first pic – again thank you Pam for such a gorgeous picture!!!)