Finesmith meets The White Armory

Gown: The White Armory/ TWA – “Sublime Elegance” – NEW

Jewelry: Finesmith – “Heartology” – NEW

Wings: Finesmith – “Heartology” – NEW

Skin: Silken Moon – “Rookie” (special custom makeup)

Eyeliner: Silken Moon – “Wicca”

Facetattoo: PurpleMoon – “Spooky Makeup CrackedEye”

Hair: Tukinowaguma – “Baramon”

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

MVW 2012: Evening Gown for Monaco 2012 by Tres Beau

Our Miss Monaco 2012, Miss Vivienne Darcy, was allowed to walk this lovely piece of gold in representing the second smallest country of the world. Monaco as well is the second smallest monarchy in the world and the most densely populated country in the world. From all the news papers and TV reports we know that the rich and beautiful live in Monaco with all their yachts, motor boats and expensive lifestyle. According to that Kimmera Madison, owner and designer of Tres Beau, designed this incredible golden gown for Miss Monaco 2012. The basic dress is made with so awesome skills that you really can see the golden shine what seems not that easy, as gold and silver are two of the most difficult colors to work with I was told. The huge prim parts on the side and in the back add even more elegance to the whole dress.

First I was thinking about huge and super sophisticated jewelry but then… I did not want to drag any attention of the gown. So I searched a bit and found an awesome set of Kunglers Extra, that I got not too long ago. It was inย  more red golden tone but it for me completed the outfit without overdoing it ๐Ÿ™‚ If you wanna join the club of the sophisticated high-class fashionistas, the “Miss Vivienne” gown shouldย  not be missing in your inventory ๐Ÿ˜‰ So make your way to the Tres Beau Mainstore and get your golden piece of art ๐Ÿ™‚


Gown: Tres Beau – “Miss Vivienne” – NEW

Jewelry: Kunglers Extra – “Deorum”

Nails: Mstyle – “Short Nails”

Hair: Maitreya – “Aisha II”

Skin: Silken Moon – “Rookie” /fair nude frecks

Eyeliner: Silken Moon – “Wicca”

Eyeshadow: L.Fauna – “Gold”

Pose: Morgane Batista Pose Shop

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

News by Kunglers

Gown: Kunglers – “Ingrid Gown”/white – NEW

Jewelry: Alienbear – “Mayur”

Nails: Finesmith – “Onyx Nails”

Skin: Silken Moon – “Rookie” (special custom makeup)

Hair: Mirone – “Adie” /black

Pose: Manifeste

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

MVW 2012: National Gown for Miss Canada 2012 by Tres Beau

This wonderful evening gown for Miss Canada 2012, Miss Sazzy Oh, again comes out of the house of Tres Beau. In a total thrilling and attention seeking pink this elegant gown turns heads no matter what. The whole design is a firework of design and texturing. Kimmera Madison, owner and designer of Tres Beau, again shows her skills and abilities. She always puts in so much love for details and perfect texturing in all of her designs, that you just can imagine how long it takes to make such a wonderful gown. The combination of smooth satin looking fabrics and the glitter and glimmer texture of the bodice and the skirt layer,just lets every girl shine like a princess. The wonderful light pink gloves underline the elegant, royal style and this gown really made a point on the MVW 2012 runway I guess ๐Ÿ˜‰ The high neck part as well adds even more sophisticated highlights and the open front of the neck part allows wonderful jewelry to complete your look. If you ever wanted to feel like a princess, make your way to the Tres Beau Mainstore and get your “Miss Sazzy” gown. I am sure with this gown the prince of the princess is not far ๐Ÿ˜‰


Gown: Tres Beau – “Miss Sazzy” – NEW

Jewelry: Alienbear – “Frideswide”

Hair: Vanity Hair – “Chiffon”

Skin: Silken Moon – “Rookie”

Makeup: Silken Moon – “Rainbow Pastel”

Poses: Manifeste

Heels: Stiletto Moody – “Bare Elizabeth”

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Couture Dreams

Gown: SAS – “Atteris” /white – NEW

Neck Piece: PurpleMoon – “Casandra – White Christmas”

Skin: !Silken Moon – “Rookie” – NEW

Pose: Manifeste

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

MVW 2012: Evening Gown for Miss Turkey 2012 by Tres Beau

The wonderful evening gown of Miss Turkey 2012Miss Xandrah Sciavo – was made again of our genius Kimmera Madison, owner and incredible designer of Tres Beau. Kimmera seems like a barrel with no bottom for wonderful ideas of designing and textures. Not one of her gowns – and there were quite a few – of the Miss Virtual 2012 finales looked even close to the other, neither in design or color or textures or prims. The beautiful “Miss Xandrah” gown is a very elegant and shiny design with the amazing prims of the skirt. The skirt looks close to a mermaid skirt but does not start that deep as we know it usually from mermaid dresses. The first layer of fabrics that is made of feathers starts round the knees and it flows in an awesome bigger skirt part that looks more solid but still very aerial. The mixture of this 2 very different fabrics again shows how great are Kimmera’s skills in ideas and designs. The bodice is made very filigree with a shining fabric and wonderful dark ornaments. If you take a closer look you can see that this ornaments are delicious gemstones that are repeated in the earrings and the necklace as well. Talking of the jewelry… the awesome set is part of the gown and as well made by Tres Beau!!! The mixture of the dark gems and the white pearls is just the perfect jewelry for this amazing gown and I really love the idea to have the gemstones as a decoration for the bodice of the gown as well. It gives such an overall round and just perfect look. The amazing headpiece made out of filigree and aerial feathers just gives the little extra sophisticated touch to the “Miss Xandrah” gown. I like the idea of the side, non symmetric placed attachment for the hair. So do no think too long… be honest with yourself, you must have this amazing elegant and sophisticated gown for your personal wardrobe ๐Ÿ˜‰ Hurry over to Tres Beau and get yours ๐Ÿ˜‰


Gown (incl jewelry): Tres Beau – “Xandrah” – NEW

Hair: PurpleMoon – “Dew” – NEW

Skin: Glam Affair – “Castalia”

Poses: Manifeste

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

MVW 2012: Evening Gown for Miss Belgium 2012 by Champagne & Finesmith

The stunning evening gown of Miss Belgium 2012, Miss Sylphia Constantine, was made by Champagne! Sparkling Fashion. Enzo Champagne himself created this wonderful and stunning evening gown for the this year Miss Virtual World challenge. The deep and shining red immediately caught my eyes. This is the red of an elegant and sophisticated gown called “Heart of Belgium”. The skirt is made dreamy flexible and if you take a closer look you can see all the awesome details. The waistpart that leads over to the skirt so perfectly, the silver decorations and the black and red feathers at the left hip… simply amazing. The upper part surrounds the waist and chest beautiful like a tight corset without any lines over the shoulders.The right shoulder is repeating the feathers of the hips and as well the little silver ornaments. A delicate lace texture covers the right chest and goes up over the shoulder round the neck. The same fabric you will find foe the tiny gloves that add as well even more elegance. In th middle of the cleavage we have a little key… maybe the key to the heart of the owner, maybe the key to her jewelry box? ๐Ÿ˜‰

Talking about jewelry… The wonderful and incredible “Lush” set was made by yula Finesmith and it highlights the whole style of the fashionista. The little earrings go perfect with the huge shoulder piece and the hairpin puts a nother beautiful accent on every hairstyle. The bracelets repeat the shape of the hairpin again. The red of the jewelry is perfectly made according to the red of the gown and the silver as well goes with all the silver ornaments of the “Heart of Belgium”. The beautiful gown you will find at the Champagne! Sparkling Fashion Mainstore and for the delicate awesome jewelry you have to make your way to the Finesmith Mainstore.


Gown: Champagne! Sparkling Fashion – “Heart of Belgium” – NEW

Jewelry: Finesmith – “Lush” – NEW

Skin: Glam Affair – “Linn” /light – D 02 – NEW

Hair: Son!a – “Lust”

Poses: Manifeste

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

MVW 2012: Evening Gown for Miss Netherlands 2012 by Bliss Couture

The wonderful formal gown for Miss Netherlands 2012 was made by Bliss Couture. Amutey DeCuir again showed her amazing skills for formal and elegantย  gowns and designs. The dress she made for Miss Draakje Daily, our Miss Netherlands 2012, and she shined at the Miss Virtual World 2012 contest. The bodice is made of very delicate lace fabrics, the ornaments are so filigree and detailed and the light and sheer ruffles make a great frame for the beautiful bodice.ย The bodice has a pain open back so a lot of skin is shown from the back view what just underlines the sexy touch of the whole gown dreamy. The gloves matching the gown are as well part of the outfit. The skirt gives the whole gown a sexy touch, too. The back is long to the ground and the front is short and makes an amazing open front to show off you long and well-shaped legs ๐Ÿ˜‰

The aerial fabric of the skirt, totally matches the delicate lace of the bodice and it again underlines why Bliss Couture always was one of the top addresses for elegant and sophisticated designs.
The wonderful “Drakje” gown you can get now at the Bliss Couture Mainstore.

The jewelry Miss Draakje Daily took from Chop Zuey. The wonderful “Octopussy” bracelet and earrings in white. The set you can get in single part at the Chop Zuey Mainstore.


Gown: Bliss Couture – “Drakje” – NEW

Jewelry: Chop Zuey – “Octopussy”

Hair: Vanity Hair – “Chiffon”

Skin: Glam Affair – “Linn” /light – BL 09 – NEW

Pumps: G Field – “Flower Pumps ‘Eve'” /white – recolored

Poses: Manifeste

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

MVW 2012: National Gown for Miss Thailand 2012 by Son!a

Nearly a full MVW 2012 design including hair and the wonderful jewelry shoulder piece, Miss Thailand 2012 got from Son!a. Sonia made a wonderful combination of dress, jewelry and as well the hair. The wonderful “Thailand Dress” of Miss DiamondGem Destiny is made in a very elegant way with really delicate fabrics. For my post I chose the golden version you can find some more colors at the Son!a Mainstore as well. The skirt parts left and right are made wonderful flexible, the basic fabric looks kinda satin and the wonderful laces ornaments at the bottom repeat the texture that was as well used for the skirt layer. The small top gives room for a lot of skin at the belly and the shoulders are amazingly covered by this huge jewelry part that goes down from the neck over both shoulders. The armlet and the bracelet are as well part of theย  “Thailand Dress”. The beautiful hair with jewelry part also, unbelievable but true, is part of the whole outfit too, that’s why I said in the beginning it was nearly a ready-made full outfit for Miss Thailand 2012 ๐Ÿ˜‰ I really only added the earrings, the hairbase, skin, nails and shoes. Everything else you can see you will get if you purchase your “Thailand Dress” at the Son!a Mainstore!


Dress (incl. hair & shoulder jewelry): Son!a – “Thailand Dress” – NEW

Earrings: Kunglers Extra – “Deorum” – NEW

Nails: Finesmith – “GoldenNails”

Lashes: Mayden Couture – “Eyelashes V2 12”

Skin: Glam Affair – “Linn” /light BL 08 – NEW

Shoes: Stiletto Moody – “Bare Ingrid”

Poses: Manifeste

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

MVW 2012: Evening Gown for Miss Panama 2012 by Tres Beau & Finesmith

Miss Panama 2012Miss Mely Gibbs – made her way to Tres Beau for her evening gown for the Miss Virtual Wold 2012 finale. Kimmera Madison, owner and designer of Tres Beau, again did an incredible job on this wonderful and detailed gown. “Miss Gibbs” is the prove, how exciting and interesting a one color gown can be is the designer has the skills to do so. Kimmera certainly has them with her long past of designing and creating. The different shades of brown and all the little details make this stunning gown to an artistic creation. The bodice is made with sheer parts as well and it adds a very elegant and sexy touch to the same time. The wide skirt catched parts of the texture of the bodice but it is fully opaque. The awesome ruffles and folds on the train in the back again show Kimmera’s incredible designing skills. What caught my eyes were this beautiful roses in the back, that#s why I tried to find a pose to show the as well ๐Ÿ™‚ If you love that gown as much as I do you can get yours at the Tres Beau Mainstore.

The jewelry for this amazing “Miss Gibbs” gown was made by yula Finesmith… more and more I discover that she must have been the most busy jewelry designer for this years MVW ;). Yula created the wonderful “Mely” set for the “Miss Gibbs” gown and it really is made perfect for this look. The jewelry underlines the amazing classy and formal style. The set contains the tiara, a pair of earrings, bracelets and the wonderful necklace.The whole set you can recolor and retexture with the great menu yula includes in most of her jewelry. At the Finesmith Mainstore, you can get your very own “Mely” set now ๐Ÿ˜‰


Gown: Tres Beau – “Miss Gibbs” – NEW

Jewelry: Finesmith – “Mely” – NEW

Skin: Glam Affair – “Castalia”

Hair: *SS* – “Mui”

Lashes: Mstyle – “Elf”

Nails: PurpleMoon – “Metallic Bark Brown Nails”

Poses: Manifeste

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin