Wicca’s Originals @ Driftwood – A Dream Series Event

Wicca’s Originals @ Driftwood – A Dream Series Event (April 5th – May 5th 2019)

The Driftwood event is a new fantasy event that captures all the fantasy genres: light, dark, spooky or cute, you name it, Driftwood offers it! We are thrilled to be participating in the inaugural round. We have created the Phantom Mask, perfect for the darker side of your role play. It is a unisex mask with a HUD that gives you 10 different texture options for all parts of the mask. It is also equipped with a resizer that makes our Phantom Mask work on any mesh head you like.

TAXI: Driftwood – A Dream Series Event

Ocean Secrets

E.V.E Studio is one of my favorite places for abstract and artistic sceneries for a long time. Recently Noke Yuitza – owner and genius head behind E.V.E Studio – started to make amazing fitted mesh for some popular mesh bodies as well. I loved how he projected his art on an avatar to create wearable designs now too. The different body suits he made are perfect for any artistic project and they are always the little special that make the shots to something special. Today it was the “Ink Drop Suit” with its amazing huge collar of flowers that inspired me for my dark, deep ocean creature 🙂


Pasties: !dM – “Starfish Pasties”

Body Suit: E.V.E Studio – “Ink Drops Suit”


Collar 1: E.V.E Studio – “Broken Chains Collar – Silver”

Collar 2: E.V.E Studio – “Shroud of Chains – Silver”

Hat: E.V.E Studio – “Swing Alma Hat – The Black Widow”

Bubbles: E.V.E Studio – “Swing Black Widow Stars Bubbles”

Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.3”

Eyes: CURELESS [+] – “Surgical Lightning Eyes”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Skin (incl. Makeup & Ears): YS&YS – “Ginny Fantasy LeLutka Applier – Drow Skin” (LeLutka & Maitreya Applier)

Tattoo: :[Even~Tide]: – “Dragon Scales – Blue” (OMEGA Applier)

Fishtail: ~ Cynefin ~ – “Lorelei Bento Mermaid Tail” (Maitreya)

Poses & Props

Pose: Pose (static) of the the Mermaid Tail HUD (edited with Anypose)

Set: E.V.E Studio – “Cracked Ice Sheet” & “Ivy with Bioluminescent Fungus”

Model & Photographer

Wicca Merlin

Swish and Flick

“Oh, are you doing magic? Let’s see it, then.”

[J.K Rowling – Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone]

Like I did mention in my last post, the “World of Magic” event sadly is over, but I still want to post all those amazing things – it gives me the feeling it would still going on :p . I am sure you will find all of the creations at the main stores of all brands by now.

This time I have the whole scene built out of designs of the event and for the clothing I as well only used items from the “World of Magic” except the shoes.

I love Trouble Dethly’s events, he always picks interesting themes and does invest a huge effort in the sims and event places and builds. What I do love as well are his ‘Fashion Theaters”. To me that is the future of fashion shows in Second Life, as most of the main grind users are sick and tired of boring runway shows. Every thing has its time and realistic, real life like looking fashion shows had their time in the past. When they were new, many people went there and the audience was more than just 10 to 15 models and designers. I remember times, when we had to cap sims at 45 people, to make sure shows could run smoothly, or we even had to have 2 different sims beside each other – one for the audience and one for the models. Those times are gone. I really think there were too  many of those shows in a short time. Certainly there are a few agencies left who still try to do shows, but designers as well found a different way for marketing with all the monthly events. I would not choose one over the other, both ways have/had their advantages and times.

The “Fashion Theater” that Trouble more or less invented in Second Life, combines fashion shows and theater. Usually we have different scenes like in a real theater, and in the beginning of each scene the credits getting read out before the actual scene starts. So it is as well informative about fashion, designers get highlighted and used decor gets it’s spotlight, but at the same time it is entertaining with the story itself. Even as a model – I do have to admit – it is a lot of fun as you prepare different, it is a new challenge. You style up like you would do for a normal fashion show, but with posing you have to be way more creative and it is way more work intense to find the right poses, or even short animations, for the story that is going on, as your character has certain “tasks” to implement in terms of acting what the story determines.

Thereafter was the first Fashion Theater I did and it was a huge success. Back then we did a post apocalyptic version of the ‘Taming of the Shrew”. The story was adapted to the different genre and lightly changed, but the essence was the same. The last one we did was “The Tale of the Three Brothers”, an adaption or a tribute to the wizarding fairytale told to young witches and wizards in the world set by JK Rowling. Within canon, it is believed to have been written by Beedle the Bard and published as part of his works called “The Tales of Beedle the Bard.” Most believe it to be a story that teaches children the virtue of humility and wisdom. Others, feel that it is in reference to the Deathly Hallows. For the Potter fans, the concept made it’s debut in the seventh book and are considered three highly powerful magical artefacts.This time we had a very small cast, but we had tons of fun.

I would like to thank Silly Avro, Luka Benton, Sungyoung Holloway, Redclaw Inshan and Trouble Dethly for an amazing time, lot of fun rehearsals and 3 wonderful evenings of acting. Trouble had the most work since he wrote the whole thing and had to coordinate our chaos troupe and he did a hell of a job with that.

I can’t wait for the next one and I do not want to tell too much yet but… I have a feeling it will have to do something with doing a tribute to GoT and I will keep my fingers crossed to be casted as the Dragon Lady!


Outfit: Nishi – “World of Magic – Uniform” (Maitreya) & “World of Magic – Memvial”

Shoes: NYU – “MaryJane w/High Socks” (Maitreya)


Wand: [The Forge] – “Fibia Wand”

Hair & Makeup

Hair: Wasabi – “Queenie”

Makeup: Zibska – “Noir Pack 06” (LeLutka Applier)

Lipstick: alaskametro<3 – “London” (LeLutka Applier)

Body & Tattoo

Head:  LeLutka – “Simone 3.3”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”


Poses: Le Poppycock & Poseidon


{C&C} – “The Serpent’s Lair”

22769 – “Sloppy Rug” (Gacha, Common)

22769 – “Worn Rug” (Gacha, Common)

KOPFKINO – “The Magic Traveller Chest”

KOPFKINO – “Magic Potions and Books”

KOPFKINO – “Magic Papers”

DISORDERLY. – “/ Book Magic / Magical Potions”

DISORDERLY. – “/ Book Magic / Not so Magical Potions”

DISORDERLY. – “/ Book Magic / Magical Suitcase”

DISORDERLY. – “/ Book Magic / Not so Magical Suitcase”

DISORDERLY. – “/ Book Magic / Magical Birdcage”

Raindale – “Magic World pensieve +particles”

Elm. – “Trunk Shelf [Tan]”

Elm. – “School Supplies: Pointed Hat”

Elm. – “School Supplies: Single Scroll”

Elm. – “School Supplies: Brass Scale”

Elm. – “School Supplies: Glass Phial Set”

Elm. – “School Supplies: Scrolls Stack”

Elm. – “School Supplies: Crystal Ball”

Elm. – “School Supplies: Wand Box”

Elm. – “School Supplies: Cauldron”

Elm. – “School Supplies: Broomstick”

MadPea – “Potion – Elixir of Life (Gift)”

MadPea – “Potion – Snake Oil (Gift)”

MadPea – “Potion – Love Potion (Gift)”

MadPea – “Potion – Lost Souls (Gift)”

O*O – “Sitting doll 1 (Static) – Snake”

O*O – “Sitting doll 2 (Static) – Snake”

O*O – “Sitting doll 3 (Static) – Snake”

O*O – “Sitting doll 4 (Static) – Snake”

[Merak] – “Hermione’s Desk”

[Merak] – “Hermione’s Chair”

[Merak]– “Hermione’s Study Board”

[Merak] – “Hermione’s Bag”

[Merak] – “Hermione’s Pendant”

[Merak] – “Hermione’s Notes”

[ContraptioN] Decor – “Eccentric’s Curios Mysterious Box”

[ContraptioN] Decor – “Eccentric’s Curios Orbitus”

[ContraptioN] Decor – “Eccentric’s Curios Reflector A”

[ContraptioN] Decor – “Eccentric’s Curios Reflector B”

[ContraptioN] Decor – “Eccentric’s Curios Reflector C”

Noxturnal – “Magic Witch Ball – Silver”

Model & Photographer

Wicca Merlin

Drows – A dark Fantasy

I never was a huge fan of elves, but when I first learned about Drows – dark skinned and evil elves – I had to change my mind and look more into that 😉

Second Life gives us a lot of possibilities about fantasy characters and if you know the stores for the right skins, accessories and outfits, it is really fun to step out of your human body and be a fantasy creature – even one with ‘stupid’ ears, as my partner usually says. Since I discovered the mesh ears from .:E:A:Studio:. I tend to use those kind of ears more often as they do have the most amazing ones. Just the tinting sometimes isn’t easy as the color on the ears always seems to look a little more flat than the actual body skin. Most of the times I can make it work though – thanks to Sadystika for pushing my nose into easiest solution for managing the gap of the mesh head ear alpha *hides*

Today was one of those days and with the cool new arm warmers from A&Y, it was the right time to bring the little dark elf back on. I still love the “Ginny” skin appliers from YS&YS and the skin for today is exactly one of those. Most of my fantasy skins are from YS&YS. I do not know what it is, but sometimes colors skins looks details and highlights if they are colored. With YS&YS, I always get the impression that they not just color overlay their skins, they really seem to built them up from scratch, like they do it with their human skins as well.

The “Aglaya” arm warmers from A&Y are another addition to the whole “Aglaya” collection. I already blogged about the cool corset and boots before. When I was styling I tried many other latex clothing and accessories, but none would match so perfect than the “Aglaya” collection it self and so I decided to just do it in a completely different color than before 😉

I am addicted to the A&Y clothing, hair and accessories – I rarely saw such detailed and incredible textured sci-fi clothing and her latex is just super realistic and does not have those huge, just white reflection spots that latex in SL usually has. I am just in love with everything what she does!

Those who know me… do know my favorite color is black and all shades of black*snickers* It was quite out of my comfort zone to go white for the base color. Ok I admit I tried all kind of dark colors before, but none did pop put so great with the dark Drow skin. Since I already was out of my usual comfort zone, I thought I can add some colors as well that I usually do not touch too much 😉

Using colors reminded me, that I bought a hair style from .shi lately, which would fit perfect. The “Sa-Rah V2” hair has a special option for a second haircolor all kind of colors. You can decide if you want to wear it as a full normal hair color or if you want to add some color in the front.

For a real Drow feeling I certainly needed some sharp nails or claws and certainly I found some at FORMANAILS 😉 The eyes as well could not stay human – thank god I was shopping at the CURELESS [+] sale lately and got those uber amazing “Spookshow Eyes”, that perfectly fitted to todays styling.

I will now enjoy my look a little more and see what sims I can find to get more Drow inspirations and maybe some more ideas for another post 😉


Corset: A&Y  – “Aglaya Latex Cyber Corset + Top” (Maitreya)

Gloves: A&Y – “Aglaya Latex Armwarmers” (Maitreya) – NEW @ ROMP

Shoes: A&Y – “Aglaya Latex Cyber Boots” (Maitreya)


Collar: A&Y – “Lorna Leather Collar” (Maitreya, Gacha)

Rings: FORMANAILS – “Rings Simple” (Maitreya)

Nails: FORMANAILS – “Chris Claws” (Maitreya)

Hair & Makeup

Makup + Lipstick: YS&YS “Ginny Drow Skin” (LeLutka Applier)

Hair: .shi – “Sa-Rah V2”

Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.0”

Ears: .:E.A.Studio:. – “Thauron Ears”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Skin: YS&YS – “Ginny Drow Skin” (LeLutka + Maitreya Applier)

Eyes: CURELESS [+] – “Spookshow Eyes / Dialated”

Poses & Props

Poses: Bauhaus Movement

Backdrop: Paparazzi – “Spacestation – BACKDROP – Jade”

Model & Photographer

Wicca Merlin

Wicca’s Wardrobe @ We ♥ RP // November 2018

Wicca’s Wardrobe @ We ♥ RP (November 4th – 30th)

We are still feeling the steampunk vibe during this round of We ♥ RP. We have created the Aki mask in 4 versions. It is a highly unique steampunk mask that will certainly help you make a statement. It is unisex and mod/copy/no trans.

Taxi: We ♥ Roleplay

Wicca’s Wardrobe @ Gacha Garden // November 2018

Wicca’s Wardrobe @ Gacha Garden (November 2018)

For this round of the Gacha Garden we have created some steampunk gacha fun. We have the Amity set designed for Maitreya’s Lara. Amity is made up of 20 commons and 2 rares. The 2 different decorated, rare arm accessories/sleeves come with HUDs that offer you 5 leather colors and 5 metal colors. Commons have a base color and come with HUDs as well that offer 5 options for leather or metal colors.

Our Seed of Inspiration (SoI) gift are the Amity Glasses. The SoI gift is available only at this round of the event and will be given as a gift on top of every 20th pull on our gacha machine.

Taxi: Gacha Garden


Wicca’s Wardrobe @ We ♥ RP September 2018

Wicca’s Wardrobe @ We♥RP September 2018

For this round of We♥RP we have a very special pair of gloves that we call Paxton. These gloves aren’t wrist length or even elbow length, they are ARM LENGTH! That’s right, they go all the way up to just under your shoulders. They do come in two parts, so if you really must have a short option you have one. Paxton comes with a HUD that offers 6 colors and a few metals choices for you to choose from. Paxton is made to fit only Maitreya’s Lara.

Taxi: We ♥ RP


Wicked Nymph

The bodies were still warm
As we awoke
Time look past away
We dragged what was left
As the shores
All just to see death
Burn holes through the black depths
In deliverance at the ocean nymphs
All just to see death
Burn holes through the black depths
And past Saturn’s rings
Such beautiful things
These screaming voices
Of bloodless corpses
Time will take that away
Come to me
With the tales and travels
At the true living dead
Come to me
Legends, gods and mystery
As my brothers in rock send
Secret whispers to thee
Legends, gods, and mystery


Outfit & Accessories

Top: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Elowen Bra” (Maitreya, Gacha)

Body Particles & Flowers: E.V.E Studio – “Ink Drops Suit” (Gacha) – NEW @ Fantasy Gacha Carnival

Chocker & Cuffs: -SECRETS- – “Helena Slave Chocker”

Hair & Makeup

Hair: [KoKoLoReS] – “Oakes”

Makeup: Zibska – “Agafia Eyemakeup” (LeLutka Applier)

Body & Tattoos

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Tail: ~ Cynefin ~ –  “Lorelei Bento Mermaid Tail” (Maitreya)

Scales: :[ET]: – “Kirin Scales – S Light” (Omega Applier)

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.0”

Ears: .:E.A.Studio:. – “Meraxes Ears”

Eyes: ANATOMY – “Opal Eyes – Dark”

Lashes: Stardust – “Kira” (LeLutka Applier)

Teeth: LeLutka – “Beast Teeth”

Poses & Props

Poses are a mixture of the ~ Cynefin ~ tail poses and some playing with the AnyPose tool for the upper body

Statues: E.V.E Studio – ” “Ballerina” Ink Drops [FATPACK – M01] ” – NEW @ The Enchantment

Model & Photographer

Wicca Merlin

Fallen Angel

Fallen Angel

Late at night I could hear the crying
I hear it all, trying to fall asleep
When all the love around you is dying
You do it all for my own protection
You make me feel like I’ll be okay
Still I have so many questions
How do you stay so strong?
How did you hide it all for so long?
How can I take the pain away?

How can I save,
A fallen angel, in the dark
Never thought you’d fall so far
Fallen angel, close your eyes
I won’t let you fall tonight
Fallen angel, just let go
You don’t have to be alone
Fallen angel, close your eyes
I won’t let you fall tonight
I was right beside you
When you went to hell and back again
I was right beside you
When you went to hell and back again
And I, I couldn’t save, a fallen angel
A fallen angel, in the dark

Never thought you’d fall so far
Fallen angel, close your eyes
I won’t let you fall tonight
Fallen angel, just let go
You don’t have to be alone
Fallen angel, close your eyes
I won’t let you fall tonight
Fallen angel
[Three Days Grace]

Outfit & Accessories

Outfit: [Glitzz] – “Melinda Body” (Maitreya)
Shoes: A&Y Cybernetics – “Aglaya Latex Cyber Boots” (Maitreya) – NEW @ Fetish Fair 2018 / 2nd Edition
Collar: .:Avanti:. – “Nayomi”
Horns & Septum: [CX] – “Wicket Beast”
Wings: Blueberry – “Oakley Wings-Black” (Gacha, Rare)
Headpiece: CURELESS [+] & DISORDERLY – “Dollhouse Survivors / Handy Tiara-Burnt” (Gacha)
Forehead: CURELESS [+] – “Leonius Marking”

Hair & Makeup

Hair: no.match – “No.Shield”
Hair Straints on the Closeup: Rayne Morgan (highly edited)

Body & Tattoos

Head: CURELESS [+] – “Luxurious Dolls / RARE / The Crystallized Doll Head” (Gacha, Rare)
Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”
Arms: CURELESS [+] – “Melodic Doll Arms” (Maitreya, Gacha, Rare)
Tattoo: CURELESS [+] – “Divine Delineation” (Maitreya Applier, Group Gift)

Poses & Props

Poses: Foxcity
Backdrop: %anxiety – “Catacomb”

Model & Photographer

Music was my first Love

Music was my first love
And it’ll be my last
Music of the future
And music of the past.
To live without my music
Would be impossible to do
In this world of troubles
my music pulls me through

[John Miles]

When I saw the outfit from today, I immediately had something in mind for pictures. As usual it did not wanna come out as intended and I had to think about something else.

The “Melodic Doll” from CURELESS[+] is another masterpiece of their amazing design. I always loved CURELESS[+] as they are creating things that are usually outside the box and very special. The details and the incredible skills of designing always was something that was marvelling. Every little detail is sharp and crisp and their creations usually need more than just one look to see their full beauty.

The whole set is rigged to fit the Maitreya Lara mesh body and with the alpha HUD you can fit the outfit perfectly to your avatar. The arms and legs of the “Melodic Doll” look typically like the ball jointed dolls, which we all might know from your childhood play toys 😉 I totally love the look on my avatar now as well 🙂 The limbs are a little thinner as your regular mesh body ones but that even more gives you the doll feeling.

The “Quaver” shoes of the gacha set are only working with the common dolly legs and won’t work with normal human feet. Some other unrigged shoes of mine did fit the dolly feet as well, but for the post I certainly chose the matching ones from the “Melodic Doll” gacha of CURELESS[+]. The box has no special animations in it but you can adjust it to every pose that you use easily.

The RARES of the set do have a HUD for full customization, while the COMMONS only have little HUDs that change the details.

As a musician, I adore the whole set and it was a must have for me. I hope you will have the same fun and happy feelings that I had when you get your “Melodic Doll”!

Outfit & Accessories

Outfit (incl. Torso, Arms & Legs): CURELESS[+] – “Melodic Doll” (Gacha,Maitreya, Bento) – NEW @ Epiphany

Doll Key: Cybernetics – “Ornamental Doll Key”

Hair & Makeup

Hair: no.match – “No.Arrest”

Hairbase: MINA – “Myla” (LeLutka Applier)

Makeup & Lipstick: Zibska – “Agafia” (LeLutka Applier)

Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.0”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Skin: .la petite morte. – “Amalthea Unicorn” (LaLutka, MaitreyaApplier)

Eyes: Anatomy – “Angel Eyes – Silver”

Poses & Props

Backdrop: CMYK// – “2. pastel magical studio” (Gacha)

Butterflies: Wasabi Pills – “Butterflies Swarm” (FaMESHed Birthday Gift 2018)

Poses: Foxcity

Model & Photographer

Wicca Merlin