JUMO for Ferosh Fashion Weekend

FEROSH FW 2016 - JUMO - Valeriana

JUMO – “Valeriana Gown” (red/jewelry included) – NEW @ Ferosh Fashion Weekend

Ferosh will celebrate winter fashion with its biannual Fashion Weekend event starting January 22 and ending January 24th! They present another boutique-style production filled with parties and fashion shows. Come celebrate with the best Second Life has to offer in fashion, design, and art.

Watch out for the surl, LM or limos to the event soon!

FEROSH FW 2016 - JUMO - Zodiac Jumpsuit

JUMO – “Zodiac Jumpsuit” (navy/jewelry included) – NEW @ Ferosh Fashion Weekend


FEROSH FW 2016 - JUMO - Arora

JUMO – “Arora Outfit” (black/jewelry included) – NEW @ Ferosh Fashion Weekend


FEROSH FW 2016 - JUMO - Cult Gown

JUMO – “Cult Gown” (teal/jewelry included) – NEW @ Ferosh Fashion Weekend


FFW Promo Ad teal copy

Tres Beau for Scala Gradiversary

Look #1: Tres Beau - "Breeze" (melon)

Look #1: Tres Beau – “Breeze” (melon)

Today there was a wonderful and exciting event going on at the Scala HQ. The Gradiversary event.

What is a Gradiversary event you might ask yourself… it is a mix of Anniversary and Graduation Show 😉

Scala celebrates its 2nd Anniversary this year and so they decided to have a combination of an Anniversary and Graduation show.

With 19 designers, that made exclusive collections and releases for that show, it was a great celebration and I would like to show case one of them today.

Kimmera Madison, owner and designer of Tres Beau.

Tres Beau is one of the oldest and most popular clothing stores in SL and with her quality of designs, texturing, fabrics and colors she certainly is one of the top stores in SL for a very long time. How was that quote I got told so often when I was a child… quality will prevail and remain 😉

For the Gradiversary event, Tres Beau created 3 different outfits, which are available in more colors that I will showcase today.

The first one you can see above, the “Breeze” ensemble. A wonderful combination of a compfy tank shirt and skirt with an amazing leather belt. The fresh colors already point out on the upcoming spring season and so the outfit is just the perfect choice.

Look #2: Tres Beau - "Sam" (tan)

Look #2: Tres Beau – “Sam” (tan)

The “Sam” combination again shows how fashionable knitted designs can be 😉 The outfit comes in the standard sizes and as well in a slink and maitreya mesh body friendly version.

 With the long arms and the high waist skirt – which just let a small space for the belly to peek through – is a perfect addition for the upcoming spring season. Still warm and cozy and as well sexy and fashion forward, this ensemble is available in several colors at the Tres Beau Mainstore!

I just added a stole from GizzA and boots from MODA to underline that wonderful chick attitude. The wonderful bag with the perfect color range was made by PurpleMoon.

Look #3: Tres Beau - "Tiffany" (teal)

Look #3: Tres Beau – “Tiffany” (teal)

For the third style, I am wearing the “Tiffany” gown in teal. A wonderful tight mesh gown with an amazing flexible bottom, that makes it very filigree, soft and airy.  The soft gradient on the color gives you a lot of options for accessories. The elegant necklace and earrings are already part of the outfit so i skipped any other kind of accessory to not overload the fine and delicate gown. Like the 2 other designs, the “Tiffany ” gown is available in more amazing color gradients and tones at the Tres Beau Mainstore.


Look #1:

Outfit: Tres Beau – “Breeze” – NEW

Hair: no.match – “No.Smile” – NEW (@ On9)

Necklace: Mandala – “Soul”

Makeup: Zibska – “Joss 08” & NOA – “Eyeline*white”

Poses: Devilish Poses

Look #2

Outfit: Tres Beau – “Sam” – NEW

Stole: GizzA – “Crystal Faux Fure Stole”

Shoes: [MODA] – “Tessa”

Hair: Tukinowaguma – “Inari” – NEW (@ On9)

Bag: PurpleMoon – “Monogram Bag”

Poses: Devilish Poses

Look #3:

Gown & Jewelry: Tres Beau – “Tiffany” – NEW

Hair: Argrace – “Akira”

Poses: Devilish Poses

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

I was allowed to walk along with the Scala Grad Students!

Shey Casual 01

Last weekend I had the great pleasure to walk the Graduation Show of the last Scala Academy batch, side by side with the grad students! It was so much fun and I kinda missed my good old student days 😉

Since I got some of the students to know during the last batch of the academy, I did know I really have to watch my stylings, since we really had some very promising stylists! That does not mean I would not watch my stylings usually too but it is a very different feeling to walk along with the models that you taught about styling and other things before.

Plus, I know how obsessed Seashell is with poses and since we all had to be checked by her too… that was quite a challenge 😉

Shey Casual 02

The sponsor for this graduation show was Shey. A wonderful brand with so many different styles. All of us got 3 outfits, which we had to style for the show.

Mine was all very different and so I tried to do justice to each of them 🙂

 My first assigned run was the “Aukje” outfit. The outfit comes as a complete outfit including top, skirt, belt and pants. When I put it on it immediately screamed “rock!” to me. The short skirt with that open vest seriously needs to be styled urban and kick ass for me 😉 So I wanted to have a cool necklace but nothing elegant and sophisticated, more something loose and cool looking. I decided to go with the “Legendary” necklace from Mandala. The huge necklace made me kinda skip on the earrings but I did not wanna go with bare ears either. Solution: The special mesh ears from Mandala with the piercings and tunnels on it!

I am addicted to tattoos and I know many do not really like them on the runway. I had requested permission to do so for that very particular style since it kinda screamed for a tattoo 😉

The tattoo is from my favourite tattoo maker, Julie Hastings, owner and designer of [White~Widow]. The super cool makeup is a combination of Nuuna’s And Zibska, that I added over each other.

It still looked as if it would miss something and I started to experiment with my hair. I tried a lot of different hair and none would satisfy me for the look as I came across the idea of a hat. The extravagant “Dali” hat from [sys]. The hat has an open back, which allows you to have hair that goes a little higher that usually for hats.

Shey Casual 03

My second outfit was more classy chic and when I tried it the first time, I did know I had to put my personal twist on it 😉

 Shey Funky 01

The “Mira” outfit comes with a blouse and skirt. The top is a kinda overlapping style and with its asymmetric shape and the high open front it has a definitely sexy touch.

Shey Funky 02

The skirt with its asymmetric shape and the amazing ornamented belt gave room for a little bit of crazy ness and I decided to try the “Gorgo Metal Helm” That looked so weird that it already was kinda cool again :p So I decided to keep it. Since I have so much going on, on my head, I have to keep the jewelry to a minimum for my personal taste. So I just added the “Sinra” Earrings from Mandala and the “Axiom” bracelet made by [sys].

Shey Funky 03

My 3rd and last outfit looked to me very elegant when I tried it on the first time.

Shey Formal 01

The “Sonia Prestige Gown” as well is an asymmetric gown. The left leg is long down to the ground while the right one ends short under the hips at the right upper leg. The top only is held by a filigree chain round the neck.

I wanted to keep that elegant touch and though about something what could work as well as accessory and for jewelry since the little chain round the neck does not let any room for a necklace. All of  a sudden the “Butterfly Neobaroque” head-piece from Swallow came to my mind. For the shoulders I chose a mixture off 2 different Finesmith sets, or better parts of them 😉

For the earrings I just put some little and simple pearl earrings as I wanted to wear the “Celeste” face chain to complement the chain around my neck.

The show was a blast and I was very happy to be allowed to walk with our grads. Great looks, a great set and a cool bunch of amazing, skilled and upcoming stylists and models 🙂 Thank you Scala, thank you Seashell and Kryptonia!

 Shey Formal 02

Look 1

Outfit (incl shoes): Shey – “Aukje”

Necklace: Mandala – “Legendary”

Braclet left: United Colors – “Dragon Scale Braclet”

Beaclet right: Formanails – “Nikolaj”

Rings: Wayne – “Black Set”

Hand Tattoo: Zibska – “Mallt”

Tattoo: [White~Widow] – “Tesis”

Hair: Baiastice – “Eolion”

Hat: [sys] – “Dali Hat”

Makeup: Nuuna’s – “Astro Glam” & Zibska – “Ltd Noir 13”

Poses: Corpus

Look 2

Outfit: Shey – “Mira”

Shoes: Shey – “Chole Stielettos”

Mask: Miamai – “Gorgo Metal Helm”

Earrings: Mandala – “Sinra”

Braclet: [sys] – “Axiom”

Ring: (NS) – “Vicious Rose Ring”

Lipstick: Swallow – “Surrealist 4”

Nail Polish: Nailed It! – “Metal Set”

Poses: PosESioN

Look 3

Dress: Shey – “Sonia Prestige Gown”

Shoulder Piece: Finesmith – “Shame” & “Shape of my Heart”

Facechain: Keystone – “Celeste”

Hat: Swallow – “Butterfly Neobaroque”

Earrnigs: *C:K* – “Simple Pearl Earrings” (color modified)

Hair: Amacci – “Estra”

Nail Polish: Nailed It! – “MvW Autumn Set”

Poses: Wicca’s Wardrobe – Poses

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Hairmania with EMO-tions

EMO-tions - Nella

EMO-tions – “Nella”

And finally RL let me free to enjoy SL a bit more again 😉

I would like to start my blogging year 2015 with a “New Hair” post.

Mirja Mills from EMO-tions was such a busy bee even during the christmas and holiday season, that I really thought I owe her a special hair post 🙂

EMO-tions - Mona

EMO-tions – “Mona”

Recently she made some wonderful mesh hair styles, I really fell in love with. The “Nella ” and the “Mona” style totally captured my attention as this is kinda the way I used to have my hair RL and it reminded me of some cool pictures i got from a gig with my band. Both are kinda windblown and not just al good girl sorted. So the perfect choice for an amazing everyday look.

EMO-tions - Michaela

EMO-tions – “Michaela”

But even the good girls will be satisfied with for example “Michaela”. The amazing long braid, that is coming down over the right shoulder comes in 2 different looks. Once like we see it on the picture with hiding half of the face under a wonderful wisp of hair. The “Michaela 2” as well has some hair needles wich pull exactly that hair to the back.

EMO-tions - Laleen A

EMO-tions – “Laleen A”

“Laleen” again is a ‘2 in 1’ hair style with the amazing sweet and cute animation, which the avatar does when you change the hairstyle by touch. The “Laleen” hair can be worn as a long ponytail over the right shoulder or when clicked it becomes a sweet casual up-do 🙂

EMO-tions - Laleen B

EMO-tions – “Laleen B”

For both versions the knot at the back of the head stays the same.

EMO-tions - Jared

EMO-tions – “Jared”

“Jared” originally was made as a male hair style. It as well has an amazing beard in the box but that really looked too awkward for my today’s post ;). But I never saw the reason why certain male hairstyles cannot be worn by females as well 😉

EMO-tions - Lauren

EMO-tions – “Lauren”

With Lauren my little punk heart was beating a tick louder than usual. Those amazing little braids all pulled over to the right side of the head show a wonderful shaved under-cut on the left side of the head.

EMO-tions - Alicia

EMO-tions – “Alicia”

“Alicia” is one of those hair styles I dreamed about in RL ion forever but I never dared to cut my hair again so short, after I had a bad accident with a person that cut my hair while I was a child too short. But “Alicia” totally brings a super modern vibe to me and makes an amazing every day hair style.

EMO-tions - Eles

EMO-tions – “Eles”

Last but not least for today we have “Eles” a more elegant hair style which as well can be used for casual stylings but gives them a more classy look. The playful wisps tha go down at the sides add a very realistic touch.

Even if I posted all of those amazing hair now in only one color, you certainly have the normal color options we know from EMO-tions 🙂

So do not wait and take the next taxi to the EMO-tions main store!

In the Arena with Finesmith & EMO-tions

Finesmith & EMO-tions 001

Today I have some wonderful news from Finesmith & EMO-tions again.

Sometimes I just get caught by my fantasy mood and can’t do anything against it :p

When I put on the new “Arena” dress from Finesmith, I immediately had the idea of the look. This black dress with the white decorations and the kinda metallic looking skirt screamed about a powerful and strong fantasy look in my opinion. I added the “Dreamworld” hair style from EMO-tions. This fantastic hairstyle was made for  this years hairfair. The horns are an extra attachment, you can wear the hair without the horns as well. The hair itself  has some cool braids that lay over your shoulder down to your right side chest, with a nice hair band, decorated with a flower, at the top.

For he shoes I decided to go with one of my favourite pair of shoes at the moment, the “Gladiator Couture  Princess Heels” from Dirty Princess. They require the Slink high mesh feet to be worn properly.

The amazing silver makeup I found at LpD and the wonderful tattoo was hand-made by Julie Hastings, owner and designer of White Widow.

For the decoration I remembered the “Segmented Curtain Silver”, wich was made for the TLC’s The Garden event and is contained in the “Watertower Dekopack”.

Finesmith & EMO-tions 002


Dress: Finesmith – “Arena” – NEW (mesh)

Hair: EMO-tions – “Dreamworld” (mesh, Hairfair 2014)

Bracelets: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Dark Metal Cuffs”

Tattoo: White Widow – “L’Armant”

Makeup: *LpD* – “Gia” (eye shadow only)

Shoes: Dirty Princess – “Gladiator Couture Princess Heels” (mesh, Slink high feet required)

Poses: PosESioN

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Breakfast @ Mimi’s Choice Part II

Breakfast @Mimis Utopia Full

Today I would like to showcase the second outfit I was wearing for the Breakfast @ Mimmi’s Choice runway show done by :PENUMBRA.

My second outfit came from Utopia. Utopia is well-known for amazing texture work especially for filigree lace textures. This you can perfectly see on the “Kate” dress from Utopia. This long and elegant but as well sexy dress with the huge black ruffles and ribbons is the perfect choice for elegant and sophisticated moments. With the big hat, which adds even more elegance, I really felt ready to go to Ascot and watch one of the horse racings there 😉

The wonderful jewelry set I am wearing was made by Belle Roussel, owner and designer of Chop Zuey. The “Espresso in Pompeii” set originally was made for one of the MVW contestants in 2012 and it perfectly matched the look with the golden metals and the little black gems.

Usually it is not easy to find hair, that goes well under a hat but the “Easy” hairstyle from Vanity Hair did fit very well under the amazing huge hat without sticking out somewhere 😉

Breakfast @Mimis Utopia Close


Dress & Hat: Utopia – “Kate”

Jewelry: Chop Zuey – “Espresso in Pompeii”

Hair: Vanity Hair – “Easy”

Poses: PosESioN

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Back in Black with Miamai

Miamai & EMO-tions 001

Today I have something special. The “Arawn” outfit from Miamai. Now many of you will think, that you already know this outfit and that it would be quite old… Partwise you are right as this is one of the best sellers of the Miamai Black Collection. But with the moving of the mainstore, Monica Outlander, owner and designer of Miamai, updated some of her best sellers for the new mesh body parts like slink hands and feet, phat azz or lola appliers.

To pimp the “Arawn” outfit I used one of the latest releases from Enfant Terrible, the “Caelens Armor” shoulder parts in black. The cool “Aidan” hairstyle comes from EMO-tions and the “Creature Glasses” I made myself for my store  Wicca’s Wardrobe.

To complete the look, I used the “Tall Leather Thigh Boots” made by Slink in black.

Miamai & EMO-tions 002


Outfit: Miamai – “Arawn” (now with Slink AvEnhancement HUDs)

Shoulder Parts: Enfant Terrible – “Caelens Armor” – NEW

Glasses: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Creature Glasses”

Shoes: Slink – “Tall Leather Thigh Boots”

Poses: PosESioN

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Miamai & EMO-tions 003

Breakfast at Mimi’s Choice – Part I

Breakfast @Mimis Orage Full

Lately I had the great pleasure to walk a show for .PENUMBRA.

The did an amazing show case of Mimi’s Choice. Mimi Juneau runs that amazing place and she has all of the great huge brands under her roof there. For the show I got 2 different outfits and the first I would like to showcase in this post.

The awesome “Leather Glam” mesh dress was made by [orage]. A short and tight dress with an amazing metal belt wich can be texture changed between gold and silver. The incredible jewelry was made by Belle Roussel, owner and designer of Chop Zuey. For this styling I took parts of the “Pentacostal Diamond” set. The huge bracelets is a miscture of 3 single attachments wich go wonderful together. For the necklace you have the option of a longer necklace of the short choker I am wearing for this post. The shoes I found at the last round of Collabor88 and the beautiful hair at Magika. For the sun glasses I chose one of my long time favourites from Steinwerk.

Breakfast @Mimis Orage Close


Dress: [orage] – “Leather Glam” (mesh)

Jewelry: Chop Zuey – “Pentacostal Diamond”

Hair: Magika – “Never” (mesh)

Shoes: Hucci – “Hampstead Sandal” (for Slink high feet)

Poses: PosESioN

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Dream of Summer with Petit Chat

PC & EMOtions full

Today I am very happy that I am allowed to showcase again one of Trinity Yazimoto’s little art pieces.

The “Dream of Summer” dress in pastel, is one of the summer releases of Petit Chat. The amazing red tones underline the darker end f the summer and its red tones symbolise for me, the beginning change of the season.

For the few last warm days of the summer this short mesh dress with the amazing and elegant looking neck collar are the perfect choice to enjoy the few last warm sun beams outside.

The wild and lightly messy hair gives the whole look a very smart and fresh look. The “Alex” hair from EMO-tions with the wild wisps in the front and the high ponytail in the back was perfect for the high neck collar of the “Dream of Summer” mesh dress.

I did not wanna wear too much jewelry as I am not a friend of over accessorizing anyways 😉 So I decided to just wear the “Cecilie” set from EMO-tions. This amazing and filigree set is just perfect for an everyday casual look. he set has a HUD, wich changes the gem and metal colors. For todays post I decided to go with copper metal and a red gem to match the “Dream of Summer” dress.

PC & EMOtions close


Dress: Petit Chat (*PC*) – “Dream of Summer” – NEW (mesh, Fashion Collective)

Hair: EMO-tions – “Alex”

Jewelry: EMO-tions – “Cecilie” (mesh)

Makeup: Silken Moon – “SM Eclipse Formal ES Red Silk”

Shoes: Dirty Princess – “Naughty Couture Heels” (for Slink high feet)

Poses: agapee – “POSE HUD Set 29”

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Golden Dreams with Enfant Terrible

Enfant Terrible Full

I am very happy that I may showcase some news from Enfant Terrible.

With all her new releases it was a hard decision, what to blog first.

I decided to star with the new “Moonchild”set. It’s parts are all part of a gacha. You will find 3 different colors for all the items in the gacha – gold, black & white. The common prizes are 3 animated butterflies, the amazing nose chain and a matching necklace wich I changed in this post for another new release of Enfant Terrible, the unisex “Caelens Armor” chest part in gold.

The rare items for that fantastic gacha of Enfant Terrible are the wonderful crowns as well in 3 colors and for the 3 ultra rare items we have the incredible staffs in the shape of a moon.

For the basic outfit to underline the golden dream I chose the “Karolina” bodysuit in gold from Countdown.

I am sure will have fun playing that gacha!

Enfant Terrible Close


Staff, Crown, Butterflies & Nose Chain: Enfant Terrible – “Moonchild” (Gacha)

Chest Plate: Enfant Terrible – “Caelens Armor”

Outfit: Countdown – “Karolina”

Hair: EMO-tions – “Renee”

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin