And again I have a wonderful new release from LeLUTKA! This time, LeLUTKA gives more attention to their East Asian customers with the new “Ryn 2.0” Evolution head (for the males there is a pendant named “Kane”)
The head has a very young look and so I wanted to find something what would work with such a look and came across the Kawaii genre. It was against my ethnics to put her in lingerie or something too sexy as she has more of a teen or young women look to me with this kind of shape and skin. Certainly I had to use the amazing piercings again that come with the head
Ryn certainly has all the amazing features of the 2.0 Evolution line as well!

It amazes me how LeLUTKa has the skills and passion, to make such different heads for all the ethnics around the world. We had the amazing wonderful African or African-American head with Nuri, we had all kind of European, American heads with Lake, Erin, Nova and now we get the Asian look as well with Ryn. You still can twist your shape and have even all the subcultures of the Asian ethnic with this head, I just wanted to blog it as pure as possible with my first post – I only made the nose a tiny wee bit smaller as it came. I am sure that won’t be my last post as I enjoyed my little journey into the Kawaii look and there is so many more genres you can do with that look 
So pop over to the LeLUTKA main store and try out the new – and maybe even all the other ones, too – heads!

Outfit: [CX] Vincue – “Sailie Leather” (Maitreya)
Jacket: ::GB:: – “One Shoulder Jacket Black” (Maitreya)
Belt 1: Salt & Pepper (S&P) – “POSH Belt” (Maitreya)
Belt 2: Salt & Pepper (S&P) – “Ropes Belt tight” (Maitreya)
Tights: Izzie’s – “Tights Lavender” (BoM)
Socks: -SU!- – “Garter Socks Nylon BLACK” (BoM)
Shoes: DRD – “Frankenstomps – Black” (Maitreya)
Headphone: [The Forge] – “Cyber Neko Headphones, Black”
Piercing 1: LeLUTKA – “Ryn.Piercing.Lip.Ashley/Laubert” (part of the Ryn head)
Piercing 2: LeLUTKA – “Ryn.Piercing.Lips. Frenulum/Tongue” (part of the Ryn head)
Collar 1: Salt & Pepper (S&P) – “October Fest Collar black” (Gacha, Common)
Collar 2: Salt & Pepper (S&P) – “Ropes Collar” (Maitreya)
Lower Arm: Gemini – “Sis Bracelets – Low L” (Maitreya)
Hand-deco & Rings: [Since1975] – “NoMercy Rings” (Maitreya, Bento)
Nails: Slipper – “Deidra” (Maitrea, Bento)
Hair & Makeup
Hair: -FABIA- – “Tuesday”
Lashes: CAZIMI – “Starlet Lashes”
Eyshadow: CAZIMI – “Venus Eyeshadow – 5 Purple” (BoM)
Eyeliner: CAZIMI – “Understated HD Eyeliners (LeLutka) Set 02 Winged” (LeLUTKA Evo HD Applier)
Lipstick: CAZIMI – “Trending HD Lips (LeLutka) Set 3 Colorful” (LeLUTKA Evo HD Applier)
Head, Body & Tattoos
Head: LeLUTKA – “Ryn 2.0” – NEW @ Mainstore
Face Skin: Glam Affair – “Ryn Layer [LeLutka] 002 E” (BoM) – NEW @ Mainstore
Body: Maitreya – “Lara v5.2”
Body Skin: Glam Affair – “Body Normal [ Maitreya ] 002
Poses, Props & Tools
Poses: Foxcity
Backdrop: – “Control Bedroom”
Food: [VOZ] – “UFO Sushi Vending Machine – Black (Static)”
Drinks:[VOZ] – “Universe Drink Vending Machine – Black (Static)”
Drink togo: {what next} – “LG Pirate Pool Drink”
Cyber Drink: andika – “[cyber sweets]B/Dispenser”
Moving Box: Violetility – “Ex Box [Bye Kawaii]”
Pizza: [La Baguette] – “Box of pizza 3 slice left v2”
Light: 22769 – “Tripod Lamp”
Model & Photographer
Wicca Merlin