Sometimes the mind takes off and you just go with the flow…
That happened again after I got the amazing “Lavi” makeup from Slackgirl. I wanted to do something special as the makeup itself looked very different to me.
First I tried something simple, as I wanted the makeup to pop out, but what ever I tried, it never did satisfaction to the makeup to my feeling.
That usually is the point when I put things to the side and wait until the creative muse kisses me with the right idea. But for what ever reason I could not do it this time without again and again thinking about it.
With the amazing shine of the makeup, I came across the idea to use the wonderful “Asgard Wings” from E.V.E Studio, that come with the matching head wing parts. So I slowly got a basic idea for what would like to go for. Wearing the cool head wing parts I had to find some hair, that go well with them without hiding too much or looking too funky. The ” Tommy” hair is the perfect choice to match my vision, which grows more and more in my mind π
With the beautiful detailed top from the “Scarlett” lingerie – made by Salt & Pepper – I had the arms free for the awesome “Elowen” arm pieces from Wicca’s Wardrobe. The shorts with the cool garter straps come from Asteria and are named “Mady”.
With the cool “Lavi” makeup and the “Asgard” accessories the vision of an steampunk Phoenix was born in my head… I can’t tell you why but it just got tsuck in my mind :p
For the set, which I built at my studio I used the incredible “Propelling Gears” together with the “Rosina’s Undergeound” and the “Eye of the Storm” made the perfect ambience for what I was looking for π
Now.. simple runway poses would not do justice to the Phoenix idea. I was trying quite a few but nothing really would work with my idea and finally Gryphon Vendetta, creator of Poseidon poses saved my life. I ran into Poseidon via Gryphons amazing flickr stream and his incredible pictures. I totally love them and drooled more than once over his pictures π
He does very dramatic and expressive poses which are perfect for exciting pictures and moods. I rarely saw such motion looking poses, which still look human and not distorted for the limbs. It looks like that he has poses for every occasion you can think about whether it is weapons, running scenes or flying moments. Sometimes he even has props coming with them like the one I used for the dark bloody nurse post not too long ago (https://wiccamerlin.de/something-evils-lurkinin-the-dark/).
I really got kinda an addiction for Poseidon poses since I tried them first and with all those possibilities he offers, I guess that will not be the last post I used them :p (I spied a Harley Quinn set too and I LOVE Harley Quinn*grins evil*)
But for now I hope you enjoyed my person vision of a modern steampunk Phoenix π
Pants: Asteria – “Mady Garter Panties” – NEW
Top: Salt & Pepper (S&P) – “Scarlett Top” (part of the Scarlett outfit)
Shoes: Reign – “Monarch”
Wings & Head Parts: E.V.E Studio – “Asgard Wings & Headpiece” – NEW
Hair: EMO-tions – “Tommy”
Makeup: Slackgirl – “Lavi”
Collar: Elysium – “Shena Collar”
Necklace: Asteria – “Celine Necklace”
Arm Parts: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Elowen” (Gacha)
Poses: Poseidon
Set: E.V.E Studio – “Propelling Gears Clock” + “Eye of the Storm” + “Rosina’sΒ Undergrowth M01” – NEW @ Enchantment
Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin
I’m gonna soak up the sun
Gonna tell everyone
To lighten up
I’m gonna tell ’em that
I’ve got no one to blame
For every time I feel lame
I’m looking up
I’m gonna soak up the sun
I’m gonna soak up the sun
[Sheryl Crow]
Mix & Match… still my favourite way of styling even if mesh makes it more and more hard;)
With the mesh body rigged clothing it is even harder as it already was with standard mesh sizes, but if you try hard enough it still works somehow… mostly :p
Especially if you want to wander around with your mix and match styles in SL and not just do pictures, where you can cheat about poke through or bad back views π
Sometimes it can help that you combine several parts of one designer, but not always you find what you want by just going through several outfits from one designer – plus I really do love the challenge to combine different creators as well π
I had a talk lately with one of my close friends about what is the advantage of standard sizes and mesh body sizes, because many designers do not even offer standard sizes anymore.
Part of that is that the SL community more and more uses the mesh bodies and standard sizes not always do fit on those, even if you can work many especially if you are not going to show too much skin. sometimes it does not matter for a simple pair of jeans, if you can alpha out everything properly what is covered by the jeans, or if you wear a full body suit with long sleeves for arms and legs. The more skin you show the more difficult it becomes because of the default alpha HUD for each mesh body.
But with the bigger usage of mesh bodies, certainly designers will tend towards the appropriate sizes and rigging to those as well. So I guess some when the standard sizes will be gone due the fact that they will not sell to well anymore.
And exactly because of this, I keep some parts even if they are older. I know many laughed when I told about my inventory numbers and called me a fool that needs to rezz forever, but for mix and matches sometimes if you sneak in an older part it can make it interesting again and as well spares you a lot of headaches by fiddling with fitted mesh only π (I am not saying i would use my hair from 2008 or really old looking accessories from 2010 all the time, but I do keep some things that are timeless for me and probably useful)
I am looking forward where SecondLife will go and with the new Bento possibilities it will be a new adventure like it was with every new possibility the past years – That keeps SL exciting to me… working out new things and new ways of importing likes and dislikes into a new way of virtual life π
Maybe in 10 years we laugh about good old times with standard mesh sizes, like we do now about flexible prims and sculpts :p
Pants: [sys] – “Mellow” NEW @ The Liaison Collaborative
Top: Asteria – “Rhapsody Fringe Top”
Pullover: Asteria – “Michelle-Cardigan Hanging Shoulder”
Waistcorset: Asteria – “Capretto Corset”
Shoes: Glamistry – “Lantana”
Hair: EMO-tions – “Vera”
Necklace: Eudora 3D – “Dream Catcher” – NEW @ Enchantment
Braclet left: Enfant Terrible – “L’odeur du Cuir”
Bracelet right: [kunst] – “Conrad”
Poses: ALIUD
Location: StoryBrooke Gardens
Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin
The weather at the moment drives me crazy… It is November and we have 12Β° to 17Β° celsius.
So one side of me wants to do winter mood pictures, the other tells me it is too warm outside to get into that mood :p .So when I unpacked the “Artemis” dress from [sys] I had to do another more autumn looking one;)
The amazing earrings and the cool bracelet I used come from MEVA and the clear pack pulled hair was done by EMO-tions.
The sim I chose for the pictures is one of my favourite casual looking sims. The “west of the Rain” sim is such a lovely island with so many different scenes and corners.
Dress & Belt/bag: [sys] – “Artemis” NEW @ The Crossroads
Hair: EMO-tions – “Maureen”
Earrings & Bracelet: MEVA – “Enia”
Poses: ALIUD
Location: West of the Rain
Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin
I’ll tell you who the monsters are! The people outside this tent! In your town, in all these little towns. Housewives pinched with bitterness, stupefied with boredom as they doze off in front of their laundry detergent commercials, and dream of strange, erotic pleasures. They have no souls. My monsters, the ones you call depraved, they are the beautiful, heroic ones. They offer their oddity to the world. They provide a laugh, or a fright, to people in need of entertainment. Everyone is living the life they chose. But you, you undoubtedly will be one of those soulless monsters. Perhaps you already are.
[Elsa Mars // American Horror Story]
In current usage, the word “freak” is commonly used to refer to a person with something strikingly unusual about their appearance or behaviour. This usage dates from the so-called freak scene of the 1960s and 1970s.
So… what is a freak? Am I a freak?
To me the term freak never had any bad taste. In school people called me freak as I didΒ not look like anybody else. I had colored hair in deep hues and colors (red, green, blue)I used to have an undercut or s side cut and my clothing never matched the mainstream. I always had an addiction for punk and gothic fashions in RL as well. I never saw a reason to look like all the other girls, just because someone decided that this is an actual trend right now. During my teenager times it was not always easy. If you are called a freak or an outsider especially while you grow up and try to find yourself.. go figure. Several times I tried to level myself down, to what they called ‘mainstream or trendy’, but for whatever reason I always felt like dressing up for carnival and wearing a costume. It never took long before I went back to what I really liked, to again be called freak. Back then freak did hurt, but that changed big time, when I discovered that they just could not handle people who are different, but that was years later…
So I finished my school as the outsider with just a handful people in school I went along well, but each of them was worth a million more as the ‘hipsters’ in my class.
The I went to university to become a teacher, as iI wanted to prove my family I can do something ‘normal’ as well besides running to concerts and making music. That did last quite long and I really made my first exam quite fine. In germany there is required a second one after one year of guided teaching and when I had that first exam in my hands, I already felt that is the end of the street for me, since having the second year done would require to fit into what the guiding professor/teacher expects.
The same time I was offered my first contract from a record label with one band I had back then. so that kinda made the decision easy, to leave the teacher thing behind with the first exam in my hands and finally turn towards the music scene, which I had desired before, but due to the family reasons not yet looked deeper into that just playing in some bands here and there.
It was not a huge contract, but it was my first and it was one :p and the more I walked into the music business, the more I discovered that way more musicians are freaks that everywhere else I was before*giggles* and I am using the word freak not in a bad way. So many great individuals, great open-minded people and all of a sudden being a freak did not mean to be an outsider anymore!
I had amazing 20 years in the music world before I thought about teaching at a school again.
I always had music students and tutored some kids if they could not follow the teachers in school with afternoon hours of trying to teach them maths, english or what ever was needed but never officially as a teacher more as a private mentor or tutor. Somewhen – about 4 years ago – I got a call from a school. They were asking if I would like to teach some guitar and bass guitar lessons for some kids of the school band, which they just started. It sounded exciting and I thought why not give it a try, especially because the principal was so amazing. He got told about me from a mother, tha had her child at his school, that was having bass guitar lessons from me for years. So I went there for a first meeting to meet the principal and talk about a few things since I was not the only one he called to find a music teacher for guitar and bass guitar. It was a wonderful experience and during our talk he told me he was a musician in his younger days as well, playing trumpet and trombone. I do not know how to say but in german we have a quote that says ‘The chemistry between us was right from the first moment”. Again I was an outsider, a freak with my clothing and my weird stylings at school but the kids liked it, as it was not the usual teacher look. To me it was totally new again to be an outsider but one the kids and as well my peers respected and as well liked…
I am still making music, play in bands and having fun, but I found a new chapter in my life which more and more puts me towards teaching at an official school.
Being a freak… once it did hurt be called like that, but nowadays I do not mind be called a freak or being an outsider, as I learned the most interesting people are freaks somehow and not squeezed into the mainstream π Do not fear to be different.. life can be so much more exciting. You meet so much more interesting people if you dare watch over the border of the little plate we call life π
Outfit (incl. hat): !dM (Devious Mind) – “Dolly”
Tights: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Fishnet Tights” (Appliers only)
Gloves: Sweet Tea – “Formal Gloves Essentials”
Shoes: lassitude & enui – “Wicked Booties”
Cuffs: The Annex – “Lock Down”
Necklace: Empyrean Forge – “Apprize Charm” – NEW @ Enchantment
Hair: Adoness – “Eutychia”
Eyeshadow: Slackgirl – “Candy Shadow” – NEW @ Enchantment
Lipstick: Zibska – “Nereza” – NEW @ Enchantment
Lollipops: Aisha – “Lolipop Patch” – NEW @ Enchantment
Glitter: E.V.E Studio – “Koi Glitter Puffs”
Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin
I wandered alone to the forest one night
Led by a music strange to hear
And followed the glow of a shimmering light
That seemed to grow distant as I grew near
The woods were alive with the fragrance of spring
But winter was everywhere clear to see
The moon shone bright and a bat on the wing
Beckoned me closer and said to me:
“A clearing close in the forest you’ll find
A fabulous banquet, a fairy ball
If you close your eyes and you open your mind
The veil disappears and you’ll see it all”
When I closed my eyes to the shimmering light
All memory faded and I could see
That a mushroom circle of red and white
And myriad fairies surrounded me
Beyond all space and beyond all time
On gossamer wings did the fairies fly
With a joy unknown to a music sublime
The fairies danced, and there danced I
“Those who seek us surely find us
See the trail we leave behind us
Some bewildered, some enlightened
Some are brave, some are frightened
Are we kind or are we vicious?
Nectar poison or delicious?
That, my sweet, you will discover
Fairy foe, or fairy lover”
Come and play as the wild fairies play
In a magical circle, a fairy ring
You won’t want to leave and forever you’ll stay
Where the vision is bright as spring
Come and dance the wild fairy dance
Spin in a circle as fast as light
Once you begin you are caught in a trance
And the world can grow old in a single night
I wandered alone to the forest one night
Led by a music strange and clear
If you happen to pass when the moon is bright
And the veils are thin you will find me here
If the veils are thin you will find me here
[Gary Stadler]
Outfit: Salt&Pepper – “Cybernized Bodysuit” NEW @ Gacha Garden
Feetstraps: Salt&Pepper – “Ryan”
Hair: EMO-tions – “Selma”
Tattoo: White Widow – “Moonlight”
Facetattoo: White Widow – “Honey”
Set: E.V.E Studio – “Whisper Petals” + “Sugarflies” + “Bioluminescent Fungus”
It’s close to midnight
Something evil’s lurkin’in the dark
Under the moonlight
You see a sight that almost stops your heart
You try to scream
But terror takes the sound before you make it
You start to freeze
As horror looks you right between the eyes
You’re paralyzed
You hear the door slam
And realize there’s nowhere left to run
You feel the cold hand
And wonder if you’ll ever see the sun
You close your eyes
And hope that this is just imagination
But all the while
You hear a creature creepin’ up behind
You’re outta time
Night creatures callin’
The dead start to walk in their masquerade
There’s no escaping the jaws of the alien this time
(They’re open wide)
This is the end of your life
They’re out to get you
There’s demons closing in on every side
They will possess you
Unless you change that number on your dial
Now is the time
For you and I to cuddle close together, yeah
All through the night
I’ll save you from the terror on the screen
I’ll make you see
‘Cause this is thriller
Thriller at night
And no one’s gonna save you
From the beast about to strike
You know it’s thriller
Thriller at night
You’re fighting for your life
Inside a killer
Thriller tonight
[Michael Jackson]
Dress: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Rosemary” – NEW @ The Bloody Horror Fair
Shoes: Astralia – “Bloody Bandage Feet Accessory” – NEW @ The Bloody Horror Fair
Headpiece: [ht+] – “Head Bandages”
Blood: Izzie’s – “Blood & Wounds” (applier for mesh body)
Eyes: Arise – “Blind Eyes”
Set/Poses: Poseidon – “The Cell”
Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin
Details on Wicca (right)
Outfit: GizzA – “Sorcerous Roses”
Headpiece: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Myostola”
Neckpiece: Maitreya – “Vintage Collar”
Spider Prop: Salt & Pepper – “Arachnophilla Spider Companion” (Gacha)
Models: Tempest Rosca (l) & Wicca Merin (r)
Photographer: Tempest Rosca
Autumn has not only the dark, misty and creepy side – It as well has the colorful, warm and cozy one π
Perfect for this time was the “Anna” outfit from Asteria, which I lately got. You have more color choices for that wonderful ensemble, but I decided to go with the light and brown looking one, as it just was matching so nice to the autumn colors.
The outfit contains 3 parts. The super sexy leather top, the high-waisted skirt and the amazing ‘over the shoulder’ hanging coat.
I would like to drag the focus a little bit more on the amazing new “Hortensia” hells from Glamistry. The amazing platform pumps are decorated with a super cute lace, that ends in a beautiful little ribbon at the back heel. With the huge color HUD you have an awesome range of trendy colors to customize the shoes to nearly any outfit.
What could be a better hair choice than the new “Leotie” hair from EMO-tions. Now available at the actual round of Shiny Shabby, that hair style just completed my look. With the light gypsy/boho feeling with the incredible little details and ornaments and the fabulous headband, it totally nailed my autumn feeling on the head π
Since I am already at the “All starts with a smile” sim, I guess I am going to explore the sim a little more, enjoying the beautiful colors of the actual season and see, if I can find some more nice locations for future posts π
Outfit: Asteria – “Anna” – NEW
Shoes: Glamistry – “Hortensia” – NEW
Tights: Izzie’s – “Sheer tights” (mesh body applier)
Hair: EMO-tions – “Leotie” NEW @ Shiny Shabby
Poses: ALIUD – “Runway 2” – NEW
Location: It all starts with a smile
Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin
There’s something I should get off my chest
I’m losing my mind and my life’s a mess.
Well everyone says do this and do that
Maybe they’re right
I feel like I’m gonna…….
It is so big yet I feel so small
It’s even in your shopping mall
Is my life wasting away
Don’t throw it away that’s what they say
I don’t wanna go out and fail
Yet I fail at home every day
I wonder someday if I’ll look back
With regrets on how I lived
Each way I turn I turn my back
Each time I turn I always look back
I’m trying to please everyone I don’t know how
I feel like I’m gonna…….
What should I do I really don’t know
Should I stay home or should I go
Well I’m struggling with my sanity
Is my life crumbling in front of me.
Do you know how it feels?
To feel like you’re gonna explode
Do you ever feel
Like you’re gonna explode.
[The Unseen]
Outfit: Sakide – “Impulse”
Shoes: :)(: Pixelfashion – “Vanina Boots”
Mask: PurpleMoon – “Lost Heart”
Nails & Handwraps: Formanails – “Scarabeus”
Hair: EMO-tions – “Tommy”
Scene: E.V.E Studio – “Broken Chains {The Bomb}”
Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin