Let it Snow! – Winterfun with [sys] & EMO-tions

We really got some freeze days over here in Germany the past few days and a lot of snow!

That kinda was one of the reasons, why I wanted to do a cold, winter look in a snowy environment :p

The amazing “Morisette” dress from [sys] was in the actual BishBox, which you can get just one more day before the new one will get released. The theme was ‘Wild Winter’. The BishBox is a monthly subscription box for the urban, crazy and wild girls of SecondLife. Every month 15 designers contribute for an amazing collection of wonderful items. All you need to do is just subscribe or preorder your box. No more window shopping, just unpacking a box of cool goodies 😉

The mega cool necklace, comes from EMO-tions. I am totally in love with the “Hawk” necklace. It is a huge frame with an amazing non symmetric look, perfect for a casual style.

Because of the winter season I at least wanted to add a jacket, but not cover up the whole dress. So I chose one of the awesome “Jacket over Shoulders” from COCO.

For the shoes I wanted something flat, to get a more casual, cool look, but as well it should match the winter themed idea. In the end I chose some simple docs with two different high socks, which I found on Marketplace from Ducknipple. They have a huge color HUD for the shoes and the socks and the higher one just touched the bottom seam of the dress – perfect – as they would have been made for it.

The hair should be something loosely, smart looking and so I went with one of my favourite hair brands. KoKoLoReS always has some more extraordinary looking hairstyles, which look to me very modern and fashion forward with their wisps and wild looking strands.

I really do love my new bento head from LeLutka. The rigging is amazing and the animations do look so smooth, nice and realistic. I was not a LeLutka addicted before the bento heads but after testing most of the popular bento heads for over one week, I came to the conclusion that LeLutka definitely has the best one for me. It does support shaping in an awesome way even if you put your sliders to extreme sizes without breaking or destroying the mesh or make it look awkward. The price is as well fantastic for what you get. 5K for the full head with animations already in it and they even upgraded to an Omega support now. You can use all the amazing Omega appliers and they fit perfectly.

Since I was not using LeLutka heads before I had to upgrade my makeups a little and went to the great sale of La Boheme. There I found various, super cool eyeshadow and lipsticks. The “Stella” eyeshadow I am using for today’s post was one of them.

The location, is an amazing sim I found while I had one of my exploring days. It is called Neverfar. It is made with so much love to the detail and so many different corners that invite to spend a lot more time to explore than just for a few pics. I met the owner there when I was walking around and she was super nice and kind. It really was a wonderful experience and as well a very productive time 😉


Dress: [sys] – “Morisette” – NEW @ BishBox

Jacket: COCO – “Jacket over Shoulders”

Shoes & Socks: Ducknipple – “Docs Vs1”

Necklace: EMO-tions – “Hawk”

Hair: KoKoLoReS – “Val”

Eyeshadow: La Boheme – “Stella”

Poses: ALIUD

Body Basics:

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 2.1”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara V3.5”

Ice Age – Mysterious, Unapproachable & Cold

Snow, darkness, post apocalyptic… that all was something I had in mind for this post.

When I unpacked the new “Frozen” outfit from [sys], I immediately knew – this would be the perfect outfit for that post.

A cape style looking jacket and some long sleeves under it, which are directly connected to the skirt. It doe s look like as if you would have your hands in your skirt pockets. The short mini skirt and the deep neckline give the whole ensemble a very seductive touch and I guess you should be not a freezy doll to wear that in the actual season *grins*.. ok maybe you can add some tights :p

The deep neckline was just perfect for the wonderful, filigree “Carlisle” necklace from Zibska. It comes with a huge HUD, that lets you customize it to many different color combinations.

For the boots I chose our new “Faye” boots, which we released for the actual Liaison Collaborative. The “Faye” boots come in many different colors and fit the Maitreya and Slink body.

The stunning and extraordinary head piece as well comes from [sys]. It was made for the Winter Solstice event from Pale Girl Productions. The event already is over sadly but I am sure you will find the “Kalt” head piece at the [sys] main store by now. All the amazing chains and pearls are part of the head piece and make it a real art piece!

The incredible awesome makeup was done by Slackgirl. She really has a hand for unusual and exciting face art! The “Cursed” makeup comes with a kick ass mesh piece around your neck as well, which i will probably showcase soon as well. for this post I decided to just use the makeup.  The awesome accented dark eye shadow with the wonderful gradient from the top to the bottom of the face is highlighted by the little silver – I am tempted to say Swarowsky – jewels and the awesome little moon at the forehead. It just gives you THE mysterious and seductive, tough look, like a cold and unapproachable strong lady.

When I looked for a location i just typed ‘ice age’ into search and right the first location that came up was ‘objective’ There isn’t much going on there but what I found was just perfect for my idea.

A cold, post apocalyptic snow chaos, with just a few structures left – buried in snow and ice.

I really had fun doing something ‘arctic and cold’ even if we still have no snow over here in Germany :p


Outfit: [sys] – “Frozen” – NEW @ The Liaison Collaborative

Headpiece: [sys] – “Kalt”

Shoes: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Faye Boots” – NEW @ The Liaison Collaborative

Necklace: Zibska – “Carlisle”

Makeup: Slackgirl – “Cursed for CATWA”

Hair: [taketomi] – “Mami Flared”

Poses: ALIUD

Location: objective

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Merry Christmas with Blacklace & Glamistry

I never did any Christmas posts with lingerie I guess so I thought, this year I finally could have one :p

Maybe it was not that, but the fact that I am stuck at home with pneumonia till christmas and all of a sudden my day is so long, that I can play around with stylings more than I ever expected right before Christmas 😉

Usually the days before Christmas are very hectic in RL. In school we need to finish the last Christmas presents for the parents, music students want to have a Christmas concert or I need to run for some last-minute presents… that all was wiped out all of a sudden, when I got told “You will stay at home on the couch, no cold air, no huge activities” by the doctor.

I never had pneumonia before and I have to admit it sucks.. all that weird coughing and fever that makes me feel dizzy and tipsy… horrible. I love my work and I enjoy my life! So being stuck on the couch is probably the most ugly thing I can imagine.

I was called a bad patient before, for being not patient enough and just laying down until I am better.. but hey… life is too short for just laying down and doing nothing!

When I saw the amazing group gift with the cute santa hat at Argrace, I did know, I wanna do a sexy Holidays post 😉

I put on the super sexy “Vivian Candy Cane” lingerie from Blacklace, which just was released for Christmas 😉 I always admired the amazing details and filigree textures of Blacklace lingerie and with that sweet ensemble Blacklace reinvented one of their amazing lingerie sets. The awesome shoes are made by Glamistry and with the huge roses on the top of the peep toes it matched perfect in cuteness to the hair and the lingerie 😉

To have some gold added to the holy days.. I used the “Faith” jewelry from EMO-tions, that reminded me of the little Christmas tree balls my grandma always had on her Christmas tree.

The furniture and deco I used for the set I mostly found in my “MadPea Christmas Calendar 2016”. That calendar was so much fun with all the quality gifties in it… I just can recommend it for all for the next year if they do it again 😉

I wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!


Lingerie: Blacklace – “Vivian Candy Cane” – NEW (mesh body applier)

Knee Leggins: AviCandy – “Knee Nylons Lace Red” (mesh body applier)

Shoes: Glamistry – “Rose Heels” – NEW

Hair: Argrace – “Santa Hat 2016” (group gift)

Jewelry: EMO-tions – “Faith”

Sofa: [Krescendo] – “The Outside In Chair”

Ladder: Pewpew! – “Ladder Christmas Tree”

Cats: NOMAD – “Kitty Choir” (yes! they are really singing!!!)

Candle on the ladder: *HEXtraordinary* – “Reindeer Antler Candle”

Oven: LAQ Decor – “Iron Stove & Kettle”

Candle on the bookcase: .random.Matter. – “Light Our Way – Candle”

Decor on the bookcase: LAQ Decor – “Angel Chimes”

Book Case: LAQ Decor – “White – Bookcase”

Poses: ALIUD

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Wicca’s Wardrobe: The Steampunk Crow


“People once believed that when someone dies, a Crow carries their soul to the land of the dead, but sometimes something so bad happens that a terrible sadness is carried with it and the soul can’t rest. Then sometimes, just sometimes, the Crow can bring the soul back and put the wrong things right .”

(Sahra – The Crow 1994)

I know that crows are usually black, but as iIwas styling, I wanted to do someting in a brown/nude tone for the HAUTE Magazine (http://hautesl.com/latest-issue/)

The quote out of the movie “The Crow” still was in my mind all the time when I was styling.  I like dark fantasy novels and movies and so many of my stylings have some of those in the back, even if I do not always name them or tell about it.

For this styling I started with the “XXX” dress from LWL. I had it for a longer time but never something came to my mind what I could do with it. With the theme of the minimal colors for the HAUTE Magazine the brown tone matched amazing and I paired the crow theme with some steampunk elements like the boots from Grim Bros and the helmet from Diram. The amazing wings were a gift from Reclaw Inshan, former designer of R.A.D. Together with the leggings from LeeZu and the jewelry from Chop Zuey, the fantasy idea came to live. LovelyMiwako7399 Menna too this amazing picture 🙂


Dress: LWL – “Aviary”

Leggins: LeeZu – “Burleske Tights”

Boots: :Oh!: – “Steampunk”

Jewelry: Chop Zuey – “The Miracle Business”

Helmet: Diram – “Micah”

Skin: Silken Moon – “Wicca Sepia”

Makeup: Nuuna’s – “Makeup v3 7”

Lipstick: blackliquid – “Lip Line”

Photogprapher: LovelyMiwako7399 Menna

Model & Stylist: Wicca Merlin

Wicca’s Wardrobe: Sometimes you just wanna be with the cool kids ;)


Sometimes you feel casual but still wanna play with the cool kids 😉

It is no secret that my favourite color is black and so I wanted to try a black and cool casual look. The look originally was created for the latest HAUTE Magazine of Leah Mc Cullough (http://hautesl.com/latest-issue/) but I loved the look and the picture so much that I decided to put in on the blog as well 😉 At this point thank you so much LovelyMiwako7399 Menna for such an awesome picture 😉

As I made the styling it still was very cold outside, but since the winter seems coming back in germany… it again matches the weather perfectly.

The pants and the jacket come from DeLa as well as the neck- and arm warmers. For the pullover I decided to wear one of my long time favourites from LeeZu.

The glasses I found at Steinwerk and for the hair I used one of the older styles of LeLutka. What I really like are the mesh ears with the tubes that you can get at Mandala and I use them a lot lately for the casual and grungy stylings 😉 It really is fun if you try to make a casual simple styling and then you find this accessory in your inventory and that glasses and then maybe a bag… and all of a sudden you are far away from any minimal idea :p.

And now I will go out and see if I can find some cool kids to play with 😉


Pants: DeLa – “Uva” /black
Top: LeeZu – “WoolPulli” /black
Jacket: DeLa – “Belinda” /black
Tights: LeeZu – “LaLun Tights” /black semi sheer
Glasses: Steinwerk – “Aviator”
Hair: LeLutka – “Tokyo” /pitch
Boots: TEN”10″ – “Megas”
Bag: [AD] Creations – “Punk Bag”
Nails: Love Soul – “Spirit”
Neckpiece: DeLa – “Neckwarmer Basic” /black
Arm Parts: DeLa – “Armwarmer Basic” /black
Skin: Silken Moon – “Wicca”
Makeup: Damned – “Tribal Makeup”
Lips: Silken Moon – “Wicca Lips Lead”

Photographer: LovelyMiwako7399 Menna

Model & Stylist: Wicca Merlin

Wicca’s Wardrobe: Spring Look for HAUTE Magazine


Yesterday the latest issue of the HAUTE Magazine was launched on the new website (hautesl.com).

Leah McCullough, owner of the amazing HAUTE Magazine, released the second issue of her great magazine and I was asked to make a few stylings, wich were showcased as “WWW” – Wicca’s Weird Wardrobe. Leah gave me the challenge to stay in a black/grey/white or brown/nude color rage and I really had fun doing this looks 😉

I had the great pleasure to work with LovelyMiwako7399 Menna for the whole column and she did amazing pictures 🙂

For the first look I wanted to go with a fashion chic spring look. For the basic I decided to go with pants from LeLutka and a top from LeeZu. Then the idea of the hat and the bag came to my mind. It looked like a nice casual look and I wanted to pimp it a little bit and added a part of a Mea Culpa gown, glasses from Izzie’s and some gloves.

To see all of them at once you can visite the website and read the whole magazine online at http://hautesl.com/latest-issue/.

A special thanks goes to Leah McCullough and LovelyMiwako7399 Menna for the great oppostunity and the wonderful pictures!


Pants: LeLutka – “Minnutuary” /tru
Top: LeeZu – “Valerie Blouse” /bark
Shoulderparts: Mea Culpa – “Chaos Theory” (part of the dress)
Glasses: Izzie’s – “Oversized Sunglasses”
Hair: Burly – “Zia II”
Hat: O&N – “Feodora Buckle”
Necklace: Yasum – “Flower”
Bag: Yasum – “Traveler Bag”
Skin: Silken Moon – “Wicca

Photographer: LovelyMiwako7399 Menna

Model & Stylist: Wicca Merlin

Wicca’s Wardrobe: New Born – Wicca Reloaded – The whole Story!!!


(Picture by LovelyMiwako7399 Menna)

After using it now for a while I would like to give it a special showcase finally 😉 – My first custom-made skin – “Wicca”!

Some of you might remember my make over in August 2012 where Wicca got a total new look (http://wiccamerlin.wordpress.com/2012/08/28/wiccas-wardrobe-new-born-wicca-a-total-makeover/).

Wicca2-Malicia Skins

(Picture by Pam Astonia)

The post was about getting a new look and the desire of a new shape that gives Wicca a bit more character and a bit more of herself. The new shape made a huge difference and change in my SL life but still I was no totally satisfied, as I never found a skin that really expressed what I wanted, no skin that I tried, gave Wicca that last ‘nail on the head’ look. While I was searching for another skin to try, Malicia Python, owner and designer of Silken Moon ran into my IM. I was wearing her “Rookie” skin for nearly a year, before that total change of myself and she made me a lot of custom makeups for. She was kinda sad that I took of her “Rookie” skin and she asked me what the reasons were. I told her about, that I looked for something that gives Wicca more character, more of herself. Malicia as well was working on a new concept and new skins that time and so we talked more and more about what I would like for Wicca. She made me look more into what I really wanted, as I could not really find words for what I was looking for. Wicca always had the huge eyes, her big nose and smaller lips as her features. She made me google, wich ethic group this facial features has. I looked trough a lot of pictures, websites and magazines until I found out, that the Scandinavians are the closest to what I wanted for Wicca. I gave Malicia some links of Scandinavian top models that I really liked.

That was the starting shot for my first custom-made skin. Malicia put a lot of her knowledge and creativity into the skin what again changed it a bit. We talked a lot on Skype and Malicia more and more became so much more that a skin designer to me. A friendship started growing that should go further that Second Life… but that was way later 😉


(Picture by LovelyMiwako7399 Menna)

The more we talked the more we discovered that we think alike in many things. We got each other known better and better, what as well helped for the custom “Wicca”skin. Malicia asked me a lot about every face detail. The start was the eyes and I was totally thrilled as I got the first prototype of the eye section. I never saw such detailed, filigree and realistic eyes on a skin… I never liked the photo realistic skins for SL and Malicia painted all by herself on Photoshop for it. As well Malicia always puts a lot of character in her skins as well with not making a total symmetric face. The left side always is a little wee bit different from the right and that gives the whole face a life.

Then we talked about the skintone.I did not wanna have the typical yellow touch that you find on many skins and for the Scandinavian look it had to be something special. She gave me a color palette, to choose a basic tone from that she can start working on. For sure I liked something in between… and not one of the pre-made ones and Mal started working this tone over the whole skin. With my new idea of the basic body shape that’s more square sized and has nearly no waist, Malicia came on the idea to give the skin itself a bit more shading of muscles and details. That came right in the direction I thought of, since those smooth, glossy and straight barbie bellies were so not my cup of tea 😉 Wicca was never super skinny but as well she had not too much curves as well so I liked the idea of a stronger and more muscle but still female looking character. As well she put a lot of time on the backside with the spine and the shoulders to make them match the look of the front side.

wicca by leah

(Picture by Leah McCullough)

For me the private bits were never super important, as I usually do not show them anyways but even those look so… yummy… *grins* and Wicca got a real cute, sexy round ass 😉

The next huge part was the lips. The shape I got from Jesika Contepomi, I tweaked around again and again – I guess as a model you keep doing this as you always try to grow – and the result did not allow me to wear most of the skins on the grid as the lips moved to a very special spot. All the usual skins I tried had destroyed, blurred and weird upper lips. so what to do.. again change my shape… no… I basically liked it how it was. So Malicia kinda painted my lips on my shape and avatar.. she pulled them up and down changed the shape until they were perfect.

Then we came to the eyebrows… I always liked the natural, realistic eyebrows, where you can see the single hairs, way more than the powdered, thin, small ones. Malicia made a dream come true with my new eyebrows and if you take a real close look they are again not the same for the left and right side.


(Picture by Natzuka Miliandrovic)

After month of work, in December 2012,I got my very own skin… the “Wicca” skin. For me it was like Christmas, Easter and Birthday to the same time. When Malicia sent me the first “Essential Wicca” folder, I was crying when I tried it on. Not even in my dreams I had thought about this result. Every little detail – the birthmark, the freckles, the lips the eyes… – simply everything was there!

The first time of my whole SL life I felt being Wicca… Wicca how I always desired her to be.

I could not stop looking at her face and her body… I guess I never looked at a naked avatar for so long before I started her dressing up :p .

From that moment on the idea of this post was growing, but I wanted to have some very special pictures for it. That took some time because more people were involved and we had all a different time schedule. I did not wanna rush it at all, because the whole story was way too important for me and that was why it took a while for the whole post to happen 🙂

I wanted to have different photographers that show their view of the new “Wicca”. I was really happy that I was able to have people, I respect, adore and feel a special connection to for this pictures. So I created different looks and styles for each of them.


(Picture by LovelyMiwako7399 Menna)

Pam Astonia made the first face shot of the new Wicca. Malicia wanted a special advertise for her custom skins at the Silken Moon Mainstore and she asked me about a few good photographers for close-ups. I adore Pam‘s work since I started modeling in Sl and I was more than happy as Malicia told me that Pam would be the photographer for the advertise ppicture in her store. The result was the second picture of this post.

After that I got asked from Misha Flanagan, who reopened her agency, if I could be the cover model for the new and first NK Magazine. She asked me if I know a photographer I would love to work with and wanted a “Reborn” theme… perfect as well for my “New Born” post. I suggested LovelyMiwako7399 Menna as the photographer I would like to work with for this special cause. I liked the image so much that I used it as the opener for this post :).

The third picture was made of Lovely again and it shows her view and how she sees Wicca. We had a very nice conversation during we did the shoot and I would like to quote her a little and share part of the conversation 😉

[11:04] LovelyMiwako7399 Menna: thing with you is
[11:04] LovelyMiwako7399 Menna: you are a whole
[11:04] LovelyMiwako7399 Menna: Is like trying to grab air and bottle it.
[11:04] LovelyMiwako7399 Menna: Air changes
[11:04] LovelyMiwako7399 Menna: it moves
[11:04] LovelyMiwako7399 Menna: it can be a caress and at the same time it can be violent and angry.
[11:04] LovelyMiwako7399 Menna: you are a mixture of air and water.
[11:05] LovelyMiwako7399 Menna: you carve your way through problems.
[11:05] LovelyMiwako7399 Menna: and you open roads for yourself
[11:05] LovelyMiwako7399 Menna: and you can be as sweet as you can be violent and rough.
[11:05] Wicca Merlin: *immediately grabs you and pulls you in a super tight hug
[11:05] LovelyMiwako7399 Menna: Is very hard to capture you

Number 4 was made by Leah McCullough. I adore her picture work for a long time and the last months she became a real close friend as well. Leah for me always was someone, that I adored for her pictures. The clean and realistic look of her pictures and her classy style and look always was something I looked up to. I was very happy as Leah started her own HAUTE Magazine, where I am allowed to contribute a few of my weird any crazy ideas 😉

Last but not least picture number 5 was made by Natzuka Miliandrovic. I follow Nat‘s flickr stream for a long time and we had the pleasure to work together for different magazines in the past. Nat gives all of her pictures a very special look that became her trademark. I cannot really say what it is, but I would be able to tell fast if a picture is from her or not 🙂 Nat became a very close friend to me too over the last month. We talked a lot on Skype and in SL and we discovered that we think alike in many things.

For the 6th picture I again approached Lovely. Usually I never be on pictures fully naked. Maybe it is my german background… I do not know what it is but nude pics usually for quickly get a bad taste. In germany we have the weird fact, that always if the glory of a prominent person fades, they undress for the Playboy or other magazines. With that in the back of my head I declined many photo shoots, that required to be naked without any lights or covers that hide the private bits, as I always was scared of an unwanted ‘outcome’ when you have to give all power to a photographer and have no power anymore on what the result will be.

But my new skin was made so incredible on the body as well that the desire was growing more and more for a nude picture that shows always and nothing to the same time. I went to Lovely‘s IM and explained her what I would like to try. She knows me very well and she knows exactly about my feeling about nudity for my avatar. I trust Lovely so much that I was sure if she takes the challenge on this idea of mine, it will be a mega amazing picture and I would not regret that I did it 😉 . The outcome of our little project you can see on the picture right above 🙂

I would like to thank Leah McCullough, Natzuka Miliandrovic, LovelyMiwako7399 Menna and Pam Astonia for their amazing, stunning and incredible work, that made this post to happen and as well for their friendship!!!

The most huge thank you that I can imagine… and I have no even words for how grateful I am… goes to Malicia Python. She made a huge dream come true with creating me a special custom “Wicca” skin that only was made for me alone. I never even dreamed about to have a skin customized to my avatar, to Wicca and unique on the whole SL grid since it never will be sold to anyone. Malicia and me got a very special friendship, that was growing even more during the development of the “Wicca” skin and it was a huge honor to meet this wonderful Lady on the 24th of December 2012 in RL.

Thank you Malicia, for what you are to me and for the wonderful and true friendship! And for sure for that incredible super amazing skin!!!

Wicca Dreamy Head Shot1

(Picture by me 😉 )

Funky Chic with SoliDea FoliEs for the Ashraya Project

Dress & Head Piece: SoliDea FoliEs – “Koi Dress” – NEW (Ashraya Project) (mesh)

Face Tattoo: White Widow – “Wold Flowers” – NEW (Ashraya Project)

Hair: Loovus Dzevavor – “Big ol’ Bun”

Necklace: Mandala – “Hannya”

Earrings: *P* – “Monica”

Boots: Redgrave – “Bonnie”

Nails: Mstyle – “Perfect Hands”

Poses: Corpus

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Elegance and beauty for a good cause!

Gown: Tres Beau – “Ashraya” – NEW (Ashraya Project)

Jewelry: Tres Beau “Ashraya” – NEW (Ashraya Project)

Hair: EMO-tions – “Memory” – NEW (My Attic Event)

Lashes: PanJen – “Dramatic Lashes lil stars”

Skin: Silken Moon – “Rookie”

Poses: Corpus

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Rotten Defiance, Loovus Dzevavor and White Widow for the Ashraya Project

Dress: [*RD*] – “Maxi Dress-White Flower” – NEW – (Ashraya Project) (mesh)

Hair: Loovus Dzevavor – “Lata Mem” – NEW – (Ashraya Project)

Facetattoo: White Widow – “Wild Flowers” – NEW – (Ashraya Project)

Eyeliner: Silken Moon – “Wicca”

Jewelry: Finesmith – “Synergy” (Groupgift)

Lashes: Detour – “Spider”

Nails: Love Soul – “”Spirit”

Poses: Corpus

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin