What now?!?

“Am I sitting in a tin can
Far above the world
Planet Earth is blue
And there’s nothing I can do
Though I’m past one hundred thousand miles
I’m feeling very still
And I think my spaceship knows which way to go…”
[David Bowie]

Yes, I know… Cyberpunk Fair is over, but it seems I am not yet done with my sci-fi moods :p

Today it is less cyberpunk that actual real sci-fi I guess, but that doesn’t matter – I love both anyways ๐Ÿ™‚

Today I was going to try something in a space capsule, like I would be on a mission to a new planet. I guess I watched too much movies like “Elysium, Interstellar, The Martian or my absolute favourite one – Serenity including the series of Firefly” again, which dragged me in such a mood. But that was cool, as I anyways wanted to showcase the new “THX Sci-Fi Set 1” from Ex Machina. The whole set contains console, cannister, crate and lamp… the lamp I will have to add into another post, as it did not look right for my picture of a space capsules cargo bay and that was what I was going for.

I do not know what it is, that attracts me so much about futuristic thoughts – Maybe it is the desire to know what will come? Maybe it is the desire to see something new? Maybe it is just something very human that you start thinking where you could go if the human race finally destroyed the earth completely? I have no idea, but I do enjoy movies and stories about that, as well I like to play with those thoughts in Second Life.

The cool backdrop was made by The Bearded Guy for a gacha set and I guess it was the rare piece of that gacha. I loved the way how you can look out the back window and see another planet. That gave such a cool cargo bay feeling that the “THX Sci-Fi Set 1” did fit on so perfect. The idea behind the scenes was, that I was on a mission and something went wrong and I tried to figure out what to do next, to not screw up completely. That as well gave me a brief idea for my pose choices.

For my outfit I chose some parts that I got at the CyberPunkย  Fair from Flair for Events, which was ending not too long ago, but I think most of the creators will have their items in their main stores by now.

A few of you asked me, why I am wearing the same makeup for a few posts now already… that hasย  simple reason. I do have an everyday look where I do use an eyeshadow from Zibska and a natural lipstick from alaskametro<3 and for a casual look, or even a mechanics look I would feel weird wearing heavy makeups. There is ties where you just do not need makeup, even if your inventory is full of it and you got already more than you ever can use *snickers*

Another reason is, that I sometimes do want to show the heads more pure than covered in tons of makeup, to show that they are still mega versatile even without makeups and fancy face paints ๐Ÿ˜‰ Like today, I am wearing the “Simone” head from LeLutka again – my everyday “Wicca Face” head. Today I wanted her to have a more bad girl, cool chick with the focus on the face it self and on the piercings. Plus the glasses would have covered anyways most of the eyeshadow.

I hope you enjoyed my little Sci-Fi mood today – Now I have to jump back into my GoT mood for my next post ๐Ÿ˜‰ That is one of the nice things about Second Life… you can change looks, times and genres in like seconds!


Outfit: AsteroidBox – “Erebus Outfit” (Maitreya)

Jacket: {Psycho.Byts} – “N.i.x – N.i.g.h.t – Vest Green” (Maitreya, Gacha)

Gloves: Wicca’s Originals – “Roadie Gloves” (Maitreya, Bento)


Necklace: Avada – “Denari”

Upper Arms: :::SOLE::: – “SA – Armtech Mk.4”

Glasses: :::SOLE::: – “SA – Glasses Shinkan White (Black)”

Piercing 1: :Z.S: – “Spiked Snake Bites” (LeLutka, Simone)

Piercing 2: BLAXIUM – “Venerosa Piercing” (LeLutka, Simone)

Nails: Meva – “Bento Nails 3” (Maitreya, Bento)

Hair & Makeup

Hair: .shi – “Kuwn”

Makeup: Zibska โ€“ โ€œNoir Pack 06โ€ (LeLutka Applier)

Lipstick: alaskametro<3 โ€“ Londonโ€ (LeLutka Applier)

Body & Tattoos

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.3”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Ears: .:E.A.Studio:. – “Aksuna”

Tattoo: THIS IS WRONG – “Falken” (Maitreya Applier)

Poses & Props

Poses: Foxcity

Backdrop: The Bearded Guy – “Going to The Hole *RARE* – SCI FI Backdrops” (Gacha)

Furniture: Ex Machina – “THX Sci-Fi Set 1”

Model & Photographer

Wicca Merlin

“Wait for me at 8 o’clock” he said…

“Alone in the room, she impatiently waited
No aphrodisiac could have kept her sedated
Quietly, he entered, his scent filled the room
He knew her lust for him, would be her doom…”
[Dorinda Duclos]

Today I was in a little bit of a fetish mood and wanted to play a little bit *grins*

The “Aida” head from LeLutka, had such cute, but as well smart touch for me, that I came across the idea of a girl waiting for her Master coming home. I read many novels and books about BDSM and submission. Many of them had the situation in them, about a girl being at home waiting for her Master’s return (from work or what ever). Even in the Fifty Shades of Grey fairytale, he wants her to wait kneeling at the door of the playroom when he enters. That kind of situation I had in mind when I was taking todays pictures.

I did not want to do a mainstream nude or lingerie picture and when I found the “Leonie” dress from amias, I could not resist to use that one and pimp it a little bit with the “Collar of O” And the “Dandy Harness” from Salt & Pepper.

Today I would love to talk a little bit about shapes. I had a talk with a dear friend lately and she creates shapes. During my modeling times, I have to admit I never was wearing pre-made shapes.ย  I learned in several model schools, that the shape/face is the models trademark and somehow that is true. I come from a time in SL where we not even yet dreamed of sculpts or mesh or other body parts than the system body Second Life gave us. So we had to learn how to make our own unique shape and be able to change and twist it if needed for clothing, skins or accessories. When the first generation of sculpted body parts came out or even more when the first generation of bento heads came out – the static ones – it was quite a problem as all of a sudden we could not anymore work on our faces more than having different skins to make them look at least a bit different from others that bought the same head. When the next generation of the bento heads came out we all were kinda relieved as we now had at least a little bot of our freedom back to customize our facial shape again a little more due new bones.

While I always made my shapes myself as a model, I learned how handy pre-made shapes can be when I have to to vendors and teasers for the store or if I am showcasing different heads. If you go out and ask people about their shapes, most will snort and tell you, they won’t be up for sale as they made them their own. If you ask others where they bought their shapes they will tell you what kind of a loss of money it would be, as you can make your own shape. But maybe sometimes you do not feel to sit down and make your own shape? Or you tried and they end up looking always the same and you want to look different? Or they do not feel comfortable with what they did because they do have trouble with finding the right proportions? There is various reasons why people try ready made shapes and there is nothing wrong with it. Most of the shapes I know are even modifiable and you can use them as a base to create your own, having a rough idea for the basic numbers of a direction you like.

So, today I am wearing one of WrenNoir Cerise’s shapes. The “Alba” shape from {wren”s nest} was made for the “Aida” head from LeLutka. Most of the shapes nowadays are based on one specific heads, as you can really get funny looks if you do the wrong thing to a shape for a certain head. I sometimes tried for fun to wear shapes made for LeLutka on LAQ heads what really looks incredible funny. Wren usually has more than one shape in her packs – she provides for example a ‘proportional’ one, a ‘slightly curvy’ and a ‘tall & slender’ and if you get lucky sometimes even a ‘BONUS Candy Size’ which is a little smaller and I do love exactly those ๐Ÿ™‚ With the “Alba” shape I was lucky, there was a ‘candy size’ one in there. As well you will find different eyebrow shapes in the pack and as well a style-card. The style card might be useful, if you would like to copy the exact look of the vendor picture, because even skins do matter and not every skin will make the shape and/or the head look the same. For this post I did not work on the shape at all, so what you see is exact the one I pulled from the pack, but as I mentioned before, you can modify them!

Next time you get asked, where you have your shape from or if you would know a place where good shapes are sold… don’t drag them down by only saying they should make their own… give them a chance to learn from ready made shapes or just being lazy and still look good ๐Ÿ˜‰


Outfit: amias – “Leonie” (Maitreya)

Shoes: Blueberry – “Cupcake Boots – Sharp Heels” (Maitreya)


Collar: Salt & Pepper (S&P) – “Collar of O” (Maitreya)

Harness: Salt & Pepper (S&P) – “Dandy Harness” (Miitreya, Gacha, Rare)

Nails: FORMANAILS – “Wedding” (Maitreya, Bento)

Hair & Makeup

Hair: no.match – “No.Click”

Makeup: Zibska โ€“ โ€œNoir Pack 06โ€ (LeLutka Applier)

Lipstick: alaskametro<3 โ€“ Londonโ€ (LeLutka Applier)

Body & Tattoos

Head: LeLutka – “Aida 3.3”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Shape: {wren’s nest} – “Alba Proportional – LeLutka Aida Bento Head”

Skin: alaskametro<3 – “Sunny” (LeLutka/Omega Applier)

Eyes: LeLutka – “Eyes.Korina 3.3”

Poses & Props

Poses: Foxcity

Couch:ย 22769 – “Chesterfield Couch Black”

Table: DRD – “Bondage Sidetable Dark”

Glass:ย 22769 – “Martini” (Gacha, Common)

Sculpture 1:ย 22769 – “The Hidden”

Sculpture 2:ย 22769 – “Bronze Flamingo Figurines” (Gacha, Common)

Toys: BackBone – “Toy Rack”

Whip:ย 22769 – “Leather Whip”

Wallart: 22769 – “Metal Wallart” (Gacha, Common)

Model & Photographer

Wicca Merlin


CyberPunk Fair is over – Sadly!

But I am not yet done with my cyber moods *giggles*. The event had so many awesome new designs and creations, I just cannot stop yet to play with what I got.

Today I had mega fun with the “Samurai Hoverboard” from UNGOD and the matching pose set from Poseidon. Gryphon Vendetta, owner and designer of both brands, included aย  more simple looking board in the pose set but I loved the hover board and the katana so much from the UNGOD set that I had to cheat them in ๐Ÿ˜‰

Again I have to say, how much I love Poseidon Poses. They are so full of energy and so well thought through, it really inspires a lot of you have such poses for pictures – they are really poses for special purposes!

And again I am happy to show you another side of the “Simone” head from LeLutka. I do not know how to say, but the “Simone” head, is one of the most versatile ones. I know that some call it edgy and not as smooth as other ones, but maybe that is exactly what I do love. Every skin gives you different looks and with using the editing sliders, you even can force that more. This time I wanted a cyberpunk look and with the blue skin and some modification tattoos it really got a light machine character. The lips do have an amazing shape. I am not a friend of too full lips for my look and with thinner lips most heads do look angry – but not “Simone”!

With the cool face mods fromย  -[TWC]- and the crone ,paired with some cool cyber looking eyes from CURELESS [+], the whole look really became freaking cool. The smart “EmoTech Lens 1” from Astara, is a sweet little thing too. You can decide with a HUD, what kind of smiley face you want to show on your lens, as well you can choose your color. The cool neko headpiece was made by the one and only Deccan Arida from [The Forge] and it certainly could not be missed for my cyberpunk style today ๐Ÿ™‚

What caught my attention as well were the lipsticks from nox. They do give the lips that awesome plastic look and oyu have many colored to choose from.

After all I do hope Flair for Events will make the CyberPunk Fair an annual event as I really miss this kind of things and it was like heaven to find so many in one place ๐Ÿ™‚


Outfit: :::insanya::: – “Azura Bodysuit Cyber” (Maitreya)

Gloves: [Cubic Cherry] – “{Ekion} Arm Augments” (Maitreya)

Garter: .:Avanti:. – “Mina Garter” (Maitreya)

Socks: *katat0nik* – Boot Socks (dark)

Shoes: L’Emporio – “Cryptor” (Maitreya)


Glasses: Astara – “EmoTech Lens 1”

Right Upper Leg: [V-Tech] – “Forbidden Experiment” (Maitreya)

Cables: .Inkhole. – “USB Set” (Maitreya)

Collar: A&Y – “Lorna Collar – Dark – 01” (Maitreya, Gacha)

Headpiece: [The Forge] – “Cyber Neko Headphones”

Face/Nose: -[TWC]- – “Hazard Tube black sick”

Hair & Makeup

Hair: KMH – “CP001 Rigged (Size S)”

Lipstick: NOX. – “Incomplete Lip” (Omega Applier)

Body & Tattoo

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.3”

Skin: YS&YS – “Pris Elf Skin” (LeLutka & Maitreya Applier)

Eyes: CURELESS[+] – “Spookshow Eyes”

Tattoo: the crone – “Flesh Shell” (LeLutka & Maitreya Applier)

Facetattoo: -[TWC]- – “Hazard – full blk” (Omega Applier)

Poses & Props

Hoverboard: UNGOD – “Samurai Hoverboard Shinto”

Weapons: UNGOD – “Mirror’s Edge (blue)”

Poses (incl. Katana and Board): Poseidon – “Samurai Hoverboard” (Bento)

Model & Photographer

Wicca Merlin

Cyber Games

I immensely enjoy the CyberPunk Fair ๐Ÿ™‚ Sadly today is the last chance for this amazing event ๐Ÿ™

There are so many amazing creations and designs, that it is really hard to choose, with what you wanna start making pictures. Today I decided to go with the awesome “Tiera” hair from EMO-tions, the cool “Cyberdeck” from UNGOD and one of the latest releases from A&Y, the “Aeon Cyber Top” paired with the “Aeon Cyber Corset”.
I was experimenting so much with teal and orange lately with all the great cyber items, so today I wanted to have another color palette – Purple and Blue was the choice of the day ๐Ÿ™‚

When I was done styling, I faced the same problem like always… find the perfect location for the pictures. First I went to Cocoon, a new and super awesome cyber sim, but I quickly realized I need something different. Then I suddenly remembered, that there was a mega cool gacha at the CyberPunk Fair, that as well was based on purple colors. The K&S “Neon Night Mood” The whole set is made with such amazing love for the details – even the shadows! You can use the set as a full one, but as well the single parts of it and it doesn’t matter if you miss a piece it still looks amazing.

For todays poses I went with the “Akali” set from Poseidon and one special pose, which was made for the advert of the “Cyberdeck”- Gryphon Vedetta, owner and designer of Poseidon and UNGOD was so kind to give it to me ๐Ÿ™‚ Even if the poses were not made for the “Cyberdeck” they just were perfectly matching for my pictures ๐Ÿ˜‰

The head I am wearing today, again the the “Simone” head from LeLutka. As I told you before, I will try to show the different heads with all kind of different skins, to show how versatile they are and how different they can look. With the “Kialaya” skin from Lumae, “Simone” gets a way younger look than the one I use to have. You can see as well how different nose and mouth do look with different skins ๐Ÿ˜‰ So you can customize your face not only with the sliders, but with a certain skin too.


Jacket: A&Y – “Aeon Cyber Top” (Maitreya)

Top: A&Y – “Aeon Cyber Corset” (Maitreya)

Panties: A&Y “Siren Cyber Panties” (Maitreya)

Shoes: Wicca’s Originals – “Michonne” (Maitreya)


Headset: {Psycho:Byts} – “N.i.x – N.i.g.t.h Headset Black” (Gacha) – NEW @ CyberPunk Fair // May 2019

Nails & Rings: [CX] – “Shredder Claws” (Maitreya)

Cyberdeck: UNGOD – “Cyberdeck Grunge Blue” – NEW @ CyberPunk Fair // May 2019

Hair & Makeup

Hair: EMO-tions – “Tiera” – NEW @ CyberPunk Fair // May 2019

Lipstick: NOX. – “Incomplete Lip” (Omega Applier)

Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.3”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Skin: Lumae Fantasy – “Kialaya Tone” (LeLutka & Maitreya Applier)

Poses & Props

Poses: Poseidon – “Akali Set” (Bento)

Set: K&S – “// Night Neon Mood //” (Gacha) – NEW @ CyberPunk Fair // May 2019

Model & Photographer

Wicca Merlin

Tokyo after Dark

Being still in my dark period, I was in a dark casual mood today ๐Ÿ˜‰

I love the “VoDoo” ears so much, I had to do another post with them. I am not a fan of elf ears for everyday looks but sometimes – for what ever reason – I love them not just for a fantasy style.

Today I wanted to showcase one of Ex Machina’s awesome buildings. I rarely saw better structures that are made with more love for the details, than the designs from Hatris Panacek, owner and designer of Ex Machina. It is no secret , that I adore her work, otherwise we never would have asked her to make a custom built store building and most of it’s interior for us. Hattie has amazing skills when it comes to building and as well to texturing. She works so hard to get her realistic looking surfaces done and it pays of every time she does a new release. The “Tokyo after Dark” building is one of her latest creations. On her vendor she states, that his is the first in a set of urban, Japanese, cyberpunk styled buildings. That mean for me we can hope on more of those, which would make me super duper happy, because I LOVE that kind of style ๐Ÿ˜‰

For my pictures I used 2 of the buildings and the amazing street components she delivers with the building. I just turned one of the buildings 90 degrees, so I could showcase the front and the backside as well – I really loved the stair case in the back a lot. I snapped over 10 pictures and I liked all of them. Making a decision was really not easy this time. When I started I just wanted to showcase the amazing “VoDoo” ears and the awesome “Tokyo after Dark” building. But the more I was fooling around with a style the more I got my vibe for that dark urban look. I used the amazing “Bella Leather Pants” from [Gos]. I already blogged those before, but in a more sweet casual style and I wanted to try if they do work for some more dark looks as well – They do!

What as well caught my attention a lot was the new tattoo from Mister Razzor. I love when tattoos go up till parts of the head, but not many are really seamless. The “Dante” tattoo, which was released at the Black Fair not too long ago, did not disappoint in that matter ๐Ÿ™‚

Again I am wearing my everyday head from LeLutka. I know the “Simone” bento head was one of the first heads, that LeLutka released when the new bento generation of heads came out, but it is still my absolute favorite one, even if I more and more enjoy the new Korina head as well *winks*

The “Simone” head with a skin from the Skinnery became kinda my trademark. When I first put on the “Simone” head, I wasn’t really sold on the first try, as it looked very young with the default skin from Glam Affair. Since I am in Second Life now for over 10 years I wanted a more adult look for my pixels. I did a lot of things and I did grow up lightly too during my Second Life journey. That I wanted to mirror with my avatar as well. I remember very well the moment when I put on “my” skin. As models we all had quite some trouble when the first mesh heads came out and we all looked the same more or less, while we were told ALWAYS, tht our face would be our trademark in the modeling business. But the bento generation changed that “issues” pretty fast, when we were able again to at least customize our heads a little more again. From that moment on I was in love with my “Simone” head. I tried all the new bento heads from various brands but none was able to satisfy my needs as LeLutka did. What I do love the most on the “Simone” head (and as well on the Korina one), that it is not the usual mainstream beauty. It does have edges and give – depending on the skin – a very characteristic look. With my Skinnery skin and some face modifications from Izzie’s, I was completely sold with my new look and never really changed it drastically again – just some minor shape and other changes here and there ๐Ÿ˜‰


Top: [CX] – “Mucronate Top – Leather” (Maitreya)

Pants: [Gos] – “Bella Leather Pants & Belt” (Maitreya)

Shoes & Leggings: Eudora 3D – “Aerendyl Boots” (Maitreya)

Gloves: Wicca’s Originals – “Roadie Gloves” (Maitreya)


Glasses: BONDI – “The Extrovert Sunglasses”

Collar: VOBE – “Stzar Prision Choker”

Piercing: [CX] – “Drop Septum”

Hair & Makeup

Hair: Dura – “Collaboration02_Bob2” (Gacha, Common)

Makeup: Zibska – “Noir Pack 06” (LeLutka Applier)

Lipstick: alaskametro<3 – London” (LeLutka Applier)

Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.3”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Ears: .:E.A.Studio:. (Eclipse Art Studio) – “Ears VoDoo”

Tattoo: Mister Razzor – “Dante” (OMEGA Applier)

Poses & Props

Set: Ex Machina – “Tokyo after Dark – The iKON”

Poses: Foxcity

Model & Photographer

Wicca Merlin

Red Trench…

“Tess, there’s about as much chance of me getting behind a desk as there is of me getting a new girlfriend.”

[Dick Tracy]

I do not know why, but when I tried on the “Roxy” gacha set, I instantly had a Dick Tracy feeling *giggles* Probably it was the cool trench coat of the set ๐Ÿ˜‰

The “Roxy” gacha set is an awesome collaboration between [Gos] and Lybra. While Lybra made the lingerie and the trench coat, [Gos] contributed the cool boots. The lingerie fits amazingly under the trench and for a cool RP, I can see a complete use for that *giggles* I guess I will have to showcase the lingerie some when as well, but for today I just wear it underneath the trench coat and it just pokes out here and there when my pixels move ๐Ÿ˜‰

The super cute hair was my by no.match one of my personal favorite hair stores. The huge wavy hair matched perfect to my little “Dick Tracy” mood. It originally was made for the COSMOPOLITAN event but it should be at the main store by now.

Now you will wonder, why Wicca looks so ‘young today’… that has a special reason ๐Ÿ˜‰

As I stated before I feel so honored to be chosen as a LeLutka blogger and I certainly want to showcase all of their amazing work.ย  Today I am wearing the “Vera” head. Usually I try to look like a middle aged woman between 30 and 40 with my avatar, but the Vera head had such a cute vibe for me, I could not resist to get a young skin for it too. It is incredible how you can change the look of each LeLutka head with different skins and shapes. I did not have that for other bento mesh heads that much, that is probably the reason why I am so addicted about LeLutka heads *snickers* Plus the fact that they are so versatile, they do have an amazing HUD and I never ever had trouble with controlling my head completely. I know that many do have issues with HUD s from other heads, as they are either so many different HUDs, or one way too huge that isn’t that lag resistant. I enjoy the HUDs for the LeLutka heads a lot. They are clearly structured, have several tabs, that let you customize the heads with textures and animations and you even can do backup safeties for your heads if you get updates or if something goes wrong. You do do not have to set up your head from scratch you just can use your back up to restore your settings and safed makeups/skins on a fresh copy. LeLutka update their heads on a regular base with all new features like baked mesh and they are fixing minor issues, which I rarely notice before they get fixed ๐Ÿ˜‰ I soon have to make a post about the great add-ons too. Did you know that LeLutka made several candies that cooperate with their mesh heads? I love chewing their bubble gum inworld on my avatar – but that will be another post soon!


Coat: Lybra – “Roxy Trench” (Maitreya, Gacha) – NEW @ Epiphany

Bra: Lybra – “Roxy Bra” (Maitreya, Gacha) – NEW @ Epiphany

Panties: Lybra – “Roxy Panties” (Maitreya, Gacha) – NEW @ Epiphany

Shoes: [Gos] – “Roxy Boots” (Maitreya, Gacha) – NEW @ Epiphany


Necklace: < IDEALIA > – “Quera Necklace”

Bracelet (left): [ kunst ] – “Conrad Bracelet”

Bracelet (right): [ kunst ] – “Taylor Bracelet”

Nails: FORMANAILS – “Stiletto 1” (Maitreya, Bento)

Hair & Makeup

Hair: no.match – “No.Affair”

Makeup: Izzie’s – “Perfect Liner” (LeLutka Applier)

Lipstick: ALMA – “Fall” (LeLutka Applier)

Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLutka – “Vera 3.3”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Skin: Glam Affair – “May” (LeLutka Applier)

Poses & Props

Poses: Foxcity


BackBone – “Office Life – Large Locker” (Gacha)

BackBone – “Office Life – Desk” (Gacha)

BackBone – “Office Life – Locker” (Gacha)

BackBone – “Office Life – Wall Basket 2” (Gacha)

BackBone – “Office Life – Frame” (Gacha)

BackBone – “Office Life – Life Wall Sign” (Gacha)

BackBone – “Office Life – Trash Can” (Gacha)

BackBone – “Office Life – Vintage Radiator” (Gacha)

BackBone – “Office Life – Industrial Rug” (Gacha)

BackBone – “Office Life – Stool” (Gacha)

BackBone – “Office Life – Floor Lamp” (Gacha)

BackBone – “Office Life – Desk Lamp Blue” (Gacha)

22769 – “Office Binder” (Gacha)

22769 – “Pencil Sharpener” (Gacha)

22769 – “Vintage Radio” (Gacha)

22769 – “Vintage Typewriter” (Gacha, GG Reward)

Fiasco – “Old Office Lotion and Tissues” (Gacha)

Fiasco – “Old Office Games Gift” (Gacha)

Fiasco – “Old Office Chair” (Gacha)

[La Baguette] – “Box of pizza 3 slice left v2”

[INDO] – “Soda Can”

Model & Photographer

Wicca Merlin

After Dark


In the dawn
I wake up to find him gone
And the note
Says only “After dark”

[Tito & Tarantula]


Ok, to be fair – The pictures for this post were inspired a lot by “True Blood”. True Blood is an American dark fantasy horror television series produced and created by Alan Ball and based on “The Southern Vampire Mysteries”, a series of novels by Charlaine Harris.

I watched it alredy in the past but I always missed the 7th season and now I finally found it on sky – Hooray \o/!!! Maybe that is, why I was going for an After Dark feeling ๐Ÿ˜‰

So, while I was watching on my second screen I styled up the amazing “Bianca” harness, made by Salt & Pepper. It originally was released for the Fetish Fair this year, but I am sure you will find it at the main store by now. That harness really hides nothing *grins* and shoes off all of your beauty to the one you like to play with *winks* – Red totally liked it, too! With the HUD you get 8 different leather and 5 different metal colors to play with. Certainlyย  went with black as it is my personal favorite color anyways. So even if I try sometimes to not use the black options, I can’t do anything against it, if it nevertheless happens ๐Ÿ˜‰

Mostly I avoid showing my private parts to the public, but I did not want to cover the outfit with another piece of clothing. So when I saw the “No.Help” hairstyle from no.match, it was the perfect solution to my little personal problem. The hair covers the needed bits and still shows the awesome harness – mission achieved!

I was wearing boots for the shoot, but since they are mostly cut off I did do a closeup only for them. The “Kate Thigh High Boots”- made by [Gos] – are so super awesome, that they deserved a special spotlight still ๐Ÿ˜‰ They really go up very high and I do LOVE that height for all short bodysuit or harness outfits. I personally see more sexiness in covered legs than just having them blank. That can be over-knee boots, stockings, socks or tights – anyways what I prefer it over having bare legs, except for swim-wear. The boots are made for all the popular mesh bodies (Maitreya, Slink & Belleza) and you get a lot of color options with 3 different HUD packs and you as well have the choice, if you would like a thin or a thick heel style with each of the HUDs (like you can see on the picture below) I only captured 5 different colors but you will have a total of 21 different colors to chose from.

As I mentioned in a post before, I was selected to be a LeLutka blogger and so you will have always a closeup for each post from now on. I am a LeLutka addicted anyways and I did not wear any other heads on my blog since the LeLutka bento heads came out. My main head I am wearing for my SL Wicca” character is the “Simone” bento head from LeLutka. That is the head I know best for now as I am working with it for a while with shapes and skins, but I will learn to work others as well – I already started practicing *grins* But I want to show as well how versatile one head can be with different shapes and skins too and so here is my close up for today – “Simone” in all her beauty with my main skin from “The Skinnery” and face mods from Izzies for freckles, pores, wrinkles and blemishes!


Harness: Salt & Pepper (S&P) – “Bianca Harness” (Maitreya)

Shoes: [Gos] – “Kate Thigh High Boots” (Maitreya)


Blindfold: Luas – “Hurricane Blindfold”

Cuffs & Collar: [ abrasive ] – “Discipline Vinyl Collar & Cuffs”

Arm Cuffs: Gemini – “Sis Bracelets” (Maitreya)

Septum: -[TWC]- – “Gear Septum Silver”

Hair & Makeup

Hair: no.match – “No.Help”

Body & Tattoos

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.3”

Marks: .:Avanti:. – “Rope Marks Applier” (Maitreya Applier)

Poses & Props

Poses: Corpus – “Balcony Series”

Backdrop: CEBO – “BALCONY”

Bed: 22769 – “Love Shack Bed” (Gacha, Common)

Model & Photographer

Wicca Merlin

Golden Moments

The people who live in a golden age usually go around complaining how yellow everything looks.

[Randall Jarrell]

This picture is something very special and as well unusual for me.

It was made not just for being a fashion showcase, but as well being something abstract and artistic. Originally it was made for the February Issue of the Eclipse Magazine, but I could not resist to fool a little more with it in Photoshop and tweak it a little more. First I thought about not posting it as it already was in the magazine, but I do love it so much that I finally decided to make a post out of it *grins*.

I felt different doing this kind of picture, that does not have the main focus on the avatar itself, but as well being not a landscape or furniture post either. It was more to focus on a feeling, that was in my head when I put on those amazing artistic parts from E.V.E Studio. It felt like something from outer-space, but still something vulnerable and romantic. I tried to express that with the pose and the few things I added to the “Elf-2255” designs.

I have no idea if I make sense by saying that, but I hope you can get what I mean *winks*

Clothing & Accessories

E.V.E – “Elf-2255 Gloves”

E.V.E – “Elf-2255 Mask”

E.V.E – “Elf-2255 Shoulders”

E.V.E – “Etheral Neck Corset Branches”

Body & Tattoos

LeLutka – “Simone 3.3”

Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

.:E.A.Studio:. – “Ears Elf Dior”

YS&YS – “Ginny Zafiro Skin” (LeLutka & Maitreya Applier)

LURE – “Rebel Queen / Upgrade Tattoo” (Maitreya Applier, Gacha, Common)

Mina Hair – “Myla Hairbase” (LeLutka Applier)

Poses & Props

GingerFish – “Doll Face 5”

E.V.E – “Poison Rain” & “Poison Glitter”

Model & Photographer

Wicca Merlin

Waiting sometimes is so worth it…

Today I do have a premiere on my blog… It is the first post as a LeLutka blogger! For years I felt not confident with applying for LeLutka, I always felt like I am not yet there where I would stand behind myself enough to dare to apply for a blogger position for LeLutka. I do not know how to explain, it was just a feeling. Then I saw a picture of Mavi Beck – I know her a long time already… we met at AVENUE years ago –ย  on Flickr. I adore her art work, she has a very special feeling for shadow and lights in my view. When I looked at her stream again, I remembered that she is a LeLutka CSR and again the blogging desire for LeLutka came up to my mind. In her profile she as well stated she is a LeLutka Blogger Manager and so I went to my flickr, looked over my recent pictures, took a deep breath and dared to ask her what the conditions for blogging would be. As always she was super kind and nice – I do not remember that I saw her mad EVER – and told me, that LeLutka does work with Blogotex now too and that I could always fill in an application at the access point at the main store. Driven by my desire to blog for LeLutka, I TPed to their main store and while I was rezzing and looking for the access point sign, my doubts again fell back on me and I became a chicken again and TPed back home. I have no clue, why I feel that way when it comes to LeLutka, but I remember LeLutka always as one of the top stores of SL. Back when I started modeling, we had no mesh heads or bento or all that stuff and LeLutka was one of the most high class fashion brand with the top notch fashion ideas and not only for casual desires. Even back then I loved their creations already and blogged them a few times, when I was able to afford their designs (https://www.flickr.com/photos/wiccamerlin/4261277578/in/dateposted-public/ or https://www.flickr.com/photos/wiccamerlin/4449981194/in/dateposted-public/) Back I would not even dared to think about being a blogger for LeLutka, because I just started blogging and they only had super models and awesome graphical artists in their blogger group, but it always was a dream of mine…

Ok… back to the present ๐Ÿ˜‰ So I was at home again thinking about, if I would bee good enough to apply for the blogger position at LeLutka. I guess it is the high respect I do have for the designers skills and the fact that LeLutka plays in the designer circle for so long and all of my old idols and icons of the modeling world back then did blog for them, made me judge about myself so hard. But after a few days of thinking about it, I thought that I would have nothing to loose by trying. Either they like my work or they don’t and so I went back to the LeLutka main store, hit the access button and filled the application. They already asked for a certain time period to allow them to review my application and so I forced myself to not look up Blogotex every 15 minutes, because iI was so nervous *blushes*

Even if they already asked for a certain period of time the longer I had to wait the more my doubts had party in my brain again… so when they pop-up in Second Life went up with a notification and the black letters on the blue background with the “Accepted” sentence, I jumped in my chair and started squealing, my partner asked me “If I would not have all the cups in the cupboard anymore” (a German quote – I don’t know if that would make much sense in English. When I put it into the translator I got “to have lost one’s marbles”). I really was uber happy and it was hard to calm down for me. I have no idea, I am not a child anymore, but in that moment I felt like one again. That again shows me, sometimes it is worth waiting until the time is right ๐Ÿ™‚

I guess it is a no brainer to mention I had to start instant to work on the pictures for my first blog post. I chose “Korina” to be my first official LeLutka post. “Korina was the latest release for the Skin Fair this year and so I started to work on a shape first and then the hard choice of a skin came up. First I thought I would use the original skin, but the I thought, the original skin already is shown on the vendor and I have to be a little more creative and make ‘my’ Korina. To me “Korina” did not appear like a princess, more like a strong adult female with attitude and so I tried to bring Wicca to “Korina”, but not making her a sister… if that makes sense.

The head comes with the usual great quality standard HUD that LeLutka always provides, but you get something new with “Korina” as well. The HUD has now 2 different hair bases to chose from, based on the default SL UV maps. I will cross my fingers that maybe the older heads will get updated with that too, because I really love that feature ๐Ÿ™‚

I will play now a littlemore with my new “Korina” head and who knows.. maybe we have another side of “Korina” here soon *winks*


Top: Meva – “Alexis”

Pants: adorsy – “Rihanna Jeans Shorts” (Maitreya)

Shoes: UTOPIA@Design – “Azaria” (Maitreya)


Earrings: Aurealis – “Statement Earrings”

Rings: Meva – “Maitreya Rings Silver” (Maitreya, Bento)

Hair & Makeup

Hair: no.match – “No.Commitment”

Makeup: Zibska – “Noir Pack 06” (Maitreya Applier)

Lipstick: alaskametro<3 – “London Lipstick” (Maitreya Applier)

Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLutka – “Korina 3.3.1”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Skin: YS&YS – “Petal Tone 02” (LeLutka & Maitreya Applier)

Tattoo: BODY MOD – “Memories” (OMEGA Applier) Store Closed

Poses & Props

Poses: Foxcity

Backdrop: Pseudo “Paul T Scene Backdrop” (Gacha, Rare)

Model & Photographer

Wicca Merlin

Dark Fantasy is just another way of saying Horror ;)

Dark Fantasy is just another way of saying Horror.

[Terry Pratchett]

Cyber & Sci-fi time again!

There is so many exciting events running at the moment, it is really hard to resist to not buy everything you see at those events… Especially if it is events like Black Fair, Epiphany, ACCESS or The Fantasy Faire even.

A few things I got nevertheless and they screamed cyberpunk/sci-fi for me ๐Ÿ˜‰ I am still in my dark period with creating styles and pictures and the more I do, the more I enjoy it ๐Ÿ™‚ With the dark and fantasy side of SL, I feel so much inspiration lately that I could post something every day if I would have the time to post process all my pictures. But since I wanted to use my easter holidays for learning new tricks in Photoshop, finishing pictures takes some time – even a little more with try and error these days *winks* The desire was to learn more about shading, lights and shadows and how they can be done realistic in Photoshop. I had some basic knowledge about that with a lot of layers, but I wanted to have a different result, something I saw a lot on flickr lately and that was why I forced myself to watch some tutorials and then try them instantly myself. I am not yet done completely with my research, but for today I was pretty satisfied how those new tips and ticks worked out.

The mega, amazing “Aeon Cyber Corset” is one of the latest releases from A&Y. I love the creations of Anabel Crystal, owner and designer of A&Y. She has a very special way for sci-fi and cyberpunk creations and I do love her skills for vinyl and leather clothing. The corset you can find at the actual round of the ACCESS event, while there is a matching top/jacket at the black fair, which I will have to showcase soon too (I saw that after I finished my styling for this post already).

The incredible “Voodoo” ears are as well a brand new release at the Black Fair. I love the ears of Eclipse Art Studio and Shina Shan never stop to amaze me with every new release. She always has another cool idea for the accessories of her ears. This time it was that little voodoo doll, that she added to the earlobes as an earring. The voodoo doll can be purchased as a single earring as well if you do not want to have the long elf ears ;). I love how easy you can tint the ears to match your skin and the possibility of all the tattoos you can add really make those ears so versatile.

For a strong, powerful outfit you need super cool boots and those I found with the “Roxy” boots from [Gos]. The boots are part of a gacha, which is a collaboration of [Gos ] and Lybra. I will have a post for that gacha and all of it’s beauty soon – the boots just matched so awesome with my look, that I could not resist to already use them *blushes* The thigh high boots are super tight and have an amazing laced back. Certainly there are more colors available than just black in the gacha ๐Ÿ˜‰

For the location I was trying first to set up something by myself, but this time I did not wanna come together as I desired it and so I made may way out to see if I could find a cyberpunk sim for my pictures. First I tried Cocoon, which is amazingly built but for non group members you have no rez rights and I wanted to use my pose stand this time. I need to go back another time as they really do have amazing spots for pictures and the sim rules even allow photographers as long as you wear an OOC titler, which you can find at the landing spot.

I did remember, that Insilico had rezzing open at least for rezzing a pose stand top hop on. The auto-return kicks in after a few minutes, but as long as you sit on your stand, you are safe. Just do not get scared when you are done and stand up as the stand will be returned to your lost and found folder.

After I could not decide about a perfect spot and had shot some random snaps, I did remember a few backdrops, that I got as a present from a friend not too long ago. The whole gacha set is amazing and I hope, I can find/win the ones I still miss in my collection. The “Cyberpunk Capsule *7*” was the perfect background for my look.


Corset: A&Yย  – “Aeon Cyber Corset” (Maitreya – NEW @ ACCESS Event // April 2019

Panties: A&Y – “Loma Leather Panties” (Maitreya, Gacha)

Shoes: [Gos] – “Roxy Boots” (Maitreya, Gacha) – NEW @ Epiphany // April 2019

Gloves: Wicca’s Originals – “Paxton Gloves [Light]” (Maitreya, Bento)


Collar: [CX] – “Hell’s Harbinger” (Maitreya)

Piercing 1: [CX] – “Scarred Bridge”

Piercing 2: [CX] – “Spiked Gloss”

Earring+Chain: [CX] – “Vermin”

Hair & Makeup

Hair: A&Y – “Cyber Ghost Hair”

Makeup & Lipstick: YS&YS – “Ginny Skin Applier” (LeLutka Applier)

Face Art: ALMA – “Rors for L’Homme” (LeLutka Applier, Gift)

Body & Tattoos

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.3”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Ears: .:E.A.Studio:. – “Ears Voodoo” – NEW @ Black Fair // April-May 2019

Eyes: Clemmm – “I’m tired / Black-Regular”

Skin: YS&YS – “Ginny – Tone Zafiro” (LeLutka & Maitreya Applier)

Tattoo: .:AuricA:. – “Saida Tattoo” (Maitreya Applier)

Poses & Props

Poses: Poseidon

Backdrop: MINIMAL – “Cyberpunk Capsule *7*” (Gacha)

Model & Photographer

Wicca Merlin