Sometimes we need a challenge, I guess to make sure we are still able to do some things
So I thought about a sweet casual winter post in my very own style, but still tried to be the “good girl”*snickers* I love the cape that Hotdog had at the last We♥RP event. They had a full version with optional ribbons, which is amazing as well and they had put one version without ribbons but with some snow over the shoulders as a gift.
When I put on the cape the first time, I immediately had the vision of a Victorian look with a great up-do hair style. I loved the idea of having the hands in that cute muff in front of the belly. Certainly that requires to alpha the whole arms and hands, but it still interacts nicely with every kind of animation and pose. Looking at the cape, did more and more bring up the desire inside of me to create a different look than the initial Victorian idea.
I remembered the cool FRWL gacha from Salt & Pepper – that brought me to a new idea for my look. I did trow away the skirt idea and looked for some pants that did fit under the cape. When I found the right pants. I realized, that my upper body blinked through with some poses and so I just used a dark body applier shirt to cover that since I wouldn’t be seen anyways, but it covered the little spots that some movements brought up. The cape has a wonderful and huge golden ornament on the back and some little ones at the front as accents and I am really amazed by the folds and wrinkles that make it so realistic looking.
For the matching makeup I chose the one with some snowflakes on the face to gt a little more into the snow mood I wanted for my picture.
First I thought about a desaturated dead tree environment with lots of snow but not much else. With the beige fur on the cape, the head piece and the warm black tone the blue/black background I imagined, did not work out that great as I thought. That put me on a sim hoping journey and I found a lot of cool places for future posts, but not that what I was looking for. Suddenly I remembered, what Skye told me, when I asked her about a wintery sim. She is the expert for everything beautiful and sweet and she has a long past in Second Life as well She suggested Nymphai, one of the sims of the Ippos Collective. Duchess and Divine and many others do an incredible job to decorate their sim collective. They change for every season and have different themes on each of their sims. Some of them as well have residentials available and you have to be careful to not violate the Inhabitants’ peace and freedom
Now I have to make some more looks for all the amazing sims I found on my little sim trip Enjoy the winter, even if it is cold – it has it’s advantages as well if you can get into it
Cape: Hotdog – “Winter Cloak w/o Ribbons . snowy” (Maitreya, WLRP Gift December 2018)
Pants: Glam Affair – “Inti Pants” (Size XS)
Shoes: ::GB:: – “Romanesque Dress Shoes”
Hat: Salt & Pepper (S&P) – “FRWL hat cream” (Gacha, Common)
Hair & Makeup
Hair: *barberyumyum* – “B01”
Lashes: alaskametro<3 – “Slay False Eyelashes” (LeLutka Applier)
Makeup & Lipstick: Izzie’s – “First Snow Makeup Set” (LeLutka Applier)
Eyeshadow: Zibska – “Noir Pack 06” (LeLutka Applier)
Body & Tattoo
Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.3”
Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4,1”
Poses & Props
Poses: Foxcity