The Approach…

Crazy times… Corona still holds the world in its hand and all of us try to do our best to fight it, even if we cannot see yet any success and things seem to get worse and worse. I know it isn’t the fact, but sometimes it feels like it. We are now in our second week without school in Germany. I am a teacher (usually in the mornings I do teach at a school) and I do have a tiny private afternoon tutoring company. Usually I am surrounded by kids all day and in the past I had days where that was quite exhausting. Always having 10 to 60 kids around you from 8 in the morning to 4 in the afternoon didn’t feel always easy but now that I see how it is to have none of them around – it doesn’t feel good either. I am lucky to have the possibility to hold online classes and have some one-on-one tutoring as well, but it doesn’t feel the same. Before the difficulties were the noise in bigger groups, or the kids being distracted by looking outside the window and now… the difficulties have changed. I never thought it could be that hard to explain something like mathematics to a child online only online… you talk a lot more trying to describe everything and if they have to draw triangles with certain length or certain degree angles. Most of them do not have the technical equipment to show you what they did, they usually only can take a snap with their cellphone and send it to me.. and if they spend already like 20 min to do that task and then something went wrong you can start all over again.

Certainly it has a positive side as well – I do not have the distance and the time to drive to school and back in the afternoon and I have the advantage of having an open bowser all the time to find answers I might not know out of the blue for certain questions, so I do not wanna whine or rage about it – I just discover everyday the differences and the different difficulties. Between all that I try to keep my Mom inside and safe – she is over 70 and recently had a brain tumor and chemo after it, so she is in the risk group for that damn virus as well. So my Second Life times at the moment are a little bit more limited and not as regular as I used to be, but I do not want to stop blogging and taking pictures completely as it feels like a little bit of resting time and holiday for my brain when I do that.

The pictures for todays post I already did  over a week ago, but I wasn’t able to post work them and write something about yet. So now the Cyber fair by ACCESS sadly is over but I am sure you can find all the goodies in the designers main stores already or soon.

First of all the amazing vinyl ensemble from A&Y called “Phex”, which is a combination of a long sleeved top and short pants with an awesome, realistic looking shine. It is decorated with straps and zippers and with the huge HUD you can change the colors for all different parts including the metals.

All the amazing accessories I as well found at the Cyber Fair, but like I said before I am sure you will find them most likely either already or soon at the designers main stores. The incredible face art done by Nefekalum Tattoos comes in 3 different versions. You can find many different tings in your folder. First of all the 3 different versions of the makeup it self. Black Tears only, Red Smudge only and a full version of both. Furthermore you will find appliers for head and body materials and the belonging erasers. On top of that, since all his tattoos are materials enabled, Sir Skye added a perfect projector (light source) as well, for you to use if you like.

Certainly I did need some cool nails and rings to complete my outfit and it was no question that the “Creature Claws” from CerberusXing were just the perfect choice. They are available in 3 colors (silver, onyx and gold) and rigged for Belleza Jake,  Signature Gianni, Maitreya and the female Slink hands.

The smart looking hair style was made by no.match. I love the wild top hair, the shaved sides and the fact that you still have 2 wisps at your ears. Like always for no.match hair styles you have different color packs and a fatpack available. The purchases will include a shaved hairbase as well, but since I do have my own shaved hair base I did not use it for todays post 😉

It was time again to built my own set – I found so many cool things at the Cyber Fair, I just had to. All you can see, from the backdrop over the drinks, food (weed) vending machine and the incredible animals, I collected at the Cyber Fair.

I would like to draw your attention a little bot towards the animals. The “Caged Biter” is available in 3 different colors. You can separate the animal from the cage as you can see in my pictures. The Biter is an animated mesh design and has adorable movements, which make it possible to have some more interactive looking pictures with the different poses or the animal.

I do have an immense fun at the moment with cyber and sci-fi posts as they open a whole new range for pictures and styles to me. We do not know what the fashion or environment will look like in our future, but for me that gives us a lot of room to experiment and the possibility of unending creativity 🙂


Outfit: A&Y  – “Phex” (Maitreya)


Eyepatch: RichB. – “Dex Eyepatch F”

Face Straps: unstable – “Code: WYVERN”

Septum: Astara – “Cthulhu Septum”

Mask: SEKA’s – “HVCKED Mask (no effect)”

Back Attachment: .{PSYCHO:Byts}. – “Feel the Connection – Back Implant”

Rings & Nails: [CX] – “Creature Claws – Onyx” (Maitreya, Bento)

Hair & Makeup

Hair: no.match – “No. Industry”

Faceart 1: Nefekalum Tattoos – “Two Sides of Madness (Black Tears Only)” (BoM)

Faceart2: LuluB! – “Fembot” (BoM, Cyber Fair Gift)

Lipstick: Izzie’s – “LeLutka – Holo Metallic Lipstick 12 (green)” (BoM)

Head, Body & Tattoos

Head: LeLUTKA – “Lake 1.1”

Ears: [Cubic Cherry] – “Altered Ears (glow)”

Skin: Human Glitch – “MNFRM SKIN / MTL GENUS1” (BoM)

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 5.0.2”

Legs: Blah. – “Love.Ai/RoboLegs Black” (Maitreya)

Tattoo: Nefekalum Tattoos – “Organic Decay” (Maitreya, Applier)

Poses, Props & Tools


Picture 1: BellePoses: – “NyxV2 2” (Bento, right arm lightly edited)

Picture 2: STUN – “Debora 4” (Bento, lightly edited)

Picture 3: BellePoses: – “NyxV2 7” (Bento)

Picture 4: Foxcity – “Power-1” (Bento)


Background: The Bearded Guy – “Industrial – The Future” (Gacha, Common)

Machine: # ninety – “Cyber Vending Food [ Weed ]”

Shower: HILTED – “Decontamination Shower – Adult – Silver/Green”

Animals & Cage: HILTED – “Caged Biter – Black/Green/Light”

Chairs: buildworksdecor – “Cyber / Retro Neon Chair White Changeable X”

Food: andika – “cyber sweets Dispenser set”

Model & Photographer

Wicca Merlin


Even Angels enjoy the first Snow?

I know I am usually not the white person, but I do desire the snow so much, now that it gets more and more close to Christmas. There are so many amazing winter designs around at the moment, even if I am not the biggest landscaper I tried to create a little winter scenery for my snow angel 😉

The super sexy over-knee boots I am wearing, are one of the latest releases from [Gos] for the Holiday round of Epiphany. The “Frenchie Knit Boots” are a gacha a 21 items gacha with 3 rares (black, gold and the fatpack HUD) You have the choice between a slim and a block heel for your boots and the darker the colors become, the more you can see the knitted fabric. The boots are available for Maitreya Lara, Belleza Isis & Freya and Slink Hourglass, you just have to play the right button for your size 😉

The amazing hair, that looks like waving in the wind, was made by no.match for the MOM (Mens only Monthly) event. Even if the event is called mens only… I like the hairstyles for females as well 😉

I hope you slowly get into the Holiday mood as well and maybe even Angels enjoy the first Snow 😉


Dress: -:zk:- – “Miu Dress” (Maitreya)

Shoes: [Gos] – “Frenchie Knit Boots” (Maitreya, Gacha) – NEW @ Epiphany

Tights: Nanika – “Alina TIghts” (Maitreya Applier)


Arms: Gemini – “Sis Bracelets” (Maitreya)

Gloves: amias – “ARI white” (Maitreya)

Wings: Blueberry – “Oakley Wings – White” (Gacha)

Collar: Happy Undead – “Charming Collar (XXS-XS)”

Hair & Makeup

Makeup, Lipstick & Lashes: Izzie’s – “First Snow Make-Up Set” (LeLutka Applier)

Hair: no.match – “No.Chains” – NEW @ MOM

Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.3”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Ears: .:E.A.Studio:. – “Thauron”

Poses & Props

Pose: Foxcity – “Sits VOL2-4m”


Lake & Stones: Mushilu – “Snow Lake & Formations” – NEW @ We ♥ RP

Path: E.V.E Studio – “When Atlantis Fell / Cracked Ice Snow” (5 different shapes)

Branches: E.V.E Studio – “{MOD} Ivy Tree [M02-No leaves] Snowed” & “Ivy Bonsai {Snowed}”

Fountain: Atelier Visconti – “Fountain Clover Snowy”

Trees: Little Branch – “MysticBoardLeaf.v1{4Seasons}”, “Birch1_with_season_change”, “OldOakTree{4Seasons}”, “DownyBirch{Seasons}” & “WeepingWillow_4Seasons+Pink”

Grass: Little Branch – “Grass1l{Winter}”

Deers: Mushilu – “Ligth Snow Deer” & “Ligth Snow Bambi” – NEW @ We ♥ RP

Model & Photographer

Wicca Merlin

Soccer World Cup Mania with Edelfabrik & EMO-tions

Edelfabrik 01

At the moment most of the people I know, are totally crazy about soccer and the ongoing world cup. I am a totally non soccer person I have to admit, but when I lately met Sarah Tremor and she gave me that wonderful outfit … I forgot my opinion about siccer for  moment, as this amazing design really caught my attention. The “World Cup Bella” outfit comes with this super sexy dress, wich is only hold together by laces. Two in the front and two in the back.

Between the laces you can peek through on the skin, what gives the whole outfit a very sexy look. What I like is, that Sarah added underwear to it, so you are safe anyways where you wanna go, plus if it is really hot you even can pull off the dress and use the underwear as a sexy bikini 😉

The dress is made of a knitted fabric with the flag of england on it. In the back you even can see the coutry printed on the dress and like real soccer shorts you have that number in the middle of your back. This amazing dress is available in 12 different country flags! I just chose England as I love the combination of red and white *snickers* and I love England.

Last but not least I would like to drag your attention on the shoes, as they come as part of the outfit as well!

Edelfabrik 03

For the hair I used one of the FFL contributions of EMO-tions. The “Renee” hairstyle was perfect for this kinda sporty but sexy look. The hair is mesh made so the braid moves awesome with every movement.

The little straps that hold the braid together, you can texture differetly by the HUD in a few ready made colors to match your look.

With the “World Cup Bella” dress you are definatly ready to go for a cool soccer party while you watch one of those exciting games 😉

Edelfabrik 02


Dress (including underwear & shoes): Edelfabrik – “World Cup Bella” – NEW (mesh)

Hair: EMO-tions – “Renee” – NEW (mesh, FFL 2014)

Tattoo: White Widow – “Two Moons”

Bracelets: *X*plosion – “SP Bracelets”

Ears: Mandala – “Tunnel Streched Ears” (mesh)

Hands: Slink – “Avatar Enhancement Hands – Casual” (mesh)

Piercing: [IN] – “Forever”

Skin: Silken Moon – “Wicca 3”

Eyeshadow: L. Fauna – “Smokey Cat Shadow – Red”

Poses: Del May

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Azul, BaObA, PosESioN & Nailed It! for the FIERA Spring Fashion Fair 2014 @ SAVIAD

SAVIAD Azul+Nailed It+BAOBA 001

Azul as well made a beautiful gown for the FIERA Spring Fashion Fair 2014 @ SAVIAD. The “Claro de Luna” gown is a partial mesh gown with as well flexible prims that let some parts flow amazingly with every breeze of air that surrounds you 😉 .

The hat as well was made for the FIERA Spring Fashion Fair. BaObA made a few wonderful hats for the fair and the “Orchids” just was the perfect match to the “Claro de Luna” gown.

The beautiful “‘Spring Wedding” nails from Nailed It! are as well one of 2 super cute sets, wich you can find at the SAVIAD sim.

So I just had to find some jewelry and hair to complete the look. The hair comes from EMO-tions and is called “Yashi” with the high updo, I wanted to underline the elegant and still modern look of the dress and the hat.

For the jewelry I wanted something with a timeless chic and I decided to go with the “Talluah” set from Maxi Gossamer.

You still have the chance to look at all the amazing creations at SAVIAD until the end of the month. So better hurry before it is over 😉


SAVIAD Azul+Nailed It+BAOBA 002


Gown: Azul – “Claro de Luna” – NEW (SAVIAD)

Hat: BaObA – “Orchids” – NEW (SAVIAD)

Nail Polish: Nailed It! – “Spring Wedding” – NEW (SAVIAD)

Hair: EMO-tions – “Yashi”

Jewelry: Maxi Gossamer – “Talluah”

Hands: Slink – “Avatar Enhancement Hands – Elegant/Elegant 1”

Ears: Madala – “Simple Ears”

Skin: Silken Moon – “Wicca 3 lumee”

Makeup: Silken Moon – “Juicy Eyeshadow Orange” & “SM Eclipse Color Eyes Silver”

Poses: *PosESioN* (SAVIAD)

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

GizzA & *PosESioN* for the FIERA Spring Fashion Fair 2014 @ SAVIAD

SAVIAD GizzA + Finesmith 001

One more post for the FIERA Spring Fashion Fair 2014 for today 😉

This time I would like to show case one of the amazing creations of GizzA at the SAVIAD sim. The “Lolita Dress” comes with leggings that have the heels included, the hat and the wonderful butterfly belt accessories. With the light brown and beige color it really gives you a feeling of the coming warmer days of spring.

For the jewelry I decided to go with the “Geula” set of Finesmith. The golden brown textures give a wonderful frame for the huge gem and with the beige of the outfit it was just as it was made for it 😉 .

To match the beautiful gem I wanted to add some more color to the beige and brown. I remembered one of the “Rainbow” eye shadows. The “Rainbow Mauve” catched the colors of the gem so wonderful and gave the whole look the little bit of color I wanted.

The little bag, I made by myself and I like it so much that I decided to make a few white ones, wich you can find at my first gacha on the SAVIAD sim as well 😉

Now I wanna share a secret with you… if you take a look on my skin… yes it is still my custom-made Wicca skin by Silken Moon, but Malicia updated it!

She made a whole new body and as well updated a lot of my facial features. And besides my usual super light tone she made me one version in the new peach tone she made for her new skin line as well! But this I would like to pull over onto a nother post with a total spotlight on my new updated Wicca 😉

SAVIAD GizzA + Finesmith 002


Dress (incl. hat and leggings with heels): GizzA – “Lolita” – NEW (SAVIAD)

Jewelry: Finesmith – “Geula”

Bag: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Coco”

Hair: EMO-tions – “Luana”

Hands: Slink – “Avatar Enhancement Hands – Relaxed”

Ears: Mandala – “Simple Ears”

Skin: Silken Moon – “Wicca – 3” /peach – NEW

Eyeshadow: Silken Moon – “Rainbow Mauve”

Poses: *PosESioN*  – NEW (SAVIAD)

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Models Work Out

Gizza - Workout 001

(Picture by Falbala Fairey)

Models always have to look amazing, be dressed perfectly, hair has to be styled always great, the makup always has to look fresh and certainly models always have to be in shape 😉

TUNES – The Model

So what to do on a lazy Sunday afternoon? Sure go for some workout!

That we even can look awesome during our fitness sessions, GizzA made the perfect workout outfits 😉 You can choose between 4 wonderful colors and the outfit includes all you need. The top, the pants, shoes and even the legwarmers. At least you do not have the excuse you would have nothing to wear or you would need too much time to dress before you can go and train a bit 😉

As it is never nice to do workout alone, I went with Falbala to have some fun and chat a bit while working on our shape 😉 We had lots of fun and nice talks until we both decided, we need a shower 😉

And what you do after a good workout? Yes you go for a nice coffee and some more chit chat 😉

Thanks Falli, for the amazing pic and the fun we had during that photosession 😉

Gizza - Workout 002

Outfit Wicca:

GizzA – “Work Out” – NEW (mesh)

Hair: Wasabi Pills – “Taleen” (mesh)

Glasses: Steinwerk – “GT Sunglasses”

Ears: Mandala – “Omimi Ears – Tunnel”

Skin: Silken Moon – “Wicca”

Outfit Falbala:

Models: Falbala Fairey & Wicca Merlin

Photographer: Falbala Fairey (Pic 1) & Wicca Merlin (Pic 2)

Wicca’s Wardrobe: LOTD 05/03/2013

Gizza - Like a virgin full

Today when I was thinking about what to wear for my GizzA shift I was listening to Madonna’s song ‘Like a Virgin’ as I again was dragged in some 80’s mood. Yes I know, I have a fable for the 80’s and especially the music of that time.

I like to mix and match my outfits and so I started to look for a top that I could use for a basic for my styling. As I was trying the “Anna” gown from GizzA, I fell in love with the top part of it and decided to use it together with the collar. For the pants I chose the “Loose Denim Short”, a well from GizzA.  What I loked a lot was the glam looking top against the kinda used looking shorts. Usually you might think that cannot really go together, but for me it did :p . The leggings are one of the latest releases from LeeZu called “Glitter Tights” Together those parts made kinda an 80’s look for me so I went further and added the “Epaulette” shoulder piece and the cute Handkeys” in the music version. The mesh boots I found at J’s. Now I wanted to have a strong makeup that as well underlines the 80’s look and remembered the “Geometrie” makeup from *LpD*.  The wild, lightly messy hair “Dolce” from LeLutka was the perfect hairstyle to the whole look for me.

A last look into the mirror.. ready to go 😉

Gizza - Like a virgin half


Top: GizzA – “Anna Gown” (part of the outfit)

Pants: GizzA – “Loose Denim Short” (mesh)

Leggings: LeeZu – “Glitter Tights” – NEW

Shoulders: GizzA – “Epaulette” (Gatcha item)

Boots: J’s – “Studded Long Boots” (mesh)

Ears: Mandala – “Omimi Ears” (mesh)

Bracelets: GizzA – “Asia Watch & Bracelet”

Handkeys: GizzA – “Handkeys – Music” – NEW

Skin: Silken Moon – “Wicca”

Makeup: *LpD* – “Geometrie Ver.2”

Lipstick: Eyecandy – “Natural Dark”

Hair: LeLutka – “Dolce”

Poses: Del May

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Wicca’s Wardrobe: Skater Girl

IW 001

He was a boy she was a girl
can I make it anymore obvious?

He was a punk, she did ballet
What more can I say?

He wanted her,she’d never tell
secretly she wanted him as well
but all of her friends, stuck up their nose
they had a problem with his baggy clothes.

He was a skater boy,
she said see you later boy
he wasn’t good enough for her
she had a pretty face
but her head was up in a space
she needed to come back down to earth

Five years from now, she sits at home
Feeding the baby she’s all alone

She turns on T.V., guess who she sees
Skater boy rocking up MTV

She calls up her friends, they already know
And they’ve all got tickets to see his show

she tags along, and stands in the crowd
Looks up at the man that she turned down

IW 002

He was a skater boy
She said see ya later boy
He wasn’t good enough for her
Now he’s a superstar
Slammin on his guitar
Does your pretty face see what he’s worth?
He was a skater boy
She said see ya later boy
He wasn’t good enough for her
Now he’s a superstar
Slammin on his guitar
Does your pretty face see what he’s worth?

Sorry girl, but you missed out
Well tough luck that boy’s mine now

We are more than just good friends
This is how the story ends

Too bad that you couldn’t see
See the man that boy could be

There is more than meets the eye
I see the soul that is inside

He’s just a boy and I’m just a girl
can I make it anymore obvious?

We are in love, haven’t you heard?
How we rock each others world!

I’m with the skaterboy
I said see ya later boy
I’ll be backstage after the show
I’ll be at the studio
Singing the song we wrote
About a girl you used to know.

(Avril Lavigne)
IW 003


Outfit: Inga Wind Clothing – “Linda” – NEW (mesh)

Gloves: [M.o.w] – Unisex Armwarmers” (mesh)

Shoes: [M.o.w] – “Urban Sneakers” (mesh)

Glasses: ERD – “Streemline”

Backpack: DECO – “Mesh Sling Pack” (mesh)

Earphones: Liberty – “Notes by Nero”

Tattoo: iNFLiCT – “Eternity”

Nails: Love Soul – “Spirit”

Hair: EMO-tions – “Amandine”

Skin: Silken Moon – “Wicca”

Lipstick: Silken Moon – “Wicca Lips Tarbaby” & “Wicca Lipstripes Silver”

Ears: Mandala – “Omimi” (mesh)

Skateboard & Poses: NSA – “Skater Pro”

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Wicca’s Wardrobe: LOTD 04/26/2013 – Light Colors ;)

LOTD 04262013 full

Hoooorrraaay, Spring is coming 😉 In Germany we had the first sunny week with genial temperatures. It was great to feel the sun kissing your skin and the mood became better as well. No more cold weather no more dark cloudy days… amazing! Inspired by all the wonderful weather and colors outside, I wanted to make a spring look that would work to just go for some shopping 😉 .

I started with the “LolliPop Dress” top from GizzA, because I loved the strong yellow that reminded me so much of the sun. The cool ruffles gave the whole outfit a light retro touch. A longer time ago I got the “Apasionado” bag from LaGyo. The cute bag looks like a little face with the zipper and the holders and I really fell in love with it. The denim color of the bag brought me to my blue jeans. The wonderful “Skinny Pants” from GizzA are mesh made and so you have an awesome shape and it moves perfect even with weird poses or movements… no more weird knees 😉 .

Now the drama started, as I wanted to have yellow shoes that go with the shirt. I looked through my shoe folder and all yellow tones looked more orange than yellow compared to the top, not to mention that most of my shoes are black or white *chuckles* So the few I had, I could not really use and I thought about a good store for strong colored shoes that matched the look. I started window shopping for nearly over an hour till I arrived at Tara. Bingo! I saw already when I arrived – even if I was still rezzing –  that I would find many colored shoes and maybe even the right yellow tone 🙂 .

After trying a few demos, I decided to go for the “Equilibrium” shoes from Tara. With all the silver decorations, studds and ornaments I wanted to go for light accessories so my choice fell on the “Asia” watches and braceletsfrom GizzA and the “Lick ME!” earrings from Ticky Tacky, both in white.

LOTD 04262013 half


Top: GizzA – “LolliPop Dress” /yellow (part of the outfit)

Pants: GizzA – “Skinny Pants” /denim light blue (mesh)

Shoes: Tara – “Equilibrium” /yellow

Skin: Silken Moon – “Wicca”

Makeup: MONS – “Eyeshadow Color Dance” /neon (Cosmetics Fair 2013)

Lipstick: Silken Moon – “Wicca Lips Denim”

Bracelets: GizzA – “Asia”

Eyeliner: Action – “Mesh Liner 01” /black – NEW (mesh, Cosmetics Fair 2013)

Hair: LeLutka – “Emeli” – NEW

Ears: Mandala – “Simple Ears” (mesh)

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Wicca’s Wardrobe: Mystical Dark Fantasy

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