Wicca’s Originals @ The Darkness Event // April 2021

Wicca’s Originals @ The Darkness Event // April 5th – 28th

One pair of tall boots, nicknamed 'Lagoa' Boots'. Designer: Wicca's

At first glance, subject appears to be another tall pair
of boots, rising to the mid-thigh. A set of studs line the front of
the two-tone, subtly patterned material, providing security for the
lacing which criss-crosses over the leg, binding the boot securely
and snugly to shapely legs. A tall heel works in conjunction with a
high pitched arch of the boot's outersole to lift the wearer's foot
to a pleasant height, tightening the leg muscles and buttocks in
order to support the pose.

However, those trained in the esoteric and
the strange may recognize that there is more to these boots than
style alone. The inclusion of three crosses wrapped around the front
of the platform seem to promise either protection against or command
over demons and spirits. With the inclusion of the inverted pentacle
on the back of the heel, the latter seems more likely. These are the
boots of one who dabbles in dark arts, who makes deals and consorts
with devils. As a last resort, this particular set of footwear arms
the wearer with a very sharp, tapered heel spike, which is capable of
being changed out with different metals. It is well documented that
some extraplanar beings are susceptible to different sorts of things,
silvers, irons, some even respond to gold or brass, so this seems a
very deliberate choice. Recommended next steps for this investigation
are to track down those who have acquired a set of Lagoa Boots and
observe them, covertly if possible, in order to see what connections
they may have to the other world. This pair of Lagoa Boots will be
kept for 24 hours for continued study, after which time they will be
destructed in accordance with protocol. Other pairs may come in up to
10 color options and metal options, for Maitreya, Legacy, Freya, or
Hourglass bodies

Event Location: The Darkness


Wicca’s Originals @ ACCESS // December 2020

Wicca’s Originals @ ACCESS // Dec 12th – Jan 8th

Whether you’ve been naughty or nice, these Lulu Boots are perfect for the holiday season. Hugging your leg all the way up to mid-thigh, these boots cover your legs and accentuate every curve of them. Your feet will be supported up on tall platforms, and pointed heel spikes. But what really brings the holiday cheer to these boots are the two sets of embellishments. The ‘nice’ set is the traditional style of decorating the platform and the thigh band of the boots with tiny, cute bows. The ‘naughty’ set goes with a wicked twist, instead replacing the bows with a series of metal stud spikes. Comes in 10 different color options, including a few bright holiday ones and a few darks for the more wicked, for Maitreya, Legacy, Hourglass, and Freya bodies. Goes great with the Lulu Outfit!

Event Location: ACCESS

My Decision…

Not too long ago a very close friend of mine, Seaside, was IMing me, asking if I would be ok. First I was wondering why she would ask me that, but then she told me she was following my flickr and the latest, and very dark pictures did concern her. I thought that was very sweet and I tried to explain to her why I do have this super dark and destructive side as well. I was suffering of depressions a very long time of my life and I sometimes still do, but I learning to live and work with them. So if I do those very dark and morbid pictures, to me it is like checking up on an old friend, deep inside of me. This friend will never leave me, but we both learned how to co-exist. I just have to go there sometimes, to check on him and if he still is there in place, where I put him a long time ago. I do not know if that makes sense, but for me it is kinda like therapy and it does work out 90% of the time. The hard times, where I often was close to the moment of giving up, or even tried to give up are gone and that is what counts for me.

For quite some time, I did not want to see that. I thought with medicine, pills and therapy I can make it go away – I just wanted to ‘heal’. After many different attempts to do that, I met a wonderful person, that to me was more valuable than every therapist I ever met before. He was a therapist too, but I did not met him as a patient, I met him at one of my concerts and we became friends over the time. After we met several times we had a discussion about depressions and he gave me a completely new view on it. He told me, depressions would be kinda the same thing as being alcohol addicted, you can fight the symptoms, but not the facts, case or reasons. He stated, that I can decide, if I let the depressions take over my life or if I take control over the depressions. That sounds very easy , but it is not and I probably would not have been able to do that without any help. I was very lucky to have real friends and family, who helped me over the time of the learning process and it was not done in just a few weeks – it took years.

I decided to take control – even if I maybe never will have 100% of control, it made my life way easier that to just give up and live for the depressions. I wanted more from my life that what my depressions would have allowed me to do. But like I said before, sometimes that ‘old friend’ knocks at my door and I have to decide if I let him in, or if I just go out with him for a while or even go visit him at his place, where I can leave him when ever I want.

I know, depressions can be very different and there is no general solution for that, but you always have decision to fight against or to give up – I never won’t judge over someones decision, as either of both is an option to choose and while one can be good for someone, it can be bad for another person.

I hope, I could make sense with my words – English is not my first language 😉

Outfit & Accessories

Outfit: Enfant Terrible – “Kimi” (Maitreya)

Boots: Blueberry – “Celia Boots – High Heels” (Maitreya)

Rings: Elle Boutique – “Bloom” (Maitreya, Bento)

Collar: Salt & Pepper – “Slumber Party” (Gacha, Rare)

Hair & Makeup

Hair: no.match – “No.Role”

Makeup: Zibska – “Mina Liner” (LeLutka Applier, Ltd. Gift)

Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLeutka – “Simone 3.0”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Face: Izzie’s – “Pores & Blemishes” (LeLutka Applier)

Tattoo: [White~Widow] – “Anon” (Maitreya Applier)

Poses & Props

Prop: R.O.T. – “End Nature”

Poses: Foxcity – “Stairs (Sitting)” (Bento)

Model & Photographer

Wicca Merlin

Urban Musing


This wonderful picture was done by the talented Tempest Rosca. We got the a theme for the last issue of the Eclipse Magazine, called Urban Musing. The trend becomes more and more popular. In many of the fashion cities you can find people who mix and match lingerie with normal urban casual, to create this new and modern look.

It was quite fun to experiment with lingerie and make something that can bw worn on the street 😉

For more of those amazing looks you can take a peek on the February Issue of the Eclipse Magazine 🙂

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Top: Pixicat – “Temptation Corset” (Store Gacha)

Lingerie: Apple May – “Tigress Hotpants & Sliced Top”

Bra: Wicca’s Wardrobe (coming soon)

Collar: Maitreya – “Vintage Collar”

Jacket: ISON – “Occult Jacket”

Shoes: :)(: Pixelfashion – “Vanina”

Hair: no.match – “No.perfection”

Location: Maddux’ Wreck

Photographer: Tempest Rosca

Model & Stylist: Wicca Merlin