Spot on 2015! – Happy and Sad Moments

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Today I was in a very special mood. We are in a time of the year, that we call ‘between the years’ in germany the last week of December and the first week of January. It is that time of the year where we think a lot about the past year and as well about the upcoming one. Many try to find New Year’s resolutions, or things they would change for the new year.

I quit doing that as usually those things never work out like they should and why I need a special time of the year, to change something or think about good resolutions?

Still it is kinda a weird and strange feeling time with all those surrounding you and asking you about all this. I solved it for me with writing down the most exciting and wonderful things that happened though the past year and as well the most sad moments. Not for a special reason and maybe just to look back some when and remember better what I did in 2015.

I never was a very religious person, but I believe in certain things and as well some that are not to grab with my both hands. I really believe that there is more between heaven and earth than we think of and care about. Life became so fast and sometimes we just do not see the little hints and things that show is about exactly that.

That mood brought me on my styling and picture idea for today. In the spotlight of being questioned about New Year’s solutions, being like a puppet to not make anyone mad by really voicing my opinion and surrounded by mystical things, little positive sparkles that will lead me over to the new year πŸ˜‰

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The 3 designers I would like to spotlight for today would be LeEnfant Terrible and Noke Yuitza and LeeZu. 2 of them are just 2 of all the wonderful moments, I was allowed to have for 2015 and one for one ofΒ  the sad moments.

LeEnfant I met a few years ago for the first time, but we kinda did not have the luck to get each other known better. But ‘you always meet 2 times’ is a quote, that we have in Germany. I am very grateful that I had the chance to meet such a wonderful person again and even more, to become friends with her. When I met her the first time, it was kinda just a designer/blogger relation ship and never anywhere near than what me and her share today. She became one of the dearest persons in my life. She is so creative, so strong and so unbelievable amazing, I really enjoy each moment we share and I hope that this will last a life time. I’m looking forward to even meet her in RL very soon and I can’t wait the day when I am allowed to hug her for real πŸ™‚

She made that wonderful “Emma’s Halo” headpiece for the actual round of We <3 RP. The headpiece is available in gold and silver and it comes with 2 different colored veils and as well as a second option with filigree shining tear drops. I decided to use the tear drops, which shall stand for the sad moments of the past year. The incredible details and the very realistic details are just 2 skills that are trademarks for LeEnfant’s work. She puts a lot of time and effort in her designs and to me, she is one of the most talented designers with a unbelievabel amazing quality to her creations.

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Speaking of talent and quality, brings me to the second name, that I was talking about – Noke Yuitza. She is such an artistic and awesome mind and she is one of the rare people, that seems to understand my sometimes weird mind and thoughts. The first time I discovered her as a designer was in one of the past years arts in hats. Back then it was the “Maleficent Great Wave Hat” she released for her former brand Alegria, that caught my attention and brought me to her store. I found so many amazing and artistic, creative things, all with a special twist, which I realized is her very personal trademark. Every single piece she makes you can tell it is her creation. The amazing textures, the very special and artistic designs and lately as well the 100% original mesh items, which are materials enabled most of the time.

For today’s post I decided to use the “Etheral Body” with the belonging scarf and the “Atlantis Ankle Boots” from Noke Yuitza, which she made for her new brand E.V.E Studio.

The body is available in 7 different colors and comes in 3 standard sizes. Each of them has a color matching scarf to it, but I decided to cross colors and used the black body with the red scarf.

The body has a high slit at the sides and the cool “Atlantis Ankle Boots” in chrome and red were the perfect match to underline the sexy and cool look of the body πŸ˜‰

The high slit brings me to my 3rd designer for today – LeeZu.

LeeZu was my first employment in SL ever as a model. I remember so well, when I was desiring to work at LeeZu so bad and filled out the apply as store model. Weeks passed by and I already had forced myself to give up as I was very new to modeling and probably I would need more experience in that field, as Vixie Rayna IMed me and asked me for an appointment to talk. Vixie was one of the staff and managers at LeeZu and she was responsible for the store models. The talk was led by Barbara Nicholls and Vixie Rayna and when they told me I will be hired, I danced around like crazy and nearly could not believe. I was told to meet with GM Nikolaidis for my official store model picture and you can imagine how that felt for me… my first model job and then in one of the most popular and fantastic SL fashion store. (more about that exciting moment you will find here:

That was back in January 2010 and since then I was a store model and some when I even got asked to be the store model manager, what was one of the most exciting moments in my SL life.

This year this great job sadly ended after 6 wonderful years. LeeZu closed the inworld store and only is available on Marketplace now, where you will find many of the amazing creations for 99 linden only! Believe it or not it was a very sad moment as the LeeZu family with all the wonderful people really became something very special to me and 6 years is a hell of a long time in SL where time flies by so fast… I will never forget that time and all the wonderful people, that became family for me – Thank you LeeZu, Barb, GM, Vixie and all the wonderful and crazy fellow models over the 6 years!

Today I am wearing the “Brigitte Body Tights” underneath the high slitted body of E.V.E Studio. LeeZu always was one of the most high quality stores for clothing and furniture. The texture work of LeeZu was so incredible great and detailed, I always admired her work and she was one of my idols when I started to make clothing myself. The body stocking shows how amazing and filigree LeeZu was working on her designs and the love for the details, for every little fold, wrinkle and light – simply stunning!

I do not know, if I can manage another blog post before the year is changing and so I would like to thank YOU all, for following my blog for the last year, for always showing me your support, for giving me blogger reviews and I wish you all the best for 2016 and hope to see you again for my new posts!

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Outfit: E.V.E Studio – “Etheral Body & Scarf” – NEW

Underwear: LeeZu – “Brigitte Body Tights”

Headpiece: Enfant Terrible – “Emma’ Halo & Teardrop Gift” – NEW (@ We <3 RP)

Shoes: E.V.E Studio – “Atlantis Ankle Boots”

Hair: Baistice – “Isis”

Lashes: SlackGirl “Panic Lashes Rave”

Tattoo: [White~Widow] – “Disclosure”

Makeup: Zibska – “Ltd Noir 20”

Lipstick: L.Fauna – “Red2”

Poses: Del May

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Sittin’ on the Dock

Asia 3

Sittin’ in the morning sun
I’ll be sittin’ when the evening comes
Watching the ships roll in
Then I watch them roll away again, yeah

[Otis Redding]

Asia 5

Again I have the pleasure to showcase one fo Asia Rae’s latest news. The “Nubuk Jumpsuit” is available in different colors and amazing piece for your everyday wardrobe. It is not too tight so it gives a comfortable feeling but as well it is not wide enough to look like a sack… so perfect in between. With the open front a the top it gets a loosely and smart look. The overall has rolled up arms and legs, so that you even can wear boots with it. Like the “Lucille” boots from Hoorenbeek.

Asia 6

For the scarf I took one of my long time favorites fromΒ  +grasp+. I wanted kinda a touch of a dock working person, even if in a not as dirty look*giggles*, maybe I just arrived and the pics were made before I started working πŸ˜‰

The hair comes from Entwined and the wonderful tattoo certainly from White Widow.

It was a lot of fun to fool around at the docks and get some shots done πŸ™‚

Asia 2

Outfit: [AR] (Asia Rae): “Nubuck Jumpsuit”

Shoes: Hoorenbeek – “Lucille Boots”

Scarf: +grasp+ – “Skull Desert Scarf”

Hair: [Entwined] – “Dahlia”

Tattoo: [White~Widow] – “Insidious”

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Golden Times

Cyber 9

And again I have a ‘start with the hat” styling going on for today πŸ˜‰

The hat of today is one of the contributions of Noke Yuitza from E.V.E Studios to the Art in Hats event. It is a whole series of that wonderful head-piece in several color combinations. The name of that great head is “The Black Widow” and the whole series is called “Swing Alma Hats”.

Cyber 2

The hat is made of wonderful wavy looking huge parts, 100% original mesh and you can resize it via an inbuilt resizer. What makes this piece of art so interesting is that it as well is materials enabled and will pick up several windlights and the light of projectors as well. That is why I chose the location to shoot as it showed that in an amazing way.

Cyber 1

The version I chose to wear or today is the “E.V.E Swing Alma Hat “Black Widow Gold”. To complement the wonderful golden tone I chose the “Laviana Leggins” and the “Xena Top” from Wicca’s Wardrobe in black and bronze. I wanted a futuristic and as well fantasy look for that special hat and so I decided to add the “Draconia Wings” from Fancy Fairy.

Cyber 8

The incredible tattoo is one from a dear friend and as well from my favourite tattoo designer. Julie Hastings, owner and designer of White Widow. The “Vertigo” body tattoo is available at the main store now, in a gacha machine at the back wall of the store.

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The awesome location I was showed by a wonderful photographer, which I had the pleasure to work with lately. The location is the main store of Alpha Tribe. With the amazing futuristic and as well steam punk looking set and the special settings of the windlight make this a real happening to pose in and snap. All the structures and light and as well the sheer floor make an amazing scenery.

Cyber 3Details

Hat: [E.V.E] Studios – “Swing Alma Hat “Black Widow Gold” – NEW (Art in Hats 2015)

Top: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Xena Top”

Pants: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Lavinia Leggings” (for slink high feet only)

Tattoo: [White~Widow] – “Vertigo”

Makeup: Corvus – “Fighter” & Zibska – “Ltd Noir 14”

Poses: Del May

Location: Alpha Tribe

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Cyber 6

The Crow – Dark & Strong

Miss Darcy 4

Today I have the great pleasure to showcase another hat for the Art in Hats 2015 charity. This time it is the contribution of Miss Darcy”.

The “Stillness” hat not only includes the hat, but as well a wonderful and sad dramatic looking face tattoo.

Miss Darcy 3

The “Stillness” hat looks like a tree branch coming out from your head and has sitting a little crow in it. Additional to that you have crows flying around your head too what brought me on the idea of todays look.

The face tattoo reminded me about 2 things. First of all about the old silent movies, where pantomimes were used or even about the pantomimes, that you can find out on the street in the big cities who entertain the people while they are shopping.

And for the second reason.. I am a child of the 80s and back then those sad clowns, called Pierrot, were very popular. I know that the general term is way older, but they kinda had a revival in the 80s in black & white. And the mask kinda reminded me of that as well.

Miss Darcy 1

When I was putting the hat and the makeup on, I looked at it more and more the Crow theme was growing in my head. Again and again black crows and dead trees were floating through my mind.

The dead tree totally called for something late fall winter looking in my opinion and I remembered the “Corvo” outfit from Zibska. The dark branches were right what I was looking for.

The outfit is made by Leezu and I just used the clothing layers for today. The kinda ripped off lately was the perfect base for the idea I had.

Miss Darcy 5

For the shoes I was thinking a long time what I should wear. Boots? … to heavy for the filigree look with the branches… heels? … to elegant…

While I was trying several different shoes, a gift came to my mind. I got this shoes as a special gift, to remember something while I would wear them. The shoes are not common shoes, they are just leather straps wich surround the footΒ  and the ankles and as a heel they just have one iron pin. I am sure, that those shoes are kinda painful to walk in and as well not very comfortable with poking constantly into the back of the heel *shudders* But since I did not have to walk a lot for the shooting.. it was worth a try :p The shoes kinda underlined the gothic character of the look as well as they were filigree enough to not overload the whole look.

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With my addiction to tattoos, I certainly could not miss one of my favourite tattoos from White Widow πŸ˜‰ . The “Cavage” tattoo is available on the We <3 RP event and it is a full body tattoo, which goes from the upper body,shoulders and arms down over the belly to the upper thigh of the right leg. That was perfect for the kinda ripped lately since the bare skin was covered by amazing ink then πŸ™‚ The tattoo works for the normal avatar and as well for all popular mesh bodies.

Last but not least I added – to complement the shoes – I added a collar from Revolt ([R3]), called “Isobel” with some chains and buckles to bring back those accessories from the bottom to the top as well.

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Outfit: LeeZu – “Liquid Latex”

Attachments: Zibska – “Corvus” (part of the outfit)

Shoes: Pixelfashion – “Slavia Shoes”

Hat & Makeup: Miss Darcy – “Stillness” (Art in Hats 2015)

Collar: R3volt – “Isobel Collar”

Tattoo: White Widow – “Caravage” – NEW (We <3 RP)

Hair: no.match – “No.Why?” – NEW (On9)

Poses: Del May

Location: Digital Art – Cammino e Vivo Capovolto

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Miss Darcy 7

Dark Tales – Part One

Versus Magazine AW 2015 Dark Tale 2

(Versus Magazine Autumn/Winter 2015:


Top: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Xena Top”
Pants: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Lavinia Leggings”
Collar: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Dark Desire”
Headpiece: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Xeno Headpiece”
Bracelets: Formanails – “NIKOLAJ2”
Hair: LoQ Hair – “Shaved Hairbase – Blonde”
Makeup 1: Zibska – “Ltd Noir 20”
Makeup 2: Zibska – “Ltd Noir 24”
Tattoo: [White~Widow] – “Tombstone Women”
Lashes: DAMNED – “Blossom Eyelashes”
Nails: Nailed It – “Cracked Set”
Pose: Del May
Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Circus! – Faster Pussycat meets Machoire

Circus 1

I have no clue how this idea was born…

That was one of the moments when you go over your wardrobe and try to find some inspiration πŸ˜‰

I wanted to do something special for the new “Ganta Heels” from Machoire.

The heels are not only shoes, they are an art piece, so they needed something extraordinary. What could be for such an idea the something from Faster Pussycat!

I saw the “Hydra” outfit during the popstars show at the 24 event last weekend and fell immediately in love with it, A corset paired with a two-part harness and those exciting, wild horn parts covering the waits and chest. There is as well a headpiece matching to them, which I did not use for today’s pictures.

Circus 2

The beautiful and strong-looking tattoo is one of the newest releases from White Widow.Β  Julie Hastings made this one as her contribution to the ‘anyBODY – for applier lovers‘ event.

The while look had kinda a burlesque or even vintage circus feeling and so I was trying to make some pictures in that direction. The poses certainly had to be different for that too as I wanted to highlight the whole look. It is not always easy to drag the focus on shoes if you want to showcase the outfit as well πŸ˜‰

The amazing, cool hair was made by Mirja Mills, owner and designer of EMO-tions.

I have a weakness for circus themes anyways especially the more vintage ones, so this pictures really were a lot of fun πŸ™‚

Circus 3


Outfit: Faster Pussycat – “Hydra”

Shoes: Machoire – “Ganta Heels” – NEW

Tattoo: [White~Widow] – “Focus” – NEW (@ anyBODY)

Hair: EMO-tions – “Alicia”

Nail Polish: Nailed It! – “Diva Set”

Mesh Body, Hands & Feet: Slink

Poses: .Infiniti. – “Contort”

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

I was allowed to walk along with the Scala Grad Students!

Shey Casual 01

Last weekend I had the great pleasure to walk the Graduation Show of the last Scala Academy batch, side by side with the grad students! It was so much fun and I kinda missed my good old student days πŸ˜‰

Since I got some of the students to know during the last batch of the academy, I did know I really have to watch my stylings, since we really had some very promising stylists! That does not mean I would not watch my stylings usually too but it is a very different feeling to walk along with the models that you taught about styling and other things before.

Plus, I know how obsessed Seashell is with poses and since we all had to be checked by her too… that was quite a challenge πŸ˜‰

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The sponsor for this graduation show was Shey. A wonderful brand with so many different styles. All of us got 3 outfits, which we had to style for the show.

Mine was all very different and so I tried to do justice to each of them πŸ™‚

Β My first assigned run was the “Aukje” outfit. The outfit comes as a complete outfit including top, skirt, belt and pants. When I put it on it immediately screamed “rock!” to me. The short skirt with that open vest seriously needs to be styled urban and kick ass for me πŸ˜‰ So I wanted to have a cool necklace but nothing elegant and sophisticated, more something loose and cool looking. I decided to go with the “Legendary” necklace from Mandala. The huge necklace made me kinda skip on the earrings but I did not wanna go with bare ears either. Solution: The special mesh ears from Mandala with the piercings and tunnels on it!

I am addicted to tattoos and I know many do not really like them on the runway. I had requested permission to do so for that very particular style since it kinda screamed for a tattoo πŸ˜‰

The tattoo is from my favourite tattoo maker, Julie Hastings, owner and designer of [White~Widow]. The super cool makeup is a combination of Nuuna’s And Zibska, that I added over each other.

It still looked as if it would miss something and I started to experiment with my hair. I tried a lot of different hair and none would satisfy me for the look as I came across the idea of a hat. The extravagant “Dali” hat from [sys]. The hat has an open back, which allows you to have hair that goes a little higher that usually for hats.

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My second outfit was more classy chic and when I tried it the first time, I did know I had to put my personal twist on it πŸ˜‰

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The “Mira” outfit comes with a blouse and skirt. The top is a kinda overlapping style and with its asymmetric shape and the high open front it has a definitely sexy touch.

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The skirt with its asymmetric shape and the amazing ornamented belt gave room for a little bit of crazy ness and I decided to try the “Gorgo Metal Helm” That looked so weird that it already was kinda cool again :p So I decided to keep it. Since I have so much going on, on my head, I have to keep the jewelry to a minimum for my personal taste. So I just added the “Sinra” Earrings from Mandala and the “Axiom” bracelet made by [sys].

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My 3rd and last outfit looked to me very elegant when I tried it on the first time.

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The “Sonia Prestige Gown” as well is an asymmetric gown. The left leg is long down to the ground while the right one ends short under the hips at the right upper leg. The top only is held by a filigree chain round the neck.

I wanted to keep that elegant touch and though about something what could work as well as accessory and for jewelry since the little chain round the neck does not let any room for a necklace. All ofΒ  a sudden the “Butterfly Neobaroque” head-piece from Swallow came to my mind. For the shoulders I chose a mixture off 2 different Finesmith sets, or better parts of them πŸ˜‰

For the earrings I just put some little and simple pearl earrings as I wanted to wear the “Celeste” face chain to complement the chain around my neck.

The show was a blast and I was very happy to be allowed to walk with our grads. Great looks, a great set and a cool bunch of amazing, skilled and upcoming stylists and models πŸ™‚ Thank you Scala, thank you Seashell and Kryptonia!

Β Shey Formal 02

Look 1

Outfit (incl shoes): Shey – “Aukje”

Necklace: Mandala – “Legendary”

Braclet left: United Colors – “Dragon Scale Braclet”

Beaclet right: Formanails – “Nikolaj”

Rings: Wayne – “Black Set”

Hand Tattoo: Zibska – “Mallt”

Tattoo: [White~Widow] – “Tesis”

Hair: Baiastice – “Eolion”

Hat: [sys] – “Dali Hat”

Makeup: Nuuna’s – “Astro Glam” & Zibska – “Ltd Noir 13”

Poses: Corpus

Look 2

Outfit: Shey – “Mira”

Shoes: Shey – “Chole Stielettos”

Mask: Miamai – “Gorgo Metal Helm”

Earrings: Mandala – “Sinra”

Braclet: [sys] – “Axiom”

Ring: (NS) – “Vicious Rose Ring”

Lipstick: Swallow – “Surrealist 4”

Nail Polish: Nailed It! – “Metal Set”

Poses: PosESioN

Look 3

Dress: Shey – “Sonia Prestige Gown”

Shoulder Piece: Finesmith – “Shame” & “Shape of my Heart”

Facechain: Keystone – “Celeste”

Hat: Swallow – “Butterfly Neobaroque”

Earrnigs: *C:K* – “Simple Pearl Earrings” (color modified)

Hair: Amacci – “Estra”

Nail Polish: Nailed It! – “MvW Autumn Set”

Poses: Wicca’s Wardrobe – Poses

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Fears, Anxieties & Nightmares…

Chased 01b

I still cannot believe it… I was invited to an Art Gallery as an artist!

Not too long ago I was IMed by someone, that told me if I ever would have considered my pictures as art…

I was quite speechless, because until now I never thought about making art I just made pictures for my blog posts*giggles*

Chased 02b

But now I would like to talk a little bit about the guy that found me πŸ˜‰

John (Johannes1977), owner of the Windlight Gallery and the Windlight Magazine.

He and his partner, the lovely Emma Portilo, created that amazing place and Magazine that features new, aspiring artists as well as experienced and popular artists of Second Life.

To have such a place, is something very precious as you rarely will find something like that… giving young and new artists the same chance as already popular and well-known names.

When he asked me, if I ever thought about having an exhibition or show for my pictures, I nearly did faint…

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I really could not believe, that an experienced and well-known artist would consider my pictures art and it took me some days to get familiar with that thought*giggles*…Β  you can ask him, how insecure and excited I was…

He was so nice and kind and encouraged me for quite some time, until I dared to agree to try it.

Now I had to think about making art… what did not make it easier*chuckles*

I thought back and forth what I could do and I guess, I kinda ‘over thought it’ as I did not find anything that I thought would be as good to be displayed. Then I just slapped myself and forced myself to not think too much and just do what I feel.

The idea was to have several different pictures for the gallery, but when i started making some pictures I more and more came across, that I wanted to tell a little story with my pictures.

I ended up with 2 different series, which were born out of 2 totally different visions.

The first one is the one I have on this post.

I called it “Chased…” as a work title. The idea behind was that in our lifes we are running from fears, nightmares and anxieties, just because it is something we do not know better.

So the steam punk looking fishes are kinda synonymous for all those things we run from.

Sometimes we even feel attacked or even bitten by those and try to defend us and survive or get rid of them at least for the moment.

But what, if we stop running and turn around facing them?

Chased 04b

Maybe we can get them known better and all of a sudden they are not anymore formidable? It might not work for all of them but with some we maybe can make our peace after some time?

It might now work with all, but for many it can, at least for some it was like that for me. And in the end you might be able to go along with them like I did with swimming together with the fishes instead of always running from them πŸ˜‰

Β If you would like to come over to the Windlight Gallery and take a look at all those amazing artists and art pieces here is your limo :

Windlight Gallery

While you are there and look at all the amazing pictures, do not forget to pick up the latest issue of the Windlight Magazine to be always up to date and informed about the SL Art World πŸ™‚

Chased 05b


Outfit: r2 – “Kagaya”

Leggings: Sheer – “Leggings 29a: Very Torn Black”

Boots: Stelloane – “Heloise”

Bracelets: [sys] – “Khaleesi”

Hair: [sys] – “Micha”

Necklace: [The Forge] – “Chainlink Tassles”

Makeup: Nuuna’s – “Litzi Black” & Madrid Solo – “Twice Shy-Selfish Silver”

Tattoo: White Widow – “Insidious”

Fishes: 22769 – “Floating Boat” (part of the boat)

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin


Lost Creature 01

You can take away all my love, what do I need it for?
You can take away all these words, there’s no meaning anymore
You can take away everything, leave me lying on the floor
All those sorry’s, we can’t go back to the start
You can’t fix me, I’m torn apart

[Leona Lewis]

Lost Creature 03

Sometimes life feels dark…

Sometimes life feels empty…

Sometimes you feel teared apart…

Sometimes you see no light…

Sometimes you just feel nothing…

Sometimes you do not know what to do…

… But then…

You open your eyes, still full of tears and look up.

You take the hand, someone is reaching out and stand up again.

Lost Creature 05


Top: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Xena Top”

Pants: Wicca’s Wardobe – “Lavinia Leggings”

Collar: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Dark Desire Collar”

Head Piece: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Xeno” – NEW @ On9

Wings: Death Row Designs – “Wings – Desaturated”

Bracelets: Formanails – “Nikolaj”

Makeup: Zibska – “Ltd Noir 20” & “Ltd Noir 24”

Eyelashes: Damned – “Blossom Eyelashes”

Tattoo: White Widow – “Tombstone”

Skin: [sys] – “Eva”

Poses: Silhouette F – “Goa”

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Lost Creature 02

LOTD 08/11/2015 – Back to the 80s?

Gabriel 001aI can not deny it… I am a child of the 80 somehow.

Born in 1977 I am basically too young to have experienced the 80s fashion myself a lot, but it was the time when I grew up and I still love the style of that time.

The 80s to me kinda show a fashion rebellion and as well I think that the 80s fashion made the way for what we call fashion nowadays.

Gabriel 002aWhen I put on the Emma Dress from Gabriel, I immediately fell in love and back to the 80s*giggles. Even if that dress matches a modern styling as well with the red and black and the shape of the dress I so saw Cyndi Lauper or Whitney Houston wearing it :p

The short dress with a kind of wrapped look, where the red overlays the black fabric, the neat belt, it just screamed 80s at me πŸ˜‰

The back of the “Emma” dress holds a very sexy secret as well πŸ˜‰ You have a small gap between top and skirt that gives a very naughty view on your lower back*rawr*

Gabriel 004aI added the “Khalessi” bracelets from [sys] and some heavy boots from [GOS], tp even more go towards the 80s look.

The amazing hair, which is connected to the hat comes from Ayashi and just was the perfect addition for that look. Certainly I needed a cool tattoo too and what can be better than one of my beloved White Widow tattoos!

Julie did it again and made a wonderful and as well sexy looking tattoo, that goes over the whole body and even down the hands, plus it even has a wonderful painted garter looking ornament at the left leg. The “Music Box” tattoo is available in theΒ  3 different colors and I chose the ‘Dark’ version for this post.

The fabulous nail polish was made by Giela Delpaso for Nailed It!

Gabriel 003aDetails

Dress: Gabriel – “Emma Dress-milano color standart”

Shoes: [GOS] – Triumph Boots”

Bracelets: [sys] – “Khalessi Bracelets”

Tattoo: White Widow – “Music Box”

Makeup: Zibska – “Ltd Noir 22” + “Svenja ~ Scarlet”

Lipstick: blackliquid – “Boisinberry Suck”

Nail Polish – Nailed It! – “Diva Set”

Hair: Ayashi – “Rin”

Poses: Del May

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

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