Casual Chic with Asia Rae

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Lately Asia Rae surprises us with more and more amazing new releases.

Today I would like to drag the spotlight on the “Roxane Dress”. A simple, but amazing detailed textured, short dress.

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Dresses like the “Roxane Dress” are a very important asset in a wardrobe in my view, as it gives the possibility to use them for so many different looks. You can drag it from a simple casual, over an exciting casual chic up to a wonderful seductive elegant look.

It only depends on the accessories, how you wanna make this awesome chameleon look like 😉

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Today, I wanted to go for some casual chic, with a light touch of elegance. The idea came, when Alexavion, a very dear friend, that I know for years, dragged me to the St. Pete City sim to shoot the pics for the Womanstuff hunt gifts lookbook pictures. I never saw this amazing sim before. It was designed and built by Neva Crystall, the owner of Neva Estates. Her sims are one of the most amazing places to live and wander around. she puts so much love to the detail for her places… it is unbelievable awesome 🙂

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For the shoes I chose something converse. Probably this style would have called for pumps or stilettos, at least some high heels, but that would not be me. As long as I have my little styling freedom, I always will put my personal twist on it, if not requested differently for a runway or print job for example.

I chose the “Montana Boots” from Wicca’s Wardrobe. They can be used for elegant and casual purposes, even for some fantasy or RP depending on the color you use 😉 I liked to wear them to the “Roxane Dress” as they as well have so many different style possibilities.

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To accessorize the whole look, I chose a jewelry set from Meva. The “Spiral Spheres” in gold. The amazing necklace, together with the ring, made the perfect addition to combine the controversy of the dress and the boots. In my view, it is a strong and bold set, that shows character and combines the casual and the chic.

I wanted to have a huge hat, I really do like the big hats as they add a lot of chic and elegance to looks for me, sometimes even something mystical. With hats you usually run into trouble finding hair, where the hair is not poking through. so the easiest way is to find a hair that comes with a hair or was made for hat. I found my today’s hair at ICONIC. The “Boss” hair comes as hair with hat and a HUD to choose for several colors. If I remember correctly, I found it on one of the On9 rounds, but I am sure it should be available in the main store now.

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Dress: Asia Rae [AR] – “Roxane Dress”

Stole: GizzA – “Crystal Faux Fur Stole”

Tights: LeeZu – “LaLun Tights”

Shoes: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Montana Boots”

Hair & Hat: Iconic – “Boss”

Jewelry: Meva – “Spiral Spheres”

Glasses: Steinwerk – “Fee”

Poses: Devilish Poses

Location: Saint Pete City

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Urban Musing


This wonderful picture was done by the talented Tempest Rosca. We got the a theme for the last issue of the Eclipse Magazine, called Urban Musing. The trend becomes more and more popular. In many of the fashion cities you can find people who mix and match lingerie with normal urban casual, to create this new and modern look.

It was quite fun to experiment with lingerie and make something that can bw worn on the street 😉

For more of those amazing looks you can take a peek on the February Issue of the Eclipse Magazine 🙂


Top: Pixicat – “Temptation Corset” (Store Gacha)

Lingerie: Apple May – “Tigress Hotpants & Sliced Top”

Bra: Wicca’s Wardrobe (coming soon)

Collar: Maitreya – “Vintage Collar”

Jacket: ISON – “Occult Jacket”

Shoes: :)(: Pixelfashion – “Vanina”

Hair: no.match – “No.perfection”

Location: Maddux’ Wreck

Photographer: Tempest Rosca

Model & Stylist: Wicca Merlin

Fantasy Dreams with Wicca’s Wardrobe

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Today I would like to showcase one of our latest releases. The “Miniel” outfit is available at the actual round of The Fantasy Collective (TFC).

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For today I chose the blue/brass version of the outfit, as it looked the best in the wooden environment I chose for my pictures. At the event you will find 5 different colors for the outfit.

The body is decorated with some armor looking parts as well as with some very filigree chains. The cool arm and leg armor is part of the whole “Miniel” outfit too.

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When I saw the “Eva” wings from NeverWish, I totally fell in love with them. They matched so perfect in style and color to the “Miniel” outfit.

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The “Eva” wings are incredible detailed and wonderful textured, little wings, that fit to many different looks. With the delicate roses and the wonderful filigree metal shapes they are a must have for every fantasy wardrobe. The wings do have a HUD to recolor the wings and metals separately.

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The cool “Nanina” hair was made by EMO-tions. The hair is made of many little braided parts, that are non symmetrical and have an awesome high top part.

The boots are as well from Wicca’s Wardrobe. The “Inara” boots with the little golden spikes and chains totally rocked the style and the blue version of the ‘Chic Edition’, even matched the color of the “Miniel” body suit.

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Outfit (incl Armor): Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Miniel” – NEW @ The Fantasy Collective

Boots: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Inara Boots /Chic Edition”

Wings: NeverWish – “Eva Wings” – NEW @ The Fantasy Collective

Hair: EMO-tions – “Nanina”

Eyeshadow: Zibska – “Alida Solo”

Lashes: Zibska – “Via No. 01 Lower”

Poses: Del May

Location: Happy Mood

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

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LOTD 02/02/2016 – Clubbing

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A few days ago, I was fooling around with my inventory. I did not sort it for a longer time and was unpacking boxes and sorting in some stuff.

All of a sudden I came across the “Plume” jacket from E-Clipse. I got that at the last On9 event. I was looking at it and already got some very different ideas for it. But then I kept sorting stuff, tried different boxes back and forth and got distracted again from my original ideas.

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One box  said “Bay High-Waist” pants from [R3]. Knowing R3volt, it must be super cool looking pants, even if I did not remember yet, what they looked like or when I got them*hides*

I unpacked the box and put them on and… bingo! They looked perfect and put a totally different look on the jacket than i was originally going for. But sometimes you just have to listen to your guts and I decided to go by them for today’s look.

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The “Vertigo” boots from [sys] were the perfect addition to the look. The smart flat boots with the open laces totally caught the mood I was going for.  With a little bit of tweaking work, the shoes even did fit over the mesh pants what is really rare these days. As well from [sys], are the sunglasses is used for this post. The “Monaco” sunglasses come with a HUD to customize them to your needs and with the light retro feeling they rocked the look.

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Last but not least, to get the real clubbing feeling I put on the “Miwa” headphones made my Wicca’s Wardrobe. The cool headphones with the skulls and spine bones are the perfect accessory for every clubbing night or even for DJs for their work 😉 With a huge HUD you can customize the colors in every single part.

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Jacket: E-Clipse – “Plume”

Pants: R3volt – “Bay High-Waist [V2]”

Shoes: [sys] – “Vertigo”

Glasses – [sys] – “Monaco”

Headphones: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Miwa Headphones”

Hair: no.match – “No.Silence”

Poses: agapee

Location: Hamburg

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

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Winter Dreams

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I’m dreaming of a white Christmas
Just like the ones I used to know
Where the treetops glisten
And children listen
To hear sleigh bells in the snow

[Bing Crosby]

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Dreaming of a white Christmas… yes .. exactly that was what I was doing for the past days. I still did hope that at least a few snowflakes would show up for Christmas but… sadly not even a single one…

So I had to play with snow for the pictures 😉

First I wanted to dress up all in white, sometimes I like it when I can blend myself into the scenery or background as to me that usually makes it most dreamy and interesting.

I started with the “New Age” pants in white, I always liked those pants and the special shape of them. Then I added the “Orion” collar from [sys]. The collar covers the chest barley and if you move it shows more than I like 😉 So I had to search for something that I could use as a base to not distract too much but as well cover my body at least a little bit. I used the layer of the “Mummy Bride” of Ezura Xue. Just a few bandages around my chest and waist 😉

The shoes are from Wicca’s Wardrobe. The “Shenna” heels in white of the ‘Chic Edition’ pack. I already had a funky touch so I went for the amazing horns from Death Row Designs. The cool knee patches are part of an [sys] outfit called “Alcane”

Now I had to find a place with snow and after trying a lot of different sims which are just Christmas themed I found this wonderful little place. A wonderful landscape with a natural and realistic looking ambience. Sadly I forgot to LM the place and after hopping around so much I forgot how it was called *grumbles* But I will try to find it again and update the post then 😉

*UPDATE: Found the place again and it is called “Let it Snow”

I hope you all will have some wonderful, relaxed and peaceful days with the ones you love.

Merry Christmas!

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Pants: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “New Age Pants”

Top: [sys] – “Orion Collar” (part of an outfit)

‘Unterwear’: Ezura – “Mummy Bride” (part of an outfit, store not anymore existing)

Knee Parts: [sys] – “Alcane”

Bangles: Edelfabrik – “Bonfire” (part of an outfit)

Horns: DRD – “Darkforest”

Hair: Analog Dog – “Pipe Dream”

Face Tattoo: Nuuna – “Zion 2”

Eyeshadow: L.Fauna – “Twotone Makeup (silver warm-gray)”

Location: Let it Snow

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

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Le Enfant Terrible – Vintage Bunny Puppet

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Finally I have time to do another post!

All the Christmas horror kept me away from all the blogging fun for way too long. But now a few days before Christmas I am nearly done with all the students concerts and kids musicals for this year – for thank god!

7 days to go and I finally will have holidays!

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Today I would like to spotlight one of the latest releases from LeEnfant Terrible, owner and designer of Enfant Terrible and a wonderful friend.

The “L’odeur du cuir” what means ‘the smell of leather’ is a full set of amazing items all made of leather. A wonderful corset with a huge color HUD, the super cute bunny mask in black & white, the incredible necklace with the long leather straps down the cleavage, an elegant bracelet and a sweet leg band with tiny little accessories, every girl needs,  in black, white & pink.

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The incredible details of this set, show the love for every little thing, that LeEnfant Terrible puts in all her designs. You can nearly feel the hours and days, that she must have spent on those designs. If you just take a look at the leg band – for today’s post I chose the black one – with the tiny little brush, the eyeliner, the amazing filigree chains and all those realistic looking creations… simply stunning!

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The “L’odeur du cuir” set immediately brought me to a vintage mood, when I put it on the first time. I added a bra, we made for Wicca’s Wardrobe, wich will be released soon and a fishnet panty hose.

The puppet hanger I saw, when I was walking a show and a real good friend was wearing it so I had to have it! Thank you Xandrah for sharing where you got them from 😉

Last but not least I would like to drag your focus on the amazing sweet ankle boots made by Elysium.

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The incredible “London Ankle Boots” from Elysium come with a HUD, to change the fur options on the top. With the amazing suede fabric and the filigree lines that end in such a sweet box at the upper side, those shoes are perfect for the actual season 🙂

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Corset, Mask, Legstrap, Necklace & Bracelet: Enfant Terrible – “L’odeur du Cuir” – NEW @ Arcade

Shoes: Elysium – “London Ankle Boots”

Stockings: Thalia – “Fishnet Pantyhose with Seam”

Bra: Wicca’s Wardrobe (tbr)

Skirt: [R3] – “Akali Skirt”

Hair: no.match – “No.Call”

Poses: Del May

Set: Secret Spaces

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Wicca’s Wardorbe for Art in Hats 2015

Art for Phaedra Headpiece-final

This year it is the first time, that we are part of the event with the store and not only myself as blogger or photographer.

Art in Hats to me always was something, where designers could go over the top and create something artistic what you could put on your head.

The more I was excited about what we could come up with to fulfill that high demand or art on the hats 😉

We created in total 4 hats for the event. 2 for the regular event, one for the hunt and one auction hat. All are 100% original mesh.

One of the was the “Phaedra Headpiece” what you can see on the pictures of this post.

The headpiece is a futuristic looking kinda helmet with amazing branches, which end in awesome gems. The whole headpiece is HUD driven, so you can re-texture the gems, the ear covers, the middle stripe and the main part as well. The main part can be switched between black, gold and silver and the other parts have 11 different colors to choose from.

The hat headpiece is a 100% original mesh creation for our brand Wicca’s Wardrobe and at the moment only available at the Art in Hats event until the 14th of November.

Wicca's Wardrobe - Phaedra Headpiece Vendor


Headpiece: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Phaedra” – NEW

Makeup: Nuuna’s – “Meta” , “Neuro” & “Warp”

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Golden Times

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And again I have a ‘start with the hat” styling going on for today 😉

The hat of today is one of the contributions of Noke Yuitza from E.V.E Studios to the Art in Hats event. It is a whole series of that wonderful head-piece in several color combinations. The name of that great head is “The Black Widow” and the whole series is called “Swing Alma Hats”.

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The hat is made of wonderful wavy looking huge parts, 100% original mesh and you can resize it via an inbuilt resizer. What makes this piece of art so interesting is that it as well is materials enabled and will pick up several windlights and the light of projectors as well. That is why I chose the location to shoot as it showed that in an amazing way.

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The version I chose to wear or today is the “E.V.E Swing Alma Hat “Black Widow Gold”. To complement the wonderful golden tone I chose the “Laviana Leggins” and the “Xena Top” from Wicca’s Wardrobe in black and bronze. I wanted a futuristic and as well fantasy look for that special hat and so I decided to add the “Draconia Wings” from Fancy Fairy.

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The incredible tattoo is one from a dear friend and as well from my favourite tattoo designer. Julie Hastings, owner and designer of White Widow. The “Vertigo” body tattoo is available at the main store now, in a gacha machine at the back wall of the store.

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The awesome location I was showed by a wonderful photographer, which I had the pleasure to work with lately. The location is the main store of Alpha Tribe. With the amazing futuristic and as well steam punk looking set and the special settings of the windlight make this a real happening to pose in and snap. All the structures and light and as well the sheer floor make an amazing scenery.

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Hat: [E.V.E] Studios – “Swing Alma Hat “Black Widow Gold” – NEW (Art in Hats 2015)

Top: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Xena Top”

Pants: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Lavinia Leggings” (for slink high feet only)

Tattoo: [White~Widow] – “Vertigo”

Makeup: Corvus – “Fighter” & Zibska – “Ltd Noir 14”

Poses: Del May

Location: Alpha Tribe

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

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A Lonely Dancer

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A Lonely Dancer

A fallen dream…I hit the ground of Eden
For a last time…
A bleeding vision…an ancient prophecy

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White wings still burning…
I’m hidden in the dark…autumn never ends here
Forever trapped in the wings of eternity……
I gave you shelter…a place without fears
Oh, now I’m dancing with spectres of heaven……
A burning symbol bleeds – A deathless path ends
Did you realize what we have done?
A burning heart cries – A deathless love begins
I realized, life is just lies…
That bleeding vision shows us a true life
White wings are burning…
A lonely dancer…so far away from you
Sad melody dies – forever love lives…
A burning symbol bleeds – A deathless path ends
Did you realize what we have done?
We’re living in a new paradise…a painful journey begins
We’re wasting intentions of life…we’re wasting all of our sins……

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We are wasting all…a lonely dancer
This is the last serenade…this is the last serenade
This is our last serenade…a lonely dancer…I am…
A burning heart cries-A deathless love begins
I realized, life is just lies…
We’re living in a new paradise
…a painful journey begins
We’re wasting intentions of life
…we’re wasting all
My fallen dream…it seems a broken mirror
In a lost time…
Ethereal vision…ethereal prophecy
White wings will fly again…
Until then a lonely dancer I am…will fly again…
Will fly again…a lonely dancer I am…I am…

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Outfit: Zibska – “Tina”
Headpiece: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Corona Headpiece”
Shoes: Zibska – “Svanhildr”
Jewelry: Zibska – “Scaramouche”
Braclets: United Colors – “Dragon Scale Braclet”
Mask: *deviant girls* – “Obscure Face”
Makeup: Zibska – “Ltd Noir 24” & Elysium – “Geometrica Line”
Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin
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Melancholic Halloween Mood

Arts in Hats 4

Halloween is – as I stated a few times before – my favourite part of the years. I like the dark, mystic, mysterious and spooky stories and fairytales a lot.

When I was thinking about, what I could style for the “Lula Bella Hat” from SAS. The hat is one of the contributions of Sascha’s Designs for the upcoming Art in Hats event. The hat is a wonderful arrangement of flowers and some awesome shining spheres. The hat is available in white and black at the Art in Hats event.

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The hat was all sweet and beautiful and I was really thinking hard about what to do.

I remembered a wonderful corset, which I got lately from a very dear friend. The” Rosalies Corset”, made by  Enfant Terrible. I always admired the work of Enfant Terrible as she puts so much love for the detail in all of her creations. The “Rosalies Corset” again shows that. The shape is amazing realistic and with the sweet ruffles and this incredible texture it really is a wonderful part for your wardrobe.

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To complete the style I put on the “Couture Loggins” fro Maitreya. They are kinda a long time favoured of mine. I like the way how the shoes are kinda connected to the leggings.

To complement the wonderful spheres of the hat I decided to wear the “Eva” necklace from Finsmith to add a more elegant and maybe even vintage touch, which the corset already provides.

When I was putting the look together, I still had the super cool “Halloween Decor” gacha set from GizzA up and all of a sudden the little “Eyes Jar” fell right into my view.

Immediately an idea grew in my mind and I started to look for a blindfold in my inventory. I thought I had a special blindfold, what would be right perfect for my imagination, but I did not remember from which brand…

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In the moment I was to give up, as my inventory seemed not willing to give me what I wanted, it fell into my hands… The “Bloody Blindfold” from Rotten Defiance!

With having Halloween, I really was a lot of fun, to realize that scary and spooky idea…

It was one of those special moments when you do not really plan on something and all of a sudden things fall together so perfectly…

I did not yet choose an outfit for tonight’s Halloween Party, but that look, might have a good chance to get picked 😉

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Corset: Enfant Terrible – “Rosalies Corset”

Hat: SAS – “Lulla Bella Hat” (Art in Hats)

Necklace: Finesmith – “Eva”

Blindfold: [*RD*] – “Bloody Blindfold V.2”

Hair: [Entwined] – “Alice”

Furniture: GizzA – “Halloween Decor” (Lost & Found Event)

Poses: Del May

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

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