Wicca’s Originals @ ACCESS Cyberfair // June 1st – 25th
“Form follows function” is an old design addage, but even in the age of cyber augmentation, it’s still relevant. Enter the Cypher Pants, engineered by the brightest minds at Wicca’s Originals. These pants are more than just coverings for your legs, they provide thermal insulation to protect from heat and cold. They grant your hips and thighs with next-generation support, alleviating some of the strain on them, allowing you to run longer with less effort. And of course, there is the very practical aspect of the slash-resistant materials used, giving the wearer a sense of security against either laceration or tearing, from falls on the asphalt, to thorny bushes or even knives. All of this in a sleek, aesthetically pleasing package. Get your Cypher Pants today, and feel the difference. Comes with 10 colors palettes and metal options, for Maitreya, Legacy, and Gianni bodies — Also comes in a ‘Rune edition’, for wear with the Rune Top!

The Yuri Arms by Wicca’s Originals are more than meets the eye. At a glance, they are sleek sleeves, covering from wrist to mid-upper arm, but they are so much more. Using a series of induction pads, the Yuri Arms read micro-electic pulses going on just underneath the dermal layer, in the musculature, and send signals to expand or contract along channels in the nanocarbon material to supplement the body’s natural strength. The effects of this range from subtle support to being a force multiplier, improving the precision of detailed work that requires a steady hand, or amplifying the raw strength behind a throw or a punch. This patented technology provides the best augmentation you can get for upper body control, short of invasive surgeries. Comes in 10 color options, with 10 metals, for Maitreya, Legacy, and Gianni bodies — Also comes in a ‘Rune Edition’ variant for use with the Rune Top.