Ring around the Rosie
Pocket full of posies
Ashes, ashes
We all fall down
Ring around the Rosie
What do you suppose we
can do to fight the darkness
in which we drown?
Ring around the Rosie
This evil thing, it knows me
Lost ghosts surround me
I can’t fall down

Today they Bloggies took place, the Blogger and Vlogger awards done by BVN. I was nominated in quite a few categories and so when I got the taxi to the celebration event, I did throw on something as formal as possible for me – I do not own one single gown anymore – and took the ride to the Seraphim sim, where the event took place. I never expect to actually win something as the competition is huge and there are so many amazing people nominated.
A lot of people were there and it looked all very festive and classy – I again felt so miss placed *giggles*. I am not used to go to such celebrations or awards, eve if as a musician in RL we had some… I just can’t get used to it for what ever reason. When they started the announcements and who won all the categories (yes there were quite a few :P), I still felt somehow excited and nervous. Even if you never really count to win something, the hope that it nevertheless happens sticks deep inside somehow, I guess that’s human after all.
But all of a sudden I heard the speakers saying my name and I was like “Wait what?!?” and it seems, I won the Best Shoe blogger award! O…M…G…! Thank you so much for everyone that voted for me!
If I remember correctly I got a few awesome runner up placements:
Best Accessories Blogger: 1st Runner Up
Best Roleplay Blogger: 2nd Runner Up
Best Fantasy Blogger: 2nd Runner Up
Best Review Blogger: 1st Runner Up
Best Photographic Editing: 2nd Runner Up
Most Improved Blogger: 1st Runner Up
If I did name the category not exactly right, I am very sorry but when I heard my name again and again I was so excited that I might not have the 100% correct description of some of them *blushes*
Again thank you to everyone that voted for me that really means a lot to me!
But now lets take a lok at my today look as I do have some freaking, amazing designers to showcase!
Yesterday I had the honor to be asked if I would like to blog for {PSYCHO:Byts}… if I would like?!? YES!!! Certainly I would LOVE to! I do love that brand for a longer time and alraedy blogged the designs quite a few times *dances around* And her we go – my first blog as official {PSYCHO:Byts} blogger with the kick ass amazing “Nekhbet Mummy Arms” released at the Salem event. The arms are rigged for Maitreya and Legacy body only. With the huge HUD you can customize the skin, the bandages, the leather parts and the buckles. As well on the HUD you will find 3 buttons called “Whole”, “Half Sleeve” and “Hand”, which gives you even more possibilities to wear your awesome new arms.
CerberusXing and DRD have some hyper cool news as well, fir exmaple the super cool leg bandages I am wearing you can find at The Warehouse Sale event and the incredible mask, which reminded me aboutthe SAW movies , which I totally love, is one of the hunt gifts at the Hallow Manor event! DRD is participating in so many events this month, you better safe your money to get all this amazig designs: Salem, Satan Inc, Fameshed, Hallow Manor, Epiphany and The Warehouse Sale!
I hope you enjoy the dark season as much as I do – Happy Halloween!

Dress: [CX] – “Vicious Vaccine – Dress ( VIP )” (Maitreya, Gacha, Epiphany VIP)
Panty: [CX] – “Sticky Bits Bottom” (Maitreya)
Legs: [CX] – “Leg Bandages – Bloody” (Maireya) – NEW @ The Warehouse Sale // October 2020
Headpiece: DRD – “Reversebeartrap CLOSED v2” (Hunt Gift) – NEW @ Hallo Manor // October 2020
Collar: Wicca’s Originals – “Lamia Collar” (Maitreya) – NEW @ Hallow Manor // October 2020
Feet Claws: [ Conviction ] – “The Claws – Feet” (Maitreya, Flat)
Hair & Makeup
Eyeliner: CURELESS[+] – “Undereye Liners & Liner / DARK” (BoM)
Faceart: CURELESS[+] – “Psychopopmp / Sepia / FRESH” (BoM)
Head, Body & Tattoo
Head: LeLUTKA – “Erin 2.0”
Arms: .{PSYCHO:Byts}. – “Nekhbet Mummy Arms” (Maitreya) – NEW @ Salem // October 2020
Body: Maitreya – “Lara V5.3”
Blood (Body & Face): Izzie’s – “Blood and Wounds medium” (BoM)
Shape: Denver’s Shapes – “Amy Shape for Lelutka”
Poses, Props & Tools
Backdrop: [CX] – “For a good Time”
Pose 1: Poseidon – “Adventurer 1” (Bento) – NEW @ Tomb of the Ancients // October 2020
Pose 2: Poseidon – “Patient 6” (Bento)
Pose 3: Poseidon – “Strange 4” (Bento)
Model & Photographer
Wicca Merlin