Wicca’s Wardrobe – My look for the “Finesmith Inspiration Project” casting

Today was a very exciting day for me… I was allowed to take part on the “Finesmith Inspiration Project” casting for March 2011. I was very excited and I opened my jewel case and spread it all over my bed… what to choose for such an event and such an opportunity? I was trying nearly everything on what I have and nothing seemed to meet the requirements of that casting. So, what to do…?

First of all I cannot go naked but I also do not want to wear anything that disturbs the jewelry that should be center of my styling… suddenly I remembered that silver airbrush color that I had left from another shooting and quickly my whole body was covered by that sweet silver color. Ok that seemed to be a basic. Then parts of the last dress Nefertiti Kimagawa gave me to blog came back in my mind (yes this dress will be blogged very soon as well πŸ˜‰ ) It has sweet transparent looking shirt and pants layers to cover the private parts lightly but still not enough to satisfy what I wanted to have for this special evening… so I put on the great nipple shields that yula Finesmith released not too long ago and as well the cool necklace that yula changed to kinda skirt came back in my mind. I was wearing it for the SL Art Couture Metropolis Show ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=24jxxnCv8XM ) and it worked perfectly for that what I wanted to have for now too in combination with my favourite collar from Finesmith Designs as well. Quickly I found the matching bracelets to this look and looked in the mirror again… there was something missing for an “Inspiration Project” casting. My eyes catched the “Valeria Set ” earrings and I suddenly got the idea of sweet wings… a few hammer hits later and 2 parts for connecting that new-made wings to my back – yes hell I was trying to build some and texture it as well –Β  I looked again at my self and …that seemed to look right! Now I can just wait the last minutes till it was going to start. I was ready to go and my nervousness raised with ever minute…

Of course, we had to line up in alpha order – next time if I choose a name for a game please remind me not to let it start with “W” – and I had to wait loooong… and it was enough time to get even more nervous as I anyways was… as it was my turn I walked out that runway with knees like jelly, all of the contestants were wearing so beautiful gowns and outfits and I …without any fabric on my body… but the reaction was amazing I felt my heart flying away and I really made it to be one of the 5 choses models AND I was chosen to be on the advertise for the next month as well.. I was not far from fainting and full of happiness. I walked back with all the other amazing models and it felt as I would walk on clouds! Thanks so much for all that let me feel like that and give me the chance to do that!!!


All jewelry by Finesmith Designs

Clothing layers by Nefertiti Kimagawa

Shoes: J’s by JB Gazov

Hair: Eshi Otawara

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Wicca’s Wardrobe: Black and White against red? ;)

Again time to have a peek in my wardrobe πŸ˜‰ Lately I had a strong black and white feeling…maybe because of the tons of snow we had or the cold weather.. I have no clue. AS well I also had always a fable for red, so I just tried some and the result you can see here πŸ˜‰

For the basic outfit I choose different parts from LeeZu like the “Lea Vivendi Pants” in the night color and the “La Pequena Chaqueta” jacket in black/white.Β  The red accessories are the “Blood Nails” made by [V] Couture Salon and the necklace “Garnet Nest Necklace” from Paper Couture. The amazing skin with the stunning and perfect red matching lips comes from Glam Affair. For the shoes I pulled out my “Bitch Booties” made by Stiletto Moody πŸ™‚ The hair I found at lamb!.

I hope you enjoyed another peek in my wardrobe πŸ™‚

stay styled,


Wicca’s Wardrobe – Future Fashion…

(Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin)

Lately I had a strange mood and was totally been drowned into futuristic and cyberpunk looks… For a strange reason it catched me more and more and I decided to let you be part of my journey into that πŸ˜‰

I have to thank Harsch Sharktooth and Redclaw Inshan to follow me on my trip and pose with me for a few pics πŸ˜‰

(Models: Redclaw Inshan, Wicca Merlin, Photographer: Wicca Merlin)

First look ..lemme call it “Futuristic Red”… has a big part of cyberpunk also, but lets take a closer look at the 2 outfits πŸ™‚

(Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin)

The basic of my first outfit was is the “X – Suit” from Graves Leather. It shows off a lot of skin and was a nice possibility to also wear some big tattoos πŸ˜‰ For the boots I chose the “Cyberboots” from R:A:D. They are fully color changeable for all the parts that are shown here in red. Also you can decide from different signs that decorate the boot tips. The bracelets and the mask are made by Nibiru Productions and are color changeable too. Te spine plugs are made by Toxic Orange and are color changeable with menu driven script as well. The hair I found at the Stringer Mausoleum and is called “Rooster Hawk”

(Model: Redclaw Inshan, Photographer: Wicca Merlin)

The male outfit is showcased by Redclaw Inshan, designer of R:A:D and he chose the same mask called “Optical Argument” as I did… actually it was the other way round…he had it first but oh well… πŸ˜‰ The pants are the great “Male Distressed Leather Pants” by with a wonderful prim belt that has an amazing realistic look. The boots are made by Bobbysocks and are called “Anarchy”. The cool black “Devious Trench” is made by by Spider Productionscoat and you can wear it with or without the spikes that you can see on the shoulderparts.

(Model: Redclaw Inshan, Photographer: Wicca Merlin)

For the perfect cyberpunk look the “Cyber Heart” made by Mennisco Volitan for sure should not be missed. The spine implants are the same as I was wearing and yes this time I had them first… I guess πŸ˜‰ The mechanical “Cyber Droids Hand” comes from [:: Black Heart ::].

(Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin)

For the second look Harsch Sharktooth helped me for the pictures and chose a wonderful futuristic looking outfit…

(Models: Harsch Sharktooth, Wicca Merlin, Photographer: Wicca Merlin)

The main color oft this 2 looks definitely is the silver & teal mix & match. Both of us were using cyberskins from LionSkins made by Lion Jonesford.

(Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin)

Again the suit is the “X – Suit” from Graves Leather made by Jackie Graves. This time i chose the “Tech” spine implant from Toxic Orange and colored it in teal to match the great Griddie hair. Th guns are from Breach and the “Climatix” mask is done by AVZ. For he mask you can choose if you wanna show breath particles and also the color of a few parts. The bracelets are the same as I used for my first outfit but this time also colored in teal. The boots are the fantastic “Dragon Boots” made by R:A:D. Those boots you can change in 5 basic preset colors and chains and spikes you can change to every color you can thing of as the HUD has an amazing color field to play with πŸ˜‰

(Model & Photographer: Harsch Sharktooth)

Harsch is wearing the Elixier “Latex Hipsters” pants in camo black combined with the Elixier “Latex Sheer Raincoat-Clear”. For the neck collar part he took a part from the Miamai “Lulu” outfit. “Lulu” is part of the Black Label Collection of Miamai. Also from Miamai is the attachment he chose for the right arm. The armwarmer is part of the “Kingdom M Grey shirt”. For the boots he chose the “Homme_EngineerBoots” from COCO in black. The hair he found at the Stinger Mausoleum. Last but not least the gloves… they are from Xplosion and named “Skull Gloves”. Did you ever see such a cute android before πŸ˜‰

(Models: Redclaw Inshan, Wicca Merlin, Photographer: Wicca Merlin)

Futuristic GREEN! πŸ˜‰ It was just too tempting to do a full green in green on green pic*giggles*…

(Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin)

This time I combined the “Tribal Latex Suit” from Creepy Latex with the “JG2 Body” in the short version again from Graves Leather. The boots are again the “Cyber Boots” from R:A:D. The mask for this outfit comes from AVZ and the Visor is part of the Graves “G121 Black & White- Zero” outfit from Graves Leather. The color changing spine tubes are made by Toxic Orange. The “Cyber Hawk” hair style in a poison green, I found at DV8 πŸ™‚ and for the earrings I chose of my favourite ones made by Ticky Tacky.

(Model: Redclaw Inshan, Photographer: Wicca Merlin)

Redclaw Inshan chose for the main part one of the outfits he made by himself πŸ˜‰ Pants, shirt, boots, wristbands, jacket and beltΒ  are part of the “Cyber Biohazard” outfit of R:A:D and you can find it in his Mainstore πŸ™‚ The mask is the same I was wearing πŸ˜‰ and for the shades he chose one of his favourites, the “Halo” made by Eryn Republic, designer of ERD πŸ™‚ I never saw such amazing detailed glasses before and I have to admit I bought me some glasses from there as well πŸ˜‰

(Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin)

My glasses from Eryn Republic Designs are called “Streemlyne” and I was really impressed about the service and help I found with the fitting of my glasses. The outfit I am wearing on this picture is a very old one I found during cleaning my inventory and it reminded me lightly of kinds ‘Matrix’ or ‘Trinity’ outfit πŸ˜‰ It is from Gothika and I am not sure if it still available or already gone, maybe you have to take a look by yourself if you are interested in πŸ˜‰

I hope you enjoyed my futuristic cyber trip and maybe I could show you my version of future fashion πŸ˜‰ A special thanks goes to Harsch Sharktooth & Redclaw Inshan, who had the patience and invested the time to style and pose for me πŸ˜‰

stay styled,


Buisness vs. Private ;)

For longer I had a sweet couple pose idea and now I finally found the time and inspiration πŸ˜‰ For the business pics I used poses of the “Photoshoot” series made by Glitterati and for the private ones the “Romance” set by Body Talking.

The female business look styling I will have detailed here on this blog post, for the male one I just can guess what it was but not in all details πŸ˜‰

As the basic I chose a wonderful outfit from bijou called “Couture” The grey-black skirt combioned with a white blouse and that huge ruffles made a perfect basic for a female business outfit that also has a very female and stylish touch. For this outfit the “Stylus” pumps from N – Core looked perfect for me. High heels with a sweet ankle strap in simple black.Not to overdo it I just added the black “Lick Me” earrings from Ticky Tacky and the “7Luck” bangles from Mandala. For the hair I wanted some strict looking to underline the business theme but still some that is me ;). I chose the “Wilma” hair attachment from Baiastice that perfectly goes with the “Pulchra” skin on pale and the red hair base. The male suit we found at Hoorenbeek. The hair came from Mad.

After a hard-working day it is nice to have something comfortable you can slip on and no it don’t have to be the PJ or the jogging suit *grins*

I like jeans and some kinda cool top. So I do not have to stick on the couch if I suddenly feel that I wanna go out for a coffee or some like that. For the actual season maybe the white tank top from Maitreya is a little freezy so I wrapped around one of that great “Shirt-tied-around-Waist” done by COCO. The jeans that I am wearing for this post are the “Robin” jeans made by LeeZu. This jeans are really great made. All little seams you can see and for the leg sleeves you have 2 different options to wear. Also the “backside” is really great made. I rarely has such a nice shaped back side in a jeans. The 2 little pockets there have exactly the right size to for a really sexy ass πŸ˜‰ The male jeans come from LeeZu too. As we know LeeZu for the jeans are totally made with a lot of details that let the jeans really look very realistic!

This pose above is out of the “Romance” set by Body Talking, as all my “casual-private” ones in this post. It made the right look for a relaxing time for 2;) Too lazy to change my hair and skin I just kept the “Pulchra” skin with the red hairbase and the matching hairpiece “Wilma” from Baiastice.

A big thank you goes to Magnus Stovall for being patient with me during the whole shooting πŸ˜‰ I really enjoyed doing this pics and the making of will stay in my mind πŸ™‚ as something special.We really had a good time and lots of fun!

Xplosion – young, modern, urban, smart!

Today I have the great pleasure to show some of the great designs and the latest release from Xplosion. Owner and designer Kaliha Noel increased her label over the past years to an awesome ‘imperium’. I had the great honor to meet her ages ago, shortly after she started and to see this amazing brand growing over the time was really amazing. So it is for me a special thing to have her designs on my blog πŸ™‚

First I would like to start with one outfit I was allowed to model for the Glance Magazin a few month ago. I chose The “Woman Overall Break” pants. As a basic. The awesome used look was perfect for the styling I wanted to do. The loose strap on the left shoulder that let hang down the left front of the overall pants give a wonderful casual look. A perfect addition is the black “Hoodie” shirt. I just skipped the hood itself and used it as a zipper sweater only πŸ˜‰ Also the cool “Ladie Cat” shoes are from Xplosion. Neat little heels covered by great urban huge leg warmers are the best decision for the actual season also πŸ˜‰

Again I have to thank Harsch Sharktooth, who helped me and modeled for the male part πŸ™‚ He is wearing the “Chill Jeans” in light blue. This jeans also have that cool holes that make the basic for the urban-used look. For the top Harsch chose the hoodie and the gloves from the “Men Overall Break” pants outfit. For the actual season he decided to wear the “KBoots” not to get wet feet in those rainy days.

For the absolute highlight Kaliha gave me one of her newest skinst to test and they are simply amazing! I did not have to change anything… it just fitted perfect on my shape. As always the skin comes in different tones and with different colors of lipstick.

Also every lipstick color has 2 versions of eye makeup, one with just smokey eyes and one that is mixed with the color of the lipstick lightly, too! The body is awesome details and every light and shadow is in its place…not toomuch and not too less, just perfect. Also the skin does not have this ugly over glow, it looks lightly powdered and perfect for the everyday look of every fashionista. The face has stunning and great eyes and wonderful sexy and full lips with a very light gloss also perfect designed to give a natural but fashion look. The belly and back look very well-trained and shaped. For me “Nicki” is a wonderful and very realistic looking skin with all kind of perfect features you can have. If you take a closer look you can see that amazing hairbase and hair attachment. This was also one of the latest releases of Xplosion and it is called “Lyra”. You can purchase it in black, brown, blonde, red , silver and white always with the matching hairbase.

You definitely should make your way to the Xplosion Mainstore and see all of Kaliha Noel’s great designs and creations. You also will find a cute discount area where you can find some of the older creations as a give away or even very much discounted… I have to admit I nearly got them all πŸ˜‰


Female Outfit:

Pants: Xplosion – “Woman Overall Brake” pants

Top: Xplosion – “Hoodie! top

Skin: Xplosion – “Nicki”

Hair: Xplosion – “Lyra”

Earrings: Rozorogalia – “Hydra”

Shoes: Xplosion – “Ladie Cat”

Males Outfit:

Top: Xplosion – “Men”Overall break)Β  (hoody und gloves)
Pants Xplosion – “Chill Jeans”
Hair: TRUTH – “Drake”

Shoes: K boots

Models: Harsch Sharkooth & Wicca Merlin

Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Wicca’s Wardrobe – Autumn in pink? ;)

The autumn season usually seems very dark and grey or brown so I decided to try a bit with pink and white πŸ˜‰ As you can combine all the LeeZu clothing so easy I decided to go with LeeZu… beside that my last wardrobe post had been a while ago πŸ˜‰

What fits the best for a dark lazy autumn afternoon…? Exactly a pair of cool and comfy jeans and if they are so stylish and fashionable as the “Robin” jeans of LeeZu are you really can wear a jeans and still be a fashionista πŸ˜‰ The top is a mix and match of 2 outfits also from LeeZu. TheΒ  “Valerie” blouse in old pink combined with parts of the “Mia Corset Pants” in white was the perfect mix for the feeling I was in πŸ˜‰ To keep the comfortable and lightly ‘used’ look I chose the “All Star HiTop used” sneakers from Hoorenbeek and the great “Beat” Hair from Posh that includes the neat hat. For the jewelry part I used the “Zoee” earrings in metal from LeeZu, the “7 Luck ” bracelets form Mandala and the great “Perfect Hand Nails” in the short version from Mstyle.

Maybe you agree that autumn does not automatically mean less color and have fun by experimenting by yourself also πŸ˜‰

Stay styled,


Autumn comes… we are prepared ;)

(Outfits: LeeZu – “BonVoyage” male & female version, Models: Wicca Merlin & Harsch Sharktooth, Photographer: Wicca Merlin)

The days getting shorter, colder and less colorful. But also darker and fewer colors can be very fashionable πŸ˜‰ For example the “Bon Voyage”Β  outfit from LeeZu. Part of the NOIR series this outfit comes in a male and a female version.

(Outfit: LeeZu – ” BonVoyage” male version, Model & Photographer: Harsch Sharktooth)

For the male version I am happy that Harsch Sharktooth agreed to help me for that part πŸ™‚ Thanks a lot for your pics, time and patience Harsch!

“BonVoyage” for males is a great black opaque body suit. The basic black texture that we can see for the pants also is repeated in the combination of awesome textures.

(Outfit: LeeZu – ” BonVoyage” male version, Model & Photographer: Harsch Sharktooth)

Basically it looks like a simple bodysuit, but if you take a closer look and look at the prim attachments you will realize the amazing design ideas and skills with wich LeeZu can make every outfit to something special.

(Outfit: LeeZu – ” BonVoyage” female version, Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin)

The big legs sleeves, hand attachments, elbow attachments and the huge shoulder parts. All created with a fantastic eye for details and wonderful skills for creations and design! The female version is not a fully opaque body suit… it has this sexy laced parts at the top. The private parts are perfectly covered and still you can show a lot of stunning lace covered skin what accents your shape even more πŸ˜‰

Overall a perfect outfit for the actual season anyways if male or female… with the “BonVoyage” you are perfectly dressed if you take care of your style πŸ˜‰


Outfit: LeeZu – “BonVoyage” /male & female version

Hair: Little Heaven – “Hair 41 – Amedo” /back, unisex

Earrings Wicca: Rozoregalia – “Hydra” Earrings (B)

Shoes Harsch: “Kboots” /black

Shoes Wicca: Shiny ThingsΒ  – “Saturday Flats” /black

Models: Harsch Sharktooth & Wicca Merlin

Wicca’s Wardrobe – Monday and I again feel the Blues ;)

Monday and the work is back… sweet memories of the weekend start to fade and the everyday life comes back… So what to wear on a cloudy monday autumn day?Β  With my LeeZu addiction… yes I know all of you know that already ;)… for sure it was a new mix and match of things I like for longer and the latest releases by LeeZu πŸ˜‰

So for the top I chose the “Mailiin” blouse in grayolive. A short-armed blouse with awesome ruffles in the front πŸ™‚ The top is hold by 2 thin lined also bound to a ruffle in the neck and a nother sweet line on the back make sure that the top does not give any peeks on parts you do not want πŸ˜‰ For the pants I took the new “Madison” pants in rust. Perfect match in autumn colors… πŸ˜‰ For the shoes I took out the great and very comfy “Armada” boots from Kookie. With the warmers on the ankles a perfect match for the season too πŸ™‚

For the accessories and jewelry I put on the “Africa” set in bronze combined with the matching bangles from YS & YS. The hairstyle “Krea Updo”Β  and the hair base are made by Miamai and the amazing skin comes out of the feather of Emilia Redgrave, owner and designer of Redgrave πŸ˜‰

The first 3 pics I did by myself and for my last one I want to say a big thank you to Helenna Baxton. She captured an amazing head shot of me that I do not wanna miss to bring in here πŸ™‚ Thanks a lot Helenna for your time and effort!

I hope you enjoyed my little monday blues post πŸ˜‰

Stay styled,



Top: LeeZu – “Mailiin” /greyolive

Pants: LeeZu – “Madison” /rust

Jewelry: YS & YS – ” Africa” /bronze

Shoes: Kookie – “Armada” /neutral with warmer

Skin: Redgrave

Hair: Miamai – “Krea Updo” /brown

Model: Wicca Merlin

Photographer Pic 1-3: Wicca Merlin

Photographer Pic 4: Helenna Baxton

Wicca’s Wardrobe – Dark Fashion

Lately I was looking through my wardrobe again not sure what I wanted to wear. I was in a dark, straight and lightly monochrome mood…

I remembered of a jacket from LeLutka Ultra that I was not wearing for a longer time. After some searching way back in my closet I found it my black “Prison” jacket. Right beside I saw the top of the “Emperatriz” with that wonderful transparent texture and the “Lazos” corset also in black, both also from the LeLutka Ultra line. As I was looking in the mirror I asked my self if I am in a skirt or pants mood… there I saw my LeeZu “Zelma” hotpants and remembered a great leggings from Eshi Otawara that were part of the “Black Gems are Forever” outfit – perfect!

For the shoes I chose one of the new Mea Culpa ankle boots called “Rapture”. Those great black and white textured boots with that great spiky heels are the perfect addition for that outfit…

Finally I got on my black Ticky Tacky “Lick me” earrings and the black Mandala “Takara” nails with rings.

I looked again into the mirror watching myself and yes that was how I felt today πŸ˜‰


Jacket: LeL.Ultra – “Prison” /black

Top: LeL.Ultra – “Emperatriz”

Corset: LeL.Ultra – “Lazos”

Face Tattoo: White Widow – “Ivy” /silver

Hotpants: LeeZu – “Zelma” /black

Leggings: Eshi – “Black Gems are Forever”

Shoes: Mea Culpa – “Raptor”

Skin: Redgrave – “Trinity”

Hair: Baiastice – “Eolion” /black

Nails: Mandala – “Takara” /black

Earrings: Ticky Tacky – “Lick me” /black

Poses: Body Talking

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Wicca’s Wardrobe – Lazy stroll on a saturday afternoon…

Today I woke up very late, the last summer sunbeams kissed my face and I decided after having a coffee to go for a aimless walk through the neighbourhood for no special reason, I grabbed my new LeeZu “Miss Tre’s” blouse in beige and sit down on my bed again to slip in my “Desert Jeans” also from LeeZu.

I remebered the “Zoee” earrings I once bought at Leezu too and combined them with the “Buddha” nails, rings and bangles from Mandala. As I made my way to the door, grabbed my keys and sat down on that little carpet looking in my shoe cupboard… ok I stuck mostly with LeeZu..so I could not resist to put on the “BeachBum” boots… ok you got me I have an addiction to LeeZu*snickers*… then I took a last look into the mirror and left my appartment into the warm saturday afternoon…


Top: LeeZu – “Miss Tre’s” blouse /beige

Jeans: LeeZu – “Desert Dawn” jeans /washed-olive

Shoes: LeeZu – “BeachBum” boots /gray brown

Earrrings: LeeZu – “Zoee” /metal

Bangles & Nails: Mandala – “Buddha” /black

Skin: Baiastice – “Pulchra” /pale

Hair: Baiastice – “Eolion” /blonde

Tattoo: Inflict – “The Rebellion” /medium

Poses: Body Talking – “Tandra” set & “City Fashion 1”

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin