Wicca’s Wardorbe for Art in Hats 2015

Art for Phaedra Headpiece-final

This year it is the first time, that we are part of the event with the store and not only myself as blogger or photographer.

Art in Hats to me always was something, where designers could go over the top and create something artistic what you could put on your head.

The more I was excited about what we could come up with to fulfill that high demand or art on the hats 😉

We created in total 4 hats for the event. 2 for the regular event, one for the hunt and one auction hat. All are 100% original mesh.

One of the was the “Phaedra Headpiece” what you can see on the pictures of this post.

The headpiece is a futuristic looking kinda helmet with amazing branches, which end in awesome gems. The whole headpiece is HUD driven, so you can re-texture the gems, the ear covers, the middle stripe and the main part as well. The main part can be switched between black, gold and silver and the other parts have 11 different colors to choose from.

The hat headpiece is a 100% original mesh creation for our brand Wicca’s Wardrobe and at the moment only available at the Art in Hats event until the 14th of November.

Wicca's Wardrobe - Phaedra Headpiece Vendor


Headpiece: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Phaedra” – NEW

Makeup: Nuuna’s – “Meta” , “Neuro” & “Warp”

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Golden Times

Cyber 9

And again I have a ‘start with the hat” styling going on for today 😉

The hat of today is one of the contributions of Noke Yuitza from E.V.E Studios to the Art in Hats event. It is a whole series of that wonderful head-piece in several color combinations. The name of that great head is “The Black Widow” and the whole series is called “Swing Alma Hats”.

Cyber 2

The hat is made of wonderful wavy looking huge parts, 100% original mesh and you can resize it via an inbuilt resizer. What makes this piece of art so interesting is that it as well is materials enabled and will pick up several windlights and the light of projectors as well. That is why I chose the location to shoot as it showed that in an amazing way.

Cyber 1

The version I chose to wear or today is the “E.V.E Swing Alma Hat “Black Widow Gold”. To complement the wonderful golden tone I chose the “Laviana Leggins” and the “Xena Top” from Wicca’s Wardrobe in black and bronze. I wanted a futuristic and as well fantasy look for that special hat and so I decided to add the “Draconia Wings” from Fancy Fairy.

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The incredible tattoo is one from a dear friend and as well from my favourite tattoo designer. Julie Hastings, owner and designer of White Widow. The “Vertigo” body tattoo is available at the main store now, in a gacha machine at the back wall of the store.

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The awesome location I was showed by a wonderful photographer, which I had the pleasure to work with lately. The location is the main store of Alpha Tribe. With the amazing futuristic and as well steam punk looking set and the special settings of the windlight make this a real happening to pose in and snap. All the structures and light and as well the sheer floor make an amazing scenery.

Cyber 3Details

Hat: [E.V.E] Studios – “Swing Alma Hat “Black Widow Gold” – NEW (Art in Hats 2015)

Top: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Xena Top”

Pants: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Lavinia Leggings” (for slink high feet only)

Tattoo: [White~Widow] – “Vertigo”

Makeup: Corvus – “Fighter” & Zibska – “Ltd Noir 14”

Poses: Del May

Location: Alpha Tribe

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Cyber 6

The Crow – Dark & Strong

Miss Darcy 4

Today I have the great pleasure to showcase another hat for the Art in Hats 2015 charity. This time it is the contribution of Miss Darcy”.

The “Stillness” hat not only includes the hat, but as well a wonderful and sad dramatic looking face tattoo.

Miss Darcy 3

The “Stillness” hat looks like a tree branch coming out from your head and has sitting a little crow in it. Additional to that you have crows flying around your head too what brought me on the idea of todays look.

The face tattoo reminded me about 2 things. First of all about the old silent movies, where pantomimes were used or even about the pantomimes, that you can find out on the street in the big cities who entertain the people while they are shopping.

And for the second reason.. I am a child of the 80s and back then those sad clowns, called Pierrot, were very popular. I know that the general term is way older, but they kinda had a revival in the 80s in black & white. And the mask kinda reminded me of that as well.

Miss Darcy 1

When I was putting the hat and the makeup on, I looked at it more and more the Crow theme was growing in my head. Again and again black crows and dead trees were floating through my mind.

The dead tree totally called for something late fall winter looking in my opinion and I remembered the “Corvo” outfit from Zibska. The dark branches were right what I was looking for.

The outfit is made by Leezu and I just used the clothing layers for today. The kinda ripped off lately was the perfect base for the idea I had.

Miss Darcy 5

For the shoes I was thinking a long time what I should wear. Boots? … to heavy for the filigree look with the branches… heels? … to elegant…

While I was trying several different shoes, a gift came to my mind. I got this shoes as a special gift, to remember something while I would wear them. The shoes are not common shoes, they are just leather straps wich surround the foot  and the ankles and as a heel they just have one iron pin. I am sure, that those shoes are kinda painful to walk in and as well not very comfortable with poking constantly into the back of the heel *shudders* But since I did not have to walk a lot for the shooting.. it was worth a try :p The shoes kinda underlined the gothic character of the look as well as they were filigree enough to not overload the whole look.

Miss Darcy 6

With my addiction to tattoos, I certainly could not miss one of my favourite tattoos from White Widow 😉 . The “Cavage” tattoo is available on the We <3 RP event and it is a full body tattoo, which goes from the upper body,shoulders and arms down over the belly to the upper thigh of the right leg. That was perfect for the kinda ripped lately since the bare skin was covered by amazing ink then 🙂 The tattoo works for the normal avatar and as well for all popular mesh bodies.

Last but not least I added – to complement the shoes – I added a collar from Revolt ([R3]), called “Isobel” with some chains and buckles to bring back those accessories from the bottom to the top as well.

Miss Darcy 2


Outfit: LeeZu – “Liquid Latex”

Attachments: Zibska – “Corvus” (part of the outfit)

Shoes: Pixelfashion – “Slavia Shoes”

Hat & Makeup: Miss Darcy – “Stillness” (Art in Hats 2015)

Collar: R3volt – “Isobel Collar”

Tattoo: White Widow – “Caravage” – NEW (We <3 RP)

Hair: no.match – “No.Why?” – NEW (On9)

Poses: Del May

Location: Digital Art – Cammino e Vivo Capovolto

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Miss Darcy 7

Black Dreams with Circles

Art in Hats Valsnia 3

And again the styling started with a hat only…

This time it was one of the contributions of Valsnia for the Art in Hats event.

Art in Hats Valsnia 9

I was thinking a lot about that cool “Circles Hat” and how I could style it up. I tried various style categories and nothing wanted to look right. I wanted something strong and powerful, but still not too huge to hide the hat.

When I started fooling with the Scenery and all the amazing 22769 furniture an idea grew in my mind.

Art in Hats Valsnia 1

A few days ago, I got this amazing tight dress from KaS as a special gift, and I  thought about, if that could work for my idea…

The dress has many different options to wear, but the long tight skirt with the sleeved top, looked perfect for what I was going for.

With the high neck collar from Spacegirl, I was able to kinda bring the circles of the amazing hat back to the whole look.

Art in Hats Valsnia 5

First I tried all kinds of pumps and stilettos and as well over knee boots for the look, but all added a weird domme touch to the whole scenery and I did not want that at all.

So just went with simple not too high boots from Pixelfashion, wich looked right and perfect to the amazing furniture.

Overall this looked like a very modern set up and I really enjoyed doing this whole photo series 😉

 Art in Hats Valsnia 7


Hat: Valsnia – “Circles Hat” – NEW (Art in Hats 2015)

Dress: KaS – “Corset System Dress”

Shoes: Pixelfashion – “Ultimate Boots”

Glasses: Meva – “Milan Sunglasses”

Hair: Mirone – “Becca”

Maleup: Nuuna’s – “Meta Gray” & “Zion 2 Black”

Lipstick: L.Fauna – “Lipstick Red 3”

Sofa: 22769 ~ [bauwerk] – “Somewhere beyond the sea Chaiselongue”

Table: 22769 ~ [bauwerk] – “Black Side Table”

Lamp: 22769 ~ [bauwerk] – “Brutus Lamp”

Poses: Corpus

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Art in Hats Valsnia 6

Melancholic Halloween Mood

Arts in Hats 4

Halloween is – as I stated a few times before – my favourite part of the years. I like the dark, mystic, mysterious and spooky stories and fairytales a lot.

When I was thinking about, what I could style for the “Lula Bella Hat” from SAS. The hat is one of the contributions of Sascha’s Designs for the upcoming Art in Hats event. The hat is a wonderful arrangement of flowers and some awesome shining spheres. The hat is available in white and black at the Art in Hats event.

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The hat was all sweet and beautiful and I was really thinking hard about what to do.

I remembered a wonderful corset, which I got lately from a very dear friend. The” Rosalies Corset”, made by  Enfant Terrible. I always admired the work of Enfant Terrible as she puts so much love for the detail in all of her creations. The “Rosalies Corset” again shows that. The shape is amazing realistic and with the sweet ruffles and this incredible texture it really is a wonderful part for your wardrobe.

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To complete the style I put on the “Couture Loggins” fro Maitreya. They are kinda a long time favoured of mine. I like the way how the shoes are kinda connected to the leggings.

To complement the wonderful spheres of the hat I decided to wear the “Eva” necklace from Finsmith to add a more elegant and maybe even vintage touch, which the corset already provides.

When I was putting the look together, I still had the super cool “Halloween Decor” gacha set from GizzA up and all of a sudden the little “Eyes Jar” fell right into my view.

Immediately an idea grew in my mind and I started to look for a blindfold in my inventory. I thought I had a special blindfold, what would be right perfect for my imagination, but I did not remember from which brand…

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In the moment I was to give up, as my inventory seemed not willing to give me what I wanted, it fell into my hands… The “Bloody Blindfold” from Rotten Defiance!

With having Halloween, I really was a lot of fun, to realize that scary and spooky idea…

It was one of those special moments when you do not really plan on something and all of a sudden things fall together so perfectly…

I did not yet choose an outfit for tonight’s Halloween Party, but that look, might have a good chance to get picked 😉

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Corset: Enfant Terrible – “Rosalies Corset”

Hat: SAS – “Lulla Bella Hat” (Art in Hats)

Necklace: Finesmith – “Eva”

Blindfold: [*RD*] – “Bloody Blindfold V.2”

Hair: [Entwined] – “Alice”

Furniture: GizzA – “Halloween Decor” (Lost & Found Event)

Poses: Del May

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Arts in Hats 6

The Night before Halloween

Arts in Hats 3

Today, I am in a Halloween mood already, even if it is just the day before 😉

I was looking at the new hats from Eleseren Brianna, which she made for the upcoming Art in Hats event.

My heart was caught by the “Death of a Romanic Hat”. The hat to me really is a little piece of art.

It is a firework of textures and shapes.

Arts in Hats 2

The basic shape of the hat carries a wonderful and as well rough looking fabric what totally underlines the name of the hat 😉

With the sweet and filigree, artistic decorations around that head it definitely will turn heads.

To complete my look I put on the “Grimm Dress” from [sys]. The dress was released on one of the Collarbor 88 events. The dress comes with glasses and a hat, but for today I just used that amazing dress.

The short dress has comes with a wonderful corset, tht accents the waist and on the lower end of the skirt you will see this amazing delicate lace trim. The corset and the lace trim are HUD driven and you can change them to different colors. The great thing about the “Grim Dress” comes for various mesh bodies as well, like the Slink Physique, the 2 Belleza ones, Maitreya and TMP

For shoes I chose the “Lipstick Heels” from Wicca’s Wardrobe. The shoes are made for the Slink mesh high feet and won’t work n regula avatar feet.

I just loved to point out the contrast between sweet and evil for that look 😉

The awesome furniture I arranged around myself is one of GizzA’s latest releases. The pieces are all part of a Gacha in an event called “Lost and Found”.

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Outfit: [sys] – “Grimm Dress” (Collabor 88)

Hat: Eleseren Brianna – “Death of a Romantic Hat” (Art in Hats)

Necklace: [sys] – “Reaper Necklace” (On9)

Shoes: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Lipstick Heels”

Furniture: GizzA – “Halloween Decor” (Lost & Found event)

Poses: Devilish Poses

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Leave your Hat on – Styling around a hat Part II

Art in Hats 01

Because I had so much fun with the stylings for the Art in Hats show, I would like to share another of my stylings made around just a hat 😉

This time the hat I started out with came from Miuccia Klaar. The amazing “The Garden in my Head Hat” shows a watering can and some huge flowers in red and pink growing out some grass.

So what to style around… I wanted to keep the hat center, but still have the colors repeated somewhere plus, I wanted to keep the art character of the hat for the whole look.

I remembered black pants from [AD] Creations, wich had 2 huge pink buttons at the belly and a long waist decoration so I jumped into my [AD] folder and tried all pants till I found them. They are part of the “Haw outfit. With the buttons at the belly and the sheer parts on the right leg they were just perfect.

To bring back the sheer part and to kinda make it pop out a bit more I decided to go with the shirt of the “Riga” outfit from SoliDea FoliEs. The amazing sleeves with the attached mesh hands are from [AD] Creations.

For the boots I chose one of my long time favourites, the “Piccadilly Overknee” mesh boots from Leezu.

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Hat: Miuccia Klaar – “The Garden in my Head” (Art in Hats 2014)

Pants: [AD] Creations – “Haw” (part of the outfit)

Top: SoliDea FoliEs – “Riga” (part of the outfit)

Sleeeves with Hands: [AD] Creations – “Wristlee” (mesh)

Hair: [taketomi] – “Kurako” (mesh)

Shoes: LeeZu – “Piccadilly Overknee Boots” (mesh)

Collar: Etchaflesh – “Executioner Collared Kalima Neck Corset” (mesh)

Poses: Del May

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Styling around a hat?

PurpleMoon 01

Lately I had a show wich gave me some nice challenge during the styling.

Usually we get an outfit and have to style around with hair, accessories, shoes and poses. This time we just got  hat as a basic and it should kinda be the center of your looks.

I was sitting down first and looked at all those hats and tried to imagine a time frame for them to be in and then slowly looks grew in my head for each one.

The difficulty mainly was, to not loose the hat in the look. The hat as a very little part on your head still had to stay kinda as the main focus.

One of my hats was the “Soleil” hat from Miamai, made for the Art in Hats 2014 event. This wonderful purple hat with the peacock feather decoration on the left side of the hat. The hat has a very young and modern look so I wanted to try to kinda develop a new and modern 80s look for it as the colors called so much for the 80s.

I wanted to kinda pull the purple and green through the whole styling so I decided to wear the cool “Moxie” outfit from PurpleMoon as it gives the basic 80s look for me with the jacked that has those huge shoulder parts and the amazing huge belt that I remember very well for the 80s together with some tight leggings 😉

So the purple part was covered and I just had to set some accents in green to bring the peacock feathers back into the center. That happened with the amazing earrings I found on marketplace and the kick ass “Summer Breeze Flips” shoes from PurpleMoon wich were part of the Le’Accessories event.

The awesome apple-green nail polish I found in the “Bright Set” from Nailed It! and the perfect finish for my look made the “Wicca Lips” in apple from Silken Moon.

PurpleMoon 02


Hat: Miamai – “Soleil” /indigo flax (Art in Hats 2014)

Outfit: PurpleMoon – “Moxie” /purple

Shoes: PurpleMoon – “Summer Breeze Flips”

Earrings: Persefona – “Peacock” /green

Skin: Silken Moon – “Wicca 3”

Lipstick: Silken Moon – “Wicca Lips” /apple

Nail Polish: Nailed It! – “Bright Set”

Poses: PosESioN

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Art in Hats 2014

Miamai Arts & Hats 3 with logo

Miamai – “Amarcord Hat” – luxe – black satin (Art in Hats 2014)

Yesterday the amazing Art in Hats 2014 event started. Again Quan Lavander took the challenge to again let  her amazing event happen, wich brings together photographers or bloggers and designers.

I felt very honored, when Quan last week IMed me asking if I would like to be part of her idea and make  the pictures for the stunning designs of Miamai. I love Miamai since in forever, so there was no doubt about it, that I wanted to make that. Quan TPed me over to take a look at the awesome hats of Miamai and instantly I had ideas how I would like to make pictures with them.

Miamai Arts & Hats 2 with logo

Miamai – “Soleil Hat” – luxe – indigo flax (Art in Hats 2014)

The basic idea of the exhibition is to bring designers, artists and photographers together in an art exhibition / sales event by presenting hats built by artists and fashion designers in combination with photos made by photographer, bloggers or graphic artists. The photos are meant to be an art shot.

Hats are such an important accessory to so many stylings that the idea of an event only made for hats really caught my attention already last year.

This year as well I am allowed to blog some of the amazing designs so it will be great fun after contributing those 3 pictures to ply around with some of the other amazing creations 🙂

I am very proud to be invited  to be part of Art in Hats. These are the 3 pictures I have made for the exhibition and there they are available, certainly without the Art in Hats letters ;).

Thank you so much Quan, for inviting me !

Hats and artwork are for sale here :

Miamai Arts & Hats 1 with logo

Miamai – “Stratus Hat” – luxe – cream canvas

Chop Zuey: Art in Second Life ;)

Chop Zuey Full

The idea for this post was born when I  visited the Arts in Hats event, that was happening not too long ago. Belle Roussel, owner and designer of Chop Zuey, made the wonderful “In Memory of a Watermelon Fascinator” for that event and from the moment I saw it, I had the imagination of being in a museum watching art.

The wonderful “La Traviata” gown as well is one of the newest creations of Chop Zuey. Belle started to make full gowns with matching jewelry parts not too long ago and opened her new Sky Boutique, where you can find all this amazing creations. The “La Traviata” gown is available in different colors but with my addiction to black clothing, I certainly picked the black version for the post 😉 The wonderful black gown is mesh made and the amazing jewelry parts, like the upper end of the gloves, the beautiful shoulder part, as well the earrings, bracelets and the necklace are part of the gown. Basically Belle made a ready to wear outfit for all lovers of the elegant evening wardrobe ;).

The hat is one of the amazing creations of Xenobia Foxclaw. She made an amazing collection of black and white hats and the “Blackwell No. 6” is just one of them. So you might wanna go over to the Xen’s Hats Mainstore if you wanna see ll of the new releases ;).

The hair is one of the amazing hairstyles of EMO-tions. The “Chevia” hairstyle was made in a special color for Miss Chevia, as she won the auction of the FFL event, where Mirja Mills, owner and designer of EMO-tions, auctioned herself off for charity. I am very happy that Mirja now gave this hairstyle to all of us as, it is an amazing elegant hairstyle that still has some edges 😉

Now I just had to try building a little to realize my imagination of the museum at night thing 🙂 . Those who know me, might figure what it took until I had those few prims together and some texture on it. Usually if I try to build you have something apocalyptic looking something where you really have to have a good imagination to figure out what I wanted to do originally *laughs*. But after some hours it worked out somehow and … tatataaaaa… here it is 🙂

Chop Zuey close


Gown (incl jewelry): Chop Zuey – “La Traviata” – NEW (mesh)

Hat: Xen’s Hats – “Blackwell 6” – NEW

Hair: EMO-tions – “Chevia”

Poses: *PosESioN* – “Zen”

Skin: Silken Moon – “Wicca”

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin