Achromatic – A Show Review


Outfit: Zibska – “Gong”

Not too long ago, SCALA had – in cooperation with Windlight Magazine – a wonderful show going on, which I was allowed to walk as a model and as well to participate as a designer.

A collective of amazing designers were chosen to create this amazing concept and show. The theme was Achromatic. Achromatic means literally ‘without color’ but it as well can refer to greys, neutral colors and black…” you will find on Wikipedia if you insert the word ‘Achromatic’.

For the SCALA event, the designers were asked, to create something with bold shapes or colors. It was amazing to see how different various designer did interpret the given theme.

Outfit: Rayne – “Bad Secretary”

The runway as well was special made for this show. Redclaw Inshan, designed a wonderful white runway with some great geometric structures. This light and simple runway showcased all the amazing creations in a wonderful way. The colors really popped out of the runway and got a very special spotlight.

I had the pleasure to walk for some very amazing designers – Zibska, Ghee, Rayne, Riciell and Alpha Tribe. I would love some details on the stylings I made for the show 😉

On the first picture above you can see the “Gong” outfit from Zibska. A very artistic and extraordinary outfit with the huge tentacles and the very impressing head-piece.

The second look, was based on the “Bad Secretary” outfit from Rayne. With the bold mustard and purple colors it made a real statement on the Achromatic runway.

Outfit: Ghee – “Prawn This Way”

My third outfit comes from ghee. With the “Prawn This Way” in black and the signal red makeup and headpiece, this outfit really is a head turning eye catcher.The tight pants and the modern shape of the top together with the colorful head parts and the black gloves really is a must have.

Outfit: Ricielli – “Kendal Jeans Skirt & Top” + R.ielli – “Annmarie Boots”

Last but not least, my 4th outfit came from Ricielli. The “Kendal” top and skirt combined with the “Annmarie” heels came with a huge color HUD so I was able to find 2 strong colors for the artistic white runway.

It was an outstanding show with a filled audience and to me the combination of a runway show, together with a huge art aspect really was something special.


Look 1:

Outfit: Zibska – “Gong”

Shoes: Glamistry – “Magnolia”

Hair: Baiastice – “Meda”

Arm Parts: DRD – “Demond Hand”

Earrings: Ticky Tacky – “Lick Me!”

Look 2:

Outfit: Rayne – “Bad Secretary”

Tights: Izzie’s – “Tights Honey”

Shoes: LeeZu – “Piccadilly Over Knee Boots”

Hair: Letituier – “Spring Hair”

Earrings: Ticky Tacky – “Lick Me!”

Makeup: Nuuna – “Mei” & “Mya”

Look 3:

Ouftit (incl Shoes & Headpiece): Ghee – “Prawn This Way”

Hair: no.match – “No.Silence”

Earrings: Caroline’s – “Black Pearls”

Look 4:

Outfit: Ricielli – “Kendal Top & Skirt”

Shoes: Ricielli – “Annmarie”

Hair: Letituier – “Horse Hair”

Necklae: Kunglers – “Sile”

Earrings: Kunglers – “Blanche”

Spot on 2015! – Happy and Sad Moments

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Today I was in a very special mood. We are in a time of the year, that we call ‘between the years’ in germany the last week of December and the first week of January. It is that time of the year where we think a lot about the past year and as well about the upcoming one. Many try to find New Year’s resolutions, or things they would change for the new year.

I quit doing that as usually those things never work out like they should and why I need a special time of the year, to change something or think about good resolutions?

Still it is kinda a weird and strange feeling time with all those surrounding you and asking you about all this. I solved it for me with writing down the most exciting and wonderful things that happened though the past year and as well the most sad moments. Not for a special reason and maybe just to look back some when and remember better what I did in 2015.

I never was a very religious person, but I believe in certain things and as well some that are not to grab with my both hands. I really believe that there is more between heaven and earth than we think of and care about. Life became so fast and sometimes we just do not see the little hints and things that show is about exactly that.

That mood brought me on my styling and picture idea for today. In the spotlight of being questioned about New Year’s solutions, being like a puppet to not make anyone mad by really voicing my opinion and surrounded by mystical things, little positive sparkles that will lead me over to the new year 😉

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The 3 designers I would like to spotlight for today would be LeEnfant Terrible and Noke Yuitza and LeeZu. 2 of them are just 2 of all the wonderful moments, I was allowed to have for 2015 and one for one of  the sad moments.

LeEnfant I met a few years ago for the first time, but we kinda did not have the luck to get each other known better. But ‘you always meet 2 times’ is a quote, that we have in Germany. I am very grateful that I had the chance to meet such a wonderful person again and even more, to become friends with her. When I met her the first time, it was kinda just a designer/blogger relation ship and never anywhere near than what me and her share today. She became one of the dearest persons in my life. She is so creative, so strong and so unbelievable amazing, I really enjoy each moment we share and I hope that this will last a life time. I’m looking forward to even meet her in RL very soon and I can’t wait the day when I am allowed to hug her for real 🙂

She made that wonderful “Emma’s Halo” headpiece for the actual round of We <3 RP. The headpiece is available in gold and silver and it comes with 2 different colored veils and as well as a second option with filigree shining tear drops. I decided to use the tear drops, which shall stand for the sad moments of the past year. The incredible details and the very realistic details are just 2 skills that are trademarks for LeEnfant’s work. She puts a lot of time and effort in her designs and to me, she is one of the most talented designers with a unbelievabel amazing quality to her creations.

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Speaking of talent and quality, brings me to the second name, that I was talking about – Noke Yuitza. She is such an artistic and awesome mind and she is one of the rare people, that seems to understand my sometimes weird mind and thoughts. The first time I discovered her as a designer was in one of the past years arts in hats. Back then it was the “Maleficent Great Wave Hat” she released for her former brand Alegria, that caught my attention and brought me to her store. I found so many amazing and artistic, creative things, all with a special twist, which I realized is her very personal trademark. Every single piece she makes you can tell it is her creation. The amazing textures, the very special and artistic designs and lately as well the 100% original mesh items, which are materials enabled most of the time.

For today’s post I decided to use the “Etheral Body” with the belonging scarf and the “Atlantis Ankle Boots” from Noke Yuitza, which she made for her new brand E.V.E Studio.

The body is available in 7 different colors and comes in 3 standard sizes. Each of them has a color matching scarf to it, but I decided to cross colors and used the black body with the red scarf.

The body has a high slit at the sides and the cool “Atlantis Ankle Boots” in chrome and red were the perfect match to underline the sexy and cool look of the body 😉

The high slit brings me to my 3rd designer for today – LeeZu.

LeeZu was my first employment in SL ever as a model. I remember so well, when I was desiring to work at LeeZu so bad and filled out the apply as store model. Weeks passed by and I already had forced myself to give up as I was very new to modeling and probably I would need more experience in that field, as Vixie Rayna IMed me and asked me for an appointment to talk. Vixie was one of the staff and managers at LeeZu and she was responsible for the store models. The talk was led by Barbara Nicholls and Vixie Rayna and when they told me I will be hired, I danced around like crazy and nearly could not believe. I was told to meet with GM Nikolaidis for my official store model picture and you can imagine how that felt for me… my first model job and then in one of the most popular and fantastic SL fashion store. (more about that exciting moment you will find here:

That was back in January 2010 and since then I was a store model and some when I even got asked to be the store model manager, what was one of the most exciting moments in my SL life.

This year this great job sadly ended after 6 wonderful years. LeeZu closed the inworld store and only is available on Marketplace now, where you will find many of the amazing creations for 99 linden only! Believe it or not it was a very sad moment as the LeeZu family with all the wonderful people really became something very special to me and 6 years is a hell of a long time in SL where time flies by so fast… I will never forget that time and all the wonderful people, that became family for me – Thank you LeeZu, Barb, GM, Vixie and all the wonderful and crazy fellow models over the 6 years!

Today I am wearing the “Brigitte Body Tights” underneath the high slitted body of E.V.E Studio. LeeZu always was one of the most high quality stores for clothing and furniture. The texture work of LeeZu was so incredible great and detailed, I always admired her work and she was one of my idols when I started to make clothing myself. The body stocking shows how amazing and filigree LeeZu was working on her designs and the love for the details, for every little fold, wrinkle and light – simply stunning!

I do not know, if I can manage another blog post before the year is changing and so I would like to thank YOU all, for following my blog for the last year, for always showing me your support, for giving me blogger reviews and I wish you all the best for 2016 and hope to see you again for my new posts!

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Outfit: E.V.E Studio – “Etheral Body & Scarf” – NEW

Underwear: LeeZu – “Brigitte Body Tights”

Headpiece: Enfant Terrible – “Emma’ Halo & Teardrop Gift” – NEW (@ We <3 RP)

Shoes: E.V.E Studio – “Atlantis Ankle Boots”

Hair: Baistice – “Isis”

Lashes: SlackGirl “Panic Lashes Rave”

Tattoo: [White~Widow] – “Disclosure”

Makeup: Zibska – “Ltd Noir 20”

Lipstick: L.Fauna – “Red2”

Poses: Del May

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Dark Tales – Part Two

Versus Magazine AW 2015 Dark Tale 1

(Versus Magazine Autumn/Winter 2015:


Bodysuit: LeeZu – “Liquid Latex”
Top: GizzA – “Fur Stole”
Sleeves: [AD] Creation – “Black Rook mesh sleeves”
Pants: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Renraku Pants”
Shoes: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Cora Booties [Black]”
Earrings & Ring: SoliDea FoliEs – “Cube Earring”
Headpiece: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Kandria Headpiece [Black]”
Hair: Baiastice – “Isis 2”
Face Makeup: Nuuna – “Lizi Black”
Makeup: Zibska – “Ltd Noir 13”
Lipstick: L.Fauna – “Lipstick [Red 3]”
Nails: Nailed It – “Dark Set”
Pose: Del May
Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

LOTD 09/26/2015 – Back in Black with Devilish Poses

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Yes, I cannot deny it… I love black…

I was standing on my platform after finishing all my daily work and started to dig into my inventory to sort some stuff and trash some of the older things I never will wear again… like… hair from 2009 and shoes from 2011 with weird bare feet and funny toes*giggles*

Then you sometimes come across boxes… that you never opened, but certainly you had to buy them…

Now the fun starts. Unpacking and again making the inventory looking like a hot mess 😉

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But the good thing is you usually find some hidden treasure you do not even remember, that you bought them.

So it was with the “Luminea” headpiece from Black Pearls. I got it at the Fantasy Collective a few month ago and totally forgot about it… like ever so often…

 The “Luminea” headpiece is one of those accessories that sneaked right into my heart. The amazing leather straps across the face the sweet chains that hold it together on the top and the huge fins that give the whole piece an abstract and fantasy touch.

Inspired by the headpiece I thought of a basic black look to let the headpiece stick out even more. I kept opening boxes and got one surprise after another…

That will be a few more posts in the future I guess *giggles*

The next part what fell in my hands was the “Biker Chest” from May’s Soul. I just used the collar part and skipped the shoulder pads for this post, that belong to the whole pack. With the long leather fringes it definitely made an interesting accessory.

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Now the difficulties began… since I am not a friend of being naked without a reason for styling posts, I had to find pants and a top that fits under that great collar. Pants was realtivly easy as I love my leather leggings from Maitreya. For the shoes I decided to go with the “Bella Heels” from KC for the slink high mesh feet. The shoes come with a HUD, that lets you choose from different colors for the metals and the shoe.

Now I still needed a top or a jacket that does not interfere with the long fringes of the collar. I guess, I tried about 20 before I came across the “Leather Asymetrical Jacket” from ISON.

 It matched perfectly to the while look and added a slightly elegant touch to it 🙂

Last but not least I chose something for my hands to break the black. The “Ringblume” hand accessories from FORMANAILS.

Now before I am done for today, I would like to drag your focus on the poses I used today. The poses are all made of Linda Reddevil. She recently opened her store Devilish Poses and makes some amazing runway poses. They are somewhat special and a little bot more out of the box that usual. I like them very much as they totally go along with my feeling for modern and fresh posing 😉

After all the looks is kinda modern, elegant and dark abstract… exactly what I like 😉

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Top: ISON – “Leather Asymmetrical Jacket”

Pants: Maitreya – “Leather Skinny Pants”

Shoes: .::KC::. “Bella”

Collar: May’s Soul – Biker Chest”

Hand Jewelry: FORMANAILS – “Ringblume-2”

Head Piece: Black Pearl – “Luminea”

Hair: Baiastice – “Spagna”

Makeup: Arise – “Scale Facetattoo” & Corvus – “Fighter Eyeshadow”

Lipstick: blackliquid – “Lip Line”

Poses: Devilish Poses

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Mother of Dragons…

Mother of Dragons 1

I always had an addiction for dragons and my mom always laughed at me when I said “I know there must be some left dragon eggs somewhere, just nobody yet found them. Dragons will be back some when!”

But believe it or not, even if I am a well-educated and taught person and have some knowledge of science… I am still not willing to give up that thought 😉

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Second Life, gives me the freedom to play with fantasies and so it was kinda a given that I needed some dragons 😉

Last month when I was invited to put some pictures at Windlight Gallery, paired with the fact that I was watching the latest Game of Thrones season, the idea did grow in my mind to do my very own vision of the Mother of Dragons inspired by the Khaleesi 😉

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 The dragons I fund at Manticore (Thank you so much Daff for showing me!!!), a wonderful shop for all kind of animals and fantasy creatures. They are wearable and will walk around with you as soon as you have them attached.

The idea of having kinda series for this pictures, came by snapping… first I wanted to just do one picture, and the more I snapped the more ideas came to my mind and all of a sudden they fell together like a short story. In the end I was not able anymore to decide wich one I wanted to use and I just let them be the whole story in the end 😉

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For the outfit I chose one we made for Wicca’s Wardrobe. Originally it was made for a Game of Thrones inspired theme, but we now put it at the store too in 3 different colors.

The “Visenya” is a short outfit with the great collar and some armor plates arranged as a back skirt. It goes very well together with the “Dragon Queen Headpeice”, the “Dragon Earrings” and the “Alysanne Booties”, which also were made for that event.

It really was great fun to play around with the dragons and loose myself in a time that has been long gone… but dreams.. they stay and who knows… maybe someday someone will find a mysterious egg.. somewhere 😉

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Outfit: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Visenya”

Headpiece: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Dragon Queen Headpiece”

Earrings: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Dragon Earrings”

Shoes: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Alysanne Booties”

Makeup: Corvus – “Fighter Eyeshadow”

Hair: Baiastice – “Elon”

Handtattoo: Zibska – “Mallt”

Dragons: Manticore

Poses: Del May

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

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I was allowed to walk along with the Scala Grad Students!

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Last weekend I had the great pleasure to walk the Graduation Show of the last Scala Academy batch, side by side with the grad students! It was so much fun and I kinda missed my good old student days 😉

Since I got some of the students to know during the last batch of the academy, I did know I really have to watch my stylings, since we really had some very promising stylists! That does not mean I would not watch my stylings usually too but it is a very different feeling to walk along with the models that you taught about styling and other things before.

Plus, I know how obsessed Seashell is with poses and since we all had to be checked by her too… that was quite a challenge 😉

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The sponsor for this graduation show was Shey. A wonderful brand with so many different styles. All of us got 3 outfits, which we had to style for the show.

Mine was all very different and so I tried to do justice to each of them 🙂

 My first assigned run was the “Aukje” outfit. The outfit comes as a complete outfit including top, skirt, belt and pants. When I put it on it immediately screamed “rock!” to me. The short skirt with that open vest seriously needs to be styled urban and kick ass for me 😉 So I wanted to have a cool necklace but nothing elegant and sophisticated, more something loose and cool looking. I decided to go with the “Legendary” necklace from Mandala. The huge necklace made me kinda skip on the earrings but I did not wanna go with bare ears either. Solution: The special mesh ears from Mandala with the piercings and tunnels on it!

I am addicted to tattoos and I know many do not really like them on the runway. I had requested permission to do so for that very particular style since it kinda screamed for a tattoo 😉

The tattoo is from my favourite tattoo maker, Julie Hastings, owner and designer of [White~Widow]. The super cool makeup is a combination of Nuuna’s And Zibska, that I added over each other.

It still looked as if it would miss something and I started to experiment with my hair. I tried a lot of different hair and none would satisfy me for the look as I came across the idea of a hat. The extravagant “Dali” hat from [sys]. The hat has an open back, which allows you to have hair that goes a little higher that usually for hats.

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My second outfit was more classy chic and when I tried it the first time, I did know I had to put my personal twist on it 😉

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The “Mira” outfit comes with a blouse and skirt. The top is a kinda overlapping style and with its asymmetric shape and the high open front it has a definitely sexy touch.

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The skirt with its asymmetric shape and the amazing ornamented belt gave room for a little bit of crazy ness and I decided to try the “Gorgo Metal Helm” That looked so weird that it already was kinda cool again :p So I decided to keep it. Since I have so much going on, on my head, I have to keep the jewelry to a minimum for my personal taste. So I just added the “Sinra” Earrings from Mandala and the “Axiom” bracelet made by [sys].

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My 3rd and last outfit looked to me very elegant when I tried it on the first time.

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The “Sonia Prestige Gown” as well is an asymmetric gown. The left leg is long down to the ground while the right one ends short under the hips at the right upper leg. The top only is held by a filigree chain round the neck.

I wanted to keep that elegant touch and though about something what could work as well as accessory and for jewelry since the little chain round the neck does not let any room for a necklace. All of  a sudden the “Butterfly Neobaroque” head-piece from Swallow came to my mind. For the shoulders I chose a mixture off 2 different Finesmith sets, or better parts of them 😉

For the earrings I just put some little and simple pearl earrings as I wanted to wear the “Celeste” face chain to complement the chain around my neck.

The show was a blast and I was very happy to be allowed to walk with our grads. Great looks, a great set and a cool bunch of amazing, skilled and upcoming stylists and models 🙂 Thank you Scala, thank you Seashell and Kryptonia!

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Look 1

Outfit (incl shoes): Shey – “Aukje”

Necklace: Mandala – “Legendary”

Braclet left: United Colors – “Dragon Scale Braclet”

Beaclet right: Formanails – “Nikolaj”

Rings: Wayne – “Black Set”

Hand Tattoo: Zibska – “Mallt”

Tattoo: [White~Widow] – “Tesis”

Hair: Baiastice – “Eolion”

Hat: [sys] – “Dali Hat”

Makeup: Nuuna’s – “Astro Glam” & Zibska – “Ltd Noir 13”

Poses: Corpus

Look 2

Outfit: Shey – “Mira”

Shoes: Shey – “Chole Stielettos”

Mask: Miamai – “Gorgo Metal Helm”

Earrings: Mandala – “Sinra”

Braclet: [sys] – “Axiom”

Ring: (NS) – “Vicious Rose Ring”

Lipstick: Swallow – “Surrealist 4”

Nail Polish: Nailed It! – “Metal Set”

Poses: PosESioN

Look 3

Dress: Shey – “Sonia Prestige Gown”

Shoulder Piece: Finesmith – “Shame” & “Shape of my Heart”

Facechain: Keystone – “Celeste”

Hat: Swallow – “Butterfly Neobaroque”

Earrnigs: *C:K* – “Simple Pearl Earrings” (color modified)

Hair: Amacci – “Estra”

Nail Polish: Nailed It! – “MvW Autumn Set”

Poses: Wicca’s Wardrobe – Poses

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

LOTD 08/16/2015 – Summertime

Summer Breeze 1a

As Time Passes Me By

The butterflies are floating through the air.
The grass is green,
and the trees are tall.
As the wind whistles through my hair,
I let life pass me by.
As time ticks and the clock goes by,
the flowers grow taller as life passes me by.
And I dream of floating right on by.
But now it’s time to stop dreaming,
and wake up to a hot summer day.

[Alice G.]
Summer Breeze 2aToday I was in a total summer mood…
That does not happen too often, but sometimes it really happens 😉
The outfit I am wearing we made for an event called FAD. The theme was Sundae Sunday.
Something dreamy and summer colored immediately came to my mind and it should have a little bit of ‘Kitsch’ as well. Why? Because Sundae Sunday reminds me of kinda the good old 50s/60s times with all the neat pastel toned colors and as well with a lot of plastic jewelry and accessories :p
The “Summer Breeze” dress – here shown in yellow – is a short dress with an amazing deep neckline in the front and as well a super sexy back with a lot of lines crossing your back side.
The “Tea Time” hat should speak for itself with the cute tea-pot and cup on the top.
To match the whole look we made the “Manon Heels” in yellow as well, with their cool heels, that totally add something special to the sweet look 😉
 Summer Breeze 3aDetails
Dress: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Summer Breeze Dress”
Hat: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Tea Time Hat”
Shoes: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Manon Heels”
Jewelry: Alienbear – “Frideswide”
Hair: Baiastice – “Agnes”
Makeup: Zibska – “Fleurette Shadow”
Nail Polish: Nailed It! – “Chevron Set – Cool Colors”
Bench: 22769 – “Hanging Bench Nature”
Location: Wicca’s Wardrobe (beside the store)
Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Avantasia for THEMA Magazine

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(some when in the future round about the year 2525 maybe….)

Be aware of the life on Avantasia before you venture into this world in the climax of war and anarchy, their enemies, the sirens of Venus who else.  The Avantasians are a complex race but by no means should they be underestimated, from their flexibility to the swifness of their long sharp talons, their catlike movements ooze in deadly elegance and subtle seduction as they prowl their world in search for the ultimate in style to seduce their next victim…I mean mate.

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Sometimes you just need 2 to 3 pictures and you end up with 9 and cannot decide which ones to use. That happened to me when I made my pictures for the actual THEMA Magazine (

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The theme was Terrae Firma, and we was asked to create pictures about a new race of the existing planets or a new planet. When Tayler told me, I was immediately sure I wanted to create a new planet with a new race.

I wanted to do something still fashion related and human but to the same time, futuristic and apocalyptic. I love apocalyptic movies and art and so I watched  a few of my favourite movies while I was styling.

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The first piece that came to my mind was the “Lucian Hat Nox” hat from Machoire. An incredible headpiece made of so many filigree parts and textured with such a great feeling for materials.

This amazing art piece is available in different colors, wich you all can see at the Machoire main store or at their website (

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Now I had to find something what kinda showed evolution for the future but still has a human aspect for the whole look.

The head-piece gave a rough idea for the general colors, back and some kind of metal should be the basic.

So started with a super old but still amazing top from Muhi. One of the brands I really miss in SL as they always were up to date and very fashion forward.

I know some people are against wearing old stuff and tell always to delete older things, but I am going more with my belly feeling and keep old things which I really like to combine them with new things. That sometimes can make a look very unique, as long as you keep the general style up to date and modern. Certainly some things are outdated some when, like the super old skins or hair, wich automatically let you look like 2007 :p , but for some clothing pieces and accessories that might not be the case 😉 . As well I would say there is a difference in wearing old things for a picture or on the runway as some of the older things just react weird with movement, especially if they have huge static prims or sculpties, wich can look better with a nowadays mesh prim that actually moves with your properly.

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To add a modern touch I put on my “Lavinia Leggins” in anthracite, which I made for my store Wicca’s Wardrobe. With the leathern garter belt over the leggings – one piece to wear – it got a strong and powerful look but as well some sexy attitude.

To finish the basic human look I added hells from Death Row Designs with some heavy chains and a huge plateau heel.

Now the challenge started to develop the human race forward to fit in the futuristic and apocalyptic environment, that I had in my mind for the new planet and race.

The first idea was the “Demonhands” from Death Row Designs. The sharp claws are important to fight and survive on the new planets face.

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I so many apocalyptic movies females wear corsets in some style and this made me add one corset of Trilobite over the “Asymetrical Bodysuit” from Muhi. And what should not miss? Some weapon looking accessories. Those I found as well at Death Row Designs.. I bet you can tell I love this store really a lot 😉 .

 The finish was the “Centipede” spine attachment, that comes with a wonderful tattoo layer. The tattoo makes the spine look like, as it would grow out directly off your back.

All the poses used in this post are from Del May, one of my favourite pose makers beside PosESioN or Corpus to just name a few.

And like I said in the beginning, It was so hard to decide between all the pictures I made, that this post is a little bit picture heavy 😉

I would like to thank Taylor Wassep for this amazing opportunity and the great inspiration of her theme. The THEMA Magazine is for me really kinda an art exhibition with amazing stylists and photographers and I am feeling very honored that I was allowed to be part again 🙂

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 Top: Muhi – “Asymetrical Bodysuit” (store not any longer existing)

Corset: Trilobite – “Latex Underbust – Coal” (store not any longer existing)

Pants: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Lavinia Leggings” (for slink mesh high feet)

Shoes: DRD – “Whoreheels” (for slink mesh high feet)

Head Piece: Machoire – “Lusian Hat Nox”

Arms: DRD – “Demonhands”

Arm Accessories: DRD – “Armor Female”

Spine Attachment: DRD – “Centipede”

Hair: Baiastice – “Agnes”

Skin: [sys] – “Eva 02”

Makeup: Nuuna – “Zion 2 Black”

Lipstick: Oceane – “Jade Lips Black Silver Stripe”

Poses: Del May

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

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Creme & Brown Tones with Wicca’s Wardrobe


This picture was originally made for the actual issue of the VERSUS Magazine (

But I loved that picture so much that Í wanted to make a short post to it 😉

The main focus for the picture was on the accessories. With the actual autumn season I discovered my love for brown and creme tones. I started with the scenery and placed one of my favourite cupboards from LeeZu, the “Mellow Sideboard”. To match it I chose a carpet from Atelier Visconti from the “Vincent Set”.

The base was made now for some styling which I could lay on the carpet with 😉

First I remembered a jewelry set, wich I bought at Collabor88 a few ago from Mandala. The “Kyara” set had the perfect colors to start with for a picture centered around accessories in an autumn look 😉

The long necklace fell perfect over my “Captured Top”, one of my latest releases at Wicca’s Wardrobe. For the bag I remembered a huge brown/cremem colored bag with letters on it from PurpleMoon… but I did not remember the name… So I was jumping into my bag folder and tried out all the bags I have from PurpleMoon until I found the “Monogram Bag” again, that I was looking for!

While I was looking through my piercings (yes I love piercings!) I found a short necklace from Kosh that went very well even with the long necklace and my top lines that go around the neck.

To match the piercings in my face I wanted to add some cool hand jewelry and nails. The “Punk” set from Formanails was exactly what I was looking for. Some piercings at the hand, cool rings and awesome sharp nails – just awesome together. To not forget the time while shopping, I decided to put the “Asia” watch and bracelet by GizzA

The “Autumn Jeans” made to fit the “Captured Top” have a nice gradient from a dark to light brown and that again makes a very nice line to add the “Locked Heels” for Slink high feet, which you as well can find at the Wicca’s Wardrobe Mainstore now.

To keep the swag look, I wanted to add some hair with a cap and even if has some years on it’s back the “Irene” hair from Baiastice finished the style in a way I wanted it 😉

Ready for a nice window shopping trip to find more amazing items to showcase in my next blog posts 🙂


Hair & Hat: Irene by Baiastice
Ears (incl Piercings & Tunnel) Omimi by Mandala
Piercing: Forever by Inflict
Necklace short: Multiplex Necklace by Kosh
Necklace Long: Kyara by Mandala
Bracelet: Asia Watch & Bracelet by GizzA
Nails & Rings: Punk by Formanails
Bag: Monogram Bag by Purple Moon
Shoes: Locked Heels by Wicca’s Wardrobe

Top: Captured Top by Wicca’s Wardrobe
Pants: Autumn Jeans by Wicca’s Wardrobe
Carpet: Vincent Carpet by Atelier Visconti
Sideboard: Mellow Sideboard by LeeZu

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Steampunk with Yasum

Yasum - Full

Sometimes you have those special moods… RL becomes very heavy and you kinda use a few hours in the evening to escape your daily routine.

So it was a few days ago when I was wandering around restless and did not really know what to do as dark thoughts were not willing to release my head.

Out of the blue I found myself in a conversation with an old friend. We know each other for quite sometimes and even if we do not talk on a daily base we seem not to forget each other.

She released a new, cool design kinda ready for the “October Fest”. She showed it to me and usually she knows me very well and when she said “Probably not your cup of tea” I had to grin. Usually she is damn right with her opinion of me but this time for some strange reason I had an idea in mind for exactly that piece she just created.

I am talking about the “Bavarian Shugar” pants of Yasum.

Yasum - Half

The “Bavarian Shugar” pants immediately put a steam punk idea in my head. With the sexy high-waisted but short pants, the cute suspenders and the sexy bra make a perfect ensemble for the October Fest, but as well for a super sexy and neat steam punk look 😉 .

The pants come with a huge HUD to change the textures on the pants,the buttons and the top t various textures and colors.

I paired the sweet ensemble with the “Steampunk Hat” as well mde by Yasum. The hat as well has  a huge HUD coming with , wich let you customize the various parts on the hat.

The wings are one of my long time favourite and I often use them for stylings as they are so super detailed and filigree. They are part of the “Fallen Aviator” outfit from E-Clipse.

The shoes are something, that I recently found on marketplace and just could not skip them for my closet :p

The “Hobnails” boots in tan, made by Remarkable Oblivion.

Yasum - Close


Outfit: Yasum – “Bavarian Shugar” – NEW

Fishnest Bolero: GizzA – “Steampunk Outfit” (part of the outfit)

Collar: Catnip – “Ensalved Collar”

Fishnet Tights: Vextra – “Messing” (part of the outfit)

Shoes: Remarkable Obvilion – “Hobnails”

Skin: [sys] – “Eva” – NEW

Armparts: TURB – “Ellbow Protector”

Wings: E-Clipse – “Fallen Aviator” (part of the outfit)

Hair: Baiastice – “Elon”

Poses: Del May

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin