Wicca’s Originals @ Uber // July 2021

Wicca’s Originals @ Uber // July 25th – August 22nd

The latest style-blending fashion by Wicca’s Originals is the Lena Top. Drawing inspiration from renaissance blouses and corsets, the Lena Top puts a modern spin on it by trimming the traditional cut down to a crop top. The two-part top incorporates a flattering, low, horizontal cut short sleeved blouse with a short, under-bust corset to lift the bust and create a tantalizing shelf of feminine flesh. The cleavage is teased with the inclusion of a mini-harness, which binds a choker vertically to a strap worn around the waist, hinting at one’s darker desires for power play. This clever merger of styles creates an genuine new look, and the blouse can be optionally removed. The Lena Top can be customized between 10 color options on the different material layers and metals, fitted for Maitreya, Maitreya Petite, Maitreya Flat, Legacy (F), and Legacy Perky bodies.

Event Location: Uber

Seductive Chic in a Spring Mood


Spring is coming! – At least it looked like yesterday even if the wind was horrible again today :p

To my todays feeling the “Plaisir” dress from [sys] just was the right match. The short dress with the high open, loosely collar and the seductive open back… perfect for the first few warm sun moments.

The huge cutout in the back really makes the “Plaisir” dress mega special. Only the thick brown leather strap hold the whole dress in place 😉 And look how deep the cut out is… you really have to be careful with your moves… 😉

I chose to wear some leggings under the dress and I know I had blogged those already before, but I really do love them a lot. The “Hisa Leather Leggings” from lassitude & ennui. I was so amazed when I put them on the first time, that appliers can look so realistic and actually do look like a mesh item while they are appliers ‘only’. All those shadows and lights , the folds and wrinkles, they are so realistic I really had to cam close to see that they are really flat on the body… incredible!

The super chic glasses are made by Glamistry and just were the perfect accessory for the look to give it an even more chic look. The “PU2003” sunglasses have a cat-eye feeling to them as well as a soft vintage touch, this kind of shape is my personal fave anyways 😉 It does remind me of those 50s pin-up glasses a little bit.

I really enjoyed the sim a lot after I was doing my shoots. I never was at Anduril before, but I am sure I was not there the last time. they have so many different corners there and all are built with so much love to the detail, it was hard to choose one for the pictures already when I arrived there and looked around. Sometimes it is really worth it to jump through the search to find a new sim, or even look into the destination guide of SL, instead of just using the ones you already know very well. It can be time-consuming, but you can find some neat places out there.

I hope you could feel some of my spring feelings for that post 😉


Dress: [sys] – “Plaisir” (Maitreya)

Leggings: Lassitude & Ennui – “Hisa Leather Leggings” (Maitreya Applier)

Shoes: [sys] – “Lido” (Maitreya)

Glases: Glamistry – “Sunglasses PU2003”

Collar: [evolove] – “Mandy Horn Choker” @ The Avenue

Necklace: CLOCKHAUS – “Wooden Necklace”

Hair: KoKoLoReS – “Oakes”

Makeup: La Boheme – “Steph” (LeLutka Applier)

Lipstick: je suis… – “LeLutka Lips no. 005 [greys]” (LeLutka Applier)

Nailpolish: alme. – “Golden Threes Light”

Poses: Vitalis Animatum

Location: Anduril


Head: LeLutka – “Simone 2.3”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara V3.5”

Eyes: IKON – “Hope Eyes”

Shape: Selfmade

Hand me my Leather…

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Look I’m standing naked before you
Don’t you want more than my sex
I can scream as loud as your last one
But I can’t claim innocence

Asteria-S&P-EMOtions 3
Oh God, could it be the weather?
Oh God, why am I here?
If love isn’t forever
And it’s not the weather
Hand me my leather

Asteria-S&P-EMOtions 8
I could just pretend that you love me
The night would lose all sense of fear
But why do I need you to love me
When you can’t hold what I hold dear?
Asteria-S&P-EMOtions 5
Oh God, could it be the weather?
Oh God, why am I here?
If love isn’t forever
And it’s not the weather
Hand me my leather
Asteria-S&P-EMOtions 6
I almost ran over an angel
He had a nice big fat cigar
“In a sense,” he said, “You’re alone here
So if you jump, you best jump far”
Asteria-S&P-EMOtions 7
Oh God, could it be the weather?
Oh God, why am I here?
If love isn’t forever
And it’s not the weather
Asteria-S&P-EMOtions 1
Oh God, could it be the weather?
Oh God, it’s all very clear
If love isn’t forever
And it’s not the weather
Hand me my leather

[Tori Amos]

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Outfit: Asteria – “Julia”

Tights: Izzie’s – “Sheer Tights”

Shoes: Glamistry – “Begonia”

Hair: EMO-tions – “Keona”

Glasses: Glamistry – “Sunglasses PU2002”

Collar: Salt&Pepper (S&P) – “Anastacia”

Backdrop: ChiC Buildings – “Wallflowers”

Torch: 22769 ~ [bauwerk] – “Beach Torch”

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

LOTD 04/22/2016 – Girls just wanna have fun!

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I have no clue why, but while I was working on the pictures of todays post, the song ‘Girls just wanna have fun’ was stuck in my head :p

The base of the look was the incredible jewelry from Tracei.

In SL it is really hard to find modern casual jewelry. I have a lot of elegant jewelry or as well filigree little jewelry – most of the in either gold or silver – , but if you look for bigger, modern casual chic jewelry it is quite a challenge. When I discovered Tracei, it felt like I would be in heaven!

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So long I was looking for some bold but still chic and fashionable jewelry and accessories, that can be mixed and word with casual styles.

Today I would like to showcase 3 parts of the fantastic jewelry collection of Tracei.

For the earrings I went with a pair of “Calista”. The “Calista” earrings are available in 6 monochrome shades and for my post I chose the opal blue ones. The “Calista” earrings are the perfect choice to take you through the actual season and onwards to the desired summer 😉 The earrings are so versatile, as you can use them for casual chic stylings as well as for pimp up your beach wear look or even for an evenings party! With the inbuilt resizer you can size them to your likings and needs. Originally the “Calista” earrings were released at the Lost & Found event but they found their way to the Tracei main store and marketplace now as well.

The wonderful ring and glasses are made by Tracei as well. The “Artio” sunglasses as well can be resized via a resizer and inside the lenses you have amazing reflections, what makes them look amazing realistic. The “Evan Apatite” ring makes the perfect finish for the accessorizing. With the oversized but clean look it makes a statement and can be worn by both genders. I loved the mix of the darn onyx ring with the smooth gem at the top a lot and it kinda brings to gether the casual with the chic thought of the look.

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For the outfit I put on one of the latest releases from Asia Rae. The “Polly” top is a real playful looking little shirt with little lines over the shoulders and a long ruffled part on the front that reaches down to the belly button, what adds a very sexy touch in my view 😉

For the pants I decided to go with one of my long time favourites, the “Zipper Skinny” jeans made by Maitreya. I wanted some simple but not boring basics for the clothing, to make the accessories and shoes shine even more.

Talking about shoes…

Today I am wearing the “Echium” heels from Glamistry. Those heels are a definite must have for every girls wardrobe.

Basically you could call them plateau pumps but they are so much more than that! With the amazing add-ons that have a scales look, those heels are simply stunning and so adaptable to so many different styles and looks. The love of the detail of Glamistry again shows with the little studs that hold the add-ons in place and as well with the repeating of the scales fabric on the bottom of the heel. Again the shoes can be purchased in many colors which you can mix and match for the basic shoe, add ons, metals, heel and the sole.

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The cool furniture I used for my set, was a mix and match of several items I got at various events. The cute pastel fan I got from Art Dummy which sadly is closed now , the cool shelf was made by Lark and the wonderful ‘boat couch’ I found on an event as well from Stockholm & Lima, one of my favourite brands when it comes to furniture with high details. Sometimes less is more and for fashion posts I really do like a pure and simple surrounding 😉

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Top: Asia Rae – “Polly Top”

Pants: Maitreya – “Zipper-Skinny Jeans”

Shoes: Glamistry – “Echium”

Earrings: Tracei – “Calista”

Ring: Tracei – “Evan Apatite Ring”

Sunglasses: Tracei – “Artio Sky”

Fan: Art Dummy – “Breeze”

Shelf: Lark – “Beachcomber Shelf”

Sofa: Stockholm & Lima – “Repurposed Boat”

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

I was allowed to walk along with the Scala Grad Students!

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Last weekend I had the great pleasure to walk the Graduation Show of the last Scala Academy batch, side by side with the grad students! It was so much fun and I kinda missed my good old student days 😉

Since I got some of the students to know during the last batch of the academy, I did know I really have to watch my stylings, since we really had some very promising stylists! That does not mean I would not watch my stylings usually too but it is a very different feeling to walk along with the models that you taught about styling and other things before.

Plus, I know how obsessed Seashell is with poses and since we all had to be checked by her too… that was quite a challenge 😉

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The sponsor for this graduation show was Shey. A wonderful brand with so many different styles. All of us got 3 outfits, which we had to style for the show.

Mine was all very different and so I tried to do justice to each of them 🙂

 My first assigned run was the “Aukje” outfit. The outfit comes as a complete outfit including top, skirt, belt and pants. When I put it on it immediately screamed “rock!” to me. The short skirt with that open vest seriously needs to be styled urban and kick ass for me 😉 So I wanted to have a cool necklace but nothing elegant and sophisticated, more something loose and cool looking. I decided to go with the “Legendary” necklace from Mandala. The huge necklace made me kinda skip on the earrings but I did not wanna go with bare ears either. Solution: The special mesh ears from Mandala with the piercings and tunnels on it!

I am addicted to tattoos and I know many do not really like them on the runway. I had requested permission to do so for that very particular style since it kinda screamed for a tattoo 😉

The tattoo is from my favourite tattoo maker, Julie Hastings, owner and designer of [White~Widow]. The super cool makeup is a combination of Nuuna’s And Zibska, that I added over each other.

It still looked as if it would miss something and I started to experiment with my hair. I tried a lot of different hair and none would satisfy me for the look as I came across the idea of a hat. The extravagant “Dali” hat from [sys]. The hat has an open back, which allows you to have hair that goes a little higher that usually for hats.

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My second outfit was more classy chic and when I tried it the first time, I did know I had to put my personal twist on it 😉

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The “Mira” outfit comes with a blouse and skirt. The top is a kinda overlapping style and with its asymmetric shape and the high open front it has a definitely sexy touch.

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The skirt with its asymmetric shape and the amazing ornamented belt gave room for a little bit of crazy ness and I decided to try the “Gorgo Metal Helm” That looked so weird that it already was kinda cool again :p So I decided to keep it. Since I have so much going on, on my head, I have to keep the jewelry to a minimum for my personal taste. So I just added the “Sinra” Earrings from Mandala and the “Axiom” bracelet made by [sys].

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My 3rd and last outfit looked to me very elegant when I tried it on the first time.

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The “Sonia Prestige Gown” as well is an asymmetric gown. The left leg is long down to the ground while the right one ends short under the hips at the right upper leg. The top only is held by a filigree chain round the neck.

I wanted to keep that elegant touch and though about something what could work as well as accessory and for jewelry since the little chain round the neck does not let any room for a necklace. All of  a sudden the “Butterfly Neobaroque” head-piece from Swallow came to my mind. For the shoulders I chose a mixture off 2 different Finesmith sets, or better parts of them 😉

For the earrings I just put some little and simple pearl earrings as I wanted to wear the “Celeste” face chain to complement the chain around my neck.

The show was a blast and I was very happy to be allowed to walk with our grads. Great looks, a great set and a cool bunch of amazing, skilled and upcoming stylists and models 🙂 Thank you Scala, thank you Seashell and Kryptonia!

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Look 1

Outfit (incl shoes): Shey – “Aukje”

Necklace: Mandala – “Legendary”

Braclet left: United Colors – “Dragon Scale Braclet”

Beaclet right: Formanails – “Nikolaj”

Rings: Wayne – “Black Set”

Hand Tattoo: Zibska – “Mallt”

Tattoo: [White~Widow] – “Tesis”

Hair: Baiastice – “Eolion”

Hat: [sys] – “Dali Hat”

Makeup: Nuuna’s – “Astro Glam” & Zibska – “Ltd Noir 13”

Poses: Corpus

Look 2

Outfit: Shey – “Mira”

Shoes: Shey – “Chole Stielettos”

Mask: Miamai – “Gorgo Metal Helm”

Earrings: Mandala – “Sinra”

Braclet: [sys] – “Axiom”

Ring: (NS) – “Vicious Rose Ring”

Lipstick: Swallow – “Surrealist 4”

Nail Polish: Nailed It! – “Metal Set”

Poses: PosESioN

Look 3

Dress: Shey – “Sonia Prestige Gown”

Shoulder Piece: Finesmith – “Shame” & “Shape of my Heart”

Facechain: Keystone – “Celeste”

Hat: Swallow – “Butterfly Neobaroque”

Earrnigs: *C:K* – “Simple Pearl Earrings” (color modified)

Hair: Amacci – “Estra”

Nail Polish: Nailed It! – “MvW Autumn Set”

Poses: Wicca’s Wardrobe – Poses

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Black & Red with GizzA, 22769 & Wicca’s Wardrobe

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Black & Red always has been one of my favourite color combinations 🙂

This time I played with those 2 colors using some of the newer designs of GizzA and  22769 together with one of my favourite head pieces from Wicca’s Wardrobe 😉

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Lets start with the dress. The amazing “Absinthe” dress, which I already showcased in the vintage edition.

The dress comes with the leggings so you have no fitting issues with the pants under the dress. Along with the dress you will get a HUD to change the inside of the dress to different colors – for me it was the vibrant red for today .

The furniture was made by 22769 and it contains some really ‘naughty’ pieces 😉

The “Black Tied Leather Bench is part of the “ROMP Fresh” set. It comes in a PG and an Adult pose menu, so you can choose wich one you would like to have. Along with the bench and it’s gret lacing in the top you have some really nice accessories… I did not use all of them for the picture but it was fun to play with parts of the “Naughty Decoration” set as you can see on the first picture. It immediately reminded me of the 50 shades of grey wave we had a few weeks ago… The whip, the handcuffs and some ice cubes on a black plate… I am sure that can be a great start for some RP 😉

The amazing fashionable head-piece, we made for our own brand, Wicca’s Wardrobe. The “RamHorn Mask” is one of our latest original mesh releases and comes in 7 different colors.

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Dress & Leggings: GizzA – “Absinthe Leggin Dress”

Head Piece: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “RamHorn Mask”

Necklace: P.C; – “Garnet Nest Necklace”

Earrings: Mandala – “Shippoah”

Nail Polish: Nailed It! – “Diva Set” (for Slink mesh hands)

Hair: Vanity Hair – “Guns & Pearls”

Furniture & Accessories: 22769 – “ROMP Fresh Set”

Poses: Del May

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Top Fetish for VERSUS Magazine

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For the current issue of VERSUS Magazine, I was asked to style the theme Top Fetish.

I was thinking quite some time about, what I should do and what was requested and I asked like ever so often google for some more input… 😉

I did not wanna go only fetish or only the top centered I kinda wanted to make a full look because in the end, for me it mostly looks better if I plan on a full look even if I only have to showcase a certain piece of it. Usually the full look ends up as a post on my blog then like today, after the magazine got published :).

The first picture is the one that I chose to send in for the magazine, because of the theme top fetish.


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Certainly I do not wanna hide the rest of the look 😉

After I decided to go with one of the tops I made my self for Wicca’s Wardrobe, the “Xena Top [Autumn Edition]” I tried to make a full look out of it. The top has a huge texture change HUD wich lets you customize all parts of the top in different colors. I chose black for the basic color and put some red accents at the chest and the metals in gold to match the amazing “Gorgo Metal Helm” from Miamai. For the jewelry I chose on of my personal favourites from [sys] called “Axiom”. With the huge necklace and bracelets it was the best addition to the look in my view. For the bottom I wanted something that does not drag too much attention away from the top but as well nothing that makes the whole look boring. I took the skirt out of the “Arachne” outfit, wich I made for last year Halloween. The basic black texture with the shimmering fabric together with the silver metals and the little holes, were exactly what I wanted to go with the leather of the “Xena” top.

Up next was again one of the hardest choices like always… what shoes to wear…?

Not too simple, not only black but we well not over-styled and too funky. The “Allettare” heels from .shi made it in the end. With the non usual shape of the heel and the sole, but still the not too funky wooden heel and black leather fabric it was perfect for the look. I looked at what I did till now and still I was missing something. I started to change around the skirt with pants and went back and forth between a lot of different skirts and pants until I got the idea to basically have both… leggings under a skirt!

Again I took something out of a full outfit, this time from [AD] Creations, the “Gothic Pants”. Now it looked complete!

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Top: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Xena Top [Autumn Edition]”

Skirt: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Arachne Skirt” (part of the outfit)

Leggings: [AD] Creations – “Gothic Pants”

Shoes: .shi – “Allettare”

Jewelry: [sys] – “Axiom”

Head Piece (incl Hair & Hairbase): Miamai – “Gorgo Metal Helm”

Poses: Del May

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Inspired by Tom Ford S/S 2015 – How I put my style together?

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I have to admit the idea to make a Tom Ford inspired look came not out of my head. There was a casting a few days ago and they requested a 70s Glam style after the S/S Collection 2015 of Tom Ford.

So I made my homework and sat down with google and watched first the fashion show of that collection and the I asked google for some pictures out of that show.

I tried to figure out what were the main aspects of the whole collection. Besides many details I saw black, black and black, some straps, a lot of sheer materials, shoes with high platform heels. messy hair and smokey eyes paired with nude lips.

So far so good. Since I did not wanna copy any of those stylings to as well bring an aspect of myself to it.

I started with the sheer part. I went through my inventory to find something that does not cover up the whole body and as well would not totally hide under all the mesh clothing.

In the end, the “Brigitte Body Tights” from LeeZu were the choice after trying on several sheer parts of my inventory. I liked it cause the arms and the lower legs are left bare wich gives a lightly sexy touch wich I found as well in most of the Tom Ford show pictures.

Now… find something that really shows the sheer and does not cover it up totally…

Regular pants would just have hidden the sheer body suit. After trying several pants – short, capri, 3/4 – I remembered the pants of GizzA’s “Donatella” outfit. With only one leg and the belt holding the pants in place that was the exact piece that I wanted. To cover the private part I wanted to use something not super solid and I put on the “Romance Black” panties from [Magnolia In], wich sadly does not exist anymore.

The top should be something that catches the straps/wrap character and as well the 70s Glam part. I decided to go with the “TSADE / Body Cuff” from  .Shi. It looked good and as well the way I wanted, but I was missing something still. I tried several bra, s and short top, but either they did not look good or they poked out under the Body Cuff. Since this was going to be a casting styling, there was no way to cheat with poking through prims :p

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Finally I found the “Daleth” top, as well made by .Shi. With the golden ornaments and the shining black texture it was exact the right piece for the look.

I saw no jewelry on most of the pictures that I saw and with the golden decorations at the top it looked ok to me.

Messy hair… sounds like an easy task but after trying some of the hair I already had and a lot of demos, I figured I need a short hairstyle as everything else was either poking into the “Body Cuff” or the top *sighs*. I did not saw any short hair on the pictures I looked and nearly started all over with a nother idea, when I saw the “Nyja” hair from eXxEsS. It was not exactly what I was looking for but after trying and looking at it for some time I liked it more and more 🙂

For the finish I just needed some smokey eyes and a light lip gloss wich not put any color on my lips, just a little shine.

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Top: .Shi – “Daleth”

Top2: .Shi – “TSADE / Body Cuff”

Pants: GizzA – “Donatella”

Underpants: [Magnolia In] – “Romance Black” (store not anymore existing)

Sheer Body: [LeeZu!] – “Brigitte Body Tights”

Hair: eXxEsS – “Nyja”

Shoes: Cashmere – “Dastard Boots” (closed)

Skin: [sys] – “Eva”

Makeup: [sys] – “Skin – Smokey Eyes” & “Skin – Kohl Eyes”

Poses: Corpus

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Legal Insanity for .PENUMBRA. A/W Fashion Week 2014

Penumbra FW - Legal Insanity

Outfit (incl glasses): Legal Insanity – “Cirichic dress me up!” – NEW

Hair: Vanity Hair – “After Dark”

Skin: [sys] – “Eva” – NEW

Lipstick: L.Fauna

Bracelets: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Dark Metal Cuffs” – “After Dark”

Poses: PosESioN

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

News @ Wicca’s Wardrobe

Wicca & Saz Corset Vendor

Today I am very excited to announce that I finally released my short series of corsets with matching jeans and bolderos 🙂 . It is a short collection of 6 different patterns and fabrics that iI was working on for quiet some time now. In RL I am addicted to corsets so it was a long time dream to make some in SL as well that would be kinda the style I could like to wear. Usually if you hear corsets many have only the fetish vision or a medieval look in their mind, but corsets can be so much more and they can be part of every day wear as well.

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A corset is a garment worn to hold and shape the torso into a desired shape for aesthetic or medical purposes (either for the duration of wearing this item, or with a more lasting effect). Both men and women are known to wear corsets, though women are more common wearers.

In recent years, the term “corset” has also been borrowed by the fashion industry to refer to tops which, to varying degrees, mimic the look of traditional corsets without actually acting as one. While these modern corsets and corset tops often feature lacing or boning and generally mimic a historical style of corsets, they have very little if any effect on the shape of the wearer’s body. Genuine corsets are usually made by a corsetmaker and should be fitted to the individual wearer. (Wikipedia)

In the fashion industry corsets became again more and more popular as sexy and modern accessories. And so I am happy to present my short mini corset collection in my store now 😉

I packed some full outfits but as well I offer all the corsets, jeans and bolero single, so that you can mix and match them how ever you like 😉 .

The pants have a special metal button that gets repeated at the bolero as well. On the first view the boleros are all black but if you take a closer look, each of that 6 different black jackets have a different pattern or feature round the zipper on the arms to match the jeans and corset they belong to. Certainly you can cross mix them as well.

The corsets all have a different texture and a certain style. Anyways if back laced or front laced or with straps and buckles, all of them come in the 5 standard sizes and are mesh made, same as the jeans and the boleros.

I hope you come over and take a look or try the demos and find one you like for your wardrobe 🙂 .

Wicca’s Wardrobe: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/New/97/141/22

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Models: Sazzy Nirpaw & Wicca Merlin

Photographer: Wicca Merlin