“Christmas time is buzzing in my Skull…”


You know, I think this Christmas thing
It’s not as tricky as it seems
And why should they have all the fun?
It should belong to anyone

Not anyone, in fact, but me
Why, I could make a Christmas tree
And there’s no reason I can find
I couldn’t handle Christmas time

I bet I could improve it too
And that’s exactly what I’ll do
Eureka! I’ve got it!

[- Jack Skellington -]

Who says that freaks do not like Christmas… maybe no the typical, ribbon, red/green/white/gold one with candy sticks all over… but still.. Christmas :p What brought me to that idea for this post was the “Cozy Winter Collection”, which DRD released at FaMESHed and an older group gift – as well made by DRD – the awesome “DIY Christmas Tree” . I found it hilarious, when I saw that blank tree, a huge black sack with all the fir needles in it and three bottles of glue beside it – I simply love Jaimy’s sense of humor. With some parts of the “The Last Christmas Shop” as decoration and some more past group gifts, I tried to decorate my alternative Christmas room 🙂

Certainly I had to have the matching look to my scenery and I could not pass the cool glasses with that scary eyes by Madame Noir… such a cool accessory, that really creates a different vibe *grins* With my love for heavy boots I as well could not leave the “Ravage Boots” on the shelf at L’Emporio&PL. They are so hell detailed! If you take a closer look you can see every stud, every lace, and the cute hole in the sole – made me think of my New Rocks in real love and I love them to death 🙂 What as well caught my eyes were the awesome “Damned Claws” from L’Emporio&PL. They are made for hand and feet, but since the shoes cover my feet this time, I am wearing only the nail set. When I put on the HUD I was really positively surprised… beside different colors you as well can hide every single claw separate.

I have a few more scary Christmas ideas in mind and I am looking forward how they will turn out 😉 For now… Happy Holidays everyone!


Top: L’Emporio – “Old Jeans Corset” (Maitreya)

Pants: adorsy – “Rihanna Jeans Shorts” (Maitreya)

Tights: .:Avanti:. – “Cozy Tights” (Maitreya Applier)

Shoes: L’Emporio&PL – “Ravage” (Maitreya)


Glasses & Eyes: Madame Noir – “Eye Collection Megapack” – NEW @ The Darkness Event // December 2020

Mask: [CX] – “Devourer Mask”

Scarf: TonkTastic – “Shemagh TT1” (female)

Arms: [CX] – “Arm Bandages – Brown” (Maitreya Applier)

Nails: L’Emporio&PL – “Damned Claws” (Maitreya, Bento)

Hair & Makeup

Hair: no.match – “No_Command” – NEW @ Cosmopolitan // December 2020

Eyeliner: Corvus – “Blood Tears”

Head, Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLUTKA – “Erin 2.5”

Ears: L’Emporio&PL – “Athan”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara V5.3”

Tattoo: .:Vegas:. – “Tattoo Dark Summoning” (BoM)

Poses, Props & Tools


Picture 1: CHEZ MOI – “Cozy Christmas Wrap Station”

Picture 2 & 4: Foxcity


Building: DRD – “San Mora – Roadhouse – B”

Furniture: DRD – “Cozy Winter Collection” – NEW @ FaMESHed // December 2020

Deco: DRD – “The Last Christmas Shop”

Clock: DRD – “Silly Clocks – Coffee” (Group Gift)

Picture Frame: DRD – “Emergency Smokes – Cigarette” (Group Gift)

Shelf: DRD – “October Shelf” (Group Gift)

Tree (nice): DRD – “AE – Train Car – Holiday Tree” (Gacha, Reward)

Tree (used): DRD – “DIY Christmas Tree” (Group Gift)

Packing Station: CHEZ MOI – “Cozy Christmas Wrap Station”

Glue: .random.Matter. – “Art Studio – Glue Gun [Blue]” (Gacha, Common)

Glue & Glitter: Kei Spot – “Kei’s Xmas Village Crafts (glitter)” (Gacha, Rare)

Model, Stylist & Photographer

Wicca Merlin

Inspired by David Bowie


In January, when the incredible David Bowie passed away way too early, I was asked if I would like to be part of a special in the Eclipse Magazine.

When Trouble asked me if I would like to be part, I did not even need one second to think about and instantly said yes. He asked us to style something that was inspired of one of the David Bowie songs. One of my favourites always was Space Oddity.

Whe I was told who will take the picture, I was jumping up and down as it was Anderian Sugarplum, one of my favourite photographers and as well a very dear friend. I did know now, with her, I can do all weird stuff and ideas, as she always is able to realize or understand my crazy stuffs 😉

When we met we did some brainstorming and she asked me what I had in mind for my styling or picture. When I told her about and as well showed her the amazing “Alien Drone” from E.V.E Studio, she immediately had an amazing idea for a set and started building it while I finalized my styling 😉

When I saw the result, I was blown away. I really did love it so much and it was exactly the feeling and mood, I had when I put  the whole look together!

Thank you so much for another amazing picture Anderian <3


Top/Dress: Corvus – “Aria Dress”

Jacket: R3volt – “Steampunk Armor”

Leggings: LeeZu – “Cat Tights”

Boots: Grollwerk – “Hoof Boots”

Mask: Yasum – “Face Armor”

Hair: MAD Design – “Seneca”

Backfan: Glow Studio – “Feather Fan”

Tattoo: White~Widow – “Breathless”

Drones: E.V.E Studio – “The Alien Drone”

Set & Picture by Anderian Sugarplum

Model & Stylist: Wicca Merlin

Ashes to Ashes – A Tribute to David Bowie

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On the 10th of January 2016, the world lost one of the most genuine and influential musician of the newer music history.

David Bowie

As a musician myself I adored David Bowie since I was 14. His most popular successes he had in the 70s and 80s but he constantly worked on his music and released constantly new albums and was an actor in many movies between 1973 and 2009.

In the beginning of his music career he was called an Avant Garde artist, as his music, lyrics and as well his visual presentations were way apart from the standard back then. Many people called him a punk or rebel back then. He changed his image in the beginning to the 80s more towards the standard pop music image – at least in his visual appearance. His music never lost the incredible stand out factor and anyways what kind of music he created – or with who – it had his very own signature. It always felt like he was one step ahead of the standard 🙂

He left huge footprints at the music world and I am not sure if they ever can be filled… or if they even should be filled… ?

R.I.P David Bowie

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Ashes to Ashes

Do you remember a guy that’s been
In such an early song
I’ve heard a rumour from Ground Control
Oh no, don’t say it’s true

They got a message from the Action Man
“I’m happy, hope you’re happy too
I’ve loved all I’ve needed to love
Sordid details following”

The shrieking of nothing is killing
Just pictures of Jap girls in synthesis and I
Ain’t got no money and I ain’t got no hair
But I’m hoping to kick but the planet it’s glowing

Ashes to ashes, funk to funky
We know Major Tom’s a junkie
Strung out in heaven’s high
Hitting an all-time low

Time and again I tell myself
I’ll stay clean tonight
But the little green wheels are following me
Oh no, not again
I’m stuck with a valuable friend
“I’m happy, hope you’re happy too”
One flash of light but no smoking pistol

I never done good things
I never done bad things
I never did anything out of the blue,
Want an axe to break the ice
Wanna come down right now

Ashes to ashes, funk to funky
We know Major Tom’s a junkie
Strung out in heaven’s high
Hitting an all-time low

My mother said to get things done
You’d better not mess with Major Tom

[David Bowie]

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Top: .Shi – “Daleth”

Pants: United Colors – “Women Boho Pants”

Gloves: .Shi – “Fingerless Gloves”

Hair: (epoque hair) – “Warrior”

Collar: {XA} – “Savage Leather”

Tattoo: [White~Widow] – “Lost River”

Makeup: Corvus – “Fighter Eyeshadow”

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

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Golden Times

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And again I have a ‘start with the hat” styling going on for today 😉

The hat of today is one of the contributions of Noke Yuitza from E.V.E Studios to the Art in Hats event. It is a whole series of that wonderful head-piece in several color combinations. The name of that great head is “The Black Widow” and the whole series is called “Swing Alma Hats”.

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The hat is made of wonderful wavy looking huge parts, 100% original mesh and you can resize it via an inbuilt resizer. What makes this piece of art so interesting is that it as well is materials enabled and will pick up several windlights and the light of projectors as well. That is why I chose the location to shoot as it showed that in an amazing way.

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The version I chose to wear or today is the “E.V.E Swing Alma Hat “Black Widow Gold”. To complement the wonderful golden tone I chose the “Laviana Leggins” and the “Xena Top” from Wicca’s Wardrobe in black and bronze. I wanted a futuristic and as well fantasy look for that special hat and so I decided to add the “Draconia Wings” from Fancy Fairy.

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The incredible tattoo is one from a dear friend and as well from my favourite tattoo designer. Julie Hastings, owner and designer of White Widow. The “Vertigo” body tattoo is available at the main store now, in a gacha machine at the back wall of the store.

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The awesome location I was showed by a wonderful photographer, which I had the pleasure to work with lately. The location is the main store of Alpha Tribe. With the amazing futuristic and as well steam punk looking set and the special settings of the windlight make this a real happening to pose in and snap. All the structures and light and as well the sheer floor make an amazing scenery.

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Hat: [E.V.E] Studios – “Swing Alma Hat “Black Widow Gold” – NEW (Art in Hats 2015)

Top: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Xena Top”

Pants: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Lavinia Leggings” (for slink high feet only)

Tattoo: [White~Widow] – “Vertigo”

Makeup: Corvus – “Fighter” & Zibska – “Ltd Noir 14”

Poses: Del May

Location: Alpha Tribe

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

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LOTD 09/26/2015 – Back in Black with Devilish Poses

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Yes, I cannot deny it… I love black…

I was standing on my platform after finishing all my daily work and started to dig into my inventory to sort some stuff and trash some of the older things I never will wear again… like… hair from 2009 and shoes from 2011 with weird bare feet and funny toes*giggles*

Then you sometimes come across boxes… that you never opened, but certainly you had to buy them…

Now the fun starts. Unpacking and again making the inventory looking like a hot mess 😉

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But the good thing is you usually find some hidden treasure you do not even remember, that you bought them.

So it was with the “Luminea” headpiece from Black Pearls. I got it at the Fantasy Collective a few month ago and totally forgot about it… like ever so often…

 The “Luminea” headpiece is one of those accessories that sneaked right into my heart. The amazing leather straps across the face the sweet chains that hold it together on the top and the huge fins that give the whole piece an abstract and fantasy touch.

Inspired by the headpiece I thought of a basic black look to let the headpiece stick out even more. I kept opening boxes and got one surprise after another…

That will be a few more posts in the future I guess *giggles*

The next part what fell in my hands was the “Biker Chest” from May’s Soul. I just used the collar part and skipped the shoulder pads for this post, that belong to the whole pack. With the long leather fringes it definitely made an interesting accessory.

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Now the difficulties began… since I am not a friend of being naked without a reason for styling posts, I had to find pants and a top that fits under that great collar. Pants was realtivly easy as I love my leather leggings from Maitreya. For the shoes I decided to go with the “Bella Heels” from KC for the slink high mesh feet. The shoes come with a HUD, that lets you choose from different colors for the metals and the shoe.

Now I still needed a top or a jacket that does not interfere with the long fringes of the collar. I guess, I tried about 20 before I came across the “Leather Asymetrical Jacket” from ISON.

 It matched perfectly to the while look and added a slightly elegant touch to it 🙂

Last but not least I chose something for my hands to break the black. The “Ringblume” hand accessories from FORMANAILS.

Now before I am done for today, I would like to drag your focus on the poses I used today. The poses are all made of Linda Reddevil. She recently opened her store Devilish Poses and makes some amazing runway poses. They are somewhat special and a little bot more out of the box that usual. I like them very much as they totally go along with my feeling for modern and fresh posing 😉

After all the looks is kinda modern, elegant and dark abstract… exactly what I like 😉

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Top: ISON – “Leather Asymmetrical Jacket”

Pants: Maitreya – “Leather Skinny Pants”

Shoes: .::KC::. “Bella”

Collar: May’s Soul – Biker Chest”

Hand Jewelry: FORMANAILS – “Ringblume-2”

Head Piece: Black Pearl – “Luminea”

Hair: Baiastice – “Spagna”

Makeup: Arise – “Scale Facetattoo” & Corvus – “Fighter Eyeshadow”

Lipstick: blackliquid – “Lip Line”

Poses: Devilish Poses

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Mother of Dragons…

Mother of Dragons 1

I always had an addiction for dragons and my mom always laughed at me when I said “I know there must be some left dragon eggs somewhere, just nobody yet found them. Dragons will be back some when!”

But believe it or not, even if I am a well-educated and taught person and have some knowledge of science… I am still not willing to give up that thought 😉

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Second Life, gives me the freedom to play with fantasies and so it was kinda a given that I needed some dragons 😉

Last month when I was invited to put some pictures at Windlight Gallery, paired with the fact that I was watching the latest Game of Thrones season, the idea did grow in my mind to do my very own vision of the Mother of Dragons inspired by the Khaleesi 😉

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 The dragons I fund at Manticore (Thank you so much Daff for showing me!!!), a wonderful shop for all kind of animals and fantasy creatures. They are wearable and will walk around with you as soon as you have them attached.

The idea of having kinda series for this pictures, came by snapping… first I wanted to just do one picture, and the more I snapped the more ideas came to my mind and all of a sudden they fell together like a short story. In the end I was not able anymore to decide wich one I wanted to use and I just let them be the whole story in the end 😉

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For the outfit I chose one we made for Wicca’s Wardrobe. Originally it was made for a Game of Thrones inspired theme, but we now put it at the store too in 3 different colors.

The “Visenya” is a short outfit with the great collar and some armor plates arranged as a back skirt. It goes very well together with the “Dragon Queen Headpeice”, the “Dragon Earrings” and the “Alysanne Booties”, which also were made for that event.

It really was great fun to play around with the dragons and loose myself in a time that has been long gone… but dreams.. they stay and who knows… maybe someday someone will find a mysterious egg.. somewhere 😉

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Outfit: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Visenya”

Headpiece: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Dragon Queen Headpiece”

Earrings: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Dragon Earrings”

Shoes: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Alysanne Booties”

Makeup: Corvus – “Fighter Eyeshadow”

Hair: Baiastice – “Elon”

Handtattoo: Zibska – “Mallt”

Dragons: Manticore

Poses: Del May

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

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